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Parzen M  Lipsitz SR 《Biometrics》1999,55(2):580-584
In this paper, a global goodness-of-fit test statistic for a Cox regression model, which has an approximate chi-squared distribution when the model has been correctly specified, is proposed. Our goodness-of-fit statistic is global and has power to detect if interactions or higher order powers of covariates in the model are needed. The proposed statistic is similar to the Hosmer and Lemeshow (1980, Communications in Statistics A10, 1043-1069) goodness-of-fit statistic for binary data as well as Schoenfeld's (1980, Biometrika 67, 145-153) statistic for the Cox model. The methods are illustrated using data from a Mayo Clinic trial in primary billiary cirrhosis of the liver (Fleming and Harrington, 1991, Counting Processes and Survival Analysis), in which the outcome is the time until liver transplantation or death. The are 17 possible covariates. Two Cox proportional hazards models are fit to the data, and the proposed goodness-of-fit statistic is applied to the fitted models.  相似文献   
The American Psychiatric Association's recent inclusion of a Glossary of Culture-Bound Syndromes within DSM-IV draws upon decades of medical anthropological and cultural psychiatric research to afford culture-bound syndromes (CBSs) a newfound legitimacy within professional Western psychiatric nosology. While DSM-IV's recognition of the CBS concept as a category of psychosocial distress has important clinical implications for mental health care practitioners throughout the world, it also has significant legal implications. Given that several CBSs involve a degree of psychological impairment that may satisfy the standard for legal insanity under certain circumstances, this essay focuses on the potential emergence of an insanity defense based on the claim that an immigrant or minority defendant was suffering from a CBS at the time of his or her criminal act. Aimed at initiating interdisciplinary debate over the reification of the CBS concept, the essay discusses the theoretical ambiguity and status of CBSs within professional Western psychiatry, describes what a CBS-based insanity defense might look like, and considers the relevant challenges facing medical anthropologists and cultural psychiatrists, on the one hand, and legal practitioners, on the other. The essay identifies a pressing need for interdisciplinary debate concerning the validity, scope, and viability of CBS-based insanity defenses.  相似文献   
Gryphaea arcuata is one of the most studied fossils, but its detailed palaeoecology has been largely neglected. Specimens were collected within a short stratigraphic range (three ammonite zones) in the 'Calcaire à gryphées' of Xeuilley (Lorraine, France) dated Hettangian to Lower Sinemurian. As far as possible, they were sampled from each marly bed of the section. A biometric study and an isotopic analysis are compared in regard to organic matter measurements and palynological data, the results demonstrating a clear relationship between the shape of G. arcuata and environmental parameters. Factors responsible for the various shapes are temperature, oxygen levels on the sea floor and nutrient levels. Two main morphotypes can be related to two kinds of environment. In the first, controlled by a relatively hot and humid climate and tending towards eutrophication, the growth rate of Gryphaea was low, and the shells small, wide and thin. In the second environment, cooler than the first one and closer to the optimal living conditions of G. arcuata, the shell was large, thick and narrow, and exhibited a high growth rate.  相似文献   
Kinetic measurements are employed to reconstruct the steady-state activation of acetylcholine [Ach] receptor channels in electrophorus electroplaques. Neurally evoked postsynaptic currents (PSCs) decay exponentially; at 15 degrees C the rate constant, α, equals 1.2 ms(-1) at 0 mV and decreases e-fold for every 86 mV as the membrane voltage is made more negative. Voltage-jump relaxations have been measured with bath-applied ACh, decamethonium, carbachol, or suberylcholine. We interpret the reciprocal relaxation time 1/τ as the sum of the rate constant α for channel closing and a first-order rate constant for channel opening. Where measureable, the opening rate increases linearly with [agonist] and does not vary with voltage. The voltage sensitivity of small steady-state conductances (e- fold for 86 mV) equals that of the closing rate α, confirming that the opening rate has little or no additional voltage sensitivity. Exposure to α-bungarotoxin irreversibly decreases the agonist-induced conductance but does not affect the relaxation kinetics. Tubocurarine reversibly reduces both the conductance and the opening rate. In the simultaneous presence of two agonist species, voltage-jump relaxations have at least two exponential components. The data are fit by a model in which (a) the channel opens as the receptor binds the second in a sequence of two agonist molecules, with a forward rate constant to 10(7) to 2x10(8) M(-1)s(-1); and (b) the channel then closes as either agonist molecule dissociates, with a voltage-dependent rate constant of 10(2) to 3x10(3)s(-1).  相似文献   
In the first leaf of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Capelle) the content of soluble protein diminished to about 50% of the initial value between the 7th and the 19th day after sowing. In order to understand proteolysis in the leaves, the activities of several peptidases were measured in extracts from leaves at four different ages. The carboxypeptidase activities increased during the growth of the leaves, and then began to decrease. The activities of the alkaline peptidases increased, while that of the benzoyl-DL-arginine-p-nitroanilide (BAPA) hydrolysing enzyme decreased during the whole period studied. The “naphthylamidase” activities showed first a slow rise, but then leveled off. Two bands with naphthylamidase activity could be detected after disc electrophoresis. All the peptidases studied were present in the leaves at rather high concentrations. This indicates that they all may participate in the hydrolysis of leaf proteins into free amino acids.  相似文献   
Cells ofTetrahymenamay produce autocrine signal molecules with effects on survival and proliferation. Here we have tested the effects of human recombinant and bovine insulin, and the B22–B30 fragment of bovine insulin over a wide range of concentrations (10?5–10?18m ) on cell survival and proliferation in a synthetic nutrient medium. The cells were grown in conical flasks at low initial cell densities (40 and 400cells/ml). Insulin prevented rapid cell death and/or promoted cell proliferation over two separate concentration ranges: down to nanomolar levels and again in the low pico- and femtomolar range. At an initial population density of 400cells/ml the cells multiplied at both concentration intervals. At 40 or fewer organisms/ml the cells multiplied in the high concentration interval, whereas in the low interval they survived for about four times longer than those in the control cultures. B22–B30 added to cultures of 40 initial cells/ml produced a stimulation of cell survival in the low pico- and high femtomolar range. In the presence of hemin (50nm ) cells at 400 initial organisms/ml multiplied at insulin concentrations down to about 3nm and again from 300am to 10pm . In some cases, hemin plus insulin activated cell proliferation between the two concentration intervals as well. At 40cells/ml the cells not only survived but proliferated in the femtomolar range. Cells in cultures supplemented with both hemin and B22–B30 multiplied at the low concentration interval (from about 100fm to 10pm ).  相似文献   
It is very common in regression analysis to encounter incompletely observed covariate information. A recent approach to analyse such data is weighted estimating equations (Robins, J. M., Rotnitzky, A. and Zhao, L. P. (1994), JASA, 89, 846-866, and Zhao, L. P., Lipsitz, S. R. and Lew, D. (1996), Biometrics, 52, 1165-1182). With weighted estimating equations, the contribution to the estimating equation from a complete observation is weighted by the inverse of the probability of being observed. We propose a test statistic to assess if the weighted estimating equations produce biased estimates. Our test statistic is similar to the test statistic proposed by DuMouchel and Duncan (1983) for weighted least squares estimates for sample survey data. The method is illustrated using data from a randomized clinical trial on chemotherapy for multiple myeloma.  相似文献   
So far only very few simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers developed from grass species have had their primer sequences published. To make more markers available to the scientific community, we isolated and sequenced 256 microsatellite‐containing clones from four genome libraries of a Lolium multiflorum×Festuca glaucescens F1 hybrid following enrichment in (TC)n, (TG)n, or both repeats. In this work, we report the primer sequences of 60 SSRs including preliminary results of polymorphism for mapping.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We investigated the influence of intrinsic and extrinsic variables on overwinter survival of raccoons (Procyon lotor; n = 114) at the northern edge of their distribution. A Cox proportional hazard model identified winter severity as the variable with the greatest influence on raccoon survival (β = 1.08). Autumn body condition estimates (20.5 ± 0.46% total body fat) were relatively stable across years even though we observed large differences in autumn food indices. Variations in autumn body condition did not explain heterogeneity observed in overwinter survival nor the spring condition in which raccoons emerged. Relatively constant autumn body condition suggests reliable availability of anthropogenic food resources may negate variations observed in natural food items on which raccoons rely during hyperphagia. Conversely, spring body condition did vary among years and was highly correlated with winter severity. Accordingly, we also observed a strong inverse relationship with overwinter survival and winter severity. Our findings indicate winter climatic constraints are important factors governing the northern limit of raccoon distribution and changes in winter severity could have important implications in further range expansion of this species.  相似文献   
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