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Roscovitine, a purine analogue that selectively inhibits cyclin-dependent kinases, has been considered as a potential anti-tumor drug. The determination of roscovitine in plasma and urine was performed using microextraction in packed syringe as on-line sample preparation method with liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry. The sampling sorbent utilized was polystyrene polymer. 2H3-lidocaine was used as internal standard. The limit of detection for roscovitine was as low as 0.5 ng/mL and the lower limit of quantification was 1.0 ng/mL. The accuracy and precision values of quality control samples were between +/-15% and < or =11%, respectively. The calibration curve was obtained within the concentration range 0.5-2000 ng/mL in both plasma and urine. The regression correlation coefficients for plasma and urine samples were > or =0.999 for all runs. The present method is miniaturized and fully automated and can be used for pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies.  相似文献   
Preparative parallel protein purification (P4)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In state of the art drug discovery, it is essential to gain structural information of pharmacologically relevant proteins. Increasing the output of novel protein structures requires improved preparative methods for high throughput (HT) protein purification. Currently, most HT platforms are limited to small-scale and available technology for increasing throughput at larger scales is scarce. We have adapted a 10-channel parallel flash chromatography system for protein purification applications. The system enables us to perform 10 different purifications in parallel with individual gradients and UV monitoring. Typical protein purification applications were set up. Methods for ion exchange chromatography were developed for different sample proteins and columns. Affinity chromatography was optimized for His-tagged proteins using metal chelating media and buffer exchange by gel filtration was also tested. The results from the present system were comparable, with respect to resolution and reproducibility, with those from control experiments on an AKTA purifier system. Finally, lysates from 10 E. coli cultures expressing different His-tagged proteins were subjected to a three-step parallel purification procedure, combining the above-mentioned procedures. Nine proteins were successfully purified whereas one failed probably due to lack of expression.  相似文献   
In the present investigation, the binding of roscovitine (100, 500 and 1500 ng/mL) to plasma proteins was studied at 25 and 37 degrees C by ultrafiltration and equilibrium dialysis methods. Drug stability in plasma was assessed during a 48 h at 4, 25 and 37 degrees C. The effect of thawing and freezing on drug stability was studied. The pKa of roscovitine was measured using capillary electrophoresis coupled with mass spectrometry. Roscovitine was quantified utilizing liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry. Roscovitine is highly bound to plasma proteins (90%). Binding of roscovitine to human serum albumin was constant (about 90%) within concentration range studied while the binding to alpha1-acid glycoprotein decreased with increasing drug concentration indicating that albumin is more important in clinical settings. However, alpha1-acid glycoprotein might be important when plasma proteins change with disease. Protein binding was higher at 25 degrees C compared to 37 degrees C. The results obtained by equilibrium dialysis were in good agreement with those obtained by ultrafiltration. Roscovitine was stable at all temperatures studied during 48 h. Roscovitine has a pKa of 4.4 showing that the drug mainly acts like a weak mono-base. The results obtained in our studies are important prior to clinical trials and to perform pharmacokinetic studies.  相似文献   
According to the social intelligence hypothesis, relative neocortex size should be directly related to the degree of social complexity. This hypothesis has found support in a number of comparative studies of group size. The relationship between neocortex and sociality is thought to exist either because relative neocortex size limits group size or because a larger group size selects for a larger neocortex. However, research on primate social evolution has indicated that male and female group sizes evolve in relation to different demands. While females mostly group according to conditions set by the environment, males instead simply go where the females are. Thus, any hypothesis relating to primate social evolution has to analyse its relationship with male and female group sizes separately. Since sex-specific neocortex sizes in primates are unavailable in sufficient quantity, I here instead present results from phylogenetic comparative analyses of unsexed relative neocortex sizes and female and male group sizes. These analyses show that while relative neocortex size is positively correlated with female group size, it is negatively, or not at all correlated with male group size. This indicates that the social intelligence hypothesis only applies to female sociality.  相似文献   
A continuous supermacroporous monolithic chromatographic matrix has been characterized using a capillary model, experimental breakthrough curves, and pressure drop experiments. The model describes the convective flow and its dispersive mixing effects, mass transfer resistance, pore size distribution, and the adsorption behavior of the monolithic matrix. It is possible to determine an effective pore size distribution by fitting the capillary model to experimental breakthrough curves and pressure drop experiments. The model is able to describe the flow rate dependence of the experimental breakthrough curves. Mass transport resistance was due to: (i) dispersive mixing effects in the convective flow in the pores; and (ii) slow diffusion in the stagnant film covering the surface within each pore, under adsorption conditions. The monolithic matrix can be described by a very narrow pore size distribution, illustrating one of the advantages of the gel. A broader pore size distribution results in increased band broadening. This can be studied easily using the model developed in this investigation.  相似文献   
The concept of developmental instability (DI) is frequently used in evolutionary biology, and a range of definitions has been proposed. Moreover, numerous different statistical methods have been used for estimation of DI. The common basis for all methods is that measures need to be obtained from repeated structures within organisms. In the case of fluctuating asymmetry, mirror images could be interpreted as the repeats of each other. All repeats of a trait on one organism should, from a quantitative perspective, have the same genetic foundation. Most previous methods have not accounted for the genetics of the underlying trait. It is here shown how a statistical method from quantitative genetics (the repeated records animal model) can be used for assessment of DI, based on estimation of the variance due to the permanent environment. Moreover, Gibbs sampling is used for inference of the parameters, which provides a Bayesian framework where posterior distributions easily can be calculated from any functions of the variance components. The method is applied to a real dataset from two populations of the plant Scabiosa canescens, and results shows that it works well under realistic situations.  相似文献   
The significant human bacterial pathogen Streptococcus pyogenes expresses GRAB, a surface protein that binds alpha(2)-macroglobulin (alpha(2)M), a major proteinase inhibitor of human plasma. alpha(2)M inhibits proteolysis by trapping the proteinase, which, however, still remains proteolytically active against smaller peptides that can penetrate the alpha(2)M-proteinase complex. Here we report that SpeB, a cysteine proteinase secreted by S. pyogenes, is trapped by alpha(2)M bound to protein GRAB. As a consequence, SpeB is retained at the bacterial surface and protects S. pyogenes against killing by the antibacterial peptide LL-37.  相似文献   
The N-terminal NC4 domain of collagen IX is a globular structure projecting away from the surface of the cartilage collagen fibril. Several interactions have been suggested for this domain, reflecting its location and its characteristic high isoelectric point. In an attempt to characterize the NC4 domain in more detail, we set up a prokaryotic expression system to produce the domain. The purified 27.5-kDa product was analyzed for its glycosaminoglycan-binding potential by surface plasmon resonance and solid-state assays. The results show that the NC4 domain of collagen IX specifically binds heparin with a K(d) of 0.6 microm, and the full-length recombinant collagen IX has an even stronger interaction with heparin, with an apparent K(d) of 3.6 nm. The heparin-binding site of the NC4 domain was located in the extreme N terminus, containing a heparin-binding consensus sequence, whereas electron microscopy suggested the presence of at least three additional heparin-binding sites on full-length collagen IX. The NC4 domain was also shown to bind cartilage oligomeric matrix protein. This interaction and the association of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein with other regions of collagen IX were found to be heparin-competitive. Circular dichroism analyses of the NC4 domain indicated the presence of stabilizing disulfide bonds and a thermal denaturation point of about 80 degrees C. The pattern of disulfide bond formation within the NC4 domain was identified by tryptic peptide mass mapping of the NC4 in native and reduced states. A similar pattern was demonstrated for the NC4 domain of full-length recombinant collagen IX.  相似文献   
We describe here a molecular genetic approach for imaging synaptic inhibition. The thy-1 promoter was used to express high levels of Clomeleon, a ratiometric fluorescent indicator for chloride ions, in discrete populations of neurons in the brains of transgenic mice. Clomeleon was functional after chronic expression and provided non-invasive readouts of intracellular chloride concentration ([Cl(-)](i)) in brain slices, allowing us to quantify age-dependent declines in resting [Cl(-)](i) during neuronal development. Activation of hippocampal interneurons caused [Cl(-)](i) to rise transiently in individual postsynaptic pyramidal neurons. [Cl(-)](i) increased in direct proportion to the amount of inhibitory transmission, with peak changes as large as 4 mM. Integrating responses over populations of pyramidal neurons allowed sensitive detection of synaptic inhibition. Thus, Clomeleon imaging permits non-invasive, spatiotemporally resolved recordings of [Cl(-)](i) in a large variety of neurons, opening up new opportunities for imaging synaptic inhibition and other forms of chloride signaling.  相似文献   
Lactobacillus crispatus is a common member of the beneficial microbiota present in the vertebrate gastrointestinal and human genitourinary tracts. Here, we report the genome sequence of L. crispatus ST1, a chicken isolate displaying strong adherence to vaginal epithelial cells.Lactobacillus crispatus can persist in the vertebrate gastrointestinal tract and is among the most prevalent species of the Lactobacillus-dominated human vaginal microbiota (2, 9, 13, 14). It belongs to the so-called acidophilus group (3), which has attracted interest because some of its species are important factors in the production of fermented foods (12) and some can, at least transiently, colonize the human host (2, 9, 13, 14). Moreover, some specific strains, mainly L. acidophilus NCFM and L. johnsonii NCC 533, have received prominence as intestinal-health-promoting microbes (4). Although the genomes of seven members of the acidophilus complex have been sequenced to date (12), the genome sequences of L. crispatus and other predominant lactobacillar species in the urogenital flora have mostly remained obscure. Vaginal lactobacilli can have an important role in controlling the health of the host (2, 14). They can, for example, positively influence and stabilize the host''s vaginal microbiota via the production of compounds that are acidic or exert a direct inhibiting action toward pathogenic bacteria (2, 14). In addition to the antimicrobial compounds, the competitive exclusion of pathogens is another mechanism by which the host''s microbiota can be balanced (2). L. crispatus ST1 was originally isolated from the crop of a chicken, and PCR profiling of L. crispatus isolates has verified it to be an abundant colonizer of the chicken crop (6, 8). It also displays a strong protein-dependent adhesion to the epithelial cells of the human vagina and has been shown to inhibit the adhesion of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (6, 7).The genome was sequenced (18× coverage) using a 454 pyrosequencer with GS FLX chemistry (Roche). The contig order was confirmed and gaps were filled by sequencing PCR fragments from the genomic DNA template using ABI 3730 and Big Dye chemistry (Applied Biosystems). Genomic data were processed using the Staden Package (11) and gsAssembler (Roche). Coding sequences (CDSs) were predicted using Glimmer3 (5) followed by manual curation of the start sites. The remaining intergenic regions were reanalyzed for missed CDSs by using BlastX (1). Annotation transfer was performed based on a BlastP search, followed by Blannotator analysis using default settings (http://ekhidna.biocenter.helsinki.fi/poxo/blannotator) and manual verification. Orthologous groups between the different lactobacillar proteomes were identified using OrthoMCL (10).The genome of L. crispatus ST1 consists of a single circular chromosome 2.04 Mbp in size, with an overall G+C content of 37%, without any plasmids. There are 64 tRNA genes, 4 rRNA operons, and 2 CRISPR loci. Out of the 2,024 predicted CDSs, a putative function was assigned to 77%, whereas 10% of the CDSs were annotated as conserved and 13% as novel. Based on the orthologous grouping, 302 (15%) of the CDSs encoded by ST1 have no detectable homologs in any of the Lactobacillus proteomes published to date.  相似文献   
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