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Human osteosarcoma cell lines were recently shown to express and secrete the small leucine rich proteoglycan (SLRP) lumican, with the ability to regulate the growth and motility of these cells. In this study, lumican-deficient Saos 2 cells were demonstrated to have increased adhesive capability onto fibronectin (FN) (p≤0.01). Upon neutralization of endogenous transforming growth factor β2 (TGF-β2) activity, no difference in the ability of lumican siRNA-transfected and scramble siRNA-transfected Saos 2 cells to adhere onto FN was detected (p=NS). Exogenous TGF-β2 was shown to stimulate Saos 2 cell adhesion to FN (p≤0.01). These results therefore, suggest that the inverse correlation existing between lumican expression and Saos 2 cell adhesion is dependent on active TGF-β2 signaling. Furthermore, the significant increase in Smad 2 activation present in lumican-deficient cells (p≤0.01) was annulled in the presence of the anti-TGF-β2 peptide, demonstrating that lumican is an upstream regulator of the TGF-β2/Smad 2 signaling cascade. Crucial to FN-dependent adhesion, β1 integrin expression and pFAK activation were likewise identified as downstream TGF-β2 effectors regulated by lumican expression. In conclusion, this study demonstrates a novel out-in signaling circuit in human osteosarcoma cells: secreted to extracellular matrix lumican is an endogenous inhibitor of TGF-β2 activity, resulting in downstream effector modulation including pSmad 2, integrin β1 and pFAK to regulate osteosarcoma adhesion.  相似文献   
Exosomes are small extracellular membrane vesicles important in intercellular communication, with their oncogenic cargo attributed to tumor progression and pre‐metastatic niche formation. To gain an insight into key differences in oncogenic composition of exosomes, human non‐malignant epithelial and pancreatic cancer cell models and purified and characterized resultant exosome populations are utilized. Proteomic analysis reveals the selective enrichment of known exosome markers and signaling proteins in comparison to parental cells. Importantly, valuable insights into oncogenic exosomes (362 unique proteins in comparison to non‐malignant exosomes) of key metastatic regulatory factors and signaling molecules fundamental to pancreatic cancer progression (KRAS, CD44, EGFR) are provided. It is reported that oncogenic exosomes contain factors known to regulate the pre‐metastatic niche (S100A4, F3, ITGβ5, ANXA1), clinically‐relevant proteins which correlate with poor prognosis (CLDN1, MUC1) as well as protein networks involved in various cancer hallmarks including proliferation (CLU, CAV1), invasion (PODXL, ITGA3), metastasis (LAMP1, ST14) and immune surveillance escape (B2M). The presence of these factors in oncogenic exosomes offers an understanding of select differences in exosome composition during tumorigenesis, potential components as prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers in pancreatic cancer, and highlights the role of exosomes in mediating crosstalk between tumor and stromal cells.  相似文献   
Cardiac contractility is regulated through the activity of various key Ca2+-handling proteins. The sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ transport ATPase (SERCA2a) and its inhibitor phospholamban (PLN) control the uptake of Ca2+ by SR membranes during relaxation. Recently, the antiapoptotic HS-1–associated protein X-1 (HAX-1) was identified as a binding partner of PLN, and this interaction was postulated to regulate cell apoptosis. In the current study, we determined that HAX-1 can also bind to SERCA2. Deletion mapping analysis demonstrated that amino acid residues 575–594 of SERCA2's nucleotide binding domain are required for its interaction with the C-terminal domain of HAX-1, containing amino acids 203-245. In transiently cotransfected human embryonic kidney 293 cells, recombinant SERCA2 was specifically targeted to the ER, whereas HAX-1 selectively concentrated at mitochondria. On triple transfections with PLN, however, HAX-1 massively translocated to the ER membranes, where it codistributed with PLN and SERCA2. Overexpression of SERCA2 abrogated the protective effects of HAX-1 on cell survival, after hypoxia/reoxygenation or thapsigargin treatment. Importantly, HAX-1 overexpression was associated with down-regulation of SERCA2 expression levels, resulting in significant reduction of apparent ER Ca2+ levels. These findings suggest that HAX-1 may promote cell survival through modulation of SERCA2 protein levels and thus ER Ca2+ stores.  相似文献   
Stoichiometric modeling of the early stages of the citric acid fermentation process by Aspergillus niger revealed that ammonium ions combine with a carbon-containing metabolite inside the cell, in a ratio 1:1, to form a nitrogen compound which is then excreted by the mycelium. High-performance liquid chromatography analysis identified glucosamine as the product of the relationship between glucose and ammonium during the early stages of the citric acid fermentation process. Slightly acidic internal pHs, extremely low ammonium ion concentrations inside the cell, and glucosamine synthesis come into direct contradiction with the earlier theory of the ammonium pool inside the cell, regarded as responsible for inhibition of the enzyme phosphofructokinase. At later fermentation stages, when the mycelium is involved in a process of fragmentation and regrowth, the addition of ammonium sulfate leads to a series of events: the formation and secretion of glucosamine in elevated amounts, the short inhibition of citrate synthesis, growth enhancement, the utilization of glucosamine, and finally, the enhancement of citric acid production rates. Obviously, the enzymatic processes underlining the phenomena need to be reexamined. As a by-product of the citric acid fermentation, glucosamine is reported for the first time here. Suitable process manipulations of the system described in this work could lead to successful glucosamine recovery at the point of its highest yield before degradation by the fungus occurs.  相似文献   
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) at a wide range of doses is routinely added to culture media during in vitro maturation (IVM) of oocytes, but the effects on oocyte health are unclear. The suggestion that superovulation may cause aneuploidy and fetal abnormalities prompted us to study the potential role of FSH in the genesis of chromosomal abnormalities during meiosis I. Mouse cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) isolated from the antral follicles of unprimed, sexually immature B6CBF1 mice were cultured in increasing concentrations of FSH. Following culture, matured oocytes were isolated, spread, stained with DAPI, and the numbers of chromosomes counted. Significantly increased aneuploidy, arising during the first meiotic division, was observed in metaphase II oocytes matured in higher concentrations of FSH (> or =20 ng/ml). The effect of FSH on spindle morphology and chromosome alignment during metaphase I was then explored using immunocytochemistry and three-dimensional reconstruction of confocal sections. High FSH had no effect on gross spindle morphology but did alter chromosome congression during prometaphase and metaphase, with the spread of chromosomes across the spindle at this time being significantly greater in oocytes cultured in 2000 ng/ml compared with 2 ng/ml FSH. Analysis of three-dimensional reconstructions of spindles in oocytes matured in 2000 ng/ml FSH shows that chromosomes are more scattered and farther apart than they are following maturation in 2 ng/ml FSH. These results demonstrate that exposure to high levels of FSH during IVM can accelerate nuclear maturation and induce chromosomal abnormalities and highlights the importance of the judicious use of FSH during IVM.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to investigate which biomarker/s reliably assess severity and mortality early in the sepsis process. In 47 critically-ill patients within the 24h of septic onset, Interleukins (IL)-8, -1beta, -6, -10, and -12p70, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), procalcitonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were measured in serum. Additionally, CD64 expression was measured in neutrophils. In early sepsis, neutrophil CD64 expression and IL-8 levels are the only biomarkers that increased with sepsis severity, differentiating disease stages: sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock (p<0.001). The biomarkers that best evaluate the severity of sepsis (via APACHE II) were CD64, IL-8 and IL-6 (p<0.01), and the severity of organ failure (via SOFA) were CD64 and IL-8 (p<0.01). CD64 expression and IL-8 levels were associated with mortality within 28-days (OR=1.3, p=0.01 for CD64 and OR=1.26, p=0.024 for IL-8 by logistic regression analysis) and ROC curve analysis showed high sensitivity and specificity for predicting sepsis stages and the 28 day mortality. We conclude that there is an early increase of neutrophil CD64 expression and IL-8 levels during sepsis. Based on this single measurement it is possible to reliably assess the stage, detect the severity and predict the 28-day mortality of sepsis.  相似文献   
The cytoplasmic region of the CD2 receptor of lymphocytes contains proline-rich motifs, which are involved in T cell activation and interleukin-2 production. An intracellular CD2 binding protein, CD2BP2, interacts with two tandem PPPPGHR segments of the CD2 tail. CD2BP2 contains a GYF (glycine-tyrosine-phenylalanine) domain that confers binding to these proline-rich sequences. Monoclonal antibody 3E10 that was previously raised against a peptide containing the CD2 PPPPGHR segment reacts with the native CD2 molecule and spliceosomal Sm B/B' proteins. To identify the exact epitope on the CD2 peptide recognized by 3E10, a phage-displayed combinatorial peptide library was used. Analysis of the selected clones revealed that the mAb 3E10 binds preferentially to the motif PxxPPGxR. Experiments using amino acid substitutions with synthetic peptides confirmed the reactivity of mAb 3E10 with this motif. In addition, we show that several similarities exist between this motif and the CD2BP2-GFY recognition motif PPGxR/K. Binding of antibody 3E10 indicates some degree of degeneracy, which is consistent with its ability to recognize structurally related polyproline-arginine motifs found in intracellular proteins including Sm B/B' proteins and other RNA binding proteins. Thus, mAb 3E10 can be used to specifically identify a sub-class of proline-rich motifs, and as such can be used to study the potential role of these proline-rich sequences in mediating protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   
The development of stratified retinal cell architecture is highly conserved in all vertebrates, implying that a common fundamental molecular mechanism is involved in the generation of the organized retina. However, the detailed molecular mechanisms of retinal development are not fully understood. Here we have identified the Xenopus ortholog of prune and show that it is expressed in both differentiating and differentiated retinal domains during development. Interestingly, these spatial and temporal expression patterns coincide with the expression of prune binding partners, the NM23 family members. Overexpression of prune in retinal precursor cells significantly increases the ratio of Müller glial cells as observed by modulation of NM23 activity (Mochizuki et al., 2009). However, a mutated form of prune that has replacement of four aspartate (D) residues (D'Angelo et al., 2004), essential for phosphodiesterase activity, does not exhibit gliogenic activity. Our observations suggest that Xenopus prune may regulate Müller gliogenesis through phosphodiesterase-mediated regulation of NM23 family members.  相似文献   
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