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Synopsis An approximately monthly sampling programme in Lake Ellesmere, Canterbury, New Zealand, from January 1974 to April 1976 yielded 487 eels. The stomachs were fixed in 10% neutralised formalin and the contents examined. Preliminary analysis indicated that the mollusc Potamopyrgus antipodarum, the isopod Austridotea annectens, the mysid Tenagomysis chiltoni, the amphipod Paracalliope fluviatilis, the midge larva Chironomus zealandicus and the teleosts Retropinna retropinna, Galaxias maculatus and Gobiomorphus cotidianus together made up the bulk of the diet. The pre-ingested dry weight (i.e. the reconstructed weight) of the most important of these prey species was obtained by relating the length of a digestion resistant part to actual dry weight in field collected specimens. Regression equations for this relationship in each season enabled the reconstructed dry weight of each stomach item to be calculated. In some instances reconstructed weight was less than the actual digested dry weight of the prey specimen. In every case the larger value was used. This method is referred to as Combination Dry Weight (CDW) and is believed to be new. These data, used in conjunction with the energy content of the species concerned, enabled the caloric dietary contribution of each prey species to be determined. Comparison of relative contribution to eel diet between CDW and energy values calculated from CDW and bomb calorimetry revealed large differences. Marked variations in diet between ⩽40 cm, 40.1–50 cm, and>50.1 cm size classes were also shown. Eels ≤40 cm feed primarily on invertebrates and become progressively more piscivorous as they grow. Eels >50.1 cm are almost entirely piscivorous. Seasonal differences in diet also exist within each size class examined.  相似文献   
The occurrence of ferrichrome-type hydroxamate siderophores in soil was confirmed. In the presence of the iron-scavenging chelator ethylenediamine[di(o-hydroxyphenylacetic)acid], soil extract stimulated the growth of an Escherichia coli strain possessing the ferrichrome transport protein (TonA) but did not stimulate growth of a strain lacking this protein (TonA). The siderophore concentration in a 1:1 (soil-water) extract was estimated to be approximately 78 nM. Specificity of the assay was supported by the absence of significant differential strain responses to ferric citrate, ferric 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate, enterochelin, ferrioxamine B, coprogen, and triacetylfusigen.  相似文献   
We have analyzed the viral RNA of a variant of avian acute leukemia virus MC29, termed HBI. This virus was isolated during in vitro passage of a partially transformation-defective (td) mutant of MC29 (td10H-MC29) in chicken macrophages. While td10H-MC29 has a reduced ability to transform macrophages in vitro or to induce tumors in vivo, HBI-MC29 transforms macrophages efficiently and induces in vivo a high incidence of lymphoid tumors. Electrophoretic analysis of HBI-MC29 genomic RNA revealed that it has a complexity of 5.7 kilobases, like the RNA of wild-type (wt) MC29, and that it is 0.6 kilobases longer than the 5.1-kilobase RNA of the deletion mutant td10H-MC29. Analysis of the viral RNAs of two clonal isolates of HBI-MC29 by T1 oligonucleotide fingerprinting showed that sequences from the viral transformation-specific region, v-myc, which are deleted in td10H RNA, are present in HBI RNA. Moreover, hybridization of HBI RNA to molecularly cloned subgenomic fragments of wtMC29 proviral DNA, followed by fingerprint analysis of hybridized RNA, showed that the entire v-myc-specific RNA sequences defined previously are present. Hybridization to cloned DNA of the normal chicken locus c-myc shows a close relationship between HBI v-myc RNA and c-myc DNA, especially in the sequences which were deleted from td10H-MC29. T1 oligonucleotide maps of HBI and td10H RNAs were prepared and compared. Total conservation of the oligonucleotide pattern is observed in the overlapping v-myc regions, while the partial structural genes gag and env show some variations, most of which can be directly proven to be due to point mutations or recombination with helper viral RNAs that were analyzed in parallel. Recombination of td10H-MC29 with c-myc, followed by recombinational and mutational changes in the structural genes during passage with helper virus, could be a possible explanation for the origin of HBI.  相似文献   
The effect of grazing on primary productivity and phosphorus cycling in autotrophic streams was studied using the snail Goniobasis clavaeformes. Snails were added to each of three replicate laboratory stream channels, receiving once-through flow of groundwater, in densities of 2.1, 3.0, and 4.2 g ash free dry mass (AFDM)/m2. A fourth channel received no snails and served as an ungrazed control. Presence of snail grazers resulted in a large reduction in aufwuchs biomass, primary productivity, and biotic phosphorus uptake; a modest reduction in fine particulate organic matter (FPOM); and an increase in the fraction of stream particulate organic matter (POM) exported as seston. Although primary production and aufwuchs biomass continued to decline with increasing snail density, phosphorus uptake increased. This increased phosphorus uptake is attributed to abiotic sorption to inorganic surfaces exposed as a result of efficient removal of aufwuchs at high snail densities. Although snail densities were chosen to bracket the density measured in a natural stream, the experimental densities may result in considerably higher grazing pressure on aufwuchs due to the absence of alternate food sources (e.g., coarse particulate organic matter) usually found in natural streams. Presence of snail grazers increased the spiralling length of phosphorus, primarily by reducing aufwuchs biomass and consequently reducing uptake of phosphorus from the water. Presence of snails also increased downstream transport velocity of phosphorus bound to organic particles. These results follow the patterns predicted in a previous theoretical analysis for mildly phosphorus-limited streams.  相似文献   
A simple procedure for the isolation and preparative gel electrophoresis of snRNA and scRNA is described. These small RNA species were used to select DNA sequences from a human genomic library which are able to protect hybridized snRNA or scRNA against T1-ribonuclease attack. The snRNA clones obtained contain only sequences for one snRNA species and only one copy of the respective gene. In contrast, more than one 7S RNA gene is present within the scRNA clones.  相似文献   
Radioautographic examination of skin fibroblasts grown in tissue culture from normal donors revealed heavy labeling of almost all cells following incubation with tritiated hypoxanthine. Cells from patients with Lesch-Nyhan's disease, lacking inosinate pyrophosphorylase, had only 10 grains or less per cell. When normal and abnormal cells were mixed prior to culture, there was a progressive increase, with culture time, in the percentage of heavily labeled cells so that by 96 hr, when the cells were confluent, over 95% of the cells were heavily labeled. Reduction of cell density by subculture produced a reversion to original values. Cultures from three obligatory heterozygotes revealed the expected mixed population of cells. This appears to be a practical approach to the identification of the heterozygote.Aided by USPHS CA08748 and GM15508, and the Health Research Council of the City of New York.  相似文献   
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