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Cockroaches ( Periplaneta americana) orient their antennae toward moving objects based on visual cues. Presumably, this allows exploration of novel objects by the antennal flagellum. We used videographic and electrophysiological methods to determine if receptors on the flagellum are essential for triggering escape, or if they enable cockroaches to discriminate threatening from non-threatening objects that are encountered. When a flagellum was removed, and replaced with a plastic fiber, deflection of a "prosthetic flagellum" still activated the descending mechanosensory interneurons associated with escape and produced typical escape responses. However, escape was essentially eliminated by constraining the movement of the scape and pedicel at the antennal base. When cockroaches approached and briefly explored the surface of a spider or another cockroach with the flagellum, they produced escape significantly more often in response to subsequent controlled contact from a spider than from a cockroach. This discrimination did not depend on visual or wind-sensory input, but required flagellar palpation of the surface. The crucial sensory cues appear to involve texture rather than surface chemicals. These results indicate that cockroaches acquire basic information on stimulus identity during exploration of surfaces with flagellar receptors, but that basal receptors are triggers for escape behavior.  相似文献   
Unlike most marine teleosts, the coral reef-dwelling spiny damsel, Acanthochromis polyacanthus, lacks a pelagic larva dispersal phase and represents one of few examples of self recruitment onto a natal reef by a marine teleost immediately after hatching. Benthic eggs are protected by the parents, and upon hatching the young remain under parental care for several months. Visual morphogenesis of spiny damsel embryos and juveniles was examined to evaluate the potential visual capabilities of the young after emergence onto the reef. The optic primordia were visible in the embryo as hollow spheres of undifferentiated neuroblasts 2 days after fertilization (daf). Visual morphogenesis proceeded rapidly thereafter in the embryo such that at hatching (between 10 and 12daf) gross visual morphology was consistent with that reported in the majority of juvenile marine teleosts, reflecting direct development of the retina of the spiny damsel within the egg. At hatching, the outer nuclear layer comprised 2 classes of photoreceptors; cones and rods. Tangential sections of the retina revealed a square cone mosaic in which 4 double cones surrounded a single cone. This arrangement remained unchanged in all later life history intervals examined. Absolute eye size was large compared to larvae of marine pelagic spawners. Eye and lens diameters increased from 0.69 and 0.23mm, respectively, on the day of hatching (12daf), to 3.77 and 1.52mm, respectively, in a fish 131daf. Angular density of cones increased from 0.25 cones 10 visual arc–1 in an embryo 8daf, to 1.14 cones 10 visual arc–1 in a fish 131daf, demonstrating the potential for significant increase in spatial resolution with increasing eye size. Convergence ratios of cones to ganglion cells remained relatively constant from the time of hatching, suggesting that the determinate ganglion cell photopic receptive field was established early in development. The increase in the convergence ratios of rods: ganglion cells from 1.4 in the late stages of embryogenesis (10daf; 2 days prior to hatching) to 4.9 in a fish 103daf, demonstrated increasing scotopic ganglion cell receptive field size, with increasing age. This was a result of rod cell addition with growth. An increase in the angular density of rods from 0.18 rods 10 visual arc–1 in an embryo 8daf, to 4.07 rods 10 visual arc–1 in a fish 131daf, and the increase in mean scotopic light path-length from 13.3±1.1m in an embryo 8dpf, to 55±5.2m a fish 22dpf, collectively indicate the potential for increasing scotopic sensitivity during growth. On the basis of visual morphology it is predicted that newly hatched spiny damsel juveniles have substantially greater visual capabilities than first feeding larvae with a pelagic dispersal phase. In addition, we propose that the developmental trajectory of the spiny damsel is different from that of pelagic dispersing larvae and does not simply reflect displacement along a common developmental continuum by an extended embryonic duration.  相似文献   
Shoots of the halophyte Salicornia bigelovii are larger and more succulent when grown in highly saline environments. This increased growth and water uptake has been correlated with a large and specific cellular accumulation of sodium. In glycophytes, sensitivity to salt has been associated with an inability to remove sodium ions effectively from the cytoplasm in order to protect salt-sensitive metabolic processes. Therefore, in Salicornia bigelovii efficient vacuolar sequestration of sodium may be part of the mechanism underlying salt tolerance. The ability to compartmentalize sodium may result from a stimulation of the proton pumps that provide the driving force for increased sodium transport into the vacuole via a Na(+)/H(+) exchanger. In current studies, increased vacuolar pyrophosphatase activity (hydrolysis of inorganic pyrophosphate and proton translocation) and protein accumulation were observed in Salicornia bigelovii grown in high concentrations of NaCl. Based on sodium-induced dissipation of a pyrophosphate-dependent pH gradient in vacuolar membrane vesicles, a Na(+)/H(+) exchange activity was identified and characterized. This activity is sodium concentration-dependent, specific for sodium and lithium, sensitive to methyl-isobutyl amiloride, and independent of an electrical potential. Vacuolar Na(+)/H(+) exchange activity varied as a function of plant growth in salt. The affinity of the transporter for Na(+) is almost three times higher in plants grown in high levels of salt (K(m)=3.8 and 11.5 mM for plants grown in high and low salt, respectively) suggesting a role for exchange activity in the salt adaptation of Salicornia bigelovii.  相似文献   
Mucosal folding in biologic vessels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A two-layer model is used to simulate the mechanical behavior of an airway or other biological vessel under external compressive stress or smooth muscle constriction sufficient to cause longitudinal mucosal buckling. Analytic andfinite element numerical methods are used to examine the onset of buckling. Post-buckling solutions are obtained by finite element analysis, then verified with large-scale physical model experiments. The two-layer model provides insight into how the stiffness of a vessel wall changes due to changes in the geometry and intrinsic material stiffnesses of the wall components. Specifically, it predicts that the number of mucosal folds in the buckled state is diminished most by increased thickness of the inner collagen-rich layer, and relatively little by increased thickness of the outer submucosal layer. An increase in the ratio of the inner to outer material stiffnesses causes an intermediate reduction in the number of folds. Results are cast in a simple form that can easily be used to predict buckling in a variety of vessels. The model quantitatively confirms that an increase in the thickness of the inner layer leads to a reduction in the number of mucosal folds, and further, that this can lead to increased vessel collapse at high levels of smooth muscle constriction.  相似文献   
The myeloperoxidase (MPO)-derived oxidant hypochlorous acid (HOCl) plays a role in tissue injury under inflammatory conditions. The present study tests the hypothesis that HOCl decreases nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability in the vasculature of Sprague-Dawley rats. Aortic ring segments were pretreated with HOCl (1-50 microM) followed by extensive washing. Endothelium-dependent relaxation was then assessed by cumulative addition of acetylcholine (ACh) or the calcium ionophore A23187. HOCl treatment significantly impaired both ACh- and A23187-mediated relaxation. In contrast, endothelium-independent relaxation induced by sodium nitroprusside was unaffected. The inhibitory effect of HOCl on ACh-induced relaxation was reversed by exposure of ring segments to L-arginine but not D-arginine. In cellular studies, HOCl did not alter endothelial NO synthase (NOS III) protein or activity, but inhibited formation of the NO metabolites nitrate (NO3(-) and nitrite (NO2(-). The reduction in total NO metabolite production in bovine aortic endothelial cells was also reversed by addition of L-arginine. These data suggest that HOCl induces endothelial dysfunction via modification of L-arginine.  相似文献   
A seven-generation family with 30 members affected by highly variable autosomal dominant zonular pulverulent cataracts has been previously described. We have localized the cataracts to a 19-cM interval on chromosome 2q33-q35 including the gamma-crystallin gene cluster. Maximum lod scores are 4.56 (theta=0.02) with D2S157, 3.66 (theta=0.12) with D2S72, and 3.57 (theta=0.052) with CRYG. Sequencing and allele-specific oligonucleotide analysis of the pseudo gammaE-crystallin promoter region from individuals in the pedigree suggest that activation of the gammaE-crystallin pseudo gene is unlikely to cause the cataracts in the family. In addition, base changes in the TATA box but not the Sp1-binding site have been found in unaffected controls and can be excluded as a sole cause of cataracts. In order to investigate the underlying genetic mechanism of cataracts in this family further, exons of the highly expressed gammaC- and gammaD-crystallin genes have been sequenced. The gammaD-crystallin gene shows no abnormalities, but a 5-bp duplication within exon 2 of the gammaC-crystallin gene has been found in one allele of each affected family member and is absent from both unaffected family members and unaffected controls. This mutation disrupts the reading frame of the gammaC-crystallin coding sequence and is predicted to result in the synthesis of an unstable gammaC-crystallin with 38 amino acids of the first "Greek key" motif followed by 52 random amino acids. This finding suggests that the appropriate association of mutant betagamma-crystallins into oligomers is not necessary to cause cataracts and may give us new insights into the genetic mechanism of cataract formation.  相似文献   
Estimation of evolutionary distances from coding sequences must take into account protein-level selection to avoid relative underestimation of longer evolutionary distances. Current modeling of selection via site-to-site rate heterogeneity generally neglects another aspect of selection, namely position-specific amino acid frequencies. These frequencies determine the maximum dissimilarity expected for highly diverged but functionally and structurally conserved sequences, and hence are crucial for estimating long distances. We introduce a codon- level model of coding sequence evolution in which position-specific amino acid frequencies are free parameters. In our implementation, these are estimated from an alignment using methods described previously. We use simulations to demonstrate the importance and feasibility of modeling such behavior; our model produces linear distance estimates over a wide range of distances, while several alternative models underestimate long distances relative to short distances. Site-to-site differences in rates, as well as synonymous/nonsynonymous and first/second/third-codon-position differences, arise as a natural consequence of the site-to-site differences in amino acid frequencies.   相似文献   
A multicolour tandem-labelling fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) procedure was used to detect chromosome alterations in peripheral blood cells of a group of Estonian petrochemistry workers. Twelve workers employed in benzene production and five cokery workers, together with eight unexposed rural controls, were enrolled in the study. The methodology employed, based on the in situ hybridization of adjacent centromeric and pericentromeric regions, allowed the simultaneous detection of both chromosome breakage, involving damage-prone pericentromeric regions, and hyperploidy in interphase cells. Blood smears from all subjects were hybridized with chromosome 1 specific probes, in order to detect genotoxic damage in circulating lymphocytes and granulocytes. Moreover, lymphocyte cultures were established, harvested 48 h following mitogen stimulation and hybridized with the tandem chromosomes 1 and 9 probes. No significant difference in the incidence of breakage was detected in the nucleated cells of blood smears of exposed vs. control subjects. In contrast, modest but significantly increased frequencies of breakage affecting both chromosomes 1 and 9 were observed in the cultured lymphocytes of the benzene-exposed workers compared to the unexposed controls, suggesting an expression of premutagenic lesions during the S-phase in vitro. Across the entire study group, the frequencies of breakage affecting chromosomes 1 and 9 in the stimulated lymphocytes were highly intercorrelated (p < 0.001). No significant difference was found in the incidence of hyperploidy among the study groups, although a tendency to higher values was observed in benzene-exposed workers. Although the relatively small size of the study groups does not allow firm conclusions on the role of occupational exposure, the observed patterns are suggestive of effects in the benzene-exposed workers. This work also shows that tandem labelling FISH can be usefully applied in human biomonitoring, allowing the simultaneous detection of both hyperploidy and chromosome breakage at interphase in different cell types.  相似文献   
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