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A modified insulin, in which the A chain moiety has been extended at the C-terminus with the “D region” of the insulin-like growth factor II, has been synthesized essentially by the procedures employed in this laboratory for the synthesis of insulin and analogues. This hybrid molecule displayed reduced insulin-like activities, 34.5% receptor binding, and 40.4% stimulation of lipogenesis relative to natural insulin. These findings suggest that the extension sequence (“D region”) attached at the C-terminus of the A chain may partially cover the putative receptor binding region of insulin, in support of speculations based on computer-generated models. These same models indicate that the extension peptide may interfere with one of the two regions implicated in insulin antibody recognition. In this regard, radioimmunoassay of the hybrid revealed potency even more reduced than biological activity: 18% relative to insulin. Growth factor assays of the hybrid (this laboratory, unpublished data) suggest that the “D region” of insulin-like growth factor II is not in itself the determinant of growth-promoting activity.  相似文献   
The A and B chains of insulin combine to form native disulfide bridges without detectable isomers. The fidelity of chain combination thus recapitulates the folding of proinsulin, a precursor protein in which the two chains are tethered by a disordered connecting peptide. We have recently shown that chain combination is blocked by seemingly conservative substitutions in the C-terminal alpha-helix of the A chain. Such analogs, once formed, nevertheless retain high biological activity. By contrast, we demonstrate here that chain combination is robust to non-conservative substitutions in the N-terminal alpha-helix. Introduction of multiple glycine substitutions into the N-terminal segment of the A chain (residues A1-A5) yields analogs that are less stable than native insulin and essentially without biological activity. (1)H NMR studies of a representative analog lacking invariant side chains Ile(A2) and Val(A3) (A chain sequence GGGEQCCTSICSLYQLENYCN; substitutions are italicized and cysteines are underlined) demonstrate local unfolding of the A1-A5 segment in an otherwise native-like structure. That this and related partial folds retain efficient disulfide pairing suggests that the native N-terminal alpha-helix does not participate in the transition state of the reaction. Implications for the hierarchical folding mechanisms of proinsulin and insulin-like growth factors are discussed.  相似文献   
Large-conductance voltage- and Ca2+-activated K+ (BKCa) channels play a fundamental role in cellular function by integrating information from their voltage and Ca2+ sensors to control membrane potential and Ca2+ homeostasis. The molecular mechanism of Ca2+-dependent regulation of BKCa channels is unknown, but likely relies on the operation of two cytosolic domains, regulator of K+ conductance (RCK)1 and RCK2. Using solution-based investigations, we demonstrate that the purified BKCa RCK1 domain adopts an α/β fold, binds Ca2+, and assembles into an octameric superstructure similar to prokaryotic RCK domains. Results from steady-state and time-resolved spectroscopy reveal Ca2+-induced conformational changes in physiologically relevant [Ca2+]. The neutralization of residues known to be involved in high-affinity Ca2+ sensing (D362 and D367) prevented Ca2+-induced structural transitions in RCK1 but did not abolish Ca2+ binding. We provide evidence that the RCK1 domain is a high-affinity Ca2+ sensor that transduces Ca2+ binding into structural rearrangements, likely representing elementary steps in the Ca2+-dependent activation of human BKCa channels.  相似文献   
Large-conductance voltage- and Ca(2+)-activated K(+) (BK(Ca)) channel α subunits possess a unique transmembrane helix referred to as S0 at their N terminus, which is absent in other members of the voltage-gated channel superfamily. Recently, S0 was found to pack close to transmembrane segments S3 and S4, which are important components of the BK(Ca) voltage-sensing apparatus. To assess the role of S0 in voltage sensitivity, we optically tracked protein conformational rearrangements from its extracellular flank by site-specific labeling with an environment-sensitive fluorophore, tetramethylrhodamine maleimide (TMRM). The structural transitions resolved from the S0 region exhibited voltage dependence similar to that of charge-bearing transmembrane domains S2 and S4. The molecular determinant of the fluorescence changes was identified in W203 at the extracellular tip of S4: at hyperpolarized potential, W203 quenches the fluorescence of TMRM labeling positions at the N-terminal flank of S0. We provide evidence that upon depolarization, W203 (in S4) moves away from the extracellular region of S0, lifting its quenching effect on TMRM fluorescence. We suggest that S0 acts as a pivot component against which the voltage-sensitive S4 moves upon depolarization to facilitate channel activation.  相似文献   
We assessed the potential of using natural facial markings to identify individuals in an endangered breeding population of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta). We divided individual turtles into ten groups based on facial (post-ocular) scale patterns to facilitate rapid comparison of new images in a large photographic catalogue of known turtles (exceeding 400 unique individuals). The matching process was validated by using turtles marked with external flipper tags. An experienced observer achieved a mean 99% success in identifying individuals using photo-id. The reliability and wider utility of the technique was assessed through testing the ability of naïve and trained observers to (1) consistently allocate known (i.e. flipper tagged) individuals into the correct groups (2) correctly match known individuals within one group. In all trials the mean success rate in photographic sorting and matching ranged from 68-100%. A 20 minute training session was found to significantly improve observer ability, i.e the photo-id skills were rapidly acquired by inexperienced workers. Photo-id has the benefit of being suitable for male turtles, which do not come ashore to allow conventional tagging, and so are rarely identified. Photo-id may facilitate the assessment of the numbers of male and female turtles at breeding areas and allow adult sex ratios to be measured.  相似文献   
An analog of human insulin, which differs from the parent molecule in that the histidine residue at position 10 of the B chain (B10) is replaced by lysine, has been synthesized and isolated in purified form. This analog, [10-lysine-B] insulin ([Lys10-B] insulin), in stimulating lipogenesis and in radioimmunoassays, exhibited potencies of 14.2% and 14.7%, respectively, as compared to the natural hormone. In insulin receptor binding in rat liver membranes, [Lys10-B] insulin was found to possess a potency of ~17% compared to insulin. We have shown previously that substitution of the B10 polar residue histidine with the nonpolar leucine results in an analog exhibiting inin vivo assays ~50% of the activity of the parent molecule. It is speculated that in insulin the relative size of the amino acid residue at B10, rather than its polarity, is the most important factor in maintaining a structure commensurate with high biological activity.  相似文献   
Recent studies have implicated enhanced Nox2-mediated reactive oxygen species (ROS) by microglia in the pathogenesis of motor neuron death observed in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). In this context, ALS mutant forms of SOD1 enhance Rac1 activation, leading to increased Nox2-dependent microglial ROS production and neuron cell death in mice. It remains unclear if other genetic mutations that cause ALS also function through similar Nox-dependent pathways to enhance ROS-mediate motor neuron death. In the present study, we sought to understand whether alsin, which is mutated in an inherited juvenile form of ALS, functionally converges on Rac1-dependent pathways acted upon by SOD1(G93A) to regulate Nox-dependent ROS production. Our studies demonstrate that glial cell expression of SOD1(G93A) or wild type alsin induces ROS production, Rac1 activation, secretion of TNFα, and activation of NFκB, leading to decreased motor neuron survival in co-culture. Interestingly, coexpression of alsin, or shRNA against Nox2, with SOD1(G93A) in glial cells attenuated these proinflammatory indicators and protected motor neurons in co-culture, although shRNAs against Nox1 and Nox4 had little effect. SOD1(G93A) expression dramatically enhanced TNFα-mediated endosomal ROS in glial cells in a Rac1-dependent manner and alsin overexpression inhibited SOD1(G93A)-induced endosomal ROS and Rac1 activation. SOD1(G93A) expression enhanced recruitment of alsin to the endomembrane compartment in glial cells, suggesting that these two proteins act to modulate Nox2-dependent endosomal ROS and proinflammatory signals that modulate NFκB. These studies suggest that glial proinflammatory signals regulated by endosomal ROS are influenced by two gene products known to cause ALS.  相似文献   
Large-conductance voltage- and Ca(2+)-dependent K(+) (BK, also known as MaxiK) channels are homo-tetrameric proteins with a broad expression pattern that potently regulate cellular excitability and Ca(2+) homeostasis. Their activation results from the complex synergy between the transmembrane voltage sensors and a large (>300 kDa) C-terminal, cytoplasmic complex (the "gating ring"), which confers sensitivity to intracellular Ca(2+) and other ligands. However, the molecular and biophysical operation of the gating ring remains unclear. We have used spectroscopic and particle-scale optical approaches to probe the metal-sensing properties of the human BK gating ring under physiologically relevant conditions. This functional molecular sensor undergoes Ca(2+)- and Mg(2+)-dependent conformational changes at physiologically relevant concentrations, detected by time-resolved and steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy. The lack of detectable Ba(2+)-evoked structural changes defined the metal selectivity of the gating ring. Neutralization of a high-affinity Ca(2+)-binding site (the "calcium bowl") reduced the Ca(2+) and abolished the Mg(2+) dependence of structural rearrangements. In congruence with electrophysiological investigations, these findings provide biochemical evidence that the gating ring possesses an additional high-affinity Ca(2+)-binding site and that Mg(2+) can bind to the calcium bowl with less affinity than Ca(2+). Dynamic light scattering analysis revealed a reversible Ca(2+)-dependent decrease of the hydrodynamic radius of the gating ring, consistent with a more compact overall shape. These structural changes, resolved under physiologically relevant conditions, likely represent the molecular transitions that initiate the ligand-induced activation of the human BK channel.  相似文献   
In continuation of our efforts to study the solution structure and conformational dynamics of insulin by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, we have synthesized and examined the biological activity of five insulin analogues in which selected naturally occurring residues in the A-chain have been replaced with the strongly fluorescent tryptophan residue. The potency of these analogues was evaluated in lipogenesis assays in isolated rat adipocytes, in receptor binding assays using rat liver plasma membranes, and in two cases, in receptor binding assays using adipocytes. [A3 Trp]insulin displays a potency of 3% in receptor binding assays in both liver membranes and in adipocytes, but only 0.06% in lipogenesis assays as compared to porcine insulin. [A10 Trp] insulin displays a potency ofca. 40% andca. 25% in rat liver receptor binding and lipogenesis assays, respectively. [A13 Trp]insulin displays a potency ofca. 39% in rat liver receptor binding assays, but onlyca. 9% in receptor binding in adipocytes; in lipogenesis assays, [A13 Trp] insulin displays a potency ofca. 12%, comparable to its potency in adipocyte receptor binding assays. [A15 Trp]insulin exhibits a potency of 18% and 9% in rat liver receptor binding and lipogenesis assays, respectively. The doubly substituted analogue, [A14 Trp, A19 Trp] insulin, displays a potency ofca. 0.7% in both rat liver receptor binding assays and lipogenesis assays. These data suggest two major conclusions: (1) the A3 and A15 residues lie in sensitive regions in the insulin molecule, and structural modifications at these positions have deleterious effects on biological activity of the hormone; and (2) [A13 Trp]insulin appears to be a unique case in which an insulin analogue exhibits a higher potency when assayed in liver tissue than when assayed in fat cells.  相似文献   
Labd-14-ene-8, 13-diol (sclareol) is a labdane-type diterpene, which has demonstrated significant cytotoxic activity against human leukemic cell lines, but its effect on solid tumor-derived cells is uknown. Here, we demonstrate that addition of sclareol to cultures of human colon cancer HCT116 cells results in inhibition of DNA synthesis, arrest of cells at the G1 phase of the cell cycle, activation of caspases-8, -9, PARP degradation, and DNA fragmentation, events characteristic of induction of apoptosis. Intraperitoneal (ip) administration of sclareol alone, at the maximum tolerated dose, was unable to induce suppression of growth of HCT116 tumors established as xenografts in immunodeficient SCID mice. In contrast, ip administration of liposome-encapsulated sclareol, following a specific schedule, induced suppression of tumor growth by arresting tumor cell proliferation as assessed by detecting the presence of the cell proliferation-associated nuclear protein, Ki67, in thin tumor sections. These findings suggest that sclareol incorporated into liposomes may possess chemotherapeutic potential for the treatment of colorectal and other types of human cancer.  相似文献   
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