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The specific immune-reaction between the anti-citrinin antibody immobilized on the surface of magnetic/silica core–shell (MSCS) and the citrinin–Rho123–BSA conjugate brings the Rho123 fluorophore as an acceptor and the QDs as a donor in close spatial proximity and causes FRET for occurring upon photo-excitation of the QDs. The novelties of this study include: (1) immobilization of the MSCS; (2) large amount of the immobilized QDs, and (3) immobilization of a large amount of Rho123 on the BSA macromolecule. Cd/Te QDs were synthesized by the simultaneous reduction of cadmium chloride and tellurium in the presence of sodium borohydride. Magnetic nanoparticles were synthesized using FeSO4 and FeCl3. The prepared magnetic nanoparticles shelled by silica using tetraethoxysilane in the presence of ammonia. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis was used for investigating shape and monodispersity of the nanoparticles. EDC/NHS was used as a cross linking agent for immobilization of the QDs, conjugation of citrinin to amino groups of BSA, labeling of BSA with Rho123 and also for immobilization of the amino-functionalized MSCS on the immobilized QDs. Immobilization of the anti-citrinin antibody on the surface of the amino-functionalized MSCS was performed by Schiff-base mechanism. By using these three effective strategies, sensitivity of the designed nanobiosensor was incredibly enhanced as a very low limit of detection (up to 0.1 pM). The feasibility of this technique was tested by the detection of citrinin in the spiked human serum. Results showed that there was a linear correlation between the decreased fluorescence intensity of the Rho123 and increased fluorescence intensity of the QDs with increasing concentration of citrinin in the spiked samples in the range of 1–6 pM. According to obtained results, we conclude that this highly sensitive detection scheme is a easy, quick and impressive method that can be used in optical-based nanosensors.  相似文献   
This investigation was performed to evaluate the differentiation capacity and alteration in genes expression patterns during in vitro differentiation of bone marrow stem cells into primordial germ cells using static magnetic field (4 mT) and BMP-4 (25 ng/ml). The rate of differentiation was investigated using the Real Time-PCR method for tracing expression of differentiation markers (Oct-4, Nanog, C-Myc, Fragilis, Mvh and Stella). Then, immunocytochemical reaction was carried out for detection of marker proteins (Oct4 and Mvh). Increasing of the exposure time of the 4 mT SMF (24 and 48 h) and treatment time with 25 ng/ml BMP4 (48 and 96 h) indicated a marked decrease in expression of pluripotency genes (Oct-4, Nanog and C-Myc) and Oct4 protein and increase in primordial germ cell-specific genes (Fragilis, Mvh and Stella) and Mvh protein compared with the control group. Final results showed that in a synergistic manner, the combination of SMF with BMP4 exaggerates the differentiation potential of BMSCs to PGCs by activating the MAPK pathway and altering the Ca2+ concentration.  相似文献   
Summary The maintenance of primary cultures of adult hamster pancreatic cells on layers of irradiated C3H/10T1/2 cells was studied. Various types of pancreatic cells, acinar, islet and ductular cells could be identified in the cultures by light and electron microscopy. Morphologically the various pancreatic cells retained many differentiated characteristics of their respective in vivo cell types. Insulin production was maintained at near Day 1 levels for the 16 d in culture for which it was measured. Colonies of epithelial cells continued to grow during a 20 d culture period. It is believed that this procedure for maintaining functional and growing pancreas cells in culture may be a useful in vitro model for studying the initiation of pancreatic carcinogenesis. Supported by Grant R01 CA 20022 and Contract N01 CP33278 from the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.  相似文献   
Spontaneously immortal pancreatic cell lines are not available. By use of a defined culture medium, such a line (TAKA-1) was established from the Syrian golden hamster. Cytological, cytogenetic, molecular biological, enzymatic and receptor patterns as well as antigenicity were studied and were compared with those of the normal hamster pancreatic ductal cells in vivo. TAKA-1 cells grew exponentially in a monolayer on collagen gel in a defined medium but did not proliferate in soft agar. Ultrastructurally, the cells closely resembled the normal hamster pancreatic ductal cells. Similarities and dissimilarities were found between the normal ductal cells and TAKA-1 cells. Similarities included the presence of cytokeratin, carbonic anhydrase and some tumor-associated antigens. However, unlike the normal ductal cells, TAKA-1 cells expressed blood group A angigen and anti-vimentin, showed affinity to selected lectins, and an abnormality of chromosome 3, which is suggested to be associated with immortality. Moreover, unlike the hamster pancreatic ductal cancer cells but like the normal hamster pancreatic ductal cells, TAKA-1 cells did not have a c-Ki-ras mutation. EGF, TGF- and secretin, but not CCK or GRP, bound to the TAKA-1 cells. TAKA-1 cells produced TGF-, and their growth was stimulated by exogenous EGF in serum-free medium. This cell line presents a suitable model for biologic and pathologic study of the hamster pancreatic ductal cells in vitro.  相似文献   
Intraguild predation of Orius majusculus (Reuter) (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) on Encarsia formosa (Gahan) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), both natural enemies of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae), was studied under laboratory conditions. The experiments quantified prey consumption by 5th instar nymphs and adults of O. majusculus offered unparasitised 3rd, early 4th or 4th instar B. tabaci nymphs or parasitised nymphs containing 2nd or 3rd larval instar or pupal parasitoids. In addition, prey preference of the two stages of O. majusculus for parasitised or unparasitised whitefly nymphs was studied using nine different prey combinations. Both predator stages readily preyed upon on both unparasitised and parasitised B. tabaci. In no-choice experiments, predation on 3rd instar E. formosa by adult predators was the highest, while predator nymphs preyed most on unparasitised 3rd instar B. tabaci and 2nd instar parasitoids. Predation of predator stages was lowest on 4th instar B. tabaci and E. formosa pupae. In all prey combinations, both stages of O. majusculus showed a significant preference for parasitised over unparasitised whitefly nymphs except for the combination of 5th instars of O. majusculus with early 4th instar whiteflies and E. formosa pupae. The results indicate that intraguild interactions between O. majusculus and E. formosa may have negative effects on biological control of B. tabaci.  相似文献   
In this study, we reported the effects of simultaneous application of static magnetic field (SMF) and cisplatin as an anticancer drug on the oxidative stress in human cervical cancer (HeLa) cell line and normal skin fibroblast cells (Hu02). The cells were exposed to different SMF intensities (7, 10, and 15 mT) for 24 and 48 h. IC50 concentrations of cisplatin were obtained by MTT assay. The cytotoxic effects of combined treatment were studied by measuring the intracellular reactive oxygen species content using flow cytometric method and estimation of membrane lipid peroxidation by spectrophotometry. Statistical analysis was assessed using one-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s test. Based on the obtained results, the highest and lowest death rate, respectively, in HeLa and Hu02 cell lines was observed at the intensity of 10 mT. Also, we found that membrane lipid peroxidation in cancer cells is higher than that of normal counterparts. SMF potently sensitized human cervical cancer cells to cisplatin through reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation while it had small effects on normal cells. The combination of both treatments for 48 h led to a marked decrease in the viability percentage of HeLa cells by about 89% compared to untreated cells. This study suggests that conjugation of both physical and chemical treatments could increase the oxidative stress in HeLa cell line and among three optional intensities of SMF, the intensity of 10 mT led to the higher damage to cancer cells in lower doses of drug.  相似文献   
It has been shown previously that the DNA deoxyribophosphodiesterase (dRpase) activity of Escherichia coli excises 2-deoxyribose 5-phosphate moieties at apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites in DNA following cleavage of the DNA at the AP site by an AP endonuclease such as endonuclease IV of E coli. A second class of enzymes that cleave DNA at AP sites by a beta-elimination mechanism, AP lyases, leave a different sugar-phosphate product remaining at the AP site, which has been identified as the compound trans-4-hydroxy-2-pentenal 5-phosphate. It is shown that dRpase removes this unsaturated sugar-phosphate group following cleavage of a poly(dA-dT) substrate containing AP sites by the action of the AP lyase endonuclease III of E. coli. The Km for the removal of trans-4-hydroxy-2-pentenal 5-phosphate is 0.06 microM; the Km for the removal of 2-deoxyribose 5-phosphate is 0.17 microM. It was verified that the sugar-phosphate product removed by dRpase from the endonuclease III-cleaved substrate was trans-4-hydroxy-2-pentenal 5-phosphate by conversion of the product to the compound cyclopentane-1,2-dione. The dRpase activity is unique in its ability to remove sugar-phosphate products after cleavage by both AP endonucleases and AP lyases.  相似文献   
Suspension-cultured hazel cells were ultrasonicated at power densities of 4 and 455 mW for 4–40 min. Both treatments stimulated the production of major taxanes: Taxol, 10-deacetylbaccatin, and baccatin III. The highest amounts of these taxanes (0.46, 0.26, and 0.07 mg/l, respectively) were obtained at 8 and 20 min of the treatment at 455 mW. Ultrasound had no adverse effects on cell viability, growth, or membrane integrity. Increased release of taxanes by ultrasound resulted not from increased membrane permeability but more likely from stimulation of taxanes biosynthesis.  相似文献   
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