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Inbreeding depression, one of the main factors driving mating system evolution, can itself evolve as a function of the mating system (the genetic purging hypothesis). Classical models of coevolution between mating system and inbreeding depression predict negative associations between inbreeding depression and selfing rate, but more recent approaches suggest that negative correlations should usually be too weak or transient to be detected within populations. Empirical results remain unclear and restricted to plants. Here, we evaluate, for the first time, the within-population genetic correlation between inbreeding depression and a trait that controls the amount of self-fertilization (the waiting time) in a self-fertile hermaphroditic animal, the freshwater snail Physa acuta. Using a large quantitative-genetic design (36 grand-families and 348 families), we observe abundant within-population family-level genetic variation for both inbreeding depression (estimated for survival, fecundity, and size) and the degree of behavioral selfing avoidance. However, we detected no correlation between waiting time and inbreeding depression across families. In agreement with recent models, this result shows that mutational variance rather than differential purging accounts for most of the genetic variance in inbreeding depression within a population.  相似文献   
It is well known that simultaneous presentation of incongruent audio and visual stimuli can lead to illusory percepts. Recent data suggest that distinct processes underlie non-specific intersensory speech as opposed to non-speech perception. However, the development of both speech and non-speech intersensory perception across childhood and adolescence remains poorly defined. Thirty-eight observers aged 5 to 19 were tested on the McGurk effect (an audio-visual illusion involving speech), the Illusory Flash effect and the Fusion effect (two audio-visual illusions not involving speech) to investigate the development of audio-visual interactions and contrast speech vs. non-speech developmental patterns. Whereas the strength of audio-visual speech illusions varied as a direct function of maturational level, performance on non-speech illusory tasks appeared to be homogeneous across all ages. These data support the existence of independent maturational processes underlying speech and non-speech audio-visual illusory effects.  相似文献   
LC-MS/MS analysis on a linear ion trap LTQ mass spectrometer, combined with data processing, stringent, and sequence-similarity database searching tools, was employed in a layered manner to identify proteins in organisms with unsequenced genomes. Highly specific stringent searches (MASCOT) were applied as a first layer screen to identify either known (i.e. present in a database) proteins, or unknown proteins sharing identical peptides with related database sequences. Once the confidently matched spectra were removed, the remainder was filtered against a nonannotated library of background spectra that cleaned up the dataset from spectra of common protein and chemical contaminants. The rectified spectral dataset was further subjected to rapid batch de novo interpretation by PepNovo software, followed by the MS BLAST sequence-similarity search that used multiple redundant and partially accurate candidate peptide sequences. Importantly, a single dataset was acquired at the uncompromised sensitivity with no need of manual selection of MS/MS spectra for subsequent de novo interpretation. This approach enabled a completely automated identification of novel proteins that were, otherwise, missed by conventional database searches.  相似文献   
Sphingolipids are major constituents of biological membrane and some of them behave as second messengers involved in the cell fate decision. Ceramide and sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) constitute a rheostat system in which ceramide promotes cell death and S1P increases cell survival. We have shown that both sphingolipids are able to trigger autophagy with opposing outcomes on cell survival. Here we discuss and speculate on the diverging functions of the autophagic pathways induced by ceramide and S1P, respectively.  相似文献   
Endogenous progenitor cells may participate in cardiac repair after a myocardial infarction (MI). The beta 2 adrenergic receptor (ß2-AR) pathway induces proliferation of c-kit+ cardiac progenitor cells (CPC) in vitro. We investigated if ß2-AR pharmacological stimulation could ameliorate endogenous CPC-mediated regeneration after a MI. C-kit+ CPC ß1-AR and ß2-AR expression was evaluated in vivo and in vitro. A significant increase in the percentage of CPCs expressing ß1-AR and ß2-AR was measured 7 days post-MI. Accordingly, 24 hrs of low serum and hypoxia in vitro significantly increased CPC ß2-AR expression. Cell viability and differentiation assays validated a functional role of CPC ß2-AR. The effect of pharmacological activation of ß2-AR was studied in C57 mice using fenoterol administered in the drinking water 1 week before MI or sham surgery or at the time of the surgery. MI induced a significant increase in the percentage of c-kit+ progenitor cells at 7 days, whereas pretreatment with fenoterol prolonged this response resulting in a significant elevated number of CPC up to 21 days post-MI. This increased number of CPC correlated with a decrease in infarct size. The immunofluorescence analysis of the heart tissue for proliferation, apoptosis, macrophage infiltration, cardiomyocytes surface area, and vessel density showed significant changes on the basis of surgery but no benefit due to fenoterol treatment. Cardiac function was not ameliorated by fenoterol administration when evaluated by echocardiography. Our results suggest that ß2-AR stimulation may improve the cardiac repair process by supporting an endogenous progenitor cell response but is not sufficient to improve the cardiac function.  相似文献   
MEK is a dual-specificity kinase that activates the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase upon agonist binding to receptors. The ERK/MAP kinase cascade is involved in cell fate determination in many organisms. In mammals, this pathway is proposed to regulate cell growth and differentiation. Genetic studies have shown that although a single Mek gene is present in Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster, and Xenopus laevis, two Mek homologs, Mek1 and Mek2, are present in the mammalian cascade. The inactivation of the Mek1 gene leads to embryonic lethality and has revealed the unique role played by Mek1 during embryogenesis. To investigate the biological function of the second homolog, we have generated mice deficient in Mek2 function. Mek2 mutant mice are viable and fertile, and they do not present flagrant morphological alteration. Although several components of the ERK/MAP kinase cascade have been implicated in thymocyte development, no such involvement was observed for MEK2, which appears to be nonessential for thymocyte differentiation and T-cell-receptor-induced proliferation and apoptosis. Altogether, our findings demonstrate that MEK2 is not necessary for the normal development of the embryo and T-cell lineages, suggesting that the loss of MEK2 can be compensated for by MEK1.  相似文献   
The surface-located fibrinogen-binding protein (clumping factor; ClfA) of Staphylococcus aureus has an unusual dipeptide repeat linking the ligand binding domain to the wall-anchored region. Southern blotting experiments revealed several other loci in the S. aureus Newman genome that hybridized to a probe comprising DNA encoding the dipeptide repeat. One of these loci is analysed here. It also encodes a fibrinogen-binding protein, which we have called ClfB. The overall organization of ClfB is very similar to that of ClfA, and the proteins have considerable sequence identity in the signal sequence and wall attachment domains. However, the A regions are only 26% identical. Recombinant biotinylated ClfB protein bound to fibrinogen in Western ligand blots. ClfB reacted with the α- and β-chains of fibrinogen in the ligand blots in contrast to ClfA, which binds exclusively to the γ-chain. Analysis of proteins released from the cell wall of S. aureus Newman by Western immunoblotting using antibody raised against the recombinant A region of ClfB identified a 124 kDa protein as the clfB gene product. This protein was detectable only on cells that were grown to the early exponential phase. It was absent from cells from late exponential phase or stationary phase cultures. Using a clfB mutant isolated by allelic replacement alone and in combination with a clfA mutation, the ClfB protein was shown to promote (i) clumping of exponential-phase cells in a solution of fibrinogen, (ii) adherence of exponential-phase bacteria to immobilized fibrinogen in vitro, and (iii) bacterial adherence to ex vivo human haemodialysis tubing, suggesting that it could contribute to the pathogenicity of biomaterial-related infections. However, in wild-type exponential-phase S. aureus Newman cultures, ClfB activity was masked by the ClfA protein, and it did not contribute at all to interactions of cells from stationary-phase cultures with fibrinogen. ClfB-dependent bacterial adherence to immobilized fibrinogen was inhibited by millimolar concentrations of Ca2+ and Mn2+, which indicates that, like ClfA, ligand binding by ClfB is regulated by a low-affinity inhibitory cation binding site.  相似文献   
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