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Evidence for a locus (EJM1) in the HLA region of chromosome 6p predisposing to idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE) in the families of patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) has been obtained in two previous studies of separately ascertained groups of kindreds. Linkage analysis has been undertaken in a third set of 25 families including a patient with JME and at least one first-degree relative with IGE. Family members were typed for eight polymorphic loci on chromosome 6p: F13A, D6S89, D6S109, D6S105, D6S10, C4B, DQA1/A2, and TCTE1. Pairwise and multipoint linkage analysis was carried out assuming autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive inheritance and age-dependent high or low penetrance. No significant evidence in favor of linkage was obtained at any locus. Multipoint linkage analysis generated significant exclusion data (lod score < -2.0) at HLA and for a region 10-30 cM telomeric to HLA, the extent of which varied with the level of penetrance assumed. These observations indicate that genetic heterogeneity exists within this epilepsy phenotype.  相似文献   
Parker  A. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,260(1):583-588
Carrageenan characterisation by chemical means is long and complex. 13C NMR is undoubtedly the technique providing the most information, but the apparatus is expensive and measurement times are long. For several important problems in carrageenan characterisation, rheological methods provide quantitative information, comparable, for practical purposes, with that obtained by NMR. In particular, the apparent elastic modulus (Gapp) is followed as a function of temperature, during cooling.Small amounts of kappa carrageenan in supposedly pure samples of the iota form have a great impact on the rheology and apparent ion selectivity of the latter. Using the elasticity/temperature relationship, as little as 2% of the kappa form can be detected in samples of iota carrageenan.The fraction of precursor sugars is another important parameter in the gelling of carrageenans. The form of the elasticity/temperature function is strongly dependent on the fraction of precursor sugars.Finally, it is shown that the elasticity/temperature relationship can provide a useful fingerprint of heterogeneous carrageenans.  相似文献   
Monogamy in black vultures: genetic evidence from DNA fingerprinting   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Recent research has indicated that avian mating systems maycommonly deviate from monogamy due to extrapair fertilizations(EPFs). Because the majority of avian species have long beenconsidered monogamous, accurate measurement of the frequencyof EPFs in a variety of species is important to enhance understandingof the evolution of avian mating systems. We used DNA fingerprintingto investigate the apparently monogamous mating system of blackvultures (Coragyps airaius) by assaying parentage within severalnuclear families. Monogamy is suggested in black vultures becausemated pairs exhibit long-term pair bonding and year-round association,and share incubation and nestling feeding duties equally. Thirtytwobreeders and 36 nestlings representing 16 complete nuclear familieswere tagged for individual identification and sampled for DNAanalysis using 2 restriction enzymes and 3 probes for hypervariableregions. Putative parents were assigned parentage in all cases.We empirically examined the probability of detecting EPFs bycomparing nestlings' fingerprints to those of a putative parentand another randomly chosen adult. All putative parents couldbe assigned with 95%confidence and all outside adults couldbe similarly excluded. There is therefore no evidence for successfulEPFs in this population, indicating a mating system that doesnot deviate from strict monogamy. The complex social behaviorof black vultures may eliminate the opportunity for EPFs dueto the prohibition of copulations in the presence of relatives.  相似文献   
Aerolysin is one of a large group of bacterial proteins that can kill target cells by forming discrete channels in their plasma membranes. The toxin has many properties in common with the porins of the Gram-negative bacterial outer membrane, including an extensive amount of β-structure, a high proportion of hydrophilic amino acid side-chains and no hydrophobic stretches in the primary structure. It also oligomerizes to produce an insertion-competent state. Aerolysin is secreted as a dimer by members of the Aeromonas family. It binds to a high-affinity receptor on the target cell that has recently been shown to be a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored glycoprotein. Binding is followed by heptamerization to form a structure that we propose contains a β-barrel which can insert into the membrane and produce a channel.  相似文献   
The antibiotic-resistance transposon Tn4555 from Bacteroides can be transferred between strains by conjugation. The transposon is not self-transmissible and must be mobilized by resident chromosomal tetracy-cline-resistance elements. In the present report, the mechanism of transfer was examined at the genetic level by deletion analysis and nucleotide sequencing of clones that conferred a transmissible phenotype on a non-mobilizable plasmid. The results suggested that the product of mobATn was required for mobilization and it worked in concert with a cis-acting oriT-like sequence. This mechanism was compared with the mobilization system of a cryptic Bacteroides plasmid, pBl143, and the two systems were found to share a common transfer strategy. The mobA gene products from both genetic elements were related and they had limited homology to the broad group of mobilization proteins (relaxases) typified by Tral of RP4. Phylogenetic analysis of MobA and several other mobilization proteins from commensal gastrointestinal tract organisms suggested that they formed a new subgroup of the Tral superfamily. The mobilization regions of both Tn4555 and pBl143 were located on discrete segments of DNA within the parent genetic element. These segments were delineated by regions of secondary structure, suggesting that they could be defined mobilization cassettes.  相似文献   
We have examined the possibility that pectin solubilization and cell separation in fruit may be due to organic acids disrupting calcium bridges between pectic polysaccharides. With fruit from a wild tomato (Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium [Dunal]) we demonstrated the validity of a nonaqueous fractionation method to obtain reliable estimates of the ionic content of the apoplast. In unripe fruit no organic acids were associated with the cell wall, which contained 67% of the total calcium and 47% of the magnesium. In ripe fruit 4% of the malate, 10% of the citrate, and 15% of the oxalate were estimated to be in the cell wall, together with 84% of the calcium and 52% of the magnesium. In contrast to the cultivated tomato, we did not find a consistent decrease in the degree of methyl esterification between unripe and ripe fruit, and an overall average of 75% was observed. In the cell walls of ripe fruit the ratio of calcium:magnesium:organic acid:unesterified uronic acid, on the basis of charge, was 15:4:4:16. The use of a computer program to predict the proportions of different ionic species in complex mixtures suggested that in ripe fruit 70% of the unesterified uronic acid would be complexed with calcium. Our results show that organic acids do not accumulate in the cell wall sufficiently to disrupt calcium cross-linking, nor is the calcium removed from the wall into the cell. We therefore conclude that organic acids do not contribute to cell separation during the ripening of tomato fruit.  相似文献   
Recently, it has been reported that IL-4 production by murine Th2 cell lines is insensitive to inhibition by E-type prostaglandins. In the present study, IL-4 production in vitro by freshly isolated concanavalin A (Con A)-stimulated murine spleen cells was readily suppressed by PGE2 with an I50 of 2 nM. Comparable suppression by PGE2 was seen after priming by anti-CD3? antibody instead of Con A or with other changes in the culture conditions. PGE2 was an effective inhibitor after elimination of Ly2.2+ T cells, consistent with a direct effect on Th2 cells. In the absence of added prostaglandins, IL-4 production was enhanced 1.5- to 7.0-fold by 0.2–2.0 μM indomethacin, indicating that endogenous arachidonate metabolites such as PGE2 and PGI2 regulate IL-4 production in our usual culture system. The inhibition of Th2 cell secretion by PGE2in vitro may have physiologic and pharmacologic implications for the regulation of Th2 cell function and IgE production in vivo.  相似文献   
The B chromosome of Crepis capillaris was isolated from the standard chromosomes by microdissection, and the chromosomal DNA amplified using the degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction (DOP-PCR). The PCR product was cloned and a Bspecific library created and characterised. Southern and in situ hybridisation analyses of the DOP-PCR product from microdissected B chromosomes confirmed that the B chromosome is composed mainly of sequences also present in the A chromosomes but lacks the main repeated DNA families located in the A-chromosomal heterochromatin. From 100 clones analysed, 12% of the generated B-chromosomal library was shown to be composed of dispersed repeats located in both the A and B chromosomes. No B-specific repeated sequence was detected. One of the most abundant repeated DNAs within the library, the family B134, was further characterised. Repeating units show a sequence similarity range from 69% to 90% and are characterised by their richness in (CA)n repeats. In situ hybridisation revealed that members of this family are dispersed throughout the A and B chromosomes but are more concentrated in the pericentromeric heterochromatin of the B, indicating that the molecular organization of B heterochromatin is different from that of the A chromosomes. Compared with the A chromosomes, the Bs contain about 20,000 copies per micron more of the B134 sequence. This indicates that B134 was amplified on the B chromosome after its origin. The B134 sequences in the B chromosomes have also diverged from those on the A chromosomes. Although the DNA composition of A and B chromosomes is similar, Bs are evolving separately from A chromosomes at the molecular level.  相似文献   
Decompression comparison of helium and hydrogen in rats   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lillo, R. S., E. C. Parker, and W. R. Porter.Decompression comparison of helium and hydrogen in rats.J. Appl. Physiol. 82(3): 892-901, 1997.The hypothesis that there are differences in decompression riskbetween He and H2 wasexamined in 1,607 unanesthetized male albino rats subjected to dives on2% O2-balance He or 2%O2-balanceH2 (depths  50 ATA, bottom times  60 min). The animals were decompressed to 10.8 ATA with profilesvarying from rapid to slow, with up to four decompression stops of up to 60 min each. Maximum likelihood analysis was used to estimate therelative decompression risk on a per unit pressure basis (termed "potency") and the rate of gas uptake and elimination, bothfactors affecting the decompression sickness risk, from a specific dive profile. H2 potency for causingdecompression sickness was found to be up to 35% greater than that forHe. Uptake rates were unresolvable between the two gases with the timeconstant (TC) estimated at ~2-3 min, leading to saturation inboth cases in <15 min. Washout of both gases was significantly slowerthan uptake, with He washout (TC ~1.5-3 h) substantially slowerthan H2 washout (TC ~0.5 h). Itis unknown whether the decompression advantage of the faster washout ofH2 or the disadvantage of itsincreased potency, observed in the rat, would be important for humandiving.

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