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The involvement of a gene ofSynechocystis PCC6803,icfG, in the co-ordinated regulation of inorganic carbon and glucose metabolism, was established. TheicfG gene codes for a 72 kDa protein, which shows no homology with those registered in data libraries. Expression oficfG required glucose, the actual inducer probably being glucose-6-phosphate, and was independent of light and of the external inorganic carbon concentration. Mutants carrying an inactivated copy oficfG were constructed. Their growth characteristics were identical to those of the wild type under all regimes except in limiting inorganic carbon with glucose being present either before or after the transfer to the limiting conditions. These conditions completely prevented growth, both in the light and in the dark. The inhibition could be relieved by several intermediates of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Assays of various enzymic activities related to inorganic carbon uptake and to its assimilationvia either the Calvin cycle or phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase did not reveal the level of action of IcfG. Possible models include a blockage of the assimilation of both carbon sources in the absence of IcfG, or the inhibition of Ci incorporation route(s) essential under limiting inorganic carbon conditions, even when glucose is present, and even in the dark.  相似文献   
In the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway, CTP synthetase catalyses the conversion of uridine 5-triphosphate (UTP) to cytidine 5-triphosphate (CTP). In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the URA7 gene encoding this enzyme was previously shown to be nonessential for cell viability. The present paper describes the selection of synthetic lethal mutants in the CTP biosynthetic pathway that led us to clone a second gene, named URA8, which also encodes a CTP synthetase. Comparison of the predicted amino acid sequences of the products of URA7 and URA8 shows 78% identity. Deletion of the URA8 gene is viable in a haploid strain but simultaneous presence of null alleles both URA7 and URA8 is lethal. Based on the codon bias values for the two genes and the intracellular concentrations of CTP in strains deleted for one of the two genes, relative to the wild-type level, URA7 appears to be the major gene for CTP biosynthesis. Nevertheless, URA8 alone also allows yeast growth, at least under standard laboratory conditions.  相似文献   
Micropropagated poplar shoots rooted 100% on a rooting medium (A) containing NAA, but they did not root in the absence of auxin (NA). Putrescine, but not spermidine and spermine, promoted rooting up to 42% when added to the NA medium. Cyclohexylamine (CHA), an inhibitor of spermine synthase, also promoted (up to 36%) rooting in the absence of auxin. The inhibitors of polyamine biosynthesis DFMA (α-difluoromethylarginine) and DFMO (α-difluoromethylomithine), aminoguanidine (AG) and methylglyoxal-bis-guanylhydrazone (MGBG), inhibited rooting when applied in the presence of auxin and had no effect in its absence.
The rooting inductive phase (in the presence of auxin) was determined by periodical transfer of shoots from A to NA medium, and by changes in peroxidase activity, to be 7 h. Putrescine (not spermidine and spermine) accumulated to a maximum during the inductive phase. Both putrescine and CHA promoted rooting on NA medium when applied during the first 7 h. In contrast DFMA and AG inhibited rooting during this period. The results point to the involvement of putrescine and its Δ1-pyrroline pathway, in the inductive phase of rooting in poplar shoots.  相似文献   
The techniques of 27Al- and 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy were used to investigate the interactions of aluminium with intracellular ligands within the mycelium of the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Laccaria bicolor (Maire) Orton (S238). The vegetative mycelium was grown on medium containing 0.5 mM AlCl3 for 0.5 to 3 d. The 27Al-NMR spectra showed that aluminium was rapidly taken up and accumulated into polyphosphate complexes in the vacuole. Comparison with Al-polyphosphate complexes obtained in vitro on model systems indicated that Al forms at least three mixed-solvation complexes with Pi and polyphosphates, that there is more than one complex present under any set of conditions, and that the equilibrium between these complexes shifts dramatically with Al concentration in the medium. The high phosphate concentrations in the growth medium favoured the accumulation of the Al-polyphosphate complexes. When mycelium containing Al-polyphosphate complexes was transferred to Al-free nutrient solution for 9 d, the Alpolyphosphate complexes were not remobilized. The sequestration of Al in the polyphosphate complexes could therefore make a significant contribution to the protection of mycorrhizal plants against aluminium toxicity.Abbreviations NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - PolyP polyphosphate(s) - PP1 terminal phosphate of PolyP - PP3 middle phosphate of PolyP We thank Prof. Daniel Canet (Laboratoire de Méthodologie RMN, University of Nancy I, Vandceuvre-lès-Nancy, France) for his constant encouragement and Christine Delaruelle for skilled technical assistance in growing the fungal cultures. This work was supported by a research grant from the Commission of the European Communities (STEP-CT90-0059, Role of Ectomycorrhiza in Stress Tolerance of Forest Trees) to F.M. and a travel grant from the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique to I.K.; R.C. is a recipient of a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   
The development of herbicide multiple-resistance in weed species represents a major threat to current agricultural practices. The mechanistic basis for herbicide multiple-resistance has been investigated in a population of the annual grass weed Lolium rigidum Gaud. (annual ryegrass) resistant to herbicides affecting 6 target sites. A subset of the resistant population (R2 subset) has been isolated by germination on a medium containing the acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase, EC inhibiting herbicide, sethoxydim ((2-[1-(ethoxyimino)butyl]-5-[2-(ethylthio)propyl]-3-hydroxy-2-cyclohexen-1-one)). This 12% R2 subset of the population is 600 times more resistant to sethoxydim and between 30 to 200 times more resistant to other ACCase inhibitors than the bulk of the R population. The subset has a form of ACCase which is 6 to 55 times less sensitive to inhibition by these herbicides than the enzyme present in the bulk of the resistant or in the susceptible population. There was no difference in the uptake and metabolic degradation of [4-14C]sethoxydim between the R2 subset and the unselected R population. These results show the accumulation of different resistance mechanisms in that single population. Furthermore we propose that this accumulation of multiple resistance mechanisms is the basis for herbicide multiple-resistance in this biotype.  相似文献   
Summary The kinetic parameters of the yeastDebaryomyces hansenii grown in continous cultivation on D-xylose were determined by different methods. While the values obtained for μm by the steady state and the washout methods only gave a 3% difference, the determined Ks values by the steady state and the maximal biomass output methods led a to a 305% difference. The latter method was suggested to overestimate the Ks value.  相似文献   
A girl with severe Becker muscular dystrophy and apparently normal chromosomes had a heterozygous deletion for exons 51, 52, and 53 of the dystrophin gene. This deletion was transmitted by her mother, who was unaffected. To differentiate the normal and the deleted X chromosomes, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was applied to metaphase chromosomes, using probes for both exons 51 and 52, which are only 388 and 113 base pairs long, respectively. FISH signals were observed in one or both chromatids of one chromosome, but never on both chromosomes, suggesting the lack of hybridization on the deleted X chromosome. Using 5-bromodeoxyuridine incorporation to differentiate the late (inactive) and the early replicating (active) X chromosomes, 77% of the signals were observed on the active X chromosomes in the mother. This percentage was only 18% in the daughter, suggesting that skewed inactivation of the X chromosomes was responsible for the phenotypic differences.  相似文献   
A phylogenetic analysis of 25 species, representing eight genera of theRubieae tribe (Rubiaceae), has been made using the DNA sequence of the chloroplastatp B-rbc L intergene region. Six tropical genera from other tribes ofRubiaceae have been used as outgroups. Whatever the method of analysis (distance, parsimony or maximum likelihood), five groups are clearly separated and described as informal clades. Their relative relationships are not clearly resolved by the parsimony analysis, resulting in eight equally parsimonious trees, 327 steps long, with a consistency index (CI) of 0.749 (excluding uninformative sites). TheRubieae tribe appears monophyletic from the data available. Some new and partly unexpected phylogenetic relationships are suggested. The genusRubia forms a separate clade and appears to be the relatively advanced sister group of the remaining taxa. TheSherardia clade also includes the generaCrucianella andPhuopsis. Galium sect.Aparinoides appears closely attached to theAsperula sect.Glabella clade. The remaining taxa ofGalium are paraphyletic:Galium sect.Platygalium (in theCruciata clade) is linked to the advanced generaCruciata andValantia; the more apomorphic groups ofGalium form theGalium sect.Galium clade, including the perennial sectionsGalium, Leiogalium, andLeptogalium as well as the annual (and possibly polyphyletic) sect.Kolgyda.  相似文献   
Representatives of seven genera from five tribes ofRubiaceae have been compared in respect to a non-coding intergene cpDNA region of about 1000 bp, situated between the atpB and the rbcL genes. The resulting most parsimonious PAUP cladogram corresponds very well with one based on total cpDNA restriction site data obtained byBremer & Jansen (1991). The two different molecular analyses thus corroborate each other and contribute to an improved systematic arrangement of the large family, e.g., in respect to placing the tribeHedyotideae clearly into the subfamilyRubioideae, closer toRubieae than toPsychotrieae.  相似文献   
The lysosomal cystein proteinase cathepsin B is shown to be secreted by ten human colon carcinoma cell lines and to accumulate in culture media as a latent enzyme. The cell lines also secrete a physiological inhibitor of cathepsin B, cystatin C. A significant correlation was found between secretion of the latent enzyme and the inhibitor (r = 0.755, P < 0.01). The aim of the present study was to modulate the respective secretion of the two antagonists to test whether or not latency of cathepsin B was due to the concomitant secretion of the inhibitor. SW480 colon carcinoma cells were treated with the acidotropic agent ammonium chloride, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, and the inflammatory cytokines TGF-β, TNF-α, and IL-1β. Ammonium chloride significantly increased latent cathepsin B levels without affecting the constitutive secretion of cystatin C. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate induced a 4- to 5-fold increase in secreted latent cathepsin B, but did not alter significantly the accumulation of cystatin C in media. The cytokines, TGF-β, TNF-α, and IL-1β, had no major effect on the expression of these two antagonists. Latent cathepsin B released from human carcinoma cells could be efficiently activated by neutrophil elastate at neutral pH. It is concluded that latent cathepsin B is a true proenzyme rather than an enzyme-inhibitor comples. In addition, our data from neutrophil elastate activation experiments indicate that a proteolytic system for activation of the tumor cell-secreted latent enzyme may exist in vivo.  相似文献   
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