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The complete larval development of the porcellanid crabNeopisosoma negluctum Werding, 1986, was studied under laboratory conditions. At 27°C, the megalopa appeared after 9 days. The development consists of a transitory prezoea, two zoeal stages and a megalopa stage. The larvae exhibit telsonal features which places them in thePetrolisthes-group of porcellanid larvae. Larval morphology gives no additional support for the status ofNeopisosoma as an independent genus.  相似文献   
Effects of abscisic acid on somatic embryo maturation of hybrid larch   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Somatic embryos of hybrid larch (Larixleptoeuropaea) whichhad been matured for 4 weeks on maturation medium, developednormally on medium supplemented with 60 µM ABA, but abnormallyon medium with no ABA. A comparative structural and histochemicalinvestigation was carried out on these two types of mature embryos.At the light microscope level, differences between both treatmentswere visible only after 2–3 weeks of maturation. At aroundthis time, abnormal development becomes evident macroscopically:ABA-minus embryos remain rather stubby as opposed to the morecylindrically shaped ABA-plus embryos. Whereas somatic embryosmatured with ABA consist of densely cytoplasmic cells showinga high rate of cell division, ABA-minus embryos are largelymade up of expanded and highly vacuolate cells, indicating thatgrowth in the latter is mainly due to cell expansion and notdivision. After 4 weeks of maturation, ABA-minus embryos beginto elongate in the hypocotyl region, and precocious germinationwas observed frequently. Again, these morphogenetic events werelargely due to abnormal timing of cell expansion. Histochemically,storage proteins were found only in somatic embryos maturedfor 4 weeks with ABA. This observation is in line with resultsobtained by total protein analysis, yielding significantly lowertotal protein contents in ABA-minus embryos both on a freshweight and a per embryo basis after 4–5 weeks of maturation.Deposition of starch grains mainly in the cortex tissue of thehypocotyl region was observed within 2 weeks of maturation invarying amounts regardless of ABA supply. Polyphenols, in particularcatechins and proanthocyanidins, were present in all embryosfrom the very onset of development. They were localized preferentiallyin the proximal suspensor cells and the basal region of theembryo. However, accumulation of polyphenols was generally muchmore pronounced in embryos matured without ABA, indicating alack of biochemical regulatory competence in those embryos. Key words: Abscisic acid, embryonal development, somatic embryo, storage protein, polyphenols  相似文献   
Among the unicellular protists, several of which are parasitic, some of the most divergent eukaryotic species are found. The evolutionary distances between protists are so large that even slowly evolving proteins like histones are strongly divergent. In this study we isolated cDNA and genomic histone H3 and H4 clones fromTrichomonas vaginalis. Two histone H3 and three histone H4 genes were detected on three genomic clones with one complete H3 and two complete H4 sequences. H3 and H4 genes were divergently transcribed with very short intergenic regions of only 194 bp, which containedT. vaginalis-specific as well as histone-specific putative promoter elements. Southern blot analysis showed that there may be several more histone gene pairs. The two complete histone H4 genes were different on the nucleotide level but encoded the same amino acid sequence. Comparison of the amino acid sequences of theT. vaginalis H3 and H4 histones with sequences from animals, fungi, and plants as well as other protists revealed a significant divergence not only from the sequences in multicellular organisms but especially from the sequences in other protists likeEntamoeba histolytica, Trypanosoma cruzi, andLeishmania infantum.  相似文献   
Insect-plant interactions have played a prominent role in investigating phylogenetic constraints in the evolution of ecological traits. The patterns of host association among specialized insects have often been described as highly conservative, yet not all specialized herbivorous insect lineages display the same degree of fidelity to their host plants. In this paper, we present an estimate of the evolutionary history of the leaf beetle genus Oreina. This genus displays an amazing flexibility in several aspects of its ecology and life history: (1) host plant switches in Oreina occurred between plant families or distantly related tribes within families and thereby to more distantly related plants than in several model systems that have contributed to the idea of parallel cladogenesis; (2) all species of the genus are chemically defended, but within the genus a transition between autogenous production of defensive toxins and sequestration of secondary plant compounds has occurred; and (3) reproductive strategies in the genus range from oviparity to viviparity including all intermediates that could allow the gradual evolution of viviparity. Cladistic analysis of 18 allozyme loci found two most parsimonious trees that differ only in the branching of one species. According to this phylogeny estimate, Oreina species were originally associated with Asteraceae, with an inclusion of Apiaceae in the diet of one oligophagous species and an independent switch to Apiaceae in a derived clade. The original mode of defense appears to be the autogenous production of cardenolides as previously postulated; the additional sequestration of pyrrolizidine alkaloids could have either originated at the base of the genus or have arisen three times independently in all species that switched to plants containing these compounds. Viviparity apparently evolved twice in the genus, once without matrotrophy, through a retention of the eggs inside the female's oviducts, and once in combination with matrotrophy. We hypothesize that the combination of autogenous defense and a life history that involves mobile externally feeding larvae allowed these beetles to switch host plants more readily than has been reported for highly conservative systems.  相似文献   
In laboratory dual-choice assays females of the cabbage root fly, Delia radicum, prefer for oviposition plants with roots damaged by conspecific larvae to undamaged controls. Cauliflower and kale plants were inoculated with root fly eggs (25 per plant) and the hatching larvae were allowed to feed on the roots for various periods of time (1–17 days). After 4 (cauliflower) or 5 (kale) days of larval feeding the oviposition preference was most pronounced and flies laid between 64% and 68% of their eggs near plants with damaged roots. Later, with increasing damage but fewer surviving, and thus actively feeding, larvae, the magnitude of the preference declined. The preference for plants already damaged by conspecific larvae may contribute to the previously observed aggregated distribution of D. radicum eggs in Brassica crop fields.Further experiments revealed that the sensory cues inducing this oviposition preference originate from the complex consisting of the damaged roots, the surrounding substrate (soil) and associated microbes, rather than from the aerial plant parts. In choice assays using the root-substrate complex of damaged and control plants (aerial parts removed), the observed preference for damaged roots was similar to that found for the entire plant but was more pronounced. The damaged roots alone, compared to control roots, received up to 72% (cauliflower) and 75% (kale) of the eggs. By contrast, surrogate leaves sprayed with methanolic leaf surface extracts from the most preferred plants which had been damaged were not discriminated from surrogate leaved sprayed with extracts of the respective control plants. Analysis of glucosinolate levels in methanolic leaf surface extracts revealed that root damage resulted in enhanced concentrations of indole-glucosinolates on the leaf surface in kale but not in cauliflower. Although indole-glucosinolates are oviposition stimulants for the cabbage root fly, the induced changes were apparently too small to influence oviposition behaviour.  相似文献   
This paper summarizes the processing of small enchytraeid species for cinematographic documentation and covers the main details of a film on their locomotion, food uptake, anatomy and reproductive biology. This includes copulation, shedding of the cocoon and hatching of the young, characteristic reproductive patterns for all clitellate worms.  相似文献   
Fetal cells in maternal blood: recovery by charge flow separation   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Fetal blood cells can be recovered from the maternal circulation by charge flow separation (CFS), a method that obviates the risks associated with amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling. By CFS, we processed blood samples from 13 women carrying male fetuses, 2 carrying fetuses with trisomy 21, and 1 who had delivered a stillborn infant with trisomy 18. On average more than 2000 fetal nucleated red blood cells were recovered per 20-ml sample of maternal blood. Recovery of fetal cells was confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization with probes for chromosomes Y, 18 and 21. After culturing of CFS-processed cells, amplification by the polymerase chain reaction revealed Y-chromosomal DNA in clones from four of six women bearing male fetuses, but not in clones from three women bearing female fetuses. Received: 8 January 1996 / Revised: 22 March 1996  相似文献   
Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) is an autosomal dominant spinocerebellar degeneration originally described in families of Portuguese-Azorean ancestry. The hypothesis that its present world distribution could result from the spread of an original founder mutation has been raised. To test this possibility we have conducted a linkage disequilibrium study of markers segregating with the MJD1 locus in a total of 64 unrelated families of different geographical origins. Significant association was detected between the MJD1 locus and marker alleles at loci D14S280, D14S1050 and D14S81. All affected individuals, except one Chinese family, had allele 3 (237 bp) at D14S280. This finding is consistent with a founder effect in our MJD population. However, distinct haplotypes were observed in patients originating from the two Azorean islands showing the highest disease prevalence; therefore, the possible existence of more than one founder mutation can not be excluded with the markers currently available. Received: 27 February 1996 / Revised: 4 June 1996  相似文献   
 A major problem in the treatment of solid tumors is the eradication of established, disseminated metastases. Here we describe an effective treatment for established experimental hepatic metastases of human neuroblastoma in C. B.-17 scid/scid mice. This was accomplished with an antibody-cytokine fusion protein, combining the unique targeting ability of antibodies with the multifunctional activity of cytokines. An anti-(ganglioside GD2) antibody (ch14.18) fusion protein with interleukin-2 (ch14.18-IL2), constructed by fusion of a synthetic sequence coding for human interleukin-2 (IL-2) to the carboxyl end of the Cγ1 gene of ch14.18, was tested for its therapeutic efficacy against xenografted human neuroblastoma in vivo. The ch14.18-IL2 fusion protein markedly inhibited growth of established hepatic metastases in SCID (severe combined immunodeficiency) mice previously reconstituted with human lymphokine-activated killer cells. Animals treated with ch14.18-IL2 showed an absence of macroscopic liver metastasis. In contrast, treatment with combinations of ch14.18 and recombinant IL2 at dose levels equivalent to the fusion protein only reduced the tumor load. Survival times of SCID mice treated with the fusion protein were more than double that of control animals. These results demonstrate that an immunotherapeutic approach using a cytokine targeted by an antibody to tumor sites is highly effective in eradicating the growth of established tumor metastases. Received: 7 November 1995 / Accepted: 15 December 1995  相似文献   
The strategies of the sit-to-stand movement are investigated by describing the movement in terms of the topology of an associated phase diagram. Kinematic constraints are applied to describe movement sequences, thus reducing the dimension of the phase space. This dimensional reduction allows us to apply theorems of topological dynamics for two-dimensional systems to arrive at a classification of six possible movement strategies, distinguished by the topology of their corresponding phase portrait. Since movement is treated in terms of topological structure rather than specific trajectories, individual variations are automatically included, and the approach is by nature model independent. Pathological movement is investigated, and this method clarifies how subtle abnormalities in movement lead to difficulties in achieving a stable stance upon rising from a seated position. This article was processed by the author using the LATEX style file pljour2 from Springer-Verlag.  相似文献   
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