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The genus Mantella, endemic poison frogs of Madagascar with 16 described species, are known in the field of international pet trade and entered under the CITES control for the last four years. The phylogeny and phylogeography of this genus have been recently subject of study for conservation purposes. Here we report on the studies of the phylogeography of the Mantella cowani group using a fragment of 453 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene from 195 individuals from 21 localities. This group is represented by five forms: M. cowani, a critically endangered species, a vulnerable species, M. haraldmeieri, and the non-threatened M. baroni, M. aff. baroni, and M. nigricans.


The Bayesian phylogenetic and haplotype network analyses revealed the presence of three separated haplotype clades: (1) M. baroni, M. aff. baroni, M. nigricans, and putative hybrids of M. cowani and M. baroni, (2) M. cowani and putative hybrids of M. cowani and M. baroni, and (3) M. haraldmeieri. The putative hybrids were collected from sites where M. cowani and M. baroni live in sympatry.


These results suggest (a) a probable hybridization between M. cowani and M. baroni, (b) a lack of genetic differentiation between M. baroni/M. aff. baroni and M. nigricans, (c) evidence of recent gene-flow between the northern (M. nigricans), eastern (M. baroni), and south-eastern (M. aff. baroni) forms of distinct coloration, and (d) the existence of at least three units for conservation in the Mantella cowani group.  相似文献   
During the last five?years, Bactericera cockerelli Sulc. has caused significant economic losses in potato production in Mexico, due to the purple top and zebra chip diseases, since it acts as the vector of Candidatus Liberibacter psyllaurous. Despite its importance as a vector of serious potato diseases, the knowledge of its spatial distribution behavior, which could improve the efficiency of control measures, is entirely lacking. The main objective of this work was to compare the spatial distribution of the immature and adult stages of B. cockerelli obtained in a potato field by means of transect and quadrant sampling techniques and of geostatistics tools that allow the visualization of its spatial distribution in the field. Transect and quadrant samplings showed that the immature stages (eggs and nymphs) of B. cockerelli present a clustered distribution. The validation of the achieved semivariograms in the three dates of sampling corroborated the aggregated distribution of immatures and adults of the insect. The maps obtained in the sampling by using the quadrant or the transect approaches reflect the aggregated structure of the insect populations which did not infest 100% of the plot area. This allowed us to identify infested and free areas, what will aid in decisions for selecting alternatives of control.  相似文献   
Diverse microbial communities chronically colonize the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients. Pyrosequencing of amplicons for hypervariable regions in the 16S rRNA gene generated taxonomic profiles of bacterial communities for sputum genomic DNA samples from 22 patients during a state of clinical stability (outpatients) and 13 patients during acute exacerbation (inpatients). We employed quantitative PCR (qPCR) to confirm the detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Streptococcus by the pyrosequencing data and human oral microbe identification microarray (HOMIM) analysis to determine the species of the streptococci identified by pyrosequencing. We show that outpatient sputum samples have significantly higher bacterial diversity than inpatients, but maintenance treatment with tobramycin did not impact overall diversity. Contrary to the current dogma in the field that Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the dominant organism in the majority of cystic fibrosis patients, Pseudomonas constituted the predominant genera in only half the patient samples analyzed and reported here. The increased fractional representation of Streptococcus in the outpatient cohort relative to the inpatient cohort was the strongest predictor of clinically stable lung disease. The most prevalent streptococci included species typically associated with the oral cavity (Streptococcus salivarius and Streptococcus parasanguis) and the Streptococcus milleri group species. These species of Streptococcus may play an important role in increasing the diversity of the cystic fibrosis lung environment and promoting patient stability.  相似文献   
菱属(Trapa L.)的系统分类一直存在较大分歧,至今还没有一个比较公认的分类系统。黑龙江和图们江流域是菱属物种多样性的重要分布区之一,为了揭示该流域菱属植物的地理分布格局和形态多样性,我们进行了大量实地调查和研究。结果显示,从该地区28个湖中共采集到菱属11个种及8个种内变异类型,表明它们具有丰富的形态多样性;结合查阅菱属354份标本资料,共获得92个分布地点数据;采集到的11个物种的地理分布格局呈不均衡性,其中细果野菱(Trapa maximowiczii Korsch.)分布最广,野菱(Trapa incisa Siebold et Zucc.)、兴凯菱(Trapa khankensis Pshennikova)和科热夫尼科夫菱(Trapa kozhevnikovirum Pshennikova)为狭域分布种;东部乌苏里江和图们江流域是菱属物种多样性的分布中心,可能是第四纪冰期避难所;菱属植物多数种间形态特性相对稳定,东北菱(Trapa manshurica Fler.)、耳菱(Trapa potaninii V.Vassil)、丘角菱(Trapa japonica Fler.)、西伯利亚菱(Trapa sibirica Fler.)和细果野菱共有8个种内形态变异类型;种群内多数分类性状稳定,种群间形态变异较明显;菱属植物分布格局不均衡和种内形态变异的形成可能与基因流的扩散限制有关。本研究结果为进一步澄清菱属分类混乱问题奠定了基础,进一步结合分子标记技术研究系统演化关系将对揭示菱属的进化历史具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Phylogenetic analysis of the spirochetes.   总被引:26,自引:19,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
The 16S rRNA sequences were determined for species of Spirochaeta, Treponema, Borrelia, Leptospira, Leptonema, and Serpula, using a modified Sanger method of direct RNA sequencing. Analysis of aligned 16S rRNA sequences indicated that the spirochetes form a coherent taxon composed of six major clusters or groups. The first group, termed the treponemes, was divided into two subgroups. The first treponeme subgroup consisted of Treponema pallidum, Treponema phagedenis, Treponema denticola, a thermophilic spirochete strain, and two species of Spirochaeta, Spirochaeta zuelzerae and Spirochaeta stenostrepta, with an average interspecies similarity of 89.9%. The second treponeme subgroup contained Treponema bryantii, Treponema pectinovorum, Treponema saccharophilum, Treponema succinifaciens, and rumen strain CA, with an average interspecies similarity of 86.2%. The average interspecies similarity between the two treponeme subgroups was 84.2%. The division of the treponemes into two subgroups was verified by single-base signature analysis. The second spirochete group contained Spirochaeta aurantia, Spirochaeta halophila, Spirochaeta bajacaliforniensis, Spirochaeta litoralis, and Spirochaeta isovalerica, with an average similarity of 87.4%. The Spirochaeta group was related to the treponeme group, with an average similarity of 81.9%. The third spirochete group contained borrelias, including Borrelia burgdorferi, Borrelia anserina, Borrelia hermsii, and a rabbit tick strain. The borrelias formed a tight phylogenetic cluster, with average similarity of 97%. THe borrelia group shared a common branch with the Spirochaeta group and was closer to this group than to the treponemes. A single spirochete strain isolated fromt the shew constituted the fourth group. The fifth group was composed of strains of Serpula (Treponema) hyodysenteriae and Serpula (Treponema) innocens. The two species of this group were closely related, with a similarity of greater than 99%. Leptonema illini, Leptospira biflexa, and Leptospira interrogans formed the sixth and most deeply branching group. The average similarity within this group was 83.2%. This study represents the first demonstration that pathogenic and saprophytic Leptospira species are phylogenetically related. The division of the spirochetes into six major phylogenetic clusters was defined also by sequence signature elements. These signature analyses supported the conclusion that the spirochetes represent a monophylectic bacterial phylum.  相似文献   
A large, obligately anaerobic spirochete (strain PB) was isolated from bovine rumen fluid by a procedure involving rifampin as a selective agent. The helical cells measured 0.6 to 0.7 micron by 12 to 20 micron and possessed approximately 16 periplasmic flagella inserted near each end of the protoplasmic cylinder. The periplasmic flagella were arranged in a bundle wound around the cell body. Strain PB utilized as fermentable substrates various plant polysaccharides (e.g., pectin, arabinogalactan, starch, and inulin) as well as pentoses, hexoses, disaccharides, and uronic acids. Glucose was fermented to acetate, formate, and ethanol, whereas the fermentation of pectin or glucuronic acid yielded only acetate and formate as major end products. Determinations of radioactivity in end products and assays of enzymatic activities indicated that strain PB catabolized glucose via the Embden-Meyerhof pathway. Extracts of cells grown in pectin-containing media possessed relatively high levels of phospho-2-keto-3-deoxygluconate aldolase activity, an enzymatic activity typical of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway. The guanine-plus-cytosine content of the DNA of strain PB (54 mol%) was considerably higher than that of known host-associated anaerobic spirochetes. This study indicates that strain PB represents a new species of Treponema, for which we propose the name Treponema saccharophilum.  相似文献   
Helical organisms with novel ultrastructural characteristics were isolated from the intestinal mucosa of rats and mice. These bacteria were characterized by the presence of 9 to 11 periplasmic fibers which appeared as concentric helical ridges on the surface of each cell. The cells were motile with a rapid corkscrewlike motion and had bipolar tufts of 10 to 14 sheathed flagella. The bacteria were microaerophilic, nutritionally fastidious, and physiologically similar to Helicobacter species and Wolinella succinogenes but could be differentiated from these organisms by their unique cellular ultrastructure. Using 16S rRNA sequencing, we found that strain ST1T (T = type strain) was related to previously described Helicobacter species, "Flexispira rappini," and W. succinogenes. The closest relatives of strain ST1T were Helicobacter mustelae and "F. rappini" (average similarity value, 96%). On the basis of phylogenetic data, strain ST1T (= ATCC 49282T) represents a new species of the genus Helicobacter, for which we propose the name Helicobacter muridarum.  相似文献   
Involvement of periplasmic fibrils in motility of spirochetes.   总被引:17,自引:13,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Nonmotile (Mot-) strains of Spirochaeta aurantia and Spirochaeta halophila were isolated with a procedure involving mutagenesis of motile wild-type cells. Electron microscopy showed that a Mot- mutant strain of S. halophia possessed incomplete periplasmic fibrils, inasmuch as most or all of the filamentous portion of the periplasmic fibrils was absent. Some of the cells of this Mot-, fibril-defective mutant strain lacked the filamentous portion of the periplasmic fibrils and formed proximal hooks, whereas other cells appeared to have a very small segment of the filamentous portion of the periplasmic fibrils attached to the proximal hooks. Motile revertants were isolated repeatedly from cultures of the Mot-, fibril-defective mutant and from S. halophila Mot- mutants that completely lacked periplasmic fibrils. The motile revertants possessed periplasmic fibrils ultrastructurally indistinguishable from wild-type periplasmic fibrils. This study indicates that periplasmic fibrils play an essential role in the motility of spirochetes.  相似文献   
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