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Our goal was to test our understanding of ingestion, assimilationefficiency and metabolism for Mnemiopsis mccradyi by formulatingand validating a simulation model of growth under differentconditions of food availability. The model was based on a carbonbudget approach using formulations derived from empirical results,including how each process was affected by food availabilityand ctenophore size. An experimentally measured carbon budgetfor pulsed food availability indicated that, relative to totalingestion, growth was high (17–48%), respiration plusorganic release was relatively low (24–48%) and little(<10%) of the ingested carbon was unaccounted for. New laboratoryinvestigations of feeding and assimilation efficiency were necessaryto refine the formulations so that model predictions comparedfavorably with a variety of laboratory measurements of growth,and growth efficiency, as well as the complete experimentallymeasured carbon budget. The refined model predicted a high ratioof growth to metabolism (>2) and a high gross growth efficiency(>30%) for smaller ctenophores at high food concentrations(>20 prey l–1). Both growth rates and growth efficiencieswere predicted to decrease for larger ctenophores. Model predictionswere generally consistent with experimental results, includinginvestigations using pulsed food availability to simulate environmentalpatchiness. Although the model underpredicted ctenophore growthin some experiments at low food densities, the model predictionof a minimum prey concentration of about 8 l–1 (24 µgC l–1) for sustaining a ctenophore population of reproductivesize agreed with field observations.  相似文献   
This paper contains new experimental data on the growth dynamicsof a lobate coastal ctenophore, Mnenmiopsis mccradyi, whichadd significantly to our understanding of the nutritional ecologyof ctenophores and their role as opportunistic predators. Theseexperimental observations were necessary to refine the dynamiccarbon budget presented as a simulation model in another report.The ratio of carbon biomass to dry weight may vary several-folddepending on the nutritional state and size from >12% inwell-fed larvae to <1% in starved adults. Feeding effort(clearance rate) is higher for previously starved animals, fallingsharply within a few hours after re-exposure to food. Directvisual observations of feeding activity of animals confirmedthis. Assimilation efficiency can be high (72%) in these animalsbut if they continue to feed at high food concentrations, incomingfood displaces material which is only partially digested andassimilation efficiency decreases substantially. Except at verylow food concentrations, growth efficiency ranges between 20and 45%. Mnemiopsis, begins to produce eggs at a size much lessthan its maximum. Egg production is very sensitive to food supply,and somatic growth is favored over egg production at low fooddensities. Even though several thousand eggs may be producedover a few days, they represent <2% day–1 of the carbonbiomass of the ctenophore and several-fold less than respiratorycarbon.  相似文献   
The European demographic transition of the nineteenth century is often proposed as a model for demographic change in twentieth century developing nations, and economic development is seen as leading to an inevitable reduction in total fertility in these nations. This paper examines data from the Gainj of Papua New Guinea, a natural fertility population with very low reproductive output, and suggests that the effects of development on fertility change are much more complex than a simple demographic transition model would suggest. Looking at two variables known to contribute significantly to low total fertility among the Gainj, late age at first birth for women and long interbirth intervals, the paper suggests that households, in their recruitment and allocation of labor, may exert a mediating influence in the relationship between economic development and fertility.  相似文献   
The currrent California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) recovery plan entails increasing the reproductive rate via replacement-clutch manipulation of eggs. During the period from 1983 to 1985, 15 eggs were removed from wild nesting pairs for artificial incubation. The eggs were incubated at a dry bulb temperature of 36.4°C in modified forced-air Lyon Electric incubators. The incubation humidity was adjusted for individual eggs based on weight loss data (water = weight), 25.6–30.0°C wet bulb (41.0–63.0% Relative Humidity (RH)). The chicks were hatched initially under forced-air conditions of 36.1°C dry bulb, 31.1–01.7°C wet bulb (70.0–73.0% RH). In 1984, hatching parameters were changed to still-air conditions, 36.1°C dry bulb (top of the egg), 35.0°C dry bulb (bottom of the egg), 31.1–31.7°C wet bulb (70.0-73.0% RH). Tactile and auditory stimulation was utilized during the pip-to-hatch interval. From among 15 eggs collected, 13 hatched, and 12 condor chicks were raised successfully (hatchability: 86.7%; survivability: 92.3%).  相似文献   
Endochitinases (E.C. 3.2.14, chitinase) are believed to be important in the biochemical defense of plants against chitin-containing fungal pathogens. We introduced a gene for class I (basic) tobacco chitinase regulated by Cauliflower Mosaic Virus 35S-RNA expression signals into Nicotiana sylvestris. The gene was expressed to give mature, enzymatically active chitinase targeted to the intracellular compartment of leaves. Most transformants accumulated extremely high levels of chitinase-up to 120-fold that of non-transformed plants in comparable tissues. Unexpectedly, some transformants exhibited chitinase levels lower than in non-transformed plants suggesting that the transgene inhibited expression of the homologous host gene. Progeny tests indicate this effect is not permanent. High levels of chitinase in transformants did not substantially increase resistance to the chitin-containing fungus Cercospora nicotiana, which causes Frog Eye disease. Therefore class I chitinase does not appear to be the limiting factor in the defense reaction to this pathogen.  相似文献   
A 4.0 kb fragment from a plasmid genomic DNA library of the marine bacterium Alteromonas haloplanktis ATCC 19855 was found in the presence of Na+ to complement the dagA gene of Escherichia coli. We have completely sequenced this fragment and the position of the Na(+)-linked D-alanine glycine permease gene (dagA) on the fragment has been determined by complementation. The predicted carrier protein consists of 542 amino acid residues (M(r) 58,955). Its hydropathy profile suggests it is composed of eight transmembrane segments with a long hydrophilic region between segments six and seven. Significant similarity has been found between this Na(+)-linked permease and the Na+/proline permeases of E. coli and Salmonella typhimurium and the human and rabbit intestinal Na+/glucose cotransporters.  相似文献   
Summary We have reported earlier that cholinephosphotransferase (EC is present in both mitochondria and microsomes of fetal guinea pig lung. This study was designed to compare the properties of mitochondrial and microsomal cholinephosphotransferase in fetal guinea pig lung. Various parameters, such as substrate specificity, Km values, sensitivity to N-ethylmaleimide, dithiothreitol and trypsin were measured. Both showed significant preference for unsaturated diacylglycerols over saturated diacylglycerols. Data on Km and Vmax indicate that the affinity of this enzyme for different diacylglycerols varies between the two forms. The ID50 values for N-ethylmaleimide were 20 mM and 12.5 mM for the mitochondrial and microsomal form of the enzyme, respectively. Dithiothreitol showed an inhibitory effect on both; however, the mitochondrial form was inhibited less than the microsomal form. The effects of N-ethylmaleimide and dithiothreitol on both forms of enzyme indicated that the microsomal cholinephosphotransferase requires a higher concentration of -SH for its activity than the mitochondrial enzyme does. The enzyme was inhibited by trypsin in both mitochondria and microsome under isotonic condition suggesting that this enzyme is on the outside of the membrane in both endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria.  相似文献   
Summary A linear 2.3 kb DNA molecule found in maize mitochondria was cloned into pUC8. A natural deletion of this plasmid, found in cmsT and some N (fertile) types of maize plants, was mapped to one end of the plasmid. A minor sequence homology to S-2, another linear mitochondrial plasmid, was detected, as well as more significant sequence homology with chloroplast and maize nuclear DNA. Hybridization to teosinte mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) revealed the presence of part of the maize plasmid in the high molecular weight mtDNA of the maize relatives. RNA dot hybridization indicates that the plasmid is transcribed in mitochondria. The termini of the 2.3 kb linear plasmid contain inverted repeated sequences; of the first 17 nucleotides of the termini, 16 are identical to the terminal inverted repeats of the linear S plasmids found in the mitochondria of cmsS maize plants.  相似文献   
Partially purified preparations of the hepatic glucokinase from C3H/He and C58 inbred mice have been used to explore the molecular basis for the observed twofold difference in activity between the strains. The single codominant gene that appears to regulate activity, the alleles of which are designated Gka and Gkb, respectively, for the two strains, could represent a structural gene change. This now seems unlikely because the mouse enzyme, although showing small differences from rat glucokinase, appeared to be identical in the two strains with respect to thermal stability, electrophoretic mobility in agarose gels, and kinetic properties such as the apparent K m values for MgATP2– and glucose and the unique cooperative interaction with the latter substrate. The enzymes also reacted identically in a range of immunological tests (double-diffusion, immunoelectrophoresis, immune precipitation and immune inhibition assays) and ELISA immune inhibition assays indicated that the twofold difference in activity was due to a similar difference in antigenically active enzyme. Genetic control over the physiologically significant regulation of enzyme amount is therefore probable.This work has been supported in part by a grant from the British Diabetic Association and a Training Studentship to PAJ from the Medical Research Council (U.K.).  相似文献   
A cross-linked derivative of ribonuclease A, Nε,Nε′-(2,4-dinitrophenylene-1,5)-(lysine7-lysine41)-RNase A, has been crystallized by dialysis against 30% (vv) ethanol/water mixtures buffered at high pH. Single crystals belong to the orthorhombic space group P212121, a = 37.2 A?, b = 41.2 A?, b = 41.2 A?, with one molecule in the Crystallographic asymmetric unit.  相似文献   
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