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Summary Genes for the major storage protein of potato, patatin, have been mapped genetically and physically in both the potato and tomato genomes. In potato, all patatin genes detected by the cDNA clone pGM01 map to a single locus at the end of the long arm of chromosome 8. By means of pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) it was possible further to delimit this locus, containing 10–15 copies of the gene, to a maximum size of 1.4 million base pairs. Hybridizations with class-specific clones suggest that the locus is at least partially divided into domains containing the two major types of patatin genes, class I and II. In tomato, patatin-homologous sequences were found to reside at the orthologous locus at the end of chromosome 8. The approximately three copies in tomato were localized by PFGE to a single fragment of 300 kilobases. Whereas the class II-specific 5 promoter sequences reside in tomato at the same locus as the coding sequences, the single class I-specific copy of the 5 promoter sequences was localized on chromosome 3 with no coding sequence attached to it. A clone from this chromosome 3 locus of tomato was isolated and by restriction fragment length polymorphism mapping it could be further shown that a similar class I-specific sequence also exists on chromosome 3 of potato. As in tomato, this copy on chromosome 3 is not linked to a coding sequence for patatin. The results are discussed with respect to genome evolution and PFGE analysis of complex gene families.  相似文献   
A single-stage two-flap method of total ear reconstruction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A single-stage two-flap method of total ear reconstruction in congenital microtia is reported. This method was derived from the one-stage reconstruction described by Song and Song. Two flaps defined by vascular basis were elevated on the mastoid area: the superficial skin flap supplied mainly by subcutaneous pedicled arteriole perforators from the posterior auricular artery and the deeper axial-pattern fascial flap including the posterior auricular artery itself. The ear framework, exaggeratedly carved using autologous rib cartilage, could be inserted easily between the two flaps, simultaneously producing the auriculocephalic angle and the conchal wall. Intraoperative expansion of the skin flap and postoperative external ear molding also were performed to create aesthetically pleasing ears.  相似文献   
The oxygenated-metabolite profiles of exogenous 17 beta-oestradiol (E2) in adult male and female Wistar rats have been characterized and major sex-dependent biotransformations observed which correlate with the regioselectivities of known sexually differentiated hepatic P450. [6,7-3H]E2 (27 micrograms/kg) was given i.v. The metabolites of E2 were rapidly and extensively excreted in bile (46 and 78% of the dose over 1 and 6 h, respectively). Female rats metabolized E2 by one major pathway: oxidation to oestrone (E1) followed by C-2 hydroxylation and O-methylation; the principal aglycones (0-1 h bile collections) were E1 (14%), 2-hydroxyE1 (2-OHE1) (42%) and 2-methoxyE1 (24%). Male rats metabolized E2 principally by two parallel composite pathways of E1 hydroxylation which yielded a complex mixture of mono- and di-oxygenated compounds: 15 alpha-OHE1 (33%), 2,15 alpha-diOHE1 (7%), and 2-methoxy-15 alpha OHE1 (14%); 16 alpha-OHE1 (13%), 2,16 alpha-diOHE1 (4%) and 2-methoxy-16 alpha-OHE1 (2%). 15 alpha-Hydroxylation was unique to males. The balance of aromatic and alkyl hydroxylation in males was dose-dependent: at 3 mg/kg, 15 alpha-hydroxylation was decreased approx. 50% in favour of 2-hydroxylation whilst 16 alpha-hydroxylation was largely unaffected. The male-specific 15 alpha-hydroxylation and male-predominant 16 alpha-hydroxylation of E1 derived from E2 in vivo may be ascribable to the male-specific isoforms P450IIC13 and P450IIC11, respectively.  相似文献   
The three-dimensional solution-state structure is reported for the zinc-substituted form of rubredoxin (Rd) from the marine hyperthermophilic archaebacterium Pyrococcus furiosus, an organism that grows optimally at 100 degrees C. Structures were generated with DSPACE by a hybrid distance geometry (DG)-based simulated annealing (SA) approach that employed 403 nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE)-derived interproton distance restraints, including 67 interresidue, 124 sequential (i-j = 1), 75 medium-range (i-j = 2-5), and 137 long-range (i-j > 5) restraints. All lower interproton distance bounds were set at the sum of the van Der Waals radii (1.8 A), and upper bounds of 2.7 A, 3.3 A, and 5.0 A were employed to represent qualitatively observed strong, medium, and weak NOE cross peak intensities, respectively. Twenty-three backbone-backbone, six backbone-sulfur (Cys), two backbone-side chain, and two side chain-side chain hydrogen bond restraints were include for structure refinement, yielding a total of 436 nonbonded restraints, which averages to > 16 restraints per residue. A total of 10 structures generated from random atom positions and 30 structures generated by molecular replacement using the backbone coordinates of Clostridium pasteurianum Rd converged to a common conformation, with the average penalty (= sum of the square of the distance bounds violations; +/- standard deviation) of 0.024 +/- 0.003 A2 and a maximum total penalty of 0.035 A2. Superposition of the backbone atoms (C, C alpha, N) of residues A1-L51 for all 40 structures afforded an average pairwise root mean square (rms) deviation value (+/- SD) of 0.42 +/- 0.07 A. Superposition of all heavy atoms for residues A1-L51, including those of structurally undefined external side chains, afforded an average pairwise rms deviation of 0.72 +/- 0.08 A. Qualitative comparison of back-calculated and experimental two-dimensional NOESY spectra indicate that the DG/SA structures are consistent with the experimental spectra. The global folding of P. furiosus Zn(Rd) is remarkably similar to the folding observed by X-ray crystallography for native Rd from the mesophilic organism C. pasteurianum, with the average rms deviation value for backbone atoms of residues A1-L51 of P. furiosus Zn(Rd) superposed with respect to residues K2-V52 of C. pasteurianum Rd of 0.77 +/- 0.06 A. The conformations of aromatic residues that compose the hydrophobic cores of the two proteins are also similar. However, P. furiosus Rd contains several unique structural elements, including at least four additional hydrogen bonds and three potential electrostatic interactions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
The structures of the oxidized and reduced forms of the rubredoxin from the archaebacterium, Pyrococcus furiosus, an organism that grows optimally at 100 degrees C, have been determined by X-ray crystallography to a resolution of 1.8 A. Crystals of this rubredoxin grow in space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with room temperature cell dimensions a = 34.6 A, b = 35.5 A, and c = 44.4 A. Initial phases were determined by the method of molecular replacement using the oxidized form of the rubredoxin from the mesophilic eubacterium, Clostridium pasteurianum, as a starting model. The oxidized and reduced models of P. furiosus rubredoxin each contain 414 nonhydrogen protein atoms comprising 53 residues. The model of the oxidized form contains 61 solvent H2O oxygen atoms and has been refined with X-PLOR and TNT to a final R = 0.178 with root mean square (rms) deviations from ideality in bond distances and bond angles of 0.014 A and 2.06 degrees, respectively. The model of the reduced form contains 37 solvent H2O oxygen atoms and has been refined to R = 0.193 with rms deviations from ideality in bond lengths of 0.012 A and in bond angles of 1.95 degrees. The overall structure of P. furiosus rubredoxin is similar to the structures of mesophilic rubredoxins, with the exception of a more extensive hydrogen-bonding network in the beta-sheet region and multiple electrostatic interactions (salt bridge, hydrogen bonds) of the Glu 14 side chain with groups on three other residues (the amino-terminal nitrogen of Ala 1; the indole nitrogen of Trp 3; and the amide nitrogen group of Phe 29). The influence of these and other features upon the thermostability of the P. furiosus protein is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary From the anoxic zone of an oil shale leachate column three pyridine-degrading bacterial strains were isolated. Two strains were Gram-negative facultative anaerobic rods and one strain was a branched Gram-positive bacterium. The branched Gram-positive strain had the best pyridine-degrading ability. This organism was aerobic, non-motile, catalase positive, oxidase negative, and had no flagellum. The G+C content of the DNA was 66.5 mol%. The major menaquinone was MK-8(H2). The main cellular fatty acids were saturated and monounsaturated straight chains. This organism contained mycolic acid, meso-diaminopimelic acid, arabinogalactan and glycolyl residues in the cell wall. Due to morphological, physiological and chemotaxonomic characteristics this strain was placed in the genus Rhodococcus. The optimum culture conditions were as follows: temperature 32° C, pH 8.0 and 0.1% v/v of pyridine as sole carbon, energy and nitrogen source. Utilization of pyridine by a batch fermentor culture of Rhodococcus sp. was characterized by a specific growth rate of 0.13 h–1, growth yield of 0.61 mg cell·mg pyridine–1 and a doubling time of 5.3 h–1. Offprint requests to: S.-T. Lee  相似文献   
Mitochondrial DNA polymorphism among five Asian populations   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphisms were detected using 13 restriction enzymes on the total DNA obtained from blood samples of five Asian populations: Japanese and Ainu of northern Japan, Korean, Negrito (Aeta) of the Philippines, and Vedda of Sri Lanka. Of a total of 28 restriction-enzyme morphs detected, eight had not been reported previously. By combining the morphs, we were able to classify mtDNAs of 243 individuals into 20 mtDNA types. Phylogenetic analyses using maximum parsimony and genetic distance methods both showed that the Japanese, Ainu, and Korean populations were closely related to each other. Aeta was found to show a relatively close relationship to these three populations, confirming the conclusion from previous studies of blood markers. In contrast, Vedda was quite different from the other four populations.  相似文献   
Salmonella typhimurium mutants lacking NAD pyrophosphatase.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
NAD can serve as both a purine and a pyridine source for Salmonella typhimurium. Exogenous NAD is rapidly broken down into nicotinamide mononucleotide and AMP by an NAD pyrophosphatase, the first step in the pathway for the assimilation of exogenous NAD. We isolated and characterized mutants of S. typhimurium lacking NAD pyrophosphatase activity; such mutants were identified by their failure to use exogenous NAD as a purine source. These mutants carry mutations that map at a new locus, designated pnuE, between 86 and 87 min on the Salmonella chromosome.  相似文献   
The induction of liver microsomal monooxygenase activities elicited by pyrazole, ethanol, and acetone, all shown to be inducers of rat P450j and rabbit P450LM3a, has been compared in inbred strains of DBA/2N, AKR/J, and Balb/c mouse. Pyrazole strongly increases coumarin 7-hydroxylase (COH) activity in DBA/2N but much less in other strains. The effect of pyrazole on aniline p-hydroxylase and ethanol oxidase activities is also strain dependent: an increase was seen only in the DBA/2N strain. Ethanol and acetone were unable to induce COH, whereas aniline p-hydroxylase and ethanol oxidase were elevated about 1.4- to 3.3-fold in all strains. No strain difference could be detected in aniline p-hydroxylase or ethanol oxidase inducibility. There was a strong correlation between aniline p-hydroxylase and ethanol oxidase activities in every strain, whereas no positive correlation could be found between COH and aniline p-hydroxylase activities. Immunoinhibition experiments showed that a polyclonal antibody against purified pyrazole-inducible COH (P450Coh) blocked about 90% of COH activity, but only about 10% of aniline p-hydroxylase or ethanol oxidase in mouse liver microsomes. Monoclonal antibody 1-91-3 (raised against rat acetone-inducible P450ac) did not inhibit COH, whereas aniline p-hydroxylase was blocked 46-76% and ethanol oxidase 25-70%, depending on the source of microsomes. In immunoblots, anti-P450Coh recognized only its own antigen but not the P450ac, whereas monoclonal antibody 1-98-1 against P450ac detected P450ac and a corresponding form in the D2 mouse liver, but not the P450Coh. The purified P450ac and P450Coh had molecular masses of 52 and 50 kDa, respectively, on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. These antigens were expressed differentially in response to pyrazole, ethanol, and acetone: P450Coh was increased only after pyrazole treatment, but 1-98-1-detectable protein was elevated in D2 mouse liver microsomes by ethanol and acetone, but not by pyrazole. We conclude that mouse P450Coh and rat P450ac are not corresponding forms of the same isozyme, and that a P450ac-like protein, responsible for most of aniline p-hydroxylation and ethanol oxidation, is present in the D2 mouse liver. These two P450 isozymes are also dissimilarly expressed in the mouse liver in response to inducer administration.  相似文献   
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