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Only relatively recently have researchers turned to molecular methods for nematode phylogeny reconstruction. Thus, we lack the extensive literature on evolutionary patterns and phylogenetic usefulness of different DNA regions for nematodes that exists for other taxa. Here, we examine the usefulness of mtDNA for nematode phylogeny reconstruction and provide data that can be used for a priori character weighting or for parameter specification in models of sequence evolution. We estimated the substitution pattern for the mitochondrial ND4 gene from intraspecific comparisons in four species of parasitic nematodes from the family Trichostrongylidae (38-50 sequences per species). The resulting pattern suggests a strong mutational bias toward A and T, and a lower transition/transversion ratio than is typically observed in other taxa. We also present information on the relative rates of substitution at first, second, and third codon positions and on relative rates of saturation of different types of substitutions in comparisons ranging from intraspecific to interordinal. Silent sites saturate extremely quickly, presumably owing to the substitution bias and, perhaps, to an accelerated mutation rate. Results emphasize the importance of using only the most closely related sequences in order to infer patterns of substitution accurately for nematodes or for other taxa having strongly composition-biased DNA. ND4 also shows high amino acid polymorphism at both the intra- and interspecific levels, and in higher level comparisons, there is evidence of saturation at variable amino acid sites. In general, we recommend using mtDNA coding genes only for phylogenetics of relatively closely related nematode species and, even then, using only nonsynonymous substitutions and the more conserved mitochondrial genes (e.g., cytochrome oxidases). On the other hand, the high substitution rate in genes such as ND4 should make them excellent for population genetics studies, identifying cryptic species, and resolving relationships among closely related congeners when other markers show insufficient variation.   相似文献   
Nucleotide sequence comparisons were used to investigate the evolution of P transposable elements and the possibility that horizontal transfer has played a role in their occurrence in natural populations of Drosophila and other Diptera. The phylogeny of P elements was examined using published sequences from eight dipteran taxa and a new, partial sequence from Scaptomyza elmoi. The results from a number of different analyses are highly consistent and reveal a P-element phylogeny that contradicts the phylogeny of the species. At least three instances of horizontal transfer are necessary to explain this incongruence, but other explanations cannot be ruled out at this time.   相似文献   
We have previously shown that Dz13, a catalytic DNA molecule (DNAzyme) designed against c-jun, is cytotoxic to nonquiescent cells by a mechanism independent of c-jun mRNA cleavage. In this report, we evaluated programmed cell death (PCD) pathways in order to gain further insight into the mechanism of action of Dz13. Using human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1), we found that Dz13-mediated cell death is characterized by mitochondrial depolarization, caspase-8 activation, lysosomal increase, and autophagosome formation. Classical DNA laddering and translocation of mitochondrial proteins were not observed. An array of inhibitors, including those targeting caspases, failed to abrogate cytotoxicity and mitochondrial depolarization. Cytotoxicity did not proceed from endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. The possible involvement of PARP-1 in Dz13-mediated cytotoxicity was indicated by its differential release as gauged by protein extraction data and its apparent binding to Dz13, as evidenced by protein pull-down experiments. This study on Dz13-mediated cytotoxicity presents a detailed investigation into the interplay of cell death effectors involved in apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis, and demonstrates a novel form of oligonucleotide-mediated cytotoxicity with features of PCD.  相似文献   


Vertebrate alpha (α)- and beta (β)-globin gene families exemplify the way in which genomes evolve to produce functional complexity. From tandem duplication of a single globin locus, the α- and β-globin clusters expanded, and then were separated onto different chromosomes. The previous finding of a fossil β-globin gene (ω) in the marsupial α-cluster, however, suggested that duplication of the α-β cluster onto two chromosomes, followed by lineage-specific gene loss and duplication, produced paralogous α- and β-globin clusters in birds and mammals. Here we analyse genomic data from an egg-laying monotreme mammal, the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus), to explore haemoglobin evolution at the stem of the mammalian radiation.  相似文献   
Nucleotide sequences from two nuclear loci, alcohol dehydrogenase and internal transcribed spacer-1 of the nuclear ribosomal DNA repeats, and two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome oxidase I and cytochrome oxidase II, were determined from nine species in the Drosophila saltans species group. The partition homogeneity test and partitioned Bremer support were used to measure incongruence between phylogenetic hypotheses generated from individual partitions. Individual loci were generally congruent with each other and consistent with the previously proposed morphological hypothesis, although they differed in level of resolution. Since extreme conflict between partitions did not exist, the data were combined and analyzed simultaneously. The total evidence method gave a more resolved and highly supported phylogeny, as indicated by bootstrap proportions and decay indices, than did any of the individual analyses. The cordata and elliptica subgroups, considered to have diverged early in the history of the D. saltans group, were sister taxa to the remainder of the saltans group. The sturtevanti subgroup, represented by D. milleri and D. sturtevanti, occupies an intermediate position in this phylogeny. The saltans and parasaltans subgroups are sister clades and occupy the most recently derived portion of the phylogeny. As with previous morphological studies, phylogenetic relationships within the saltans subgroup were not satisfactorily resolved by the molecular data.   相似文献   
Nucleotide sequences from a 434-bp region of the 16S rRNA gene were analyzed for 65 taxa of Hymenoptera (ants, bees, wasps, parasitoid wasps, sawflies) to examine the patterns of variation within the gene fragment and the taxonomic levels for which it shows maximum utility in phylogeny estimation. A hierarchical approach was adopted in the study through comparison of levels of sequence variation among taxa at different taxonomic levels. As previously reported for many holometabolous insects, the 16S data reported here for Hymenoptera are highly AT-rich and exhibit strong site-to-site variation in substitution rate. More precise estimates of the shape parameter (alpha) of the gamma distribution and the proportion of invariant sites were obtained in this study by employing a reference phylogeny and utilizing maximum-likelihood estimation. The effectiveness of this approach to recovering expected phylogenies of selected hymenopteran taxa has been tested against the use of maximum parsimony. This study finds that the 16S gene is most informative for phylogenetic analysis at two different levels: among closely related species or populations, and among tribes, subfamilies, and families. Maximization of the phylogenetic signal extracted from the 16S gene at higher taxonomic levels may require consideration of the base composition bias and the site-to-site rate variation in a maximum-likelihood framework.   相似文献   
Papac  DI; Briggs  JB; Chin  ET; Jones  AJ 《Glycobiology》1998,8(5):445-454
This report describes a convenient method for the rapid and efficient release of N-linked oligosaccharides from low microgram amounts of glycoproteins. A 96-well MultiScreen assay system containing a polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membrane is employed to immobilize glycoproteins for subsequent enzymatic deglycosylation. Recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (rt-PA) is used to demonstrate the deglycosylation of 0.1-50 micrograms of a glycoprotein. This method enabled the recovery of a sufficient amount of N-linked oligosaccharides released enzymatically with peptide N-glycosidase F (PNGaseF) from as little as 0.5 microgram rt-PA for subsequent analysis by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI- TOF) mass spectrometry. The immobilization of rt-PA to the PVDF membrane did not sterically inhibit the PNGaseF-mediated release of oligosaccharides from rt-PA as determined by tryptic mapping experiments. Comparison of the oligosaccharides released from 50 micrograms of rt-PA by either the 96-well plate method or by a standard solution digestion procedure showed no significant differences in the profiles obtained by high-pH anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAEC-PAD). Both neutral and sialylated oligosaccharide standards spiked into wells were recovered equally as determined by HPAEC-PAD. One advantage of this approach is that reduction and alkylation can be performed on submicrogram amounts of glycoproteins with easy removal of reagents prior to PNGaseF digestion. In addition, this method allows 60 glycoprotein samples to be deglycosylated in 1 day with MALDI-TOF or HPAEC-PAD analysis being performed on the following day.   相似文献   
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