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Extremophiles - With an unsupervised GC–MS metabolomics approach, polar metabolite changes of the microalgae Coccomyxa melkonianii SCCA 048 grown under standard conditions for seven weeks...  相似文献   
Nitroxide radicals are an emerging class of interesting compounds with versatile antioxidant and radioprotective properties. All literature studies have so far concentrated on compounds bearing only one nitroxide function. Here, we now investigate and compare the radical scavenging behaviour and antioxidant activity of aromatic indolinonic and aliphatic piperidine bis-nitroxides, i.e compounds bearing two nitroxide functions. Their corresponding mono-derivatives were also studied for comparison. Radical scavenging activity was investigated using EPR and UV–Vis spectroscopy by following spectral changes in acetonitrile of the nitroxides in the presence of alkyl and peroxyl radicals generated, respectively, under anoxic or aerobic conditions from thermal decomposition of AMVN [2,2′-azobis(2,4-di-methylvaleronitrile)]. Antioxidant activity of the nitroxides was evaluated by monitoring conjugated dienes (CD) formation during methyl linoleate micelles peroxidation and by measuring carbonyl content in oxidized bovine serum albumin (BSA). The results show that: (a) each nitroxide moiety in bis-nitroxides scavenges radicals independent of each other; (b) aliphatic nitroxides do not scavenge peroxyl radicals, at least under the experimental conditions used here, whereas indolinonic aromatic ones do: their stoichiometric number is 1.14 and 2.17, respectively, for mono- and bis-derivatives; (c) bis-nitroxides are roughly twice more efficient at inhibiting lipid peroxidation compared to their corresponding mono-derivatives. Although this study provides only comparative information on the relative radical-scavenging abilities of mono- and bis-nitroxides, it helps in understanding further the interesting reactivity of these compounds especially with regards to peroxyl radicals where many controversies in the literature exist.  相似文献   

Fragments of Aesculus hippocastanum L. cotyledons grown in vitro. First results about starch and aescin characteristic features.—Cotyledon fragments of Aesculus hippocastanum grown in vitro in different media have been able to form callus and roots. The starch granules in the new cells are compound in structure and morphologically different from the simple cotyledon granules, whereas they are similar to the granules of the other parts of the plant in toto. Moreover, the callus has no aescin even though it originates from the cotyledor tissues.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of vital root tips and ectomycorrhizal (ECM) communities in forest soils is characterized by patchiness at a microscale level, mostly related to the distribution patterns of biotic and abiotic factors. A geostatistical model was applied to verify if spatial analyses could be useful in identifying an appropriate sampling method to study root tip vitality, ectomycorrhization and the ECM community. Root samples were collected from two high mountain Norway spruce forests (Trentino province, Italy) following a geometrical design. Laboratory microscopic and geostatistical ordinary kriging analyses were used to map tip vitality and ectomycorrhization degree, ECM richness and distribution grouped in “exploration types” (amount of emanating hyphae or presence and differentiation of rhizomorphs). Spatial gradients of the examined features existed at plant level, associated to the up-downslope direction (root tip vitality and ectomycorrhization, ECM richness) and distance from the stem base (ECM exploration types). The effectiveness of the geostatistical model used demonstrates that a geometrical sampling design, associated to spatial mapping techniques, can be useful in research where the tree, and not the forest, is the subject (mycological and phytopathological studies).  相似文献   

Seminal integument and germination of Cercis siliquastrum L. – A histological study of the seminal integument of Cercis siliquastrum L. has been carried out, in order to explain whether the obstacle to the germination, removed by a cold-treatment, was caused by a mechanical action of the integument itself. We have noted that both the cold-treated seeds which germinate and the non-treated control seeds which don't germinate show in the long run the same modifications. We have therefore come to the conclusion that the inability to germinate found in the non-treated seeds is not due to the mechanical resistance of the integument and we think it necessary to return to further researches, also at a biochemical level.  相似文献   

Observations on growth and development of Salvia longistyla Benth., in several photoperiodic and termoperiodic conditions, both natural and artificial, were performed. The conclusions of my work are the following

I° - It has been proved that Salvia longistyla is a typical short-day plant and that its critical point of reaction lies approssimately on the 14 hours, when the average night-temperature is about 18°C; the flowering does not succeed if the night-temperature is decidedly below 15°C.

II° - The plant' requires short-day conditions not only for the formation of the flower buds, but also for the subsequent development, i. e. the full bloom; consequently the plant belongs to Eguchi's S. S. class (short day-plant for both the manifestations).

III. - Under natural conditions, in our latitude, Salvia longistyla flowers only in Autumn, because only in this season we have suitable photoperiod and concomitantly suitable night-temperature. In Spring, though the day is short, the night-temperature is not sufficiently high; in Winter and in Spring, the flowering is possible only in a warm green-house, with a night-temperature of about 18°C. In orange green-houses Salvia longistyla can continue the flowering begun in Autumn; during Winter and Spring new blooms do not succeed, just because the night-temperature, in such green houses, is never sufficiently high.

IV. - We can obtain fruiting only by artificial pollination (lack of natural pollination agency).

V. - The basal branches do not flower even in optimal photo- and termoperiodical conditions (which allow apical flowering) on acount of a mechanism of correlative inhibition.

VI. - The elongation of the internodes is relatively inhibited at a very long photoperiod, differently from what we observe in most plants.

These prerogatives, verified in repeated experiments, are in perfect accordance with the characteristics of the ambient in which the plant is naturally diffused (Mexico). The altitude and latitude of the stations in which the plant has usually been found, have a short photoperiod all year long, and temperatures (also night-temperatures) costantly suitable for a good growth and bloom. The plants, in the natural ambient, are perennial and bushy. The pluri-annuality can be referred to the flowering inhibition of the lateral and basal branches, that takes place in a specimen and that keeps on for a long time, also after the full flowering of the principal axis. The basal shoots show a tendency to the vegetative growth, even though the external conditions are suitable to the flowering of the apical parts of the plant. Therefore we must attribute the pluriannuality of S. longistyla to this correlative flower-inhibiting mechanism.  相似文献   
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