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A report on the 2004 meeting on Mouse Molecular Genetics, Cold Spring Harbor, USA, 1-5 September 2004.  相似文献   
采用香菇135双核体秋水仙碱(C22H25NO6)诱变及香菇K303单核体秋水仙碱诱变的菌株388B1与香菇JL-2双核体杂交(单×双)的方法,成功地获得了优良的诱变菌株(编号为K05)和杂交菌株(编号为K48)。经拮抗试验、酯酶同工酶、分子标记等多种方法鉴定和栽培试验证明,诱变、杂交菌株为有别于出发菌株和亲本菌株的新菌株;3年的栽培比较试验结果表明:新菌株比当地主栽香菇135、939高产,K05比135每筒平均增产28.5%,K48比939每筒平均增产10.7%,产量生物学统计显示增产显著;经济性状考评为优质,菌柄短、菇形圆整。该研究成果不仅有望满足菇农对香菇新菌株的需求,而且可为香菇育种提供新的途径。  相似文献   
[目的]除根瘤菌外,豆科植物根瘤中还存在着大量的非根瘤菌,它们存在的意义及其潜在的生态学功能还不清楚,尤其是它们与根瘤菌间的互作机制更需揭示。[方法]以从陕北旱区野生白刺花根瘤中分离得到的根瘤菌和非根瘤菌为研究对象,采用共培养、二分隔平板实验和单独培养的方法,于正常培养条件下从白刺花根瘤中筛选出有互作效应的菌株,测定其对pH和NaCl的耐受性以及对各种氮源的利用情况,并通过根瘤菌的菌落直径、生长曲线和多糖产量来表征其互作效应,进一步探明互作菌株在盐碱和营养胁迫条件下互作效应转变的机制。[结果]在盐碱胁迫下,非根瘤菌Pseudomonas oryzihabitans BT-147和Priestia aryabhattai BT-59对Rhizobium azibense BT-170互作效果由正常培养条件下的抑制转变为促生,与对照组相比试验组R. azibense BT-170菌落直径分别增加了0.803 mm和1.034 mm。Bacillus siamensis BT-9-1在正常培养条件下抑制Mesorhizobium metallidurans YC-39的生长,而在盐碱胁迫下表现为促生作用,与对照组相比试验组M. metallidurans YC-39菌落直径增加了1.019 mm,多糖产量由1.088 µg/mL增加到2.555 µg/mL。在以谷氨酸作为唯一氮源时,Pseudomonas oryzihabitans BT-147和Priestia aryabhattai BT-59对R. azibense BT-170的互作效果转变为促生作用,R. azibense BT-170试验组与对照组菌落直径差分别达到1.348 mm和2.196 mm,其多糖产量从对照组的0.559 µg/mL分别增加到0.821 µg/mL和3.341 µg/mL。[结论]在盐碱和氮源的胁迫下,非根瘤菌Pseudomonas oryzihabitans BT-147和Priestia aryabhattai BT-59对R. azibense BT-170互作效果由正常培养条件下的抑制转变为促生,并显著提高了R. azibense BT-170多糖的产量(P<0.05),不同培养条件下根瘤菌与非根瘤菌互作模式的转变,提高了根瘤菌的抗逆性,扩大了根瘤菌可利用氮源的范围,揭示了非根瘤菌在根瘤微生态中所发挥的作用,并从体外简化了根瘤微生态中复杂的相互作用。  相似文献   
以健康大鲵背部皮肤为材料,采用Smart技术构建大鲵皮肤cDNA文库,经检测文库容量为150×106 cfu,文库重组率为98%,插入片段平均长度约为1 kb. 通过对大鲵皮肤cDNA文库的随机筛选,分离获得了大鲵肌动蛋白相关2/3复合物亚基 5样蛋白(Arp2/3 complex subunit 5-like, Arpc5l)基因cDNA序列.生物信息学分析表明,大鲵Arpc5l基因全长cDNA为 699 bp, 包含459 bp的开放阅读框,分子量为17 154.36,等电点(pI)为5.43;该基因编码的Arpc5l蛋白分别在7-29 AA处和44-66 AA处具有跨膜结构域及多种二级结构,且三级结构与Arp2/3 complex家族成员相似. 实时定量PCR结果表明,该基因在大鲵皮肤、肌肉、肠、肝、脾、肺、胃以及肾等组织中广泛表达,且在肾、肠、肌肉中的表达量极显著高于其它组织(P<0.01). 进化分析结果表明, 大鲵Arpc5l氨基酸序列和小鼠(77%)等陆生动物同源性最高,和爪蟾同源性为73%,大鲵处于水生到陆生之间的过渡类型,且与陆生动物的亲缘关系更近.  相似文献   
不同水温和给药方式下磺胺甲噁唑在草鱼体内的药动学研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在 18℃和 2 8℃的不同水温条件下 ,分别采用口灌和腹腔注射的给药方式 ,给予草鱼 10 0mg/kg体重单剂量的磺胺甲唑 (SMZ) ,以HPLC法测定草鱼血浆和肌肉中药物浓度 ,用MCPKP药代动力学软件处理药时数据 ,结果表明 ,18℃条件下 ,草鱼口灌SMZ的分布半衰期T1/2α、消除半衰期T1/2 β、达峰时间Tp 均显著长于 2 8℃ (P <0 .0 1) ,其峰浓度Cmax显著低于 2 8℃下的值 (P <0 .0 1) ;腹腔注射给药时 ,SMZ在鱼体血浆和肌肉中的吸收与分布较口服快 ,消除较口服也快。在水温 18℃条件下 ,口灌SMZ在草鱼血浆中的药时数据符合带时滞的二室开放模型 ,腹腔注射的符合无时滞二室开放模型 ;水温 2 8℃条件下 ,口灌SMZ在草鱼血浆中的药时数据符合可忽略时滞的二室开放模型。根据SMZ的药代动力学规律、最低有效血药浓度和抗菌药物应用的一般原则 ,制定了SMZ的用药方案 :治疗温水性鱼类细菌性疾病 ,在水温 18℃左右 ,口服或注射 10 0mg/kg剂量的SMZ ,以每天给药两次 ,3d一个疗程为宜 ;在水温2 8℃左右 ,以每天给药 3— 4次为宜。该项研究全面了解了在不同水温和不同给药方式下SMZ在鱼体内的药动学规律 ,为确定合理的临床用药方案以及无公害水产品中药物残留监测提供了可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   
The in-vitro culture of fertilized 1-cell mouse embryos to the blastocyst stage is associated with subsequent decreased viability. In this study, 1-cell embryos were cultured for 3 days in the reproductive tract of immature female mice as an alternative to in-vitro culture. Embryos that spent 3 days in immature females were developmentally more advanced, had higher cell numbers and better viability, as measured by development to mid-gestation, after transfer to pseudopregnant recipient females than did embryos maintained for the same period in culture. Embryos that developed in immature females had lower cell numbers but comparable rates of development and subsequent viability when compared with embryos transferred to synchronous pseudopregnant females for the same preimplantation period. The immature mouse oviduct is therefore a suitable alternative environment to in-vitro culture or a pseudopregnant host for complete preimplantation development and has the additional advantage that synchrony between embryo and temporary host is not necessary. This method will allow for evaluation of manipulation procedures while maintaining viability before the embryos are finally committed to a foster mother for development to term.  相似文献   
本实验主要探究牛樟芝(S-29)固态发酵产物对高脂饮食小鼠胆固醇调节的影响。小鼠随机分为正常组、高脂模型组、护肝片阳性对照组、固态发酵组及液态发酵组;小鼠经高脂饲料喂养6周,相应物质灌胃4周。检测小鼠血清及肝脏相关指标; q-PCR检测胆固醇代谢相关基因的mRNA表达量。结果表明,与模型组比较,固态发酵组小鼠血清游离脂肪酸(NEFA)及谷丙转氨酶(ALT)浓度显著降低,分别降低了38. 5%和40. 7%;肝脏总胆固醇(TC)浓度显著降低,降低了23. 5%;低密度脂蛋白受体(LDL-R)的mRNA表达量显著增加,增加了3. 6倍。结果证明,牛樟芝固态发酵产物具有较好的降胆固醇作用,其主要机制可能是通过上调LDL-R基因的表达,以促进胆固醇的分解代谢,进而降低小鼠体内胆固醇浓度。  相似文献   
By use of an antiserum raised against conjugated ovine corticotropin releasing factor (CRF1–41), nerve fibres can be stained immunocytochemically in the external zone of the median eminence of rats. The presence of CRF-immunoreactive (CRFi) nerve fibres and the plasma corticosterone response to ether stress were studied in rats 6–7 days after making various types of lesions in the hypothalamus. Complete anterolateral deafferentation of the mediobasal hypothalamus caused complete disappearance of CRFi fibres from the median eminence and blocked the corticosterone response to stress. Incomplete anterolateral hypothalamic deafferentation did not prevent the stress-induced increase of corticosterone and in these rats, part of the CRFi nerve fibres remained intact. A horizontal cut placed ventral to the paraventricular nuclei, completely prevented the corticosterone response in those rats that showed a complete disappearance of CRFi nerve fibres from the median eminence. Some rats however, still exhibited CRFi nerve fibres and these animals responded to stress with increased corticosterone levels. A similar horizontal cut made just dorsal to the paraventricular nuclei affected neither the corticosterone response to stress nor the appearance of CRFi nerve fibres in the median eminence. We conclude that the presence of CRFi nerve fibres in the median eminence is a prerequisite for rats to show a pituitary-adrenal response to ether stress and therefore represents the first functional evidence for the role of these hypothalamic CRFi-neurons.  相似文献   
配置和输入化疗药物是护士的主要工作之一,故对护理人员的健康造成了很大的威胁。职业防护已成我们近年来高度关注的话题。虽很多医院现已改为中心配液,但在工作中仍有很多临时化疗医嘱需要临床护士,接触抗肿瘤药物可能导致个人健康风险。本文综述了抗肿瘤治疗过程中常见的职业暴露途径,并提出了针对性的防护措施,以期为医护人员提供安全保障信息。  相似文献   
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