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Using the selective caprylate-thallous agar medium, the presence ofSerratia species was systematically examined in 623 plant samples. A total of 167Serratia strains was isolated from these plant samples and identified to species and biogroups. Uniform and characteristicSerratia populations were found in figs and coconuts: (i)Serratia ficaria was recovered from most figs collected in California, Tunisia, and France; various biotypes ofS. marcescens also were found in figs; (ii) onlyS. marinorubra was recovered from coconuts bought on two continents. From plants other than figs and coconuts, representatives were isolated of all eightSerratia species we presently recognize—with a large preponderance ofS. liquefaciens andS. proteamaculans. These other plant samples fell into threeSerratia-prevalence groups: (i) vegetables-mushrooms-mosses-decaying plant material (53.8% of these samples were positive forSerratia); (ii) grasses (23.7% positive); and (iii) trees and shrubs-small plants (8.4% positive). PigmentedS. marcescens biotypes were rarely isolated from plants (except from figs). Of theS. marcescens biogroups most frequently encountered in nosocomial and iatrogenic infections of man, A3 and A4 were isolated from plants in this study, but A5/8 and TCT were not.  相似文献   
We have used isoelectric focusing to measure the differences between the pI values of various normal and mutant human haemoglobins when completely deoxygenated and when fully liganded with CO. It was assumed that the ΔpI(deox.–ox.) values might correspond quantitatively to the intrinsic alkaline Bohr effect, as most of the anionic cofactors of the haemoglobin molecule are `stripped' off during the electrophoretic process. In haemoglobins known to exhibit a normal Bohr coefficient (ΔlogP50/ΔpH) in solutions, the ΔpI(deox.–ox.) values are lower the higher their respective pI(ox.) values. This indicates that for any particular haemoglobin the ΔpI(deox.–ox.) value accounts for the difference in surface charges at the pH of its pI value. This was confirmed by measuring, by the direct-titration technique, the difference in pH of deoxy and fully liganded haemoglobin A02β2) solutions in conditions approximating those of the isoelectric focusing, i.e. at 5°C and very low concentration of KCl. The variation of the ΔpH(deox.–ox.) curve as a function of pH (ox.) was similar to the isoelectric-focusing curve relating the variation of ΔpI(deox.–ox.) versus pI(ox.) in various haemoglobins with Bohr factor identical with that of haemoglobin A0. In haemoglobin A0 the ΔpI(deox.–ox.) value is 0.17 pH unit, which corresponds to a difference of 1.20 positive charges between the oxy and deoxy states of the tetrameric haemoglobin. This value compares favourably with the values of the intrinsic Bohr effect estimated in back-titration experiments. The ΔpI(deox.–ox.) values of mutant or chemically modified haemoglobins carrying an abnormality at the N- or C-terminus of the α-chains are decreased by 30% compared with the ΔpI value measured in haemoglobin A0. When the C-terminus of the β-chains is altered, as in Hb Nancy (α2βTyr-145→Asp2), we observed a 70% decrease in the ΔpI value compared with that measured in haemoglobin A0. These values are in close agreement with the estimated respective roles of the two major Bohr groups, Val-1α and His-146β, at the origin of the intrinsic alkaline Bohr effect [Kilmartin, Fogg, Luzzana & Rossi-Bernardi (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 7039–7043; Perutz, Kilmartin, Nishikura, Fogg, Butler & Rollema (1980) J. Mol. Biol. 138, 649–670]. In other mutant haemoglobins it is demonstrated also that the ΔpI(deox.–ox.) value may be decreased or even suppressed when the substitution affects residues involved in the stability of the tetramer. These results support the interpretation proposed by Perutz, Kilmartin, Nishikura, Fogg, Butler & Rollema [(1980), J. Mol. Biol. 138, 649–670] for the mechanism of the alkaline Bohr effect, and also indicate that the transition between the two quaternary configurations is a prerequisite for the full expression of the alkaline Bohr effect.  相似文献   
An immunochemical analysis of the kinetics of appearance of Ia antigens during embryonic development was performed. Ia antigens first appear on the surface of embryonic cells 11 days postconception and their expression between days 11 and 16 of gestation is confined to the fetal liver. Ia antigen synthesis by fetal liver cells is detectable at day 14. Ia seems to precede Ig as a surface marker of embryonic liver cells, since Ig cannot be detected until day 16 of gestation. H-2 antigens may be immunoprecipitated from day 10 whole embryo cells. F9 primitive teratocarcinoma cells are Ia negative and H-2 negative.  相似文献   
We determined whether ACTH1-24, infused into fetal lambs at a rate that is known to cause premature labor, elicits changes in the responsiveness of the fetal adrenal glands, and alters the pattern of corticosteroid output. Plasma cortisol (F), corticosterone (B) and progesterone (P4) were measured during 72 h of infusion of saline or ACTH (10 micrograms/h) beginning on Day 127 of pregnancy. Adrenals were then dispersed into isolated cells, and the output of F, B and P4 after exogenous ACTH determined in vitro. Plasma concentrations of F and B were higher in ACTH-treated fetuses. The increment in F (5-to 7-fold) was greater than that in B (2-fold) such that the F:B ratio in plasma of ACTH-treated fetuses on Days 2 and 3 of infusion was 2.5 times higher than in controls. After 72 h of infusion, the adrenal weights in ACTH-treated fetuses (741 +/- 38 mg, +/- SEM; n = 4) were greater than in the control animals (349 +/- 11 mg). There was a significant effect of ACTH pretreatment in vivo on F output by isolated adrenal cells in vitro. Mean increments in F output after addition of ACTH1-24 (5000 pg/ml) in vitro rose from 368 +/- 235 pg/50,000 cells in controls, to 64,639 +/- 19,875 pg/50,000 cells after ACTH in vivo. There was no significant effect of ACTH in vivo on B output in vitro; the ratio of F:B output, either in the absence or presence of ACTH in vitro, was significantly higher in cells from ACTH-pretreated fetuses. There was a significant effect of in vivo ACTH on in vitro P4 output. After ACTH treatment in vivo there was an increase in the vitro output ratio of F:P4, but no change in the output ratio of B:P4. We conclude that ACTH treatment of the fetal lamb in vivo results in activation of fetal adrenal function, increased fetal adrenal responsiveness to ACTH, and directed corticosteroid biosynthesis towards cortisol. Our results are consistent with an increase in fetal adrenal 17 alpha-hydroxylase activity after ACTH treatment.  相似文献   
Elytrigia turcica sp. nov., (Poaceae) (2n=8x=56), a member of the polyploid complex related toE. elongata (Host) Nevski, (2n=2x=14), is described and distinguished fromE. pontica (Podp.) Holub, (2n=10x=70), which it most resembles.  相似文献   
Mammalian erythropoiesis includes a step in which the nucleus is extruded through the cell membrane. We have investigated the relationship between concanavalinA (conA) plasma membrane receptors, which are known to leave the incipient reticulocyte during enucleation, and regions of the plasma membrane which bind merocyanine 540, a differentiation-specific marker of hematopoietic cells. The distribution of these two fluorescent probes was examined on living cells from the spleens of neonatal mice and on erythroleukemia cells induced to enucleate in culture. In both cases, the region of the membrane extruded with the nucleus preferentially binds conA and merocyanine 540, whereas the plasma membrane which is left behind retains the capacity to bind another lectin, wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). The implications of these findings are discussed with respect to the mechanism by which markers are eliminated from the erythrocyte cell surface.  相似文献   
Neurochemical changes in the extracellular fluid of the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) were produced by changes in arterial blood pressure. Blood pressure was raised or lowered with systemic infusions of phenylephrine or nitroprusside and neurochemicals were recovered from RVLM by in vivo microdialysis. A dialysis probe 300 microns in diameter and 500 microns in length was stereotaxically implanted in the RVLM of the urethane-anesthetized rat. Sterile physiological Ringer's solution was perfused at a rate of 1.5 microliter/min. The perfusate was collected under ice-cold conditions every 15 min for the assay of epinephrine, dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), ascorbic acid, and uric acid. After stable baseline neurochemical concentrations were achieved, animals were infused with phenylephrine or nitroprusside intravenously to raise or lower the blood pressure. Increasing blood pressure 50 mm Hg above the baseline value by phenylephrine led to a significant reduction in heart rate and a reduction in extracellular epinephrine and DOPAC concentrations. The 5-HIAA concentration was increased during the hypertensive drug infusion. There were no changes in the concentrations of ascorbic acid or uric acid. Hypotension produced by nitroprusside (-20 mm Hg) led to neurochemical changes which were the reciprocal of those seen during hypertension. During hypotension, heart rate increased as did the extracellular fluid epinephrine concentration. The 5-HIAA concentration fell with hypotension and remained depressed following the nitroprusside infusion. Ascorbic acid and uric acid concentrations did not change during hypotension but ascorbic acid did increase after the nitroprusside infusion stopped. These data provide direct evidence that epinephrine release in RVLM is linked to changes in systemic blood pressure.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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