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Summary Human diploid fibroblasts were cultured on microcarriers made from DEAE-dextran, denatured collagen, DEAE-dextran linked to denatured collagen, and glass. Cells grown on these four substrates were examined for the production of proteolytic enzymes and arachidonic acid metabolites. Culture fluids from cells grown on the DEAE-dextran microcarriers contained the highest amounts of proteolytic enzyme activity. Both plasminogen-independent and plasminogen-dependent fibrinolytic activities were present and the plasminogen-dependent activity seemed to result from the presence of both urokinase and tissue plasminogen activator. Culture fluid from the cells grown on the glass microcarriers contained the least amount of protease activity, and nearly all of the plasminogen-activator activity seemed to be of the urokinase type. Protease activity in the culture fluids of cells grown on the other two substrates were intermediate. With regard to arachidonic acid metabolites, cells grown on the DEAE-dextran microcarriers produced the highest amounts of cyclooxygenase products but very low levels of lipoxygenase metabolites. Cells grown on the other three substrates produced comparable amounts of various cyclooxygenase products (lower than that produced by cells on the DEAE-dextrans substrate). Cells grown on the glass microcarriers also produced detectable amounts of two lipoxygenase metabolites—leukotriene B4 and leukotriene C4. Inasmuch as both proteolytic enzymes and arachidonic acid metabolites regulate basic cell properties, the differential amount of these metabolites observed in the culture fluids on the various substrates may contribute to the biological differences that exist on these substrates. This study was supported in part by grants R44 CA 36656 and IK08HL01332-01 from the Public Health Service, U. S. Department of Health and Human Services and by grant BC-512 from the American Cancer Society. JDH is a research fellow of the American Lung Association.  相似文献   
Plant cell nuclei were compared with chicken erythrocyte nuclei for use as internal standards for microspectrophotometry. The amount of DNA per nucleus and the coefficient of variation for measurement of individual nuclei were determined for cells from dormant embryos of Pinus taeda and Pinus coulteri, from onion root tips and from chicken erythrocytes. The chicken erythrocytes had the least variability and thus were best suited for use as a standard. Onion root tips were least suitable, with a coefficient of variation 2 1/2 times that of erythrocytes. Although onion root tips have been used as an internal standard in other studies, their mitotic activity, in contrast with the nonreplication of DNA of mature erythrocytes, is reflected in a broad distribution of nuclei with values in the 2C-4C range. Coulter pine mature embryos were at the 3C level, whether dry or hydrated, while loblolly pine embryos were in the 2C state. This confirms previous reports. The coefficient of variability for the pine embryo cells was 1 1/2 times that of erythrocytes for nonhydrated seeds and twice the erythrocyte value for hydrated seeds. The larger 2C values for pine (26 pg for P. taeda and 17 pg for P. coulteri) are closer to values expected for many plant species than the 3 pg level of the chicken erythrocytes. Dormant P. taeda embryo cells (2C) are suggested as an alternative where the experimental material has large DNA values and/or chicken erythrocytes are difficult to procure. Large sample size is recommended for the plant materials if they are to be used as internal standards in Feulgen cytophotometry.  相似文献   
Summary Rare albino morphs of the montane larkspur Delphinium nelsonii differ from common blue-flowered morphs in overall flower color, and in the strength of a contrasting color pattern at the center of the flower that presumably guides pollinators to concealed nectar. Previous studies showed that bumblebees and hummingbirds discriminate against albinos when presented with mixtures of the 2 morphs, and that it takes these pollinators longer to fly between successive flowers on albino than on blue-flowered inflorescences. To explore the link between these observations, we measured pollinator preferences and flower-to-flower flight times (handling times) before and after painting flowers in 2 alternative ways that enhanced albino nectar guides. In all of 16 experimental replicates discrimination against albinos was reduced or eliminated after painting, and albino handling times declined toward values for blue-flowered inflorescences. This consistent result indicates that an inferior nectar guide increases the energetic cost of foraging at albinos. Increased cost in turn explains discrimination, under the reasonable assumption that hummingbirds and bumblebees are sensitive to foraging economics.  相似文献   
The drug resistance plasmid pKM101 makes Escherichia coli resistant to the lethal effects of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and more susceptible to mutagenesis by a variety of agents. The plasmid operon responsible for increasing mutagenesis has been termed mucAB (Mutagenesis, UV and chemical). We have isolated a derivative of pKM101 called pGW1975 which makes cells more sensitive to killing by UV but which retains the ability of pKM101 to increase susceptibility to methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) mutagenesis. pGW1975 increases UV mutagenesis less than pKM101 in a uvrA+ strain but more than pKM101 in a uvrA strain. muc point and insertion mutants of pKM101 and pGW1975 complement to restore the plasmid-mediated: (i) ability to reactivate UV-irradiated phage, (ii) resistance to killing by UV, and (iii) level of susceptibility to UV mutagenesis. We have identified a 2.0 kb region of pKM101 which is responsible for the complementation and which maps counterclockwise of mucAB.  相似文献   
Branched-chain amino acid metabolism in skeletal muscte promotes the production of alanine, an important precursor in hepatic gluconeogenesis. There is controversy concerning the origin of the carbon skeleton of alanine produced in muscle, specifically whether it is derived from carbohydrate via glycolysis (the glucose-alanine cycle) or from amino acid precursors (viz. glutamate, valine, isoleucine, methionine, aspartate, asparagine) via a pathway involving phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxykinase and pyruvate kinase, or NADP-malate dehydrogenase (malic enzyme). The relevant literature is reviewed and it is concluded that neogenic flux from amino acids is unlikely to be of major quantitative importance for provision of the carbon skeleton of alanine either in vitro or in vivo. Evidence is presented that branched-chain amino acid oxidation in muscle is incomplete and that the branched-chain 2-oxo acids and the products of their partial oxidation (including glutamine) are released. The role of these metabolites is discussed in the context of fuel homeostasis in starvation.  相似文献   
Summary A cloned cDNA partial copy of a soybean leghemoglobin mRNA was used to probe genomic DNA of four species of actinorhizal plants. Southern blot hybridization revealed the presence of sequences with homology to the leghemoglobin probe in DNA from Alnus glutinosa, Casuarina glauca, Ceanothus americanus and Elaeagnus pungens. The hybridization patterns of the restriction fragments revealed some fragment size conservation between the DNA of soybean and the DNA of four actinorhizal plants which are taxonomically unrelated to soybean or to each other. The results presented here indicate that globin gene sequences are much more widely distributed in the plant kingdom than has previously been thought. Furthermore, if sequence conservation is actually as high as the restriction fragment patterns suggest, the evolution of the DNA surrounding the globin sequences has been highly constrained.  相似文献   
Summary Maize and tomato cDNA clones have been hybridized in Southern blotting experiments to plant genomic DNA prepared from different lines to detect restriction fragment polymorphisms (RFPs). In maize we have found that a high degree of genetic variability is present, even among domestic inbred lines. Most randomly chosen maize cDNA clones can be used to detect elements of this variability. Similar levels of polymorphism are observed when genomic DNA is digested with any of a number of different restriction enzymes and probed with individual clones. When a clone is hybridized to genomic DNAs prepared from several different maize lines, a number of different alleles are often detected at a single locus. At the same time one clone can often detect more than one independently segregating locus by cross hybridization to related sequences at other loci. As expected these markers are inherited as simple codominant Mendelian alleles from one generation to the next and colinkage of these markers can be demonstrated in the progeny from a heterozygous parent. In similar studies with tomato, remarkably different results were found. Few RFPs were demonstrable among domestic Lycopersicon esculentum lines although a higher level of variability could be detected when comparing esculentum with its wild Lycopersicon relatives. These results are discussed in relation to the applied uses of RFPs in plant breeding as well as the inherent variability of different plant genomes.This work was supported in part by funds from Sandoz Ltd. (Basel, Switzerland) and its subsidiary company, Northrup King Co. (Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A.) as well as by NSF SBIR grant #BSR-8360870.  相似文献   
Synopsis Scaphirhynchus albus and S. platorynchus were studied in Missouri during 1978–1979 to assess their distribution and abundance, to obtain information on their life histories, and to identify existing or potential threats to their survival. S. platorynchus was collected in substantial numbers (4355 specimens) at all 12 sampling stations in the Missouri and Mississippi rivers, while only 11 S. albus were captured from 6 stations. Twelve specimens identified in the field as hybrids between the two species were captured from 4 stations. Morphometric and meristic comparisons of presumed hybrids with the parent species, using cluster and principal components analyses, demonstrated intermediacy of most specimens identified in the field as hybrids. Aquatic insects comprised most of the diet of S. platorynchus and S. albus, but S. albus and the hybrids had consumed considerable quantities of fish. S. albus grew more rapidly than S. platorynchus, while the growth of hybrids was intermediate. Hybridization appears to be a recent phenomenon, resulting from man-caused changes in the big-river environment. Hybridization may be a threat to survival of S. albus in the study streams.  相似文献   
In laboratory trials to investigate the parasite/host spectra of certain aphid pests and hymenopterous parasites, the aphidAcyrthosiphon kondoi Shinji encapsulated the egg of the aphelinid parasiteAphelinus asychis Walker. The resultant brown, sclerotic capsule was formed within 24 h of exposure of the aphid to parasitization and as far as is known prevented the development of the parasite to the larval stage. The capsule remained throughout the life of the aphid, whose longevity and fecundity were apparently not seriously impaired. A small number ofAphelinus escaped encapsulation, especially in aphids already containing capsule(s), and developed into normal, reproductive adults.A. kondoi did not encapsulate, andA. asychis was not encapsulated by any other species. However, thoughA. asychis readily parasitizedAphis citricola van der Goot,A. nerii Boyer de Fonscolombe andToxoptera citricidus (Kirkaldy), most of its progeny ceased development in these aphids before reaching the mummification stage, and died within the dead or dying, non-mummified aphid host.  相似文献   
Summary Patterns of genetic control of hybrid resistance to the BALB/c plasmacytoma LPC-1 were studied for comparison with those to MPC-11, a plasmacytoma investigated previously. The overall patterns of hybrid resistance to the two tumors were similar, i.e., hybrids between BALB/c and BALB congenic resistant (CR) strains, A and A CR strains, SJL and DBA/2 were as susceptible to LPC-1 as BALB/c mice themselves, whereas hybrids between BALB/c and AKR, C57BL/Ks, DBA/1, C57BL/6 (B6), C57BL/10 (B10) and B10 CR strains were resistant to LPC-1 as previously shown with MPC-11. Heterozygosity within the H-2 complex alone was insufficient for resistance to either tumor. Among hybrids between BALB/c and the B10 CR strains, however, the presence of certain H-2 haplotypes influenced the degree of resistance seen and this H-2 effect was different for the two tumors. A sex effect on resistance to LPC-1, but not to MPC-11, was seen among F1 hybrids between BALB/c and DBA/1 although not in any other F1 hybrids. Among ((B10×BALB/c)F1×BALB/c) and (BALB/c×(B10×BALB/c)F1) and ((BALB/c×B10)F1×BALB/c) and ((BALB/c×B10)F1×BALB/c) backcross mice, however, significantly more males than females were resistant to LPC-1 and the results of this study are compatible with the idea that in F1 hybrids between BALB/c and B10, resistance to LPC-1 is controlled by two dominant autosomal genes, one of which is sex-limited and neither of which is linked to H-2. In contrast, hybrid resistance to MPC-11 in this cross is controlled by a single gene. Cross-protection experiments indicated that the two tumors share at least one tumor-associated transplantation antigen.  相似文献   
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