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The gene coding for the M r 26000 chain of the human CD3 (T3) antigen/T-cell antigen receptor complex was mapped to chromosome band 11q23 by using a cDNA clone (pJ6T3 -2), by in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes and by Southern blot analysis of a panel of human-rodent somatic cell hybrids. The mouse homolog, here termed Cdg-3, was mapped to chromosome 9 using the mouse cDNA clone pB10.AT3 -1 and a panel of mouse-hamster somatic cell hybrids. Similar locations for the CD3 genes have been described previously. Thus, the corporate results indicate that the CD3 and genes have remained together since they duplicated about 200 million years ago.  相似文献   
The activities of -2-l-fucosyltransferase and -3-l-fucosyltransferase were measured in human platelets and leucocytes from normal donors, -2-l-Fucosyltransferase was found in platelets but not in leucocytes. In contrast -3-l-fucosyltransferase was not detected in platelets but was present in leucocytes where it was demonstrated in the neutrophil, monocyte and lymphocyte fractions.  相似文献   
In order to study the distribution of mitochondrial cytochromes P-450 in porcine adrenal glands, the glands of anesthetized pigs were fixed in situ. Polyclonal antibodies against two cytochromes P-450, i.e., C27 side-chain cleavage enzyme and 11 beta-hydroxylase, were used to study the distribution of these enzymes in cryosections of the adrenal cortex. Ultrathin cryosections were evaluated by both protein-A/gold/silver immunocytochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy using double labeling with protein-A/colloidal-gold. At light microscopy, the two cytochrome P-450 enzymes were found to be broadly distributed in both the fasciculata and glomerulosa zones of the adrenal cortex. Quantitative immunoelectron microscopy revealed that both enzymes were localized only in mitochondria, in which they were present on the inner aspects of the inner mitochondrial membrane. Both cytochromes P-450 were demonstrable in all of the mitochondria examined, and statistical evaluation of the ratios of the two enzymes present in individual mitochondria yielded a normal distribution curve. Since no evidence was found for the preferential localization of either enzyme in a special population of mitochondria, we conclude that all mitochondria of the adrenal cortex contain both enzymes. We discuss implications of these findings with respect to the regulation of steroidogenesis.  相似文献   
Summary A cDNA clone encoding the human T lymphocyte sheep erythrocyte receptor [the CD2 (T11) antigen] was used as a probe to define the chromosomal location of the gene. The signal, revealed by hybridisation to Southern blots of genomic DNA from somatic cell hybrids, showed a high degree of concordance for human chromosome 1. In particular, the hybrid F4Sc13C19 which contained the short arm only of human chromosome 1 was positive. The location of the CD2 gene to 1p13 was confirmed by in situ hybridisation.  相似文献   
Our goal was to test our understanding of ingestion, assimilationefficiency and metabolism for Mnemiopsis mccradyi by formulatingand validating a simulation model of growth under differentconditions of food availability. The model was based on a carbonbudget approach using formulations derived from empirical results,including how each process was affected by food availabilityand ctenophore size. An experimentally measured carbon budgetfor pulsed food availability indicated that, relative to totalingestion, growth was high (17–48%), respiration plusorganic release was relatively low (24–48%) and little(<10%) of the ingested carbon was unaccounted for. New laboratoryinvestigations of feeding and assimilation efficiency were necessaryto refine the formulations so that model predictions comparedfavorably with a variety of laboratory measurements of growth,and growth efficiency, as well as the complete experimentallymeasured carbon budget. The refined model predicted a high ratioof growth to metabolism (>2) and a high gross growth efficiency(>30%) for smaller ctenophores at high food concentrations(>20 prey l–1). Both growth rates and growth efficiencieswere predicted to decrease for larger ctenophores. Model predictionswere generally consistent with experimental results, includinginvestigations using pulsed food availability to simulate environmentalpatchiness. Although the model underpredicted ctenophore growthin some experiments at low food densities, the model predictionof a minimum prey concentration of about 8 l–1 (24 µgC l–1) for sustaining a ctenophore population of reproductivesize agreed with field observations.  相似文献   
This paper contains new experimental data on the growth dynamicsof a lobate coastal ctenophore, Mnenmiopsis mccradyi, whichadd significantly to our understanding of the nutritional ecologyof ctenophores and their role as opportunistic predators. Theseexperimental observations were necessary to refine the dynamiccarbon budget presented as a simulation model in another report.The ratio of carbon biomass to dry weight may vary several-folddepending on the nutritional state and size from >12% inwell-fed larvae to <1% in starved adults. Feeding effort(clearance rate) is higher for previously starved animals, fallingsharply within a few hours after re-exposure to food. Directvisual observations of feeding activity of animals confirmedthis. Assimilation efficiency can be high (72%) in these animalsbut if they continue to feed at high food concentrations, incomingfood displaces material which is only partially digested andassimilation efficiency decreases substantially. Except at verylow food concentrations, growth efficiency ranges between 20and 45%. Mnemiopsis, begins to produce eggs at a size much lessthan its maximum. Egg production is very sensitive to food supply,and somatic growth is favored over egg production at low fooddensities. Even though several thousand eggs may be producedover a few days, they represent <2% day–1 of the carbonbiomass of the ctenophore and several-fold less than respiratorycarbon.  相似文献   
The basalis of the primate endometrium: a bifunctional germinal compartment   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Radioautographic analysis of epithelial and stromal cell proliferation in the primate endometrial functionalis and basalis (rhesus monkey) has identified horizontal zonal patterns of mitotic activation and inhibition during natural menstrual cycles. At 1 h after a single i.v. injection of [3H]thymidine, mitotic activity in endometrial biopsies (hysterotomy) was determined on 9 days from the late proliferative to the late luteal phase (-2 days to + 14 days relative to the estrogen [E2]peak). Labeling indices (LIs) were determined within glandular segments of the 4 horizontal endometrial zones: Transient functionalis Zone I (luminal epithelium) and Zone II (uppermost gland); Germinal basalis: Zone III (middle gland) and Zone IV (basal gland). The size of the dividing epithelial populations (LI) differed zonally. During E2 dominance (-2 days to +3 days), the epithelial LIs of functionalis I (10 +/- 0.3%) and II (9.8 +/- 1.0%) were greater than those of basalis III (5.8 +/- 0.2%) and basalis IV (3.7 +/- 0.8%). During progesterone (P) dominance (+5 days to +14 days), epithelial mitosis was strongly inhibited in functionalis I (4.3 +/- 1.9%), functionalis II (0.8 +/- 0.2%), and basalis III (1.4 +/- 0.5%). Thus germinal basalis III was linked functionally with transient functionalis I and II by periovulatory uniformity in epithelial proliferation and postovulatory mitotic inhibition. A unique mitotic pattern set basalis IV apart from other zones by a steady rise in LI from 1% (-2 days) to 11% (+10 days). The LIs for stromal fibroblasts remained quite uniform in basalis IV but varied in other zones. Thus the postovulatory primate basalis was a distinct bipartite compartment in which the mitotic rate in basalis IV glandular epithelium increased steadily whereas that of basalis III was strongly inhibited. The remarkable enhancement of epithelial mitotic activity in basalis IV may reflect expansion of the stem-progenitor cell population for gestational growth or for post-menstrual regeneration.  相似文献   
To determine the extractions and interconversions of estrone and estradiol across and within the uterus, [3H]estradiol and [14C]estrone were infused at a constant rate in six ovariectomized female rhesus (Macaca mulatta) monkeys. Studies were done on Days 9, 14, and 23 of artificial menstrual cycles induced by the timed insertion and removal of Silastic capsules of estradiol and progesterone. Measurements of estrogen radioactivity were made from peripheral arterial blood and uterine venous blood as well as from endometrial biopsy samples. A significant increase occurred in the conversion of estradiol to estrone measured within the uterus on Day 23 compared to Days 9 and 14. The conversion of estrone to estradiol, measured within the uterus, fell progressively from Day 9 to Day 23, but this decrease was not significant. The extractions and interconversions across the uterus, and the overall interconversions of estrone and estradiol were not significantly different on Days 9, 14, or 23 of the cycle. Thus, we have been able to confirm in vivo the increase in the activity of the 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, the enzyme responsible for estradiol to estrone interconversions, shown earlier by studies done in vitro. However, the increase in 17 beta-hydroxysteroid activity in the uterus is not reflected in the overall interconversions of estrone and estradiol as reflected by measurements in peripheral arterial blood.  相似文献   
The European demographic transition of the nineteenth century is often proposed as a model for demographic change in twentieth century developing nations, and economic development is seen as leading to an inevitable reduction in total fertility in these nations. This paper examines data from the Gainj of Papua New Guinea, a natural fertility population with very low reproductive output, and suggests that the effects of development on fertility change are much more complex than a simple demographic transition model would suggest. Looking at two variables known to contribute significantly to low total fertility among the Gainj, late age at first birth for women and long interbirth intervals, the paper suggests that households, in their recruitment and allocation of labor, may exert a mediating influence in the relationship between economic development and fertility.  相似文献   
The regulation of amidase synthesis inP. aeruginosa is under positive control. This review describes the experimental evolution of amidase and its regulator protein for the hydrolysis of novel substrates and experiments to elucidate the mechanism of the control system.  相似文献   
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