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Taxa harboring high levels of standing variation may be more likely to adapt to rapid environmental shifts and experience ecological speciation. Here, we characterize geographic and host‐related differentiation for 10,241 single nucleotide polymorphisms in Rhagoletis pomonella fruit flies to infer whether standing genetic variation in adult eclosion time in the ancestral hawthorn (Crataegus spp.)‐infesting host race, as opposed to new mutations, contributed substantially to its recent shift to earlier fruiting apple (Malus domestica). Allele frequency differences associated with early vs. late eclosion time within each host race were significantly related to geographic genetic variation and host race differentiation across four sites, arrayed from north to south along a 430‐km transect, where the host races co‐occur in sympatry in the Midwest United States. Host fruiting phenology is clinal, with both apple and hawthorn trees fruiting earlier in the North and later in the South. Thus, we expected alleles associated with earlier eclosion to be at higher frequencies in northern populations. This pattern was observed in the hawthorn race across all four populations; however, allele frequency patterns in the apple race were more complex. Despite the generally earlier eclosion timing of apple flies and corresponding apple fruiting phenology, alleles on chromosomes 2 and 3 associated with earlier emergence were paradoxically at lower frequency in the apple than hawthorn host race across all four sympatric sites. However, loci on chromosome 1 did show higher frequencies of early eclosion‐associated alleles in the apple than hawthorn host race at the two southern sites, potentially accounting for their earlier eclosion phenotype. Thus, although extensive clinal genetic variation in the ancestral hawthorn race exists and contributed to the host shift to apple, further study is needed to resolve details of how this standing variation was selected to generate earlier eclosing apple fly populations in the North.  相似文献   
Glucagon, secreted from pancreatic islet alpha cells, stimulates gluconeogenesis and liver glycogen breakdown. The mechanism regulating glucagon release is debated, and variously attributed to neuronal control, paracrine control by neighbouring beta cells, or to an intrinsic glucose sensing by the alpha cells themselves. We examined hormone secretion and Ca(2+) responses of alpha and beta cells within intact rodent and human islets. Glucose-dependent suppression of glucagon release persisted when paracrine GABA or Zn(2+) signalling was blocked, but was reversed by low concentrations (1-20 muM) of the ATP-sensitive K(+) (KATP) channel opener diazoxide, which had no effect on insulin release or beta cell responses. This effect was prevented by the KATP channel blocker tolbutamide (100 muM). Higher diazoxide concentrations (>/=30 muM) decreased glucagon and insulin secretion, and alpha- and beta-cell Ca(2+) responses, in parallel. In the absence of glucose, tolbutamide at low concentrations (<1 muM) stimulated glucagon secretion, whereas high concentrations (>10 muM) were inhibitory. In the presence of a maximally inhibitory concentration of tolbutamide (0.5 mM), glucose had no additional suppressive effect. Downstream of the KATP channel, inhibition of voltage-gated Na(+) (TTX) and N-type Ca(2+) channels (omega-conotoxin), but not L-type Ca(2+) channels (nifedipine), prevented glucagon secretion. Both the N-type Ca(2+) channels and alpha-cell exocytosis were inactivated at depolarised membrane potentials. Rodent and human glucagon secretion is regulated by an alpha-cell KATP channel-dependent mechanism. We propose that elevated glucose reduces electrical activity and exocytosis via depolarisation-induced inactivation of ion channels involved in action potential firing and secretion.  相似文献   
Designed ankyrin repeat proteins (DARPins) are antibody mimetics with high and mostly unexplored potential in drug development. By using in silico analysis and a rationally guided Ala scanning, we identified position 17 of the N-terminal capping repeat to play a key role in overall protein thermostability. The melting temperature of a DARPin domain with a single full-consensus internal repeat was increased by 8 °C to 10 °C when Asp17 was replaced by Leu, Val, Ile, Met, Ala, or Thr. We then transferred the Asp17Leu mutation to various backgrounds, including clinically validated DARPin domains, such as the vascular endothelial growth factor-binding domain of the DARPin abicipar pegol. In all cases, these proteins showed improvements in the thermostability on the order of 8 °C to 16 °C, suggesting the replacement of Asp17 could be generically applicable to this drug class. Molecular dynamics simulations showed that the Asp17Leu mutation reduces electrostatic repulsion and improves van-der-Waals packing, rendering the DARPin domain less flexible and more stable. Interestingly, this beneficial Asp17Leu mutation is present in the N-terminal caps of three of the five DARPin domains of ensovibep, a SARS-CoV-2 entry inhibitor currently in clinical development, indicating this mutation could be partly responsible for the very high melting temperature (>90 °C) of this promising anti-COVID-19 drug. Overall, such N-terminal capping repeats with increased thermostability seem to be beneficial for the development of innovative drugs based on DARPins.  相似文献   
Intestinal helminth parasites (worms) have afflicted humans throughout history and their eggs are readily detected in archaeological deposits including at locations where intestinal parasites are no longer considered endemic (e.g. the UK). Parasites provide valuable archaeological insights into historical health, sanitation, hygiene, dietary and culinary practices, as well as other factors. Differences in the prevalence of helminths over time may help us understand factors that affected the rate of infection of these parasites in past populations. While communal deposits often contain relatively high numbers of parasite eggs, these cannot be used to calculate prevalence rates, which are a key epidemiological measure of infection. The prevalence of intestinal helminths was investigated through time in England, based on analysis of 464 human burials from 17 sites, dating from the Prehistoric to Industrial periods. Eggs from two faecal-oral transmitted nematodes (Ascaris sp. and Trichuris sp.) and the food-derived cestodes (Taenia spp. and Diphyllobothrium latum syn Dibothriocephalus latus) were identified, although only Ascaris was detected at a high frequency. The changing prevalence of nematode infections can be attributed to changes in effective sanitation or other factors that affect these faecal-oral transmitted parasites and the presence of cestode infections reflect dietary and culinary preferences. These results indicate that the impact of helminth infections on past populations varied over time, and that some locations witnessed a dramatic reduction in parasite prevalence during the industrial era (18th-19th century), whereas other locations continued to experience high prevalence levels. The factors underlying these reductions and the variation in prevalence provide a key historical context for modern anthelmintic programs.  相似文献   
Knowledge about the glacial refugia of the thermophilous European Castanea sativa Mill. (sweet chestnut) is still inadequate. Its original range of distribution has been masked by strong human impact. Moreover, under natural conditions the species was probably admixed with other taxa (such as Quercus, Fraxinus, Fagus, Tilia) and thus possibly represented by low percentages in pollen records. In this paper we try to overcome the difficulties related to the scarcity and irregularity of chestnut pollen records by considering 1471 sites and extending the palynological approach to develop a Castanea refugium probability index (IRP), aimed at detecting possible chestnut refugia where chestnuts survived during the last glaciation. The results are in close agreement with the current literature on the refugia of other thermophilous European trees. The few divergences are most probably due to the large amount of new data integrated in this study, rather than to fundamental disagreements about data and data interpretation. The main chestnut refugia are located in the Transcaucasian region, north-western Anatolia, the hinterland of the Tyrrhenian coast from Liguria to Lazio along the Apennine range, the region around Lago di Monticchio (Monte Vulture) in southern Italy, and the Cantabrian coast on the Iberian peninsula. Despite the high likelihood of Castanea refugia in the Balkan Peninsula and north-eastern Italy (Colli Euganei, Monti Berici, Emilia-Romagna) as suggested by the IRP, additional palaeobotanical investigations are needed to assess whether these regions effectively sheltered chestnut during the last glaciation. Other regions, such as the Isère Département in France, the region across north-west Portugal and Galicia, and the hilly region along the Mediterranean coast of Syria and Lebanon were classified as areas of medium refugium probability. Our results reveal an unexpected spatial richness of potential Castanea refugia. It is likely that other European trees had similar distribution ranges during the last glaciation. It is thus conceivable that shelter zones with favourable microclimates were probably more numerous and more widely dispersed across Europe than so far assumed. In the future, more attention should be paid to pollen traces of sporadic taxa thought to have disappeared from a given area during the last glacial and post-glacial period.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at . A link in the frame on the left on that page takes you directly to the supplementary material.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
High-affinity binders selected from designed ankyrin repeat protein libraries   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
We report here the evolution of ankyrin repeat (AR) proteins in vitro for specific, high-affinity target binding. Using a consensus design strategy, we generated combinatorial libraries of AR proteins of varying repeat numbers with diversified binding surfaces. Libraries of two and three repeats, flanked by 'capping repeats,' were used in ribosome-display selections against maltose binding protein (MBP) and two eukaryotic kinases. We rapidly enriched target-specific binders with affinities in the low nanomolar range and determined the crystal structure of one of the selected AR proteins in complex with MBP at 2.3 A resolution. The interaction relies on the randomized positions of the designed AR protein and is comparable to natural, heterodimeric protein-protein interactions. Thus, our AR protein libraries are valuable sources for binding molecules and, because of the very favorable biophysical properties of the designed AR proteins, an attractive alternative to antibody libraries.  相似文献   
Bayesian statistical methods based on simulation techniques have recently been shown to provide powerful tools for the analysis of genetic population structure. We have previously developed a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm for characterizing genetically divergent groups based on molecular markers and geographical sampling design of the dataset. However, for large-scale datasets such algorithms may get stuck to local maxima in the parameter space. Therefore, we have modified our earlier algorithm to support multiple parallel MCMC chains, with enhanced features that enable considerably faster and more reliable estimation compared to the earlier version of the algorithm. We consider also a hierarchical tree representation, from which a Bayesian model-averaged structure estimate can be extracted. The algorithm is implemented in a computer program that features a user-friendly interface and built-in graphics. The enhanced features are illustrated by analyses of simulated data and an extensive human molecular dataset. AVAILABILITY: Freely available at http://www.rni.helsinki.fi/~jic/bapspage.html.  相似文献   
We present a novel approach to design repeat proteins of the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) family for the generation of libraries of intracellular binding molecules. From an analysis of naturally occurring LRR proteins, we derived the concept to assemble repeat proteins with randomized surface positions from libraries of consensus repeat modules. As a guiding principle, we used the mammalian ribonuclease inhibitor (RI) family, which comprises cytosolic LRR proteins known for their extraordinary affinities to many RNases. By aligning the amino acid sequences of the internal repeats of human, pig, rat, and mouse RI, we derived a first consensus sequence for the characteristic alternating 28 and 29 amino acid residue A-type and B-type repeats. Structural considerations were used to replace all conserved cysteine residues, to define less conserved positions, and to decide where to introduce randomized amino acid residues. The so devised consensus RI repeat library was generated at the DNA level and assembled by stepwise ligation to give libraries of 2-12 repeats. Terminal capping repeats, known to shield the continuous hydrophobic core of the LRR domain from the surrounding solvent, were adapted from human RI. In this way, designed LRR protein libraries of 4-14 LRRs (equivalent to 130-415 amino acid residues) were obtained. The biophysical analysis of randomly chosen library members showed high levels of soluble expression in the Escherichia coli cytosol, monomeric behavior as characterized by gel-filtration, and alpha-helical CD spectra, confirming the success of our design approach.  相似文献   
Flavonol glycosides constitute one of the most prominent plant natural product classes that accumulate in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. To date there are no reports of functionally characterized flavonoid glycosyltransferases in Arabidopsis, despite intensive research efforts aimed at both flavonoids and Arabidopsis. In this study, flavonol glycosyltransferases were considered in a functional genomics approach aimed at revealing genes involved in determining the flavonol-glycoside profile. Candidate glycosyltransferase-encoding genes were selected based on homology to other known flavonoid glycosyltransferases and two T-DNA knockout lines lacking flavonol-3-O-rhamnoside-7-O-rhamnosides (ugt78D1) and quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside-7-O-glucoside (ugt73C6 and ugt78D1) were identified. To confirm the in planta results, cDNAs encoding both UGT78D1 and UGT73C6 were expressed in vitro and analyzed for their qualitative substrate specificity. UGT78D1 catalyzed the transfer of rhamnose from UDP-rhamnose to the 3-OH position of quercetin and kaempferol, whereas UGT73C6 catalyzed the transfer of glucose from UDP-glucose to the 7-OH position of kaempferol-3-O-rhamnoside and quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside, respectively. The present results suggest that UGT78D1 and UGT73C6 should be classified as UDP-rhamnose:flavonol-3-Orhamnosyltransferase and UDP-glucose:flavonol-3-O-glycoside-7-O-glucosyltransferase, respectively.  相似文献   
Li L  Storm P  Karlsson OP  Berg S  Wieslander A 《Biochemistry》2003,42(32):9677-9686
1,2-Diacylglycerol 3-glucosyltransferase is associated with the membrane surface catalyzing the synthesis of the major nonbilayer-prone lipid alpha-monoglucosyl diacylglycerol (MGlcDAG) from 1,2-DAG in the cell wall-less Acholeplasma laidlawii. Phosphatidylglycerol (PG), but not neutral or zwitterionic lipids, seems to be essential for an active conformation and function of the enzyme. Surface plasmon resonance analysis was employed to study association of the enzyme with lipid bilayers. Binding kinetics could be well fitted only to a two-state model, implying also a (second) conformational step. The enzyme bound less efficiently to liposomes containing only zwitterionic lipids, whereas increasing molar fractions of the anionic PG or cardiolipin (CL) strongly promoted binding by improved association (k(a1)), and especially a decreased rate of return (k(d2)) from the second state. This yielded a very low overall dissociation constant (K(D)), corresponding to an essentially irreversible membrane association. Both liposome binding and consecutive activity of the enzyme correlated with the PG concentration. The importance of the electrostatic interactions with anionic lipids was shown by quenching of both binding and activity with increasing NaCl concentrations, and corroborated in vivo for an active enzyme-green fluorescent protein hybrid in Escherichia coli. Nonbilayer-prone lipids substantially enhanced enzyme-liposome binding by promoting a changed conformation (decreasing k(d2)), similar to the anionic lipids, indicating the importance of hydrophobic interactions and a curvature packing stress. For CL and the nonbilayer lipids, effects on enzyme binding and consecutive activity were not correlated, suggesting a separate lipid control of activity. Similar features were recorded with polylysine (cationic) and polyglutamate (anionic) peptides present, but here probably dependent on the selective charge interactions with the enzyme N- and C-domains, respectively. A lipid-dependent conformational change and PG association of the enzyme were verified by circular dichroism, intrinsic tryptophan, and pyrene-probe fluorescence analyses, respectively. It is concluded that an electrostatic association of the enzyme with the membrane surface is accompanied by hydrophobic interactions and a conformational change. However, specific lipids, the curvature packing stress, and proteins or small molecules bound to the enzyme can modulate the activity of the bound A. laidlawii MGlcDAG synthase.  相似文献   
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