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The acute effect of estradiol and progesterone on dopamine and serotonin metabolism in rat striatum was studied. One subcutaneous injection of 17 beta-estradiol (300 ng) and progesterone (150 micrograms) into intact male rats increased plasma levels of these steroids, while testosterone, corticosterone, and estrone remained unchanged. Dehydroepiandrosterone, androstane-3 beta, 17 beta-diol and dihydrotestosterone remained undetectably low. Prolactin decreased and androstane-3 alpha, 17 beta-diol, and 17-OH progesterone increased, but less than estradiol and progesterone. Peak levels of striatal dopamine, dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, and homovanillic acid were observed 15-45 min after steroid injection with a return to control values after 45-60 min, while serotonin and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid levels were slightly decreased. An injection of estradiol (70 ng) with progesterone (70 micrograms) to ovariectomized female rats left plasma prolactin levels unchanged, while striatum dopamine and serotonin as well as their metabolite concentrations peaked 15-60 min after steroid injection and returned to control values after 45-75 min. To allow for a better comparison of the action of these steroids, the effect of estradiol or progesterone alone and in combination on the brain of ovariectomized rats was compared in the same experiment. A similar increase in metabolites of dopamine levels was observed after these steroids alone or in combination, while dopamine levels were increased only after progesterone alone or in combination with estradiol. An injection of estradiol or progesterone to ovariectomized rats led to peak steroid concentrations at approximately the same time in the brain and plasma. In addition, plasma and brain steroid levels were significantly correlated.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
For a study of the excitatory effect of kainate, glutamate, and aspartate in the goldfish optic tectum, these substances were tested on the production of CO2 from radioactive glucose in tectal slices incubated in Krebs-Ringer medium for fish. Kainate increased the rate of CO2 production for up to 30 min in a dose-related manner, the effect being maximum at 0.1 mM concentration and decreasing at higher doses. The effect was blocked by ouabain (1 mM) as well as by the substitution of choline for Na+ in the incubation medium. Glutamate and aspartate exerted a less pronounced excitatory effect on CO2 production at higher concentration than kainate. This effect was also abolished by ouabain. Glutamate, added to the medium at a concentration at least 100-fold higher than kainate, partially reversed the increase in CO2 production induced by kainic acid. No similar effect was noticed for aspartate. The supposed glutamate antagonists glutamic acid diethylester (1 mM) and proline (5 mM) did not affect the excitatory action of kainic acid or exert an antagonistic effect towards glutamate. At higher concentration (10 mM) glutamic acid diethylester increased CO2 production, an effect that was, however, ouabain insensitive. Methyltetrahydrofolic acid (1 mM), a substance reported to compete for the kainate receptor, did not inhibit the effect of kainic acid or increase CO2 production.  相似文献   
Changes in neutral amino acid transport activity caused by addition of phytohaemagglutinin-P to quiescent peripheral pig lymphocytes have been evaluated by measurements of 14C-labelled neutral and analogue amino acids under conditions approaching initial entry rates. Utilizing methylaminoisobutyric acid, the best model substrate of System A, we confirmed our previous report (Borghetti, A.F., Kay, J.E. and Wheeler, K.P. (1979) Biochem. J. 182, 27–32) on the absence of this transport system in quiescent cells and its emergence following stimulation. Furthermore, we demonstrated the presence in quiescent cells of an Na+-dependent transport system for neutral amino acids that has been characterized as System ASC by several criteria including intolerance to methylaminoisobutyric acid, strict Na+-dependence, the property of transtimulation and specificity for pertinent substrates such as alanine, serine, cysteine and threonine. Analysis of the relationship between influx and substrate concentration revealed that two independent saturable components contribute to entry of alanine in quiescent cells: a low affinity (Km = ≈4 mM) and a high affinity (Km = ≈0.2 mM) component. The high affinity component could be inhibited in a competitive way by serine, cysteine and threonine, but methylaminoisobutyric acid did not change appreciably its constants. The enhanced activity of alanine transport through the ASC system observed in activated cells resulted from a large increase in the capacity (V) of the high affinity component without any substantial change in the apparent affinity constant (Km).  相似文献   
The sampling of Ciliates performed in a little experimental torrent through two years, showed a great similarity of the two annual cycles. This similarity concerns both the species composition as well as the dynamics of the Ciliates populations. The basic species which affect the community structure are as follows: Ctedoctema acanthocrypta, Mesodinium acarus, Cyclidium glaucoma, Cinetochilum margaritaceum, Pleuronema coronatum, Lacrymaria pupula, Aspidisca costata and Holosticha vernalis. The dynamics of the ciliated Protozoa living in this environment seem to be influenced by the speed of the current, the temperature and the amount of dissolved organic matter in the water.
Etude de la dynamique des populations de cilies d'un torrent experimental pendant deux annees
Four thiocyanatopyrazole derivatives were synthesized and their fungistatic activity was demonstrated in vitro against a number of dermatophytic fungi. In Trichophyton mentagrophytes, the most active compound induced an unusual increase of the plasma membrane with production of intra and extracytoplasmic complexes, a deterioration of nuclear and mitochondrial membranes and a formation of autophagic-like vacuoles. Plasmolysis, accompanied by an almost complete disorganization of cytoplasmic structures, seemed to be the final event. A possible mechanism of action of the compounds was discussed.Investigation supported by a grant from Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche of Italy (Contract No. 7500536).  相似文献   
Combining single‐cell measurements of ERK activity dynamics with perturbations provides insights into the MAPK network topology. We built circuits consisting of an optogenetic actuator to activate MAPK signaling and an ERK biosensor to measure single‐cell ERK dynamics. This allowed us to conduct RNAi screens to investigate the role of 50 MAPK proteins in ERK dynamics. We found that the MAPK network is robust against most node perturbations. We observed that the ERK‐RAF and the ERK‐RSK2‐SOS negative feedback operate simultaneously to regulate ERK dynamics. Bypassing the RSK2‐mediated feedback, either by direct optogenetic activation of RAS, or by RSK2 perturbation, sensitized ERK dynamics to further perturbations. Similarly, targeting this feedback in a human ErbB2‐dependent oncogenic signaling model increased the efficiency of a MEK inhibitor. The RSK2‐mediated feedback is thus important for the ability of the MAPK network to produce consistent ERK outputs, and its perturbation can enhance the efficiency of MAPK inhibitors.  相似文献   
The liver represents a site of expression of neurotrophins and their receptors. We have characterized the expression and intracellular localization of the nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor, Trk-A, in liver cells in vivo and in vitro. In both normal and fibrotic liver tissue, Trk-A immunostaining was present in different cell types, including parenchymal cells and cells of the inflammatory infiltrate. In hepatocytes and activated stellate cells (HSC), Trk-A showed a predominant nuclear localization, both in the presence and absence of injury. In cultured HSC, Trk-A was found to be functional, because exposure of the cells to recombinant NGF resulted in stimulation of cell migration and activation of intracellular signaling pathways, including Ras-ERK and PI3K/Akt. Remarkably, in cultured HSC, Trk-A staining was found constitutively in the nucleus. In these cells, Trk-A could be stained only by antibodies directed against the intracellular domain but not by those recognizing the extracellular portion of Trk-A suggesting that the intracellular portion of the receptor is the major determinant of nuclear Trk-A staining. In contrast to HSC, freshly isolated hepatocytes did not show any nuclear localization of the intracellular portion of Trk-A. In pheocromocytoma cells, nuclear staining for Trk-A was not present in conditions of serum deprivation, but could be induced by exposure to NGF or to a mixture of soluble mediators. We conclude that nuclear localization of the intracellular domain of Trk-A is observed constitutively in liver cells such as HSC, while in other cell types it could be induced in response to soluble factors.  相似文献   
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