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We recently reported that hyperthyroidism affects the heart response to ischemia/reperfusion. A significant tachycardia during reperfusion was associated with an increase in the oxidative stress of hearts from T3-treated animals. In the present study we checked the possible role of nitric oxide (NO) in this major stress induced by the hyperthyroid state. We compared the functional recovery from ischemia/reperfusion of Langendorff preparations from euthyroid (E) and hyperthyroid (H, ten daily intraperitoneal injections of T3, 10 μg/100 g body weight) rats, in the presence and in the absence of 0.2 mM Nω-nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA). At the end of the ischemia/reperfusion protocol (10 min preischemic perfusion, 20 min global ischemia, 30 min reperfusion) lipid peroxidation, antioxidant capacity (CA) and susceptibility to in vitro oxidative stress were determined on heart homogenates. The main effect of hyperthyroidism on the reperfusion functional response was confirmed to be a strong tachycardic response (154% recovery at 25 min reperfusion) accompanied by a low recovery in both left ventricular diastolic pressure (LVDP) and left ventricular dP/dtmax. This functional response was associated with a reduction in CA and an increase in both lipid peroxidation and susceptibility to oxidative stress. Perfusion of hearts with L-NNA per se had small but significant negative chronotropic and positive inotropic effects on preischemic performance of euthyroid rat hearts only. More importantly, L-NNA perfusion completely blocked the reperfusion tachycardic response in the hyperthyroid rats. Concomitantly, myocardium oxidative state (lipid peroxidation, CA and in vitro susceptibility to oxidative stress) of L-NNA perfused hearts was similar to that of E animals. These results suggest that the higher reperfusion-induced injury occurring in hyperthyroid animals is associated with overproduction of nitric oxide.  相似文献   
Nitroxide radicals are an emerging class of interesting compounds with versatile antioxidant and radioprotective properties. All literature studies have so far concentrated on compounds bearing only one nitroxide function. Here, we now investigate and compare the radical scavenging behaviour and antioxidant activity of aromatic indolinonic and aliphatic piperidine bis-nitroxides, i.e compounds bearing two nitroxide functions. Their corresponding mono-derivatives were also studied for comparison. Radical scavenging activity was investigated using EPR and UV–Vis spectroscopy by following spectral changes in acetonitrile of the nitroxides in the presence of alkyl and peroxyl radicals generated, respectively, under anoxic or aerobic conditions from thermal decomposition of AMVN [2,2′-azobis(2,4-di-methylvaleronitrile)]. Antioxidant activity of the nitroxides was evaluated by monitoring conjugated dienes (CD) formation during methyl linoleate micelles peroxidation and by measuring carbonyl content in oxidized bovine serum albumin (BSA). The results show that: (a) each nitroxide moiety in bis-nitroxides scavenges radicals independent of each other; (b) aliphatic nitroxides do not scavenge peroxyl radicals, at least under the experimental conditions used here, whereas indolinonic aromatic ones do: their stoichiometric number is 1.14 and 2.17, respectively, for mono- and bis-derivatives; (c) bis-nitroxides are roughly twice more efficient at inhibiting lipid peroxidation compared to their corresponding mono-derivatives. Although this study provides only comparative information on the relative radical-scavenging abilities of mono- and bis-nitroxides, it helps in understanding further the interesting reactivity of these compounds especially with regards to peroxyl radicals where many controversies in the literature exist.  相似文献   

Net ecosystem exchange (NEE), leaf gas exchange and biochemical traits were investigated in an irrigated maize crop grown under Mediterranean conditions. Sub-optimal irrigation water supply determined a drought stress during the early vegetative growth stage (45–49 days after swing) that decreased NEE. Drought, in the late vegetative stage, also caused a reduction of leaf gas exchange. In the latter period, proline, glycine and serine, as well as sucrose leaf contents increased, while starch, proteins and glucose contents decreased. In the early reproductive stage, the crop experienced a longer dry spell that induced a reduction in canopy as well as in leaf gas exchanges, while protein and free amino acid contents decreased with respect to the late vegetative stage. Both ecophysiological and biochemical data demonstrate a good capacity of cultivar Pioneer PR32D99 to endure the environmental stress, related to Mediterranean summer drought, leading to an elevated dry matter yield at harvest. Photosynthetic apparatus appeared fairly resistant to soil water shortage due likely to the increased leaf content of organic solutes, such as amino acids and soluble sugars.  相似文献   

Fragments of Aesculus hippocastanum L. cotyledons grown in vitro. First results about starch and aescin characteristic features.—Cotyledon fragments of Aesculus hippocastanum grown in vitro in different media have been able to form callus and roots. The starch granules in the new cells are compound in structure and morphologically different from the simple cotyledon granules, whereas they are similar to the granules of the other parts of the plant in toto. Moreover, the callus has no aescin even though it originates from the cotyledor tissues.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis and photoprotective mechanisms were investigated in the field on Laurus nobilis L. and Quercus ilex L. leaves exposed to summer drought (July) and winter cold (February) conditions compared with no-stress conditions (May). In July, net photosynthetic rate (A) and stomatal conductance (g s) decreased significantly compared with May in both species; conversely the highest ETR/A ratio and no difference in non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) was observed. In February A, g s and ETR/A declined compared with May but the highest NPQ were found in both species. Our data suggest that during summer, an increase of photochemical alternative pathways to carbon reduction, were able to effectively protect the photosynthetic apparatus under drought. In winter, the thermal dissipation of excess absorbed light constitutes the main safety valve for the photosynthetic apparatus.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of vital root tips and ectomycorrhizal (ECM) communities in forest soils is characterized by patchiness at a microscale level, mostly related to the distribution patterns of biotic and abiotic factors. A geostatistical model was applied to verify if spatial analyses could be useful in identifying an appropriate sampling method to study root tip vitality, ectomycorrhization and the ECM community. Root samples were collected from two high mountain Norway spruce forests (Trentino province, Italy) following a geometrical design. Laboratory microscopic and geostatistical ordinary kriging analyses were used to map tip vitality and ectomycorrhization degree, ECM richness and distribution grouped in “exploration types” (amount of emanating hyphae or presence and differentiation of rhizomorphs). Spatial gradients of the examined features existed at plant level, associated to the up-downslope direction (root tip vitality and ectomycorrhization, ECM richness) and distance from the stem base (ECM exploration types). The effectiveness of the geostatistical model used demonstrates that a geometrical sampling design, associated to spatial mapping techniques, can be useful in research where the tree, and not the forest, is the subject (mycological and phytopathological studies).  相似文献   

Considerations about our anther cultures of cultivated plants. – One of the main activities performed at the Casaccia Nuclear Centre, in the framework of a contract between CNEN and the European Communities, centers on the induction of haploid plants by anther culture and the subsequent chromosome doubling in order to obtain completely homozygous diploid plants. In tobacco, it is now possible to obtain haploid plants from any cultivar; we perform in vitro culture of internodes from which homozygous diploid plants are regenerated, taking advantage of natural phenomenon of endopolyploidy. In order to try to generalize this method of producing haploid plants in other plant species, we are studying the mechanism involved in haploid embryogenesis which occurs in vitro in the microspores. Datura, Nicotiana and Atropa are among the genera in which a direct embryogenesis from the microspore is observed; it is interesting to note that all three genera belong to the family Solanaceae and are very rich in alkaloids. In almost all the other cases of in vitro induction of haploids, microspores produce calli from which plantlets can be differentiated, but this way of plant regeneration is less interesting because only few plantlets are obtained and it is not sure that each haploid comes from a single microspore. We examined the factors which could influence the transformation of microspores into embryoids in tobacco, namely: the developmental stage of microspore, the degeneration of tapaetal cells, the genotype of microspore, the composition of cultural media, the physiological conditions of the plant from which the anthers were taken. From a practical point of view, it would be desirable to have informations on methods giving a maximum number of haploid plants from one embryogenic anther and the greatest number of embryogenic anthers from the cultured anthers. Our recent experiments on anther culture in liquid shaken medium have yielded good results (about 7,000 embryoids from 25 embryogenic anthers). Further, we are conducting several experiments in order to synchronize the development of the microspores in the anthers; to this end, we analyse the effect of cold treatment, ionizing radiation and gravity force. Experiments are being performed with other cultivated species, beside tobacco, in order to solve some problems of plant breeding more easily and quickly through haploidy. With the aim of introducing, in cultivated tomato, some desirable characters from the wild species, Lycopersicum peruvianum, (self-incompatibility, disease resistance, simultaneous flowering), we have obtained the interspecific hybrid through in vitro culture of young embryos. Haploid production from this hybrid could allow to quickly obtain various genetic recombinations from these two species. For this purpose we are carrying out anther cultures as well as single microspore cultures. In rice, strawberry and L. peruvianum, several diploid and tetraploid plantlets were obtained from our anther cultures. Work is in progress to ascertain the mode of their origin.  相似文献   

The vegetative growth of the olive tree in Messina is described. The growth period begins at the end of March and prosecutes without interruption as late as November. The secondary wood tissue producted during summer time (from Yuly to August) is abnormal being of a parenchimatoide type. During winter there is a well defined rest period.

The cambium produces secondary wood and bark with an alternate rythm, so that in spring the wood production prevails on the liber and in autumn the opposite condition is realized.

Each phase of production of secondary conducting tissues (wood as well as bark) is followed by a phase of starch storing.

In the stem several false wood rings are produced during one year, while in the young branches each wood ring corresponds to one year.

The longitudinal growth and cork formation on the branches of the year are particularly pronounced during spring (March-May).

Cambium cells swell in a characteristic way before they start dividing and collapse during the resting periods, thickening evidently their walls, so that in winter it is difficult to distinguish a cambial cell from a parenchimatic one.

The behaviour of the vegetative growth of the olive tree in Messina is discussed on the base of the climatic characters of the region.  相似文献   
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