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Natal philopatry in passerine birds: genetic or ecological influences?   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The degree of natal philopatry (the likelihood that individualsbreed at or near their place of origin) can influence the extentof inbreeding in animal populations. Passerine birds have beencited as typically showing high natal philopatry, and natalphilopatry has been proposed as an adaptation to promote optimalinbreeding. A review of published and unpublished studies ofpasserines showed that natal philopatry was typically low, somaintaining a high level of inbreeding appears relatively unimportantfor such birds. Rather, natal philopatry appeared to be morestrongly influenced by ecological factors. Migratory passerineexhibited low natal philopatry compared to resident passerines,as predicted if dispersal costs for young birds are an importantdeterminant of natal philopatry. The erroneous view that natalphilopatry for passerines is generally high has resulted froma reporting bias toward resident species that have sufficientnatal philopatry to study. Natal philopatry was found to beevolutionarily labile; populations of the same species and pairsof closely related species that differed in their degree ofisolation differed considerably in their degree of philopatry.Future studies of natal philopatry should consider both theecological factors that could affect dispersal costs and thereporting biases that influence which data on philopatry tendto be reported.  相似文献   
In an effort to understand the forces shaping evolution of regulatory genes and patterns, we have compared data on interspecific differences in enzyme expression patterns among the rapidly evolving Hawaiian picture-winged Drosophila to similar data on the more conservative virilis species group. Divergence of regulatory patterns is significantly more common in the former group, but cause and effect are difficult to discern. Random fixation of regulatory variants in small populations and/or during speciation may be somewhat more likely than divergence driven by selection. Within the picture-winged group, we also have compared enzymes that fulfill different metabolic roles. There are highly significant differences between individual enzymes, but no obvious correlations to functional categories. Correspondence to: W.J. Dickinson  相似文献   
Abstract— Alzheimer's disease is a progressive degenerative dementia characterized by the abundant presence of neurofibrillary tangles in neurons. This study was designed to test whether the microtubule-associated protein, a major component of neurofibrillary tangles, could be detected in CSF. Additionally, we investigated whether CSF levels were abnormal in Alzheimer's disease as compared with a large group of control patients. We developed a sensitive sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using AT120, a monoclonal antibody directed to human, as a capturing antibody. With this technique, the detection limit for was less than 5 pg/ml of CSF. Using ATS, which recognizes abnormally phosphorylated ser-ines 199–202 in, the detection limit was below 20 pg/ml of CSF. However, with AT8, we found no immunoreactiv-ity in CSF, suggesting that only a small fraction of CSF contains the abnormally phosphorylated AT8 epitope. Our results indicate that CSF levels are significantly increased in Alzheimer's disease. Also, CSF levels in a large group of patients with a diversity of neurological diseases showed overlap with CSF levels in Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   
Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) and T-helper-cell responses in various mouse strains were monitored. Protective CTL responsiveness against three proteins of vesicular stomatitis virus was H-2 linked and inducible only in half of the 15 combinations tested (each of five H-2 haplotypes combined with each of three viral proteins), whereas biologically relevant T-helper-cell responses were inducible in all. This suggests that vesicular stomatitis virus exhibits more T-helper-cell than CTL epitopes.  相似文献   
The third phase of Wright's shifting-balance theory involves the export of adaptive gene combinations from one subpopulation to another. Previous results have demonstrated that this can occur at very low migration rates, but it has been argued that this simply reflects the ability of migration to overcome selection and fix any (even deleterious) alleles. Here, previous analyses are extended by concentrating on the critical balance between forward and reverse migration rates that still allows phase III to proceed. It is shown that selective advantage, dominance, recombination rate, and the number of loci all affect the ability of a genotype to invade and become fixed in a new subpopulation, but it is unlikely that phase III will occur in the absence of differential migration unless the invading genotype consists of a few dominant loci with a large selection advantage, spreading into a few populations of lower fitness. Therefore, as was envisioned by Wright, differential migration from more to less fit populations will be necessary for phase III to occur under most circumstances.  相似文献   
Filamin is a well-characterized actin-associated protein first isolated from chicken smooth muscle. Subsequently, this polypeptide and its nonmuscle homolog actin-binding protein have been shown to be expressed in avian muscle tissue, mammalian smooth muscle, mammalian macrophages and other blood cell types, as well as several cultured cell lines. In this report, the occurrence of this polypeptide in adult mammalian organs has been investigated. Immunoblot analysis using three anti-filamin monoclonal antibodies showed that this protein was largely detected in adult rat organs that possess a substantial smooth muscle component. Furthermore, the limited expression of filamin in smooth muscle tissue was corroborated by immunohistochemical analysis. In contrast to avian systems, filamin was never found in detectable quantities in either mammalian cardiac or skeletal muscle. Quantitative immunoblot analysis demonstrated that filamin amounts roughly correlated with the abundance of the smooth muscle component of a given organ, comprising as much as 16.5% of the total SDS-extractable protein in bovine aorta. Work in avian systems and cells in culture has suggested that filamin is a rather ubiquitous cytoskeletal element. By contrast, this work demonstrates that filamin is highly restricted in its expression in mammalian organ systems, in situ.  相似文献   
The hepatic expression of the 2u gene family is controlled by a variety of hormones including steroids, growth hormone and insulin. The mechanisms by which these hormones affect -globulin expression are only partially understood. Recently we isolated and characterized clone RAP 01, an 2u-globulin gene expressed in the liver. In preliminary experiments we noted that partial hepatectomy, a procedure which results in a sharp rise in the level of the oncoproteins c-Fos and c-Jun, also causes a transient induction of the messenger RNA corresponding to clone RAP 01. Using the DNAseI footprinting technique we were able to show that this clone contains a TPA (phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate)-responsive element (TRE) in its first intron. This element (denoted as element X) is identical to the consensus AP-1 binding site (TGACTCAG) and is protected by rat liver nuclear extracts as well as by purified c-Jun. Gel retardation experiments show that an oligonucleotide containing the TRE consensus sequence competes for binding of liver nuclear proteins to element X and that antibodies directed against the M2 peptide of the mouse Fos protein or the PEP-2 peptide of Jun prevent the formation of specific complexes with the same element. Moreover, element X functions as a TRE in transfected BWTG3 hepatoma cells treated with TPA. Co-transfection withfos andjun expression vectors mimics the effects of TPA suggesting that AP-1 is in fact the mediator of the observed response. It is concluded that the first intron of RAP 01 contains a functional Fos-Jun element.  相似文献   
For many years, the high prevalence of the fragile X syndrome was thought to be caused by a high mutation frequency. The recent isolation of the FMR1 gene and identification of the most prevalent mutation enable a more precise study of the fragile X mutation. As the vast majority of fragile X patients show amplification of an unstable trinucleotide repeat, DNA studies can now trace back the origin of the fragile X mutation. To date, de novo mutations leading to amplification of the CGG repeat have not yet been detected. Recently, linkage disequilibrium was found in the Australian and US populations between the fragile X mutation and adjacent polymorphic markers, suggesting a founder effect of the fragile X mutation. We present here a molecular study of Belgian and Dutch fragile X families. No de novo mutations could be found in 54 of these families. Moreover, we found significant (P < 0.0001) linkage disequilibrium in 68 unrelated fragile X patients between the fragile X mutation and an adjacent polymorphic microsatellite at DXS548. This suggests that a founder effect of the fragile X mutation also exists in the Belgian and Dutch populations. Both the absence of new mutations and the presence of linkage disequilibrium suggest that a few ancestral mutations are responsible for most of the patients with fragile X syndrome.  相似文献   
Tropical and subtropical dry woodlands are rich in biodiversity and carbon. Yet, many of these woodlands are under high deforestation pressure and remain weakly protected. Here, we assessed how deforestation dynamics relate to areas of woodland protection and to conservation priorities across the world's tropical dry woodlands. Specifically, we characterized different types of deforestation frontier from 2000 to 2020 and compared them to protected areas (PAs), Indigenous Peoples' lands and conservation areas for biodiversity, carbon and water. We found that global conservation priorities were always overrepresented in tropical dry woodlands compared to the rest of the globe (between 4% and 96% more than expected, depending on the type of conservation priority). Moreover, about 41% of all dry woodlands were characterized as deforestation frontiers, and these frontiers have been falling disproportionately in areas with important regional (i.e. tropical dry woodland) conservation assets. While deforestation frontiers were identified within all tropical dry woodland classes of woodland protection, they were lower than the average within protected areas coinciding with Indigenous Peoples' lands (23%), and within other PAs (28%). However, within PAs, deforestation frontiers have also been disproportionately affecting regional conservation assets. Many emerging deforestation frontiers were identified outside but close to PAs, highlighting a growing threat that the conserved areas of dry woodland will become isolated. Understanding how deforestation frontiers coincide with major types of current woodland protection can help target context-specific conservation policies and interventions to tropical dry woodland conservation assets (e.g. PAs in which deforestation is rampant require stronger enforcement, inactive deforestation frontiers could benefit from restoration). Our analyses also identify recurring patterns that can be used to test the transferability of governance approaches and promote learning across social–ecological contexts.  相似文献   
-Chymotrypsin was modified with cyanuric chloride activated monomethoxypolyethylene glycol (MPEG) with molecular weights 1900 and 5000. Using the higher molecular weight MPEG a product that was soluble in benzene at moderate levels of modification was obtained, whereas with MPEG 1900 almost all the enzyme's amino groups had to be modified for dissolving the conjugate. The catalytic activity decreased with increasing degree of substitution. Apparent Vmax was considerably higher for the less modified enzyme preparation than for the more modified one, while Km,app stayed almost constant. The modified enzyme was used for peptide synthesis. The reaction was dependent on the content of dissolved water. Both Vmax,app and Km,app increased with increasing water content. It was possible to achieve a process with complete conversion of substrate to dipeptide.  相似文献   
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