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Release of cytochrome c from mitochondria triggers activation of caspase proteases and death of a cell by apoptosis. However, the mechanism and kinetics of cytochrome c release remain unknown. Here we study this event by using green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged cytochrome c, and find that the release of cytochrome-c-GFP always precedes exposure of phosphatidylserine and the loss of plasma-membrane integrity - characteristics of apoptotic cells. Once initiated, the release of cytochrome- c-GFP continues until all of the protein is released from all mitochondria in individual cells, within about 5 minutes, regardless of the type or strength of stimulus or the time elapsed since the stimulus was applied. Temperatures ranging from 24 degrees C to 37 degrees C do not change the duration of release, and nor does the addition of caspase inhibitors. Further, we find that the electron-transport chain can maintain the mitochondrial transmembrane potential even after cytochrome c has been released.  相似文献   
Caspase-8 is a member of the cysteine proteases, which are implicated in apoptosis and cytokine processing. Like all caspases, caspase-8 is synthesized as an inactive single polypeptide chain zymogen procaspase and is activated by proteolytic cleavage, through either autoactivation after recruitment into a multimeric complex or trans-cleavage by other caspases. Thus, ligand binding-induced trimerization of death receptors results in recruitment of the receptor-specific adapter protein Fas-associated death domain (FADD), which then recruits caspase-8. Activated caspase-8 is known to propagate the apoptotic signal either by directly cleaving and activating downstream caspases or by cleaving the BH3 Bcl2-interacting protein, which leads to the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, triggering activation of caspase-9 in a complex with dATP and Apaf-1. Activated caspase-9 then activates further "downstream caspases," including caspase-8. Knockout data indicate that caspase-8 is required for killing induced by the death receptors Fas, tumor necrosis factor receptor 1, and death receptor 3. Moreover, caspase-8-/- mice die in utero as a result of defective development of heart muscle and display fewer hematopoietic progenitor cells, suggesting that the FADD/caspase-8 pathway is absolutely required for growth and development of specific cell types.  相似文献   
Transferrin and Transferrin Receptor Function in Brain Barrier Systems   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
1. Iron (Fe) is an essential component of virtually all types of cells and organisms. In plasma and interstitial fluids, Fe is carried by transferrin. Iron-containing transferrin has a high affinity for the transferrin receptor, which is present on all cells with a requirement for Fe. The degree of expression of transferrin receptors on most types of cells is determined by the level of Fe supply and their rate of proliferation.2. The brain, like other organs, requires Fe for metabolic processes and suffers from disturbed function when a Fe deficiency or excess occurs. Hence, the transport of Fe across brain barrier systems must be regulated. The interaction between transferrin and transferrin receptor appears to serve this function in the blood–brain, blood–CSF, and cellular–plasmalemma barriers. Transferrin is present in blood plasma and brain extracellular fluids, and the transferrin receptor is present on brain capillary endothelial cells, choroid plexus epithelial cells, neurons, and probably also glial cells.3. The rate of Fe transport from plasma to brain is developmentally regulated, peaking in the first few weeks of postnatal life in the rat, after which it decreases rapidly to low values. Two mechanisms for Fe transport across the blood–brain barrier have been proposed. One is that the Fe–transferrin complex is transported intact across the capillary wall by receptor-mediated transcytosis. In the second, Fe transport is the result of receptor-mediated endocytosis of Fe–transferrin by capillary endothelial cells, followed by release of Fe from transferrin within the cell, recycling of transferrin to the blood, and transport of Fe into the brain. Current evidence indicates that although some transcytosis of transferrin does occur, the amount is quantitatively insufficient to account for the rate of Fe transport, and the majority of Fe transport probably occurs by the second of the above mechanisms.4. An additional route of Fe and transferrin transport from the blood to the brain is via the blood–CSF barrier and from the CSF into the brain. Iron-containing transferrin is transported through the blood–CSF barrier by a mechanism that appears to be regulated by developmental stage and iron status. The transfer of transferrin from blood to CSF is higher than that of albumin, which may be due to the presence of transferrin receptors on choroid plexus epithelial cells so that transferrin can be transported across the cells by a receptor-mediated process as well as by nonselective mechanisms.5. Transferrin receptors have been detected in neurons in vivo and in cultured glial cells. Transferrin is present in the brain interstitial fluid, and it is generally assumed that Fe which transverses the blood–brain barrier is rapidly bound by brain transferrin and can then be taken up by receptor-mediated endocytosis in brain cells. The uptake of transferrin-bound Fe by neurons and glial cells is probably regulated by the number of transferrin receptors present on cells, which changes during development and in conditions with an altered iron status.6. This review focuses on the information available on the functions of transferrin and transferrin receptor with respect to Fe transport across the blood–brain and blood–CSF barriers and the cell membranes of neurons and glial cells.  相似文献   
Using single-molecule force spectroscopy to probe ICAM-1 interactions with recombinant αLβ2 immobilized on microspheres and β2 integrin on neutrophils, we quantified an impressive hierarchy of long-lived, high-strength states of the integrin bond, which start from basal levels with activation in solutions of divalent cations and shift dramatically upward to hyperactivated states with cell signaling. Taking advantage of very rare events, we used repeated measurements of bond lifetimes under steady ramps of force to achieve a direct assay for the off-rates of ICAM-1 from β2 integrin throughout the course of each experiment. In our companion article I, we demonstrate the assay using results from tests of a monovalent ICAM-1 probe against recombinant αLβ2 on microspheres in millimolar solutions of divalent cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+). In this article, we examine the impact of inside-out and outside-in signaling in neutrophils on the lifetimes and mechanical strengths of ICAM-1 bonds to β2 integrin on the cell surface. Even though ICAM-1 bonds to recombinant αLβ2 on microspheres in Mg2+ or Mn2+ can live for long periods of time under slow pulling, here we show that stimulation of neutrophils in Mg2+ plus the chemokine IL-8 (i.e., inside-out signaling) induces several-hundred-fold longer lifetimes for ICAM-1 attachments to LFA-1, creating strong bonds at very slow pulling speeds where none are perceived in Mg2+ or Mn2+ alone. Similar changes are observed with outside-in signaling, i.e., long lifetimes and increased bond strength also occur when neutrophils are bound with the activating (anti-CD18) monoclonal 240Q. Limiting our investigation to rare events using very dilute ICAM-1 probes, we show that although the prolonged lifetimes of cell surface attachments for both inside-out and outside-in signaling exhibit single-bond-like statistics for dissociation under force, they are consistent with a tightly coupled dimeric ICAM-1 interaction with a pair of LFA-1 heterodimers.  相似文献   
Using complex roots of unity and the Fast Fourier Transform, we design a new thermodynamics-based algorithm, FFTbor, that computes the Boltzmann probability that secondary structures differ by base pairs from an arbitrary initial structure of a given RNA sequence. The algorithm, which runs in quartic time and quadratic space , is used to determine the correlation between kinetic folding speed and the ruggedness of the energy landscape, and to predict the location of riboswitch expression platform candidates. A web server is available at http://bioinformatics.bc.edu/clotelab/FFTbor/.  相似文献   
To what extent are motor networks underlying rhythmic behaviors rigidly hard-wired versus fluid and dynamic entities? Do the members of motor networks change from moment-to-moment or from motor program episode-to-episode? These are questions that can only be addressed in systems where it is possible to monitor the spiking activity of networks of neurons during the production of motor programs. We used large-scale voltage-sensitive dye (VSD) imaging followed by Independent Component Analysis spike-sorting to examine the extent to which the neuronal network underlying the escape swim behavior of Tritonia diomedea is hard-wired versus fluid from a moment-to-moment perspective. We found that while most neurons were dedicated to the swim network, a small but significant proportion of neurons participated in a surprisingly variable manner. These neurons joined the swim motor program late, left early, burst only on some cycles or skipped cycles of the motor program. We confirmed that this variable neuronal participation was not due to effects of the VSD by finding such neurons with intracellular recording in dye-free saline. Further, these neurons markedly varied their level of participation in the network from swim episode-to-episode. The generality of such unreliably bursting neurons was confirmed by their presence in the rhythmic escape networks of two other molluscan species, Tritonia festiva and Aplysia californica. Our observations support a view that neuronal networks, even those underlying rhythmic and stereotyped motor programs, may be more variable in structure than widely appreciated.  相似文献   
Sensitive and accurate RT-qPCR tests are the primary diagnostic tools to identify SARS-CoV-2-infected patients. While many SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR tests are available, there are significant differences in test sensitivity, workflow (e.g. hands-on-time), gene targets and other functionalities that users must consider. Several publicly available protocols shared by reference labs and public health authorities provide useful tools for SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis, but many have shortcomings related to sensitivity and laborious workflows. Here, we describe a series of SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR tests that are originally based on the protocol targeting regions of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) and envelope (E) coding genes developed by the Charité Berlin. We redesigned the primers/probes, utilized locked nucleic acid nucleotides, incorporated dual probe technology and conducted extensive optimizations of reaction conditions to enhance the sensitivity and specificity of these tests. By incorporating an RNase P internal control and developing multiplexed assays for distinguishing SARS-CoV-2 and influenza A and B, we streamlined the workflow to provide quicker results and reduced consumable costs. Some of these tests use modified enzymes enabling the formulation of a room temperature-stable master mix and lyophilized positive control, thus increasing the functionality of the test and eliminating cold chain shipping and storage. Moreover, a rapid, RNA extraction-free version enables high sensitivity detection of SARS-CoV-2 in about an hour using minimally invasive, self-collected gargle samples. These RT-qPCR assays can easily be implemented in any diagnostic laboratory and can provide a powerful tool to detect SARS-CoV-2 and the most common seasonal influenzas during the vaccination phase of the pandemic.  相似文献   
The nuclear hormone receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR gamma) is an important regulator of lipid and glucose homeostasis and cellular differentiation. Studies of many cell types in vitro and in vivo have demonstrated that activation of PPAR gamma can reduce cellular proliferation. We show here that activation of PPAR gamma is sufficient to reduce the proliferation of cultured insulinoma cell lines. We created a model with mice in which the expression of the PPARG gene in beta cells was eliminated (beta gamma KO mice), and these mice were found to have significant islet hyperplasia on a chow diet. Interestingly, the normal expansion of beta-cell mass that occurs in control mice in response to high-fat feeding is markedly blunted in these animals. Despite this alteration in beta-cell mass, no effect on glucose homeostasis in beta gamma KO mice was noted. Additionally, while thiazolidinediones enhanced insulin secretion from cultured wild-type islets, administration of rosiglitazone to insulin-resistant control and beta gamma KO mice revealed that PPAR gamma in beta cells is not required for the antidiabetic actions of these compounds. These data demonstrate a critical physiological role for PPAR gamma function in beta-cell proliferation and also indicate that the mechanisms controlling beta-cell hyperplasia in obesity are different from those that regulate baseline cell mass in the islet.  相似文献   
Normal human lymphocytes resisted the hydrolytic action of secretory phospholipase A(2) but became susceptible to the enzyme following treatment with a calcium ionophore, ionomycin. To test the hypothesis that this susceptibility requires exposure of the anionic lipid phosphatidylserine on the external face of the cell membrane, experiments were repeated with a human Burkitt's lymphoma cell line (Raji cells). In contrast to normal lymphocytes or S49 mouse lymphoma cells, most of the Raji cells (83%) did not translocate phosphatidylserine to the cell surface upon treatment with ionomycin. Those few that did display exposed phosphatidylserine were hydrolyzed immediately upon addition of phospholipase A(2). Interestingly, the remaining cells were also completely susceptible to the enzyme but were hydrolyzed at a slower rate and after a latency of about 100s. In contradistinction to the defect in phosphatidylserine translocation, Raji cells did display other physical membrane changes upon ionomycin treatment that may be relevant to hydrolysis by phospholipase A(2). These changes were detected by merocyanine 540 and trimethylammonium diphenylhexatriene fluorescence and were common among normal lymphocytes, S49 cells, and Raji cells. The levels of these latter effects corresponded well with the relative rates of hydrolysis among the three cell lines. These results suggested that while phosphatidylserine enhances the rate of cell membrane hydrolysis by secretory phospholipase A(2), it is not an absolute requirement. Other physical properties such as membrane order contribute to the level of membrane susceptibility to the enzyme independent of phosphatidylserine.  相似文献   
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