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To study effects of altitude, monthly sampling was undertaken from June 1993 to May 1996 in the upper Kodayar reservoir (1312 m ASL), the lower Kodayar (92 m ASL) and Azhakia Pandiapuram (plain) (Tamilnadu, India). Temperature decreased with elevation at a rate of 1 °C per 240 m; the thermal range also decreased with increasing altitude. The number of days and quantity of precipitation decreased from 161 days and 366 cm yr-1 in the upper Kodayar to 92 days and 127 cm yr-1 at the Azhakia Pandiapuram (APP). Transparency decreased from 1.5 m at the upper Kodayar to about 0.5 m at the APP. Dissolved oxygen increased with decreasing altitude but remained high (>7 mg l-1) in all the three systems. Throughout the investigation, the upper Kodayar reservoir (<6.8) and lower Kodayar lake (<7.0) remained acidic, while the APP was always alkaline. Trends for CO2 and alkalinity of the three Kodayar systems were parallel to those for pH. Though widely oscillating across calendar months, nitrate averaged c. 30 g l-1, while phosphate increased from 8 g l-1 in the upper Kodayar to 18 g l-1 at the APP. Wide oscillations in nitrate suggest that it may be limiting productivity more than phosphorus. Chlorophyll-a values were c. 1.9 g l-1 throughout the year in the upper Kodayar, and between 10 and 20 g l-1 in the other two ecosystems; values peaked during the dry season, from January to April. Chlorophyll-a concentrations correlated positively with productivity; every g increase in chlorophyll-a caused 0.15 gC m-3 d-1 more production. The pristine water of the fragile upper Kodayar had the lowest productivity, and poorest diversity and population density. The species richness was assessed using organisms larger than 75 m filtered by a plankton net. There were five species (Staurastrum spp., Staurodesmus spp., Botryococcus) of phytoplankton, and three species of cladocerans and five species of copepods; population density averaged to 159 l-1 for phytoplankton, 0.3 l-1 for zooplankton. The lower Kodayar proved to be the richest for species diversity; there were 14 species of phytoplankton and six species of cladocerans and six species of copepods. Population density averaged to 203 l-1 for phytoplankton and 0.44 l-1 for zooplankton. The APP displayed moderate species richness; there were seven species of phytoplankton and six species of cladocerans, eight species of copepods and three species of rotifer; but the population density was comparatively higher than the upper and lower Kodayar; it averaged 412 l-1 for phytoplankton and 5.9 l-1 for zooplankton. These values fell within the range of values reported for other tropical and temperate lakes. Staurastrum, Ceriodaphnia cornuta, Tropocyclops, Thermocyclops and Mesocyclops sp. were present in all the aquatic systems and tolerated wide range pH between 6.5 and 8.0. APP was the most productive (4.4 gC m-3 d-1). Productivity holds positive correlation with pH and temperature; for every 1 °C increase in temperature it increased by 0.39 gC m-3 d-1 in these aquatic systems.  相似文献   
DURING each step of peptide chain elongation the ribosome shifts up one triplet along the messenger RNA with concomitant movement of the peptidyl-transfer RNA from the donor to the acceptor site. This process, commonly known as translocation, is triggered by a supernatant protein, factor G, which in association with the ribosome cleaves GTP into GDP and inorganic phosphate1,2 and it has been argued that the energy liberated in this reaction is used “to carry the complex one triplet forward”3.  相似文献   
A growing body of evidence suggests that resources invested in reproduction often come at the expense of the ability to mount an immune response. During mating, female sagebrush crickets, Cyphoderris strepitans, consume the ends of the male’s hind wings and ingest his haemolymph. Previous research has shown that this behaviour impairs the ability of males to secure additional matings. One hypothesis to account for this effect is that wing wounding triggers an energetically costly immune response, such that nonvirgin males are unable to sustain the costly acoustical signalling needed to attract additional females. To test this hypothesis, we injected virgin males with lipopolysaccharides (LPS) to provoke an immune response, and monitored their mating success in the field. LPS‐injected virgin males took significantly longer to mate than sham‐injected virgin males, and spent significantly less time calling. We also compared virgin, nonvirgin and experimentally wing‐wounded virgin males with respect to: (1) their ability to encapsulate a foreign invader via the accumulation of haemocytes and deposition of melanin and (2) baseline levels of phenoloxidase (PO), a key enzyme in the biochemical cascade leading to the production of melanin. Although encapsulation ability did not differ with reproductive experience, virgin males had significantly higher levels of PO than either nonvirgin or experimentally wing‐wounded virgin males. These results suggest that wing‐wounding alone is sufficient to impair male immunity, and that males trade‐off investment in reproduction and immunity.  相似文献   
Protoplasts and L-type growth of Escherichia coli   总被引:20,自引:22,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
Abstract: Phylogenetic reconstruction of the Upper Barremian ammonite genus Gassendiceras (Gassendiceratinae) was performed using a cladistic analysis incorporating continuous data. Some morphological features were found to vary identically among all the analysed species and therefore carry no phylogenetic information (= symplesiomorphic). The single obtained cladogram allows interpreting the evolution of the Gassendiceras as an anagenetic succession of eight species, in stratigraphic order of appearance, Gassendiceras multicostatum, G. alpinum, G. hoheneggeri, G. rebouleti, G. bosellii, G. quelquejeui, G. coulletae and G. enayi. The clade Pseudoshasticrioceras/Imerites is derived from G. enayi, so the genus Gassendiceras appears to be paraphyletic. But here, we accept this fact as the best evolutive classification. The evolution over time of Gassendiceras is modulated by some processes, which could have constrained the inferred phylogenetic pattern with the drift of the global variability towards the most gracile forms over time. It is tempting to interpret this evolution as a constant selection over time of the Gassendiceras modulated by environmental control due to eustatic variation across a transgressive sequence. Thus, the most peramorphic (gracile) individuals seemed favoured at the expense of those most robust (paedomorphic).  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. The overlying water of intact sediment cores was constantly stirred with an impeller at a rate sufficient to mix turbulently the water column and maintain the diffusive boundary layer at a determined thickness. The system allowed standardization of water circulation in laboratory sediment core experiments.
2. Both oxygen concentration and oxygen penetration depth in the sediments decreased, the former by 70% and the latter from 4.2 mm to 2.0 mm, when the overlying water was not stirred for 24 h, as measured with oxygen microelectrodes in a lake sediment core.
3. Oxygen profiles measured in sediment cores in the laboratory were similar to those measured in situ when the overlying water was stirred with an impeller at such a rate that a similar thickness of the diffusive boundary layer at the sediment-water interface developed in the laboratory as that in situ.
4. Sediment oxygen consumption was calculated from: (1) measured oxygen profiles in the diffusive boundary layer and the molecular diffusion coefficient for oxygen in water; (2) the measured oxygen decrease in the top of the sediments and the estimated diffusion coefficient in the sediment; and (3) by oxygen differences in the overlying water after incubation of sediment cores.  相似文献   
Data are presented on patterns of failure and delay in making initial treatment contact after first onset of a mental disorder in 15 countries in the World Health Organization (WHO)''s World Mental Health (WMH) Surveys. Representative face-to-face household surveys were conducted among 76,012 respondents aged 18 and older in Belgium, Colombia, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, People''s Republic of China (Beijing and Shanghai), Spain, and the United States. The WHO Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) was used to assess lifetime DSM-IV anxiety, mood, and substance use disorders. Ages of onset for individual disorders and ages of first treatment contact for each disorder were used to calculate the extent of failure and delay in initial help seeking. The proportion of lifetime cases making treatment contact in the year of disorder onset ranged from 0.8 to 36.4% for anxiety disorders, from 6.0 to 52.1% for mood disorders, and from 0.9 to 18.6% for substance use disorders. By 50 years, the proportion of lifetime cases making treatment contact ranged from 15.2 to 95.0% for anxiety disorders, from 7.9 to 98.6% for mood disorders, and from 19.8 to 86.1% for substance use disorders. Median delays among cases eventually making contact ranged from 3.0 to 30.0 years for anxiety disorders, from 1.0 to 14.0 years for mood disorders, and from 6.0 to 18.0 years for substance use disorders. Failure and delays in treatment seeking were generally greater in developing countries, older cohorts, men, and cases with earlier ages of onset. These results show that failure and delays in initial help seeking are pervasive problems worldwide. Interventions to ensure prompt initial treatment contacts are needed to reduce the global burdens and hazards of untreated mental disorders.  相似文献   
Aromatic-aromatic hydrogen bonds are important in many areas of chemistry, biology and materials science. In this study we haveanalyzed the roles played by the π-π interactions in interleukins (ILs) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) proteins. Majority of π-πinteracting residues are conserved in ILs and TNF proteins. The accessible surface area calculations in these proteins reveal thatthese interactions might be important in stabilizing the inner core regions of these proteins. In addition to π-π interactions, thearomatic residues also form π-networks in ILs and TNF proteins. The results obtained in the present study indicate that π-πinteractions and π-π networks play important roles in the structural stability of ILs and TNF proteins.  相似文献   
The plasma beta-endorphin (beta-EP) and beta-lipotropin (beta-LPH) response to acute exercise and the relationship of these opioid peptides to basal and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LRH)-stimulated luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) secretion was studied in eight normal male volunteers. Acute exercise resulted in a rise in plasma beta-LPH levels that returned to base line when measured 60 min after exercise. Plasma beta-EP levels did not demonstrate any rise when measured immediately after 20 min of exercise or at 60 min after exercise. Serum LH concentrations in individual volunteers declined to nadir values 60-180 min after exercise after which they showed a rebound to levels higher than the preexercise values in three of five volunteers in whom nadir LH levels were attained before the final (180 min) measurement. Serum FSH concentrations were unaltered by exercise. Acute exercise similarly did not alter the LH/FSH response to exogenous LRH stimulation. Pretreatment of the volunteers with the narcotic antagonist, naloxone, failed to alter the postexercise or LRH-stimulated LH and FSH release. The data suggest that beta-EP does not exert a suppressive effect on LH secretion after acute exercise in normal human males. Whether the suppression of LH secretion after acute exercise in unconditioned males is due to factor(s) cosecreted with beta-LPH, an increase in brain beta-EP or to alternate mechanisms such as alteration in central dopaminergic or GABAergic tone remains to be established.  相似文献   
Corals, considered the rainforests of the oceans, harbour an abundance of different bacterial populations throughout the coral structure. In the present study we attempted to characterize the cultivable bacterial population associated within the mucus and tissue of the coral Acropora digitifera from the Gulf of Mannar. 16S rRNA gene was amplified from the cultured mucus and tissue isolates. Amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis, performed with a combination of restriction enzymes to determine the polymorphic groups of bacteria, generated 19 distinct groups in the coral mucus and 17 distinct groups in the coral tissue. Phylogenetic analyses based on the full-length sequences of 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that the majority of bacterial isolates belonged to the group Firmicutes , followed by Gammaproteobacteria and Actinobacteria . On investigating their antimicrobial activity, mucus isolates showed about 25% activity and tissue isolates showed 48% activity. This study revealed the presence of actinomycetes in both the coral mucus and the coral tissue, which had high activity against pathogens. This study, for the first time, demonstrates that actinomycetes existing within corals also have potential antibacterial activity. This has been overlooked so far, and indicates that, in addition to mucus, bacteria within the tissue of corals might defend the coral host against pathogens.  相似文献   
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