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Root-knot nematodes (RKN) are the most serious plant parasitic nematodes having a broad host range exceeding 2,000 plant species. Quercus brantii Lindl. and Q. infectoria Oliv are the most important woody species of Zagros forests in west of Iran where favors sub-Mediterranean climate. National Botanical Garden of Iran (NBGI) is scheduled to be the basic center for research and education of botany in Iran. This garden, located in west of Tehran, was established in 1968 with an area of about 150 ha at altitude of 1,320 m. The Zagros collection has about 3-ha area and it has been designed for showing a small pattern of natural Zagros forests in west of Iran. Brant’s oak (Q. brantii) and oak manna tree (Q. infectoria) are the main woody species in Zagros collection, which have been planted in 1989. A nematological survey on Zagros forest collection in NBGI revealed heavily infection of 24-yr-old Q. brantii and Q. infectoria to RKN, Meloidogyne hapla. The roots contained prominent galls along with egg sac on the surface of each gall. The galls were relatively small and in some parts of root several galls were conjugated, and all galls contained large transparent egg masses. The identification of M. hapla was confirmed by morphological and morphometric characters and amplification of D2-D3 expansion segments of 28S rRNA gene. The obtained sequences of large-subunit rRNA gene from M. hapla was submitted to the GenBank database under the accession number KP319025. The sequence was compared with those of M. hapla deposited in GenBank using the BLAST homology search program and showed 99% similarity with those KJ755183, GQ130139, DQ328685, and KJ645428. The second stage juveniles of M. hapla isolated from Brant’s oak (Q. Brantii) showed the following morphometric characters: (n = 12), L = 394 ± 39.3 (348 to 450) µm; a = 30.9 ± 4 (24.4 to 37.6); b = 4.6 ± 0.44 (4 to 5.1); b΄ = 3.3 ± 0.3 (2.7 to 3.7), c = 8.0 ± 1 (6.2 to 10.3), ć = 5.3 ± 0.8 (3.5 to 6.3); Stylet = 12.1 ± 0.8 (11 to 13) µm; Tail = 50 ± 5.6 (42 to 57) µm; Hyaline 15 ± 1.8 (12 to 18) µm. Oak manna, Q. infectoria population of second stage juveniles clearly possessed short body length and consequently other morphometric features were less than those determined for Q. brantii population, and these features were: (n = 12), L = 359.0 ± 17.3 (319 to 372) µm; a = 28.6 ± 3 (22.8 to 31); b = 5.0 ± 0.3 (4.8 to 5.2); b΄ = 3.3 ± 0.2 (3 to 3.6), c = 8.1 ± 0.5 (7.4 to 8.8), ć = 4.7 ± 0.5 (3.9 to 5.2); Stylet = 11.4 ± 0.7 (10 to 12) µm; Tail = 44 ± 1.8 (42 to 47) µm; Hyaline 12 ± 1.7 (10 to 15) µm. To date two species of Meloidogyne, M. querciana Golden, 1979 and M. christiei Golden and Kaplan, 1986 have been reported to parasitize oaks (Quercus spp.) from the United States of America. M. querciana was found on pin oak Quercus palustris in Virginia. The oak RKN infected pine oak, red oak, and American chestnut heavily in greenhouse tests (Golden, 1979). The other species M. christiei was described from turkey oak and Q. laevis in Florida, which has monospecific host range (Golden and Kaplan, 1986). Both of these RKN species seem to be restricted to the United States of America and have not been reported from other place. According to our knowledge this is the first report of occurrence of M. hapla on Q. brantii and Q. infectoria in the world. This study includes these two oak species to the host range of RKN, M. hapla for the world and expands the information of RKN, M. hapla host ranges on oaks.  相似文献   
Bioremediation of toxic metals by magnetotactic bacteria and magnetic separation of metal-loaded magnetotactic bacteria are of great interest. This bioprocess technique is rapid, efficient, economical, and environmentally friendly. In this study, cobalt removal potential of a novel isolated magnetotactic bacterium (Alphaproteobacterium MTB-KTN90) as a new biosorbent was investigated. The effects of various environmental parameters in the cobalt removal and the technique of magnetic separation of cobalt-loaded bacterial cells were studied. Cobalt removal by MTB-KTN90 was very sensitive to pH solution; higher biosorption capacity was observed around pH 6.5–7.0. When biomass concentration increased from 0.009 to 0.09 g/l, the biosorption efficiency increased from 13.87 % to 19.22 %. The sorption of cobalt by MTB-KTN90 was rapid during the first 15 min (859.17 mg/g dry weight). With the increasing of cobalt concentrations from 1 to 225 mg/l, the specific cobalt uptake increased. Maximum cobalt removal (1160.51 ± 15.42 mg/g dry weight) took place at optimum conditions; pH 7.0 with initial cobalt concentration of 115 mg/l at 60 min by 0.015 g/l of dry biomass. The results showed maximum values for constants of Langmuir and Freundlich models so far. The biosorption mechanisms were studied with FTIR, PIXE, and FESEM analysis. Cobalt-loaded MTB-KTN90 had ability to separate from solution by a simple magnetic separator. Magnetic response in MTB-KTN90 is due to the presence of unique intracellular magnetic nanoparticles (magnetosomes). The orientation magnetic separation results indicated that 88.55 % of cobalt was removed from solution. Consequently, Alphaproteobacterium MTB-KTN90 as a new biosorbent opens up good opportunities for the magnetic removal of cobalt from the polluted aquatic environments.  相似文献   
The interaction between bovin β-Lactoglobulin (β-LG) and retinol at two different pH values was investigated by multispectroscopic, zeta potential, molecular modeling, and conductometry measurements. The steady state and polarization fluorescence spectroscopy revealed that complex formation at two different pH values could occur through a remarkable static quenching. According to fluorescence quenching, one set of binding site at pH 2 and two sets of binding sites at pH 7 were introduced for binding of retinol to β-LG that show the enhancement of saturation score of β-LG to retinol in dimmer condition. The polarization fluorescence analysis represented that there is more affinity between β-LG and retinol at pH 7 rather than at pH 2. The effect of retinol on β-LG was studied by UV-visible, circular dichroism (CD), and synchronous fluorescence, which indicated that retinol induced more structural changes on β-LG at pH 7. β-LG–retinol complex formation at two different pH values was recorded via applying resonance light scattering (RLS) and zeta potential. Conductometry and RLS showed two different behaviors of interaction between β-LG and retinol at two different pH values; therefore, dimmer formation played important roles in different behaviors of interaction between β-LG and retinol. The zeta potential was the implied combination of electrostatic and hydrophobic forces which are involved in β-LG–retinol complex at two different pH values, and the hydrophobic interactions play a dominant role in complex formation. Molecular modeling was approved by all experimental results. The acquired results suggested that monomer and dimmer states of β-LG can be induced by retinol with different behaviors.  相似文献   
Contamination of soils with copper (Cu) has become a serious problem in the environment. Phytoremediation is an emerging green technology that uses green plants to remediate heavy metal contaminated areas. This study was conducted to evaluate the potential of Jatropha curcas for remediation of soils contaminated with Cu. Seedlings were planted in soils spiked with Cu in amount of 0, 50, 100, 200, 300, and 400 mg kg–1 (Cu0, Cu50,Cu100,Cu200,Cu300, and Cu400) for a period of five months. The maximum height and number of leaves were recorded in control (Cu0) whereas the highest basal stem diameter was found in seedlings exposed to Cu50. Copper concentrations among plant parts were in the following trend: roots > stems > leaves. The highest total Cu concentration (665 ± 1 mg kg?1) and total Cu removal (1.2 ± 0.2%) based on total plant dry biomass were found in Cu400 and Cu50 treatments, respectively. J. curcas exhibited high root concentration factor (RCF > 1) and low translocation factor (TF < 1). Although Cu accumulation by the plant didn't reach the criteria of Cu hyperaccumulators, this species showed a potential to be used in phytostabilization of mildly Cu contaminated areas. However, the plant cannot be used for phytoextraction of Cu-contaminated soils.  相似文献   
Chondrocytes dedifferentiate during ex vivo expansion on 2-dimensional surfaces. Aggregation of the expanded cells into 3-dimensional pellets, in the presence of induction factors, facilitates their redifferentiation and restoration of the chondrogenic phenotype. Typically 1×105–5×105 chondrocytes are aggregated, resulting in “macro” pellets having diameters ranging from 1–2 mm. These macropellets are commonly used to study redifferentiation, and recently macropellets of autologous chondrocytes have been implanted directly into articular cartilage defects to facilitate their repair. However, diffusion of metabolites over the 1–2 mm pellet length-scales is inefficient, resulting in radial tissue heterogeneity. Herein we demonstrate that the aggregation of 2×105 human chondrocytes into micropellets of 166 cells each, rather than into larger single macropellets, enhances chondrogenic redifferentiation. In this study, we describe the development of a cost effective fabrication strategy to manufacture a microwell surface for the large-scale production of micropellets. The thousands of micropellets were manufactured using the microwell platform, which is an array of 360×360 µm microwells cast into polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), that has been surface modified with an electrostatic multilayer of hyaluronic acid and chitosan to enhance micropellet formation. Such surface modification was essential to prevent chondrocyte spreading on the PDMS. Sulfated glycosaminoglycan (sGAG) production and collagen II gene expression in chondrocyte micropellets increased significantly relative to macropellet controls, and redifferentiation was enhanced in both macro and micropellets with the provision of a hypoxic atmosphere (2% O2). Once micropellet formation had been optimized, we demonstrated that micropellets could be assembled into larger cartilage tissues. Our results indicate that micropellet amalgamation efficiency is inversely related to the time cultured as discreet microtissues. In summary, we describe a micropellet production platform that represents an efficient tool for studying chondrocyte redifferentiation and demonstrate that the micropellets could be assembled into larger tissues, potentially useful in cartilage defect repair.  相似文献   
Angiogenesis is a complex process that involves the expansion of the pre-existing vascular plexus to enhance oxygen and nutrient delivery and is stimulated by various factors, including hypoxia. Since the process of angiogenesis requires a lot of energy, mitochondria play an important role in regulating and promoting this phenomenon. Besides their roles as an oxidative metabolism base, mitochondria are potential bioenergetics organelles to maintain cellular homeostasis via sensing alteration in oxygen levels. Under hypoxic conditions, mitochondria can regulate angiogenesis through different factors. It has been indicated that unidirectional and bidirectional exchange of mitochondria or their related byproducts between the cells is orchestrated via different intercellular mechanisms such as tunneling nanotubes, extracellular vesicles, and gap junctions to maintain the cell homeostasis. Even though, the transfer of mitochondria is one possible mechanism by which cells can promote and regulate the process of angiogenesis under reperfusion/ischemia injury. Despite the existence of a close relationship between mitochondrial donation and angiogenic response in different cell types, the precise molecular mechanisms associated with this phenomenon remain unclear. Here, we aimed to highlight the possible role of mitochondria concerning angiogenesis, especially the role of mitochondrial transport and the possible relation of this transfer with autophagy, the housekeeping phenomenon of cells, and angiogenesis.  相似文献   
Although some important features of genetically modified (GM) crops such as insect resistance, herbicide tolerance, and drought tolerance might seem to be beneficial for small-scale farmers, the adoption of GM technology by smallholders is still slight. Identifying pros and cons of using this technology is important to understand the impacts of GM crops on these farmers. This article reviews the main opportunities and challenges of GM crops for small-scale farmers in developing countries. The most significant advantages of GM crops include being independent to farm size, environment protection, improvement of occupational health issues, and the potential of bio-fortified crops to reduce malnutrition. Challenges faced by small-scale farmers for adoption of GM crops comprise availability and accessibility of GM crop seeds, seed dissemination and price, and the lack of adequate information. In addition, R&D and production costs in using GM crops make it difficult for these farmers to adopt the use of these crops. Moreover, intellectual property right regulations may deprive resource poor farmers from the advantages of GM technology. Finally, concerns on socio-economic and environment safety issues are also addressed in this paper.  相似文献   


The objective of this study is to determine the effect of a consultation model, Beliefs, Attitudes, Subjective Norms and Enabling Factors (BASNEF), and the counselling steps using GATHER-Greet clients, Ask clients about themselves, Tell clients about their choices, Help clients choose, Explain what to do, and Return for follow-up-on the continuation rates of exclusive breastfeeding in mothers of premature infants.


This is a randomized controlled clinical trial carried out on 124 mothers with premature infants hospitalized in Fatemieh Hospital, city of Hamadan, in 2014. Participants were randomly assigned to either the intervention or control groups. The initial demographic questionnaire carried out in both groups included three questions about the continuation of exclusive breastfeeding, BASNEF, a checklist related to the lactation performance documented by mothers and the weight gain of their infants. Five breastfeeding consultation sessions based on the BASNEF model and counselling steps using GATHER, were held for the mothers in the intervention group for five consecutive days. Then follow-up weight gain and the questionnaire completion were performed in both groups at 1, 2, 3 and 4 months after the intervention.


Baseline characteristics were similar in the two groups. There were no significant differences between both groups in the rate of exclusive breastfeeding, lactation performance and infant weight at baseline. The intervention group had significantly higher rates of exclusive breastfeeding, 72.6% versus the control group of 16.1%, at the end of the 4 month follow-up. Also the intervention group had significantly higher mean scores of lactation performance (8.62?±?2.08 vs 6.40?±?1.84 in the control group) and infant weight (5694.80?±?779.43 vs 4760.17?±?859.12 in the control group) at the end of the 4 month follow-up.


Breastfeeding consultation of mothers based on the BASNEF model and using GATHER counselling steps increased the rate of exclusive breastfeeding, lactation performance and weight gain of premature infants. Therefore, breastfeeding counselling sessions are recommended for all mothers of premature infants.

Trial registration

Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials number IRCT2014111013405N6 and date registered, January 5, 2015.
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