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Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and two dielectric techniques, broadband dielectric relaxation spectroscopy and thermally stimulated depolarization currents (TSDC), were employed to study glass transition and water and protein dynamics in mixtures of water and a globular protein, lysozyme, in wide ranges of water content, both solutions, and hydrated solid samples. In addition, water equilibrium sorption isotherms (ESI) measurements were performed at room temperature. The main objective was to correlate results by different techniques to each other and to determine critical water contents for various processes. From ESI measurements the content of water directly bound to primary hydration sites was determined to 0.088 (grams of water per grams of dry protein), corresponding to 71 water molecules per protein molecule, and that where clustering becomes significant to about 0.25. Crystallization and melting events of water were first observed at water contents 0.270 and 0.218, respectively, and the amount of uncrystallized water was found to increase with increasing water content. Two populations of ice crystals were observed by DSC, primary and bulk ice crystals, which give rise to two separate relaxations in dielectric measurements. In addition, the relaxation of uncrystallized water was observed, superimposed on a local relaxation of polar groups on the protein surface. The glass transition temperature, determined by DSC and TSDC in rather good agreement to each other, was found to decrease significantly with increasing water content and to stabilize at about −90 °C for water contents higher than about 0.25. This is a novel result of this study with potential impact on cryoprotection and pharmaceutics.  相似文献   
It is becoming increasingly clear that signals generated in tumor microenvironments are crucial to tumor cell behavior, such as survival, progression and metastasis. The establishment of these malignant behaviors requires that tumor cells acquire novel adhesion and migration properties to detach from their original sites and to localize to distant organs. CD44, an adhesion/homing molecule, is a major receptor for the glycosaminoglycan hyaluronan, which is one of the major components of the tumor extracellular matrix. CD44, a multistructural and multifunctional molecule, detects changes in extracellular matrix components, and thus is well positioned to provide appropriate responses to changes in the microenvironment, i.e. engagement in cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions, cell trafficking, lymph node homing and the presentation of growth factors/cytokines/chemokines to co-ordinate signaling events that enable the cell responses that change in the tissue environment. The potential involvement of CD44 variants (CD44v), especially CD44v4-v7 and CD44v6-v9, in tumor progression has been confirmed for many tumor types in numerous clinical studies. The downregulation of the standard CD44 isoform (CD44s) in colon cancer is postulated to result in increased tumorigenicity. CD44v-specific functions could be caused by their higher binding affinity than CD44s for hyaluronan. Alternatively, CD44v-specific functions could be caused by differences in associating molecules, which may bind selectively to the CD44v exon. This minireview summarizes how the interaction between hyaluronan and CD44v can serve as a potential target for cancer therapy, in particular how silencing CD44v can target multiple metastatic tumors.  相似文献   
Contradictory results have been reported regarding a relationship between serum lipid levels and bone mineral density. The purpose of this study was to further investigate a possible relationship between those parameters in Greek postmenopausal women. A total of 591 patients followed at a tertiary hospital were examined for seven different lipid factors in relation to dual-emission X-ray absorptiometry measurements at the lumbar spine. Lipoprotein-a was the only lipid measurement that univariately showed an almost significant trend of association with bone mass category (analysis of variance [ANOVA] p value 0.062 for Ln(Lipoprotein-a)). In multiple regression, it was noted that a non-significant negative trend of association of high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and Apolipoprotein AI with lumbar T-score (p value 0.058 and 0.075, respectively). In age subgroup analysis, Lipoprotein-a and Ln(Lipoprotein-a) presented a negative correlation with lumbar T-score for women with age ≥ 53 years (p value 0.043 and 0.070, respectively), while a negative correlation of HDL and Apolipoprotein AI levels with lumbar T-score remained in women with age < 53 years (p value 0.039 and 0.052, respectively). The findings do not support a strong relationship between lipid levels and bone mass measurements.  相似文献   
We explored the involvement of the muscle-specific intermediate filament protein desmin in the model of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha)-induced cardiomyopathy. We demonstrate that in mice overexpressing TNF-alpha in the heart (alpha-myosin heavy chain promoter-driven secretable TNF-alpha [MHCsTNF]), desmin is modified, loses its intercalated disk (ID) localization, and forms aggregates that colocalize with heat shock protein 25 and ubiquitin. Additionally, other ID proteins such as desmoplakin and beta-catenin show similar localization changes in a desmin-dependent fashion. To address underlying mechanisms, we examined whether desmin is a substrate for caspase-6 in vivo as well as the implications of desmin cleavage in MHCsTNF mice. We generated transgenic mice with cardiac-restricted expression of a desmin mutant (D263E) and proved that it is resistant to caspase cleavage in the MHCsTNF myocardium. The aggregates are diminished in these mice, and D263E desmin, desmoplakin, and beta-catenin largely retain their proper ID localization. Importantly, D263E desmin expression attenuated cardiomyocyte apoptosis, prevented left ventricular wall thinning, and improved the function of MHCsTNF hearts.  相似文献   
The diet of the small-spotted catshark Scyliorhinus canicula, captured in the Aegean Sea by bottom-trawl from 2006 to 2012, was investigated with respect to sex, maturity condition, sampling location and season. The stomach contents of 432 specimens, measuring from 144 to 517?mm in total length, were analysed. The cumulative prey curve showed that the sample size was adequate to describe the species’ diet, which was quantified using the percentage gravimetric composition (%W). The identified prey items belonged to eight major groups: Teleostei, Chondrichthyes, Crustacea, Cephalopoda, Annelida, Echinodermata, phanerogams and macroalgae, with Teleostei, Crustacea and Cephalopoda being the most consumed in both females (%W?=?48.1, 16.0 and 31.4, respectively) and males (%W?=?33.9, 31.6 and 29.8, respectively). Higher diet diversity was observed in males than females, in immature individuals than mature ones, regardless of sex, as well as in spring in comparison to autumn and winter. Feeding intensity seemed to be influenced mainly by sex and maturity condition. No significant dietary overlap was observed for all possible combinations of the factors examined. Gut indices were compared between the two sexes with females showing statistically significantly higher median relative gut length, as well as a longer gut than males of the same length. Based on the diet composition, S. canicula can be considered a generalist predator consuming, with geographical differentiation, a wide variety of benthic taxa. The estimated fractional trophic level (τ?=?4.22) classified the species as a carnivore with a preference for Teleostei and Cephalopoda, thus confirming its key role in the food web.  相似文献   
Deoxybenzoins are plant compounds with similar structure to isoflavones. In this study, we evaluated the ability of two synthesized deoxybenzoins (compound 1 and compound 2) (a) to influence the activity of the estrogen receptor subtypes ERalpha and ERbeta in HeLa cells co-transfected with an estrogen response element-driven luciferase reporter gene and ERalpha- or ERbeta-expression vectors, (b) to modulate the IGFBP-3 and pS2 protein in MCF-7 breast cancer cells, (c) to induce mineralization of KS483 osteoblasts and (d) to affect the cell viability of endometrial (Ishikawa) and breast (MCF-7, MDA-MB-231) cancer cells. Docking and binding energy calculations were performed using the mixed Monte Carlo/Low Mode search method (Macromodel 6.5). Compound 1 displayed significant estrogenic activity via ERbeta but no activity via ERalpha. Compound 2 was an estrogen-agonist via ERalpha and antagonist via ERbeta. Both compounds increased, like the pure antiestrogen ICI182780, the IGFBP-3 levels. Compound 2 induced, like 17beta-estradiol, significant mineralization in osteoblasts. The cell viability of Ishikawa cells was unchanged in the presence of either compound. Compound 1 increased MCF-7 cell viability consistently with an increase in pS2 levels, whereas compound 2 inhibited the cell viability. Molecular modeling confirmed the agonistic or antagonistic behaviour of compound 2 via ER subtypes. Compound 2, being an agonist in osteoblasts, an antagonist in breast cancer cells, with no estrogenic effects in endometrial cancer cells, makes it a potential selective estrogen receptor modulator and a choice for hormone replacement therapy.  相似文献   
Self-emulsifying pellets were prepared using microcrystalline cellulose, emulsions of caprylic/capric triglyceride, and three Cremophors (ELP, RH40, and RH60) at 1.5 and 2.3 weight ratios, and two drugs (furosemide and propranolol) of different lipophilicity. Droplet size, zeta potential (ζ) and viscosity of emulsions, and pellet size, shape, friability, tensile strength, disintegration, and drug migration in pellets were determined. Evaluation of reconstituted emulsions was based on droplet size and ζ. Factorial design and 3-way ANOVA was applied to estimate the significance of the effects of the drug, surfactant and oil/surfactant ratio. It was found that droplet size, viscosity and ζ of emulsions, and size, shape, and friability of pellets were affected by the studied factors and were significant interactions between their effects on pellet size and friability. Migration of drug towards the pellet surface was higher for the less lipophilic furosemide and higher oil content. Linear relationships were found between the emulsion viscosity and the shape parameters of the pellets (for the aspect ratio R2 = 0.796 for furosemide and R2 = 0.885 for propranolol and for the shape factor, eRR2 = 0.740 and R2 = 0.960, respectively). For all the formulations examined, an exponential relationship was found between migration (M%) and the product of viscosity (η) and solubility of drug in oil/surfactant mixture (S) (M% = 98.1e-0.016 [η•S], R2 = 0.856), which may be useful in formulation work.KEY WORDS: drug distribution, emulsion and pellet characterization, friability and tensile strength, furosemide and propranolol, self-emulsifying pellets  相似文献   
This study is the first culture-independent report on the regional variability of bacterial diversity in oxic sediments from the unexplored southern Cretan margin (SCM). Three main deep basins (water column depths: 2670–3603 m), located at the mouth of two submarine canyons (Samaria Gorge and Paximades Channel) and an adjacent slope system, as well as two shallow upper-slope stations (water column depths: 215 and 520 m), were sampled. A total of 454 clones were sequenced and the bacterial richness, estimated through five clone libraries using rarefaction analysis, ranged from 71 to 296 unique phylotypes. The average sequence identity of the retrieved Cretan margin sequences compared to the >1,000,000 known rRNA sequences was only 93.5%. A diverse range of prokaryotes was found in the sediments, which were represented by 15 different taxonomic groups at the phylum level. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that these new sequences grouped with the phyla Acidobacteria, Planctomycetes, Actinobacteria, Gamma-, Alpha- and Delta-proteobacteria. Only a few bacterial clones were affiliated with Chloroflexi, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Gemmatimonadetes, Verrucomicrobia, Nitrospirae, Beta-proteobacteria, Lentisphaerae and Dictyoglomi. A large fraction of the retrieved sequences (12%) did not fall into any taxonomic division previously characterized by molecular criteria, whereas four novel division-level lineages, termed candidate division SCMs, were identified. Bacterial community composition demonstrated significant differences in comparison to previous phylogenetic studies. This divergence was mainly triggered by the dominance of Acidobacteria and Actinobacteria and reflected a bacterial community different from that currently known for oxic and pristine marine sediments.  相似文献   
Two thermophilic extracellular proteases, designated Lmm-protease-Lh (29 kDa) and Hmm-protease-Lh (62 kDa), were purified from the Lactobacillus helveticus from kefir, and found active in media containing dithiothreitol; the activity of Lmm-protease-Lh was increased significantly in media containing also EDTAK2. Both novel proteases maintained full activity at 60 °C after 1-h incubation at 10 °C as well as at 80 °C, showing optimum kcat/Km values at pH 7.00 and 60 °C. Only irreversible inhibitors specific for cysteine proteinases strongly inhibited the activity of both novel enzymes, while they remained unaffected by irreversible inhibitors specific for serine proteinases. Both enzymes hydrolyzed the substrate Suc-FR-pNA via Michaelis–Menten kinetics; conversely, the substrate Cbz-FR-pNA was hydrolyzed by Lmm-protease-Lh via Michaelis–Menten kinetics and by Hmm-protease-Lh via substrate inhibition kinetics. Valuable rate constants and activation energies were estimated from the temperature-(kcat/Km) profiles of both enzymes, and useful results were obtained from the effect of different metallic ions on their Michaelis–Menten parameters.  相似文献   
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