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It is unknown whether HIV treatment guidelines, based on resource-rich country cohorts, are applicable to African populations.


We estimated CD4 cell loss in ART-naïve, AIDS-free individuals using mixed models allowing for random intercept and slope, and time from seroconversion to clinical AIDS, death and antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation by survival methods. Using CASCADE data from 20 European and 3 sub-Saharan African (SSA) cohorts of heterosexually-infected individuals, aged ≥15 years, infected ≥2000, we compared estimates between non-African Europeans, Africans in Europe, and Africans in SSA.


Of 1,959 (913 non-Africans, 302 Europeans - African origin, 744 SSA), two-thirds were female; median age at seroconversion was 31 years. Individuals in SSA progressed faster to clinical AIDS but not to death or non-TB AIDS. They also initiated ART later than Europeans and at lower CD4 cell counts. In adjusted models, Africans (especially from Europe) had lower CD4 counts at seroconversion and slower CD4 decline than non-African Europeans. Median (95% CI) CD4 count at seroconversion for a 15–29 year old woman was 607 (588–627) (non-African European), 469 (442–497) (European - African origin) and 570 (551–589) (SSA) cells/µL with respective CD4 decline during the first 4 years of 259 (228–289), 155 (110–200), and 199 (174–224) cells/µL (p<0.01).


Despite differences in CD4 cell count evolution, death and non-TB AIDS rates were similar across study groups. It is therefore prudent to apply current ART guidelines from resource-rich countries to African populations.  相似文献   
Voltage-activated proteins can sense, and respond to, changes in the electric field pervading the cell membrane by virtue of a transmembrane helix bundle, the voltage-sensing domain (VSD). Canonical VSDs consist of four transmembrane helices (S1-S4) of which S4 is considered a principal component because it possesses charged residues immersed in the electric field. Membrane depolarization compels the charges, and by extension S4, to rearrange with respect to the field. The VSD of large-conductance voltage- and Ca-activated K(+) (BK) channels exhibits two salient inconsistencies from the canonical VSD model: (1) the BK channel VSD possesses an additional nonconserved transmembrane helix (S0); and (2) it exhibits a "decentralized" distribution of voltage-sensing charges, in helices S2 and S3, in addition to S4. Considering these unique features, the voltage-dependent rearrangements of the BK VSD could differ significantly from the standard model of VSD operation. To understand the mode of operation of this unique VSD, we have optically tracked the relative motions of the BK VSD transmembrane helices during activation, by manipulating the quenching environment of site-directed fluorescent labels with native and introduced Trp residues. Having previously reported that S0 and S4 diverge during activation, in this work we demonstrate that S4 also diverges from S1 and S2, whereas S2, compelled by its voltage-sensing charged residues, moves closer to S1. This information contributes spatial constraints for understanding the BK channel voltage-sensing process, revealing the structural rearrangements in a non-canonical VSD.  相似文献   
Previously nuclear reformation following metaphase in HeLaS3 cells was conceptualized in terms of a stepwise process which was continuous throughout anaphase and telophase. This concept was based on a three-dimensional visualization by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of individual, organically prepared chromatid structures (prenuclei) which could be sequentially arranged. Morphologic analysis revealed unique topographies and morphometric properties which suggested that it should be possible to isolate populations of prenuclei aqueously. Such an isolation using detergents and density centrifugation is presented which yields metaphase plates and two populations of prenuclei with distinctive morphology. Essentially, prenuclei are freed from late mitotic cells in suspension cultures of synchronized HeLaS3 cells by treatment with 0.1% Nonidet-P40 followed by treatment with a mixture of Tween 40-desoxycholate (0.5%). Critical for the isolation is the presence of a divalent cation (5 mM Mg+ +) and an acid pH (~ 5.8). After density centrifugation, 2N decondensing structures (late intermediates) are recovered from 42% Percoll, and a mixture of 2N predecondensing (early intermediates) and 4N metaphase plates are recovered from 52% Percoll. The latter intermediates can be further separated into highly enriched populations (>94% pure) by fluorescence-activated sorting. Predecondensing structures are of the same overall morphology as prenuclei isolated previously by organic means, can also be ordered sequentially to demonstrate nuclear morphogenesis, and retain centromere/kinetochore loci. These chromosomal loci based on immunostaining of individual structures appear to be positioned centrally during chromatid reassociation and then appear to be dispersed prior to structural rearrangements leading to formation of a disc-like prenucleus. The significance of grouping intermediates temporally and of two protocols of isolation yielding the same structures is discussed with regard to a study of the requirements for nuclear morphogenesis in late mitosis.  相似文献   
The design of insulin analogues has emphasized stabilization or destabilization of structural elements according to established principles of protein folding. To this end, solvent-exposed side-chains extrinsic to the receptor-binding surface provide convenient sites of modification. An example is provided by an unfavorable helical C-cap (Thr(A8)) whose substitution by favorable amino acids (His(A8) or Arg(A8)) has yielded analogues of improved stability. Remarkably, these analogues also exhibit enhanced activity, suggesting that activity may correlate with stability. Here, we test this hypothesis by substitution of diaminobutyric acid (Dab(A8)), like threonine an amino acid of low helical propensity. The crystal structure of Dab(A8)-insulin is similar to those of native insulin and the related analogue Lys(A8)-insulin. Although no more stable than native insulin, the non-standard analogue is twice as active. Stability and affinity can therefore be uncoupled. To investigate alternative mechanisms by which A8 substitutions enhance activity, multiple substitutions were introduced. Surprisingly, diverse aliphatic, aromatic and polar side-chains enhance receptor binding and biological activity. Because no relationship is observed between activity and helical propensity, we propose that local interactions between the A8 side-chain and an edge of the hormone-receptor interface modulate affinity. Dab(A8)-insulin illustrates the utility of non-standard amino acids in hypothesis-driven protein design.  相似文献   
Precision of the Dpp gradient   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Distal embolization of particulate matter complicates percutaneous coronary and peripheral interventions more often than had been recognized until recently. A number of distal protection devices are under development. The PercuSurge GuardWire™ is a balloon occlusion thrombectomy device approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for saphenous vein graft intervention. A number of filter devices utilize an expandable filter mounted on the angioplasty guidewire to facilitate entrapment of particles and safe removal. The Parodi Anti-Emboli System™ is an example of a catheter occlusion device that establishes protection by reversing blood flow in the target vessel.  相似文献   
The hydrophobic core of vertebrate insulins contains an invariant isoleucine residue at position A2. Lack of variation may reflect this side-chain's dual contribution to structure and function: Ile(A2) is proposed both to stabilize the A1-A8 alpha-helix and to contribute to a "hidden" functional surface exposed on receptor binding. Substitution of Ile(A2) by alanine results in segmental unfolding of the A1-A8 alpha-helix, lower thermodynamic stability and impaired receptor binding. Such a spectrum of perturbations, although of biophysical interest, confounds interpretation of structure-activity relationships. To investigate the specific contribution of Ile(A2) to insulin's functional surface, we have employed non-standard mutagenesis: inversion of side-chain chirality in engineered monomer allo-Ile(A2)-DKP-insulin. Although the analogue retains native structure and stability, its affinity for the insulin receptor is impaired by 50-fold. Thus, whereas insulin's core readily accommodates allo-isoleucine at A2, its activity is exquisitely sensitive to chiral inversion. We propose that the Ile(A2) side-chain inserts within a chiral pocket of the receptor as part of insulin's hidden functional surface.  相似文献   
The cytosolic factor Cif (cytochrome c-efflux inducing factor) was activated by the apoptosis inducers staurosporine and anti-Fas antibodies and rapidly induced the efflux of cytochrome c from purified human mitochondria. HL-60 cells that stably overexpressed a bcl-2 cDNA transgene (Bcl-2:HL-60 cells) contained mitochondria and a cytosol that were resistant to exogenous Cif and that lacked detectable endogenous Cif activity, respectively. Therefore, Bcl-2 overexpression negated Cif activity and suggested that the requirement for Cif resides upstream of Bcl-2 on the apoptotic signal transduction pathway. The addition of purified caspase 3, caspase 7, or caspase 8 to the cytosolic extract from Bcl-2:HL-60 cells, however, restored Cif activity, demonstrating that the inhibition of Cif by Bcl-2 overexpression could be overcome by activated caspases. Moreover, the addition of purified caspases to cytosolic extracts prepared from parental HL-60 cells was also sufficient to cause Cif activation, suggesting that caspases might be required for Cif activation. Consistent with these observations, Fas-induced apoptosis in Jurkat cells resulted in caspase 8 activation and subsequently in activation of Cif. Finally, we demonstrate that the activation of Cif correlated with the activation of the Bcl-2 family member Bid by caspases and that Cif activity was selectively neutralized by anti-Bid antibodies. Taken together, these results indicate that Cif is identical to Bid and that it can be inhibited by Bcl-2 and activated by caspases. Thus, Cif (Bid) is an important biological regulator for the transduction of apoptotic signals.  相似文献   
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