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A rapid HPLC method was developed for quantification of unbound evernimicin in human plasma. Protein-free samples prepared by ultrafiltration were injected directly onto a polymeric reversed-phase column and the eluent monitored at 302 nm. Evernimicin that eluted within 3.5 min was well resolved from endogenous components. Linearity was established between peak height and evernimicin concentration from 25 to 2500 ng/ml. Assay precision (C.V.) was within 5% while bias was no greater than 3%. This method has been used for the ex vivo assessment of evernimicin protein binding in human plasma from safety and tolerance as well as liver dysfunction and renal insufficiency studies.  相似文献   
In addition to protein identification, characterization of post-translational modifications (PTMs) is an essential task in proteomics. PTMs represent the major reason for the variety of protein isoforms and they can influence protein structure and function. Upon matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) most post-translationally modified peptides form a fraction of labile molecular ions, which lose PTM-specific residues only after acceleration. Compared to fully accelerated ions these fragment ions are defocused and show in reflector mass spectra reduced resolution. A short time Fourier transform using a Hanning window function now uses this difference in resolution to detect the metastable fragments. Its application over the whole mass range yields frequency distributions and amplitudes as a function of mass, where an increased low frequency proportion is highly indicative for metastable fragments. Applications on the detection of metastable losses originating from carboxamidomethylated cysteines, oxidized methionines, phosphorylated and glycosylated amino acid residues are presented. The metastable loss of mercaptoacetamide detected with this procedure represents a new feature and its integration in search algorithms will improve the specificity of MALDI peptide mass fingerprinting.  相似文献   
Using a simplified model of the upper airways with two independent collapsible elements (nostrils and hypo-pharynx), we calculated the cross-sectional area of these two elements, taking into account pressure drops. We experimentally measured flow and pressure in the fossa and hypo-pharynx in various syndromes. This allowed us to compare the behaviour of the area supplied by our model with the aerodynamic resistance that is often used to analyse upper airway flow limitation events. We showed that nostril and hypo-pharyngeal areas are better correlated than the resistance values and thus concluded that the pressure divided by the square of the flow is a better parameter for analysing flow limitation in upper airways than resistance. Owing to its simplicity, our model is able to supply the area of the collapsible element in real time, which is impossible with more sophisticated models.  相似文献   
In this article, a HPLC method to identify and quantify the dyes and the indigo precursors produced in Polygonum tinctorium is described. Using this technique, indican has been positively identified in extracts of P. tinctorium. Our work with two cultivars of P. tinctorium has confirmed that the quantity of indican is dependent on the cultivars, harvest period, and age of the leaves. Two enzymes, Novozym 188 (cellobiase) and Novarom G (beta-glucosidase), are compared on the basis of their activities to hydrolyze the indican at several pH values. We observed that Novarom G is more active than Novozym 188 whatever the pH and that optimum pH of both enzymes for indican hydrolysis is 3. Liberated indoxyl can be oxidized in alkaline media and transformed into indigo and indirubin.  相似文献   
The hematopoietic-restricted protein Src homology 2-containing inositol-5-phosphatase (SHIP) blunts phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase-initiated signaling by dephosphorylating its major substrate, phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate. As SHIP(-/-) mice contain increased numbers of osteoclast precursors, that is, macrophages, we examined bones from these animals and found that osteoclast number is increased two-fold. This increased number is due to the prolonged life span of these cells and to hypersensitivity of precursors to macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) and receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand (RANKL). Similar to pagetic osteoclasts, SHIP(-/-) osteoclasts are enlarged, containing upwards of 100 nuclei, and exhibit enhanced resorptive activity. Moreover, as in Paget disease, serum levels of interleukin-6 are markedly increased in SHIP(-/-) mice. Consistent with accelerated resorptive activity, 3D trabecular volume fraction, trabecular thickness, number and connectivity density of SHIP(-/-) long bones are reduced, resulting in a 22% loss of bone-mineral density and a 49% decrease in fracture energy. Thus, SHIP negatively regulates osteoclast formation and function and the absence of this enzyme results in severe osteoporosis.  相似文献   
Urotensin-II (U-II), a vasoactive cyclic neuropeptide, was recently identified as the natural ligand for the G-protein coupled receptor GPR14. The expression pattern of U-II and GPR14 are consistent with a role as a neurohormonal regulatory system in cardiovascular homeostasis. Urotensin-II induces a rapid and short-lasting rise in intracellular calcium in recombinant GPR14 expressing cells. In the present study we show that U-II induces signal transduction pathways leading to the long-lasting activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) in chinese hamster ovary cells expressing human GPR14 (CHO-GPR14). Furthermore, we observed a growth-stimulating and PD98059 sensitive activity of U-II in CHO-GPR14 cells, but not CHO-K1 cells. The investigation of the GPR14 induced signal transduction pathways leading to ERKI/2 phosphorylation revealed a previously unsuspected role for G(i/o)-protein coupling and showed an involvement of phospatidylinositol-3-kinase, phospholipase C and calcium channel mediated mechanisms. Our results suggest that U-II and its receptor GPR14 may be involved in long-lasting physiological effects such as cardiovascular remodeling.  相似文献   
Dual-specific T cells combine proliferation and antitumor activity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An effective immune response against cancer requires the activation and expansion of specific T cells. Tumor antigens, however, are generally poor immunogens. To achieve expansion of tumor-reactive T cells in vivo, we used a strategy of generating dual-specific T cells that could respond to a powerful immunogen while also possessing tumor reactivity. We generated dual-specific T cells by genetic modification of alloreactive T cells with a chimeric receptor recognizing folate-binding protein, an ovarian cancer-associated antigen. Mouse dual-specific T cells responded in vitro to both allogeneic antigen and tumor cells expressing folate-binding protein, and expanded in number in vivo in response to immunization with allogeneic cells. Most importantly, the combination of dual-specific T cells and immunization had an antitumor effect in vivo. We also generated human dual-specific T cells and characterized the dual-specific nature of individual clones. Assigning the tasks of expansion and tumor reactivity to different receptors within the same lymphocyte may help to overcome the problem of poor immunogenicity of tumor antigens.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is currently being extensively studied in clinical trials for the treatment of Crohn's disease (CD). Only marginal effects have, however, been reported, and the dose-response curve was bell-shaped contrasting with the reported data from in vitro experiments. AIM: To use another in vitro model to analyze the effect of rhIL-10 and rhIL-4 on the spontaneous mucosal TNF-alpha secretion in patients with CD, and to characterize the phenotype of the cells targeted by rhIL-10. METHODS: Non-inflamed colon biopsies from CD patients were cultured for 16 hours in presence of different concentrations of rhIL-10 or rhIL-4. The numbers of TNF-alpha-secreting cells among isolated lamina propria mononuclear cells (LPMNC) were estimated by Elispot. RESULTS: Both rhIL-10 and rhIL-4 down-regulate TNF-alpha secretion by LPMNC from CD patients, with a more pronounced effect with rhIL-10. These effects were closely linked to the cytokine concentrations used, with a bell-shaped dose-response curve. Residual TNF-alpha secretion, in the presence of optimal rhIL-10 concentration was mainly attributable to CD3+ T cells. In contrast, at higher rhIL-10 concentrations, CD3- cells contributed significantly to the TNF-alpha secretion. CONCLUSIONS: The in vitro model we used, demonstrates that IL-4, but mostly IL-10, efficiently suppresses TNF-alpha secretion in LPMNC from CD patients, with a dose-response curve similar to results obtained in vivo. Resistance at high rhIL-10 concentrations was associated with a change in the phenotype of TNF-alpha-secreting cells.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: Gene expression experiments provide a fast and systematic way to identify disease markers relevant to clinical care. In this study, we address the problem of robust identification of differentially expressed genes from microarray data. Differentially expressed genes, or discriminator genes, are genes with significantly different expression in two user-defined groups of microarray experiments. We compare three model-free approaches: (1). nonparametric t-test, (2). Wilcoxon (or Mann-Whitney) rank sum test, and (3). a heuristic method based on high Pearson correlation to a perfectly differentiating gene ('ideal discriminator method'). We systematically assess the performance of each method based on simulated and biological data under varying noise levels and p-value cutoffs. RESULTS: All methods exhibit very low false positive rates and identify a large fraction of the differentially expressed genes in simulated data sets with noise level similar to that of actual data. Overall, the rank sum test appears most conservative, which may be advantageous when the computationally identified genes need to be tested biologically. However, if a more inclusive list of markers is desired, a higher p-value cutoff or the nonparametric t-test may be appropriate. When applied to data from lung tumor and lymphoma data sets, the methods identify biologically relevant differentially expressed genes that allow clear separation of groups in question. Thus the methods described and evaluated here provide a convenient and robust way to identify differentially expressed genes for further biological and clinical analysis.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were 1) to study the genetic diversity of the Alexandrium, Dinophysis and Karenia genera along the French coasts in order to design probes targeting specific DNA regions, and 2) to apply PCR-based detection to detect these three toxic dinoflagellate genera in natural samples. Genetic diversity of these toxic taxa was first studied from either cultures or cells isolated from Lugol-fixed field samples. By this way, partial sequences of the large ribosomal subunit (LSU rDNA) including the variable domains D1 and D2 of A. minutum, Alexandrium species inside the tamarensis complex, the D. acuminata complex and K. mikimotoi were obtained. Next, specific primers were designed for a selection of toxic algae and used during semi-nested PCR detection. This method was tested over a 3-month period on water samples from the Bay of Concarneau (Brittany, France) and on sediment from the Antifer harbor (The English Channel, France). Specificity and sensitivity of this molecular detection were evaluated using the occurrence of target taxa reported by the IFREMER (Institut Fran?ais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer) monitoring network based on conventional microscopic examination. This work presents the first results obtained on the biogeographical distribution of genotypes of these three toxic genera along the French coasts.  相似文献   
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