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The replicator regions of the Ti plasmids of Agrobacterium tumefaciens belong to the repABC family of replication and partitioning systems, members of which are widely distributed among alpha proteobacteria. In the region upstream of the octopine-type Ti plasmid repABC operon, three promoters were recently shown to be activated by the LuxR-type regulator TraR. Activation of these promoters by TraR led to enhanced rep gene expression and increased Ti plasmid copy number. Here we describe a fourth promoter, designated P4. This promoter lies directly upstream of repA and is not regulated by TraR. The promoter was localized by subcloning and demonstrated to be strongly autorepressed. RepA is the major cis-acting autorepressor of this promoter, though RepB enhanced repression and was essential for RepA-mediated repression in trans. Purified RepA bound to an approximately 70-nucleotide operator site overlapping the P4 promoter and extending well downstream. Binding affinity was increased by adenosine di- and tri-phosphates and also by purified RepB. Activation of P1, P2, and P3 enhanced the activity of P4, suggesting that P4 somehow communicates with the upstream promoters. These findings demonstrate that both autoinduction and autorepression play critical and opposing roles in regulating repABC expression and hence in the replication, stability and copy number of the Ti plasmid.  相似文献   
HYMENOLEPIS DIMINUTA: adults were killed and fixed in fully extended positions, and the total lengths of the strobilae, numbers of proglottids, and distances of proglottids along the strobilae were determined. The relationship of proglottid number to distance along the strobila was exponential. Beginning at proglottid 100 (P100), the lengths and widths of proglottids at 100 proglottid intervals were determined, and the surfaces areas were calculated. The relationships of proglottid length and width to proglottid number were linear, but the relationship of proglottid number to surface area (SA) was exponential. The volumes of proglottids were calculated, and the relationship of volume (V) to proglottid number was exponential. The relationship of surface area to volume ratio (SAVR) to proglottid number was exponential; at the anterior end of the worm (P100), the SAVR was 14.6, while at the posterior end of the worm (P1300) the ratio was 4.2. A single exponential equation describing the relationships among proglottid number, SA, and V was derived.  相似文献   
Leptospirosis, an emerging zoonotic disease, remains poorly understood because of a lack of genetic manipulation tools available for pathogenic leptospires. Current genetic manipulation techniques include insertion of DNA by random transposon mutagenesis and homologous recombination via suicide vectors. This study describes the construction of a shuttle vector, pMaORI, that replicates within saprophytic, intermediate, and pathogenic leptospires. The shuttle vector was constructed by the insertion of a 2.9-kb DNA segment including the parA, parB, and rep genes into pMAT, a plasmid that cannot replicate in Leptospira spp. and contains a backbone consisting of an aadA cassette, ori R6K, and oriT RK2/RP4. The inserted DNA segment was isolated from a 52-kb region within Leptospira mayottensis strain 200901116 that is not found in the closely related strain L. mayottensis 200901122. Because of the size of this region and the presence of bacteriophage-like proteins, it is possible that this region is a result of a phage-related genomic island. The stability of the pMaORI plasmid within pathogenic strains was tested by passaging cultures 10 times without selection and confirming the presence of pMaORI. Concordantly, we report the use of trans complementation in the pathogen Leptospira interrogans. Transformation of a pMaORI vector carrying a functional copy of the perR gene in a null mutant background restores the expression of PerR and susceptibility to hydrogen peroxide comparable to that of wild-type cells. In conclusion, we demonstrate the replication of a stable plasmid vector in a large panel of Leptospira strains, including pathogens. The shuttle vector described will expand our ability to perform genetic manipulation of Leptospira spp.  相似文献   
Approximately 50% of the predicted protein-coding genes of the Trypanosoma cruzi CL Brener strain are annotated as hypothetical or conserved hypothetical proteins. To further characterize these genes, we generated 1161 open-reading frame expressed sequence tags (ORESTES) from the mammalian stages of the VL10 human strain. Sequence clustering resulted in 435 clusters, consisting of 339 singletons and 96 contigs. Significant matches to the T. cruzi predicted gene database were found for ~94% contigs and ~69% singletons. These included genes encoding surface proteins, known to be intensely expressed in the parasite mammalian stages and implicated in host cell invasion and/or immune evasion mechanisms. Among 151 contigs and singletons with similarity to predicted hypothetical protein-coding genes and conserved hypothetical protein-coding genes, 83% showed no match with T. cruzi EST and/or proteome databases. These ORESTES are the first experimental evidence that the corresponding genes are in fact transcribed. Sequences with no significant match were searched against several T. cruzi and National Center for Biotechnology Information non-redundant sequence databases. The ORESTES analysis indicated that 124 predicted conserved hypothetical protein-coding genes and 27 predicted hypothetical protein-coding genes annotated in the CL Brener genome are transcribed in the VL10 mammalian stages. Six ORESTES annotated as hypothetical protein-coding genes showing no match to EST and/or proteome databases were confirmed by Northern blot in VL10. The generation of this set of ORESTES complements the T. cruzi genome annotation and suggests new stage-regulated genes encoding hypothetical proteins.  相似文献   
Biochemically and pathologically, there is strong evidence for both atopic and nonatopic airway sensitization, hyperresponsiveness, and inflammation as a consequence of exposure to tobacco mainstream or sidestream smoke particulate. There is growing evidence for the relation between exposure to mainstream and sidestream smoke and diseases resulting from reactive oxidant challenge and inflammation directly as a consequence of the combined activity of neutrophils, macrophages, dendritic cells, eosinophils, basophils, as a humoral immunological consequence of sensitization, and that the metal components of the particulate play a role in adjuvant effects. As an end consequence, carcinogenicity is a known outcome of chronic inflammation. Smokeless tobacco has been evaluated by the IARC as a group 1 carcinogen. Of the many harmful constituents in smokeless tobacco, oral tissue metallothionein gradients suggest that metals contribute to the toxicity from smokeless tobacco use and possibly sensitization. This work reviews and examines work on probable contributions of toxic metals from tobacco and smoke to pathology observed as a consequence of smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco.  相似文献   
Central corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) delays gastric emptying through the autonomic nervous system. CRF plays an important role in mediating delayed gastric emptying induced by stress. However, it is not clear whether a sympathetic or parasympathetic pathway is involved in the mechanism of central CRF-induced inhibition of solid gastric emptying. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether 1) CRF inhibits solid gastric emptying via a peripheral sympathetic pathway and 2) stress-induced inhibition of solid gastric emptying is mediated via a central CRF and peripheral sympathetic pathways. Using male Sprague-Dawley rats, CRF was injected intracisternally with or without various adrenergic-blocking agents. To investigate whether central CRF-induced inhibition of solid gastric emptying is mediated via a peripheral sympathetic pathway, rats underwent celiac ganglionectomy 1 wk before the gastric emptying study. After solid meal ingestion (90 min), gastric emptying was calculated. To investigate the role of endogenous CRF in stress-induced delayed gastric emptying, a CRF type2 receptor antagonist, astressin2-B, was intracisternally administered. Rats were subjected to a restraint stress immediately after the feeding. Intracisternal injection of CRF (0.1-1.0 microg) dose-dependently inhibited solid gastric emptying. The inhibitory effect of CRF on solid gastric emptying was significantly blocked by guanethidine, propranolol, and celiac ganglionectomy but not by phentolamine. Restraint stress significantly delayed solid gastric emptying, which was improved by astressin2-B, guanethidine, and celiac ganglionectomy. Our research suggests that restraint stress inhibits solid gastric emptying via a central CRF type2 receptor and peripheral sympathetic neural pathway in rats.  相似文献   
Diabetes mellitus is a major risk factor for the development of vascular complications. We hypothesized that hyperglycemia decreases endothelial cell (EC) proliferation and survival via phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3k) and Akt signaling pathways. We cultured human umbilical vein ECs (HUVEC) in 5, 20, or 40 mM d-glucose. Cells grown in 5, 20, and 40 mM mannitol served as a control for osmotic effects. We measured EC proliferation for up to 15 days. We assessed apoptosis by annexin V and propidium iodide staining and flow cytometry, analyzed cell lysates obtained on culture day 8 for total and phosphorylated PI3k and Akt by Western blot analysis, and measured Akt kinase activity using a GSK fusion protein. HUVEC proliferation was also tested in the presence of pharmacological inhibitors of PI3k-Akt (wortmannin and LY294002) and after transfection with a constitutively active Akt mutant. ECs in media containing 5 mM d-glucose (control) exhibited log-phase growth on days 7-10. d-Glucose at 20 and 40 mM significantly decreased proliferation versus control (P < 0.05 for both), whereas mannitol did not impair EC proliferation. Apoptosis increased significantly in HUVEC exposed to 40 mM d-glucose. d-Glucose at 40 mM significantly decreased tyrosine-phosphorylated PI3k, threonine 308-phosphorylated-Akt, and Akt activity relative to control 5 mM d-glucose. Pharmacological inhibition of PI3k-Akt resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in EC proliferation. Transfection with a constitutively active Akt mutant protected ECs by enhancing proliferation when grown in 20 and 40 mM d-glucose. We conclude that d-glucose regulates Akt signaling through threonine phosphorylation of Akt and that hyperglycemia-impaired PI3k-Akt signaling may promote EC proliferative dysfunction in diabetes.  相似文献   
Carotenoids in the diet of the laying hen are incorporated into the egg yolk and subsequently into the liver and other tissues of the chicken embryo. Since these pigments are known to provide a range of health benefits to a variety of animals, it is of interest to know whether the effects of maternally derived carotenoids are strictly limited to the embryonic period or if they persist in the progeny after hatching. The aim of this study is to compare the effectiveness of pre-hatch (from the hen's diet) with that of post-hatch (from the progeny's diet) supplementation with carotenoids on the carotenoid status of the chick during the first 4 weeks of post-hatch life. Hens were fed a control diet or a diet supplemented with a carotenoid-rich extract of alfalfa. Eggs from the supplemented hens contained up to 22 times more carotenoids than the controls. The concentration of carotenoids in the livers of chicks hatching from the enriched eggs was initially 29 times greater than in the control chicks. Hepatic carotenoid concentrations in chicks from enriched eggs maintained post-hatch on the control diet were sustained at higher values compared with chicks from control eggs that were fed post-hatch on the carotenoid-supplemented diet, for at least the first 7 days. However, by 14 days, the latter group had overtaken the former in terms of liver carotenoid levels. Thus, under these conditions, maternal effects predominate for at least the first week after hatching, whereas from 2 weeks onwards, the progeny's diet becomes the main determinant of its carotenoid status. Since the antioxidant and immunostimulatory roles of carotenoids are likely to be especially important during the immediate post-hatch period, maternal dietary intake of carotenoids may have important ramifications for the viability of the offspring.  相似文献   
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