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Transformed root tissue of Beta vulgaris (Detroit Dark Red) was permeabilized to stimulate the release of intracellularly stored betanin without adverse affects on tissue viability as measured by biomass accumulation. Product release of up to 15% (w/w) was achieved by heat treatment at 42°C for 45 min with minimal effect on viability. Higher levels of product release were obtained with increasing temperature and exposure, but at the expense of viability. Viability was measured by comparing dry weight increases of permeabilized tissue 3 days after treatment vs non-permeabilized tissue over the same time interval. Recovery of heat-treated tissue was improved by addition of CaCl2 (20 mm for 10 min) post-heat treatment. Betanin release up to 15% was also obtained at ambient temperature (25°C) by addition of up to 20 mm (NH4)2SO4 in the presence of 1 mm ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Correspondence to: A. A. DiIorio  相似文献   
The N-glylycans have been removed by peptide-N-glycosidase F(PNGase F) from purified human non-secretory RNases derivedfrom kidney, liver and spleen. The spleen RNase was purifiedby two procedures, one of which did not include the usual acidtreatment step (0.25 M H2SO4, 45 min, 4C), to determine ifacid treatment alters the carbohydrate moieties. TheN-glycansof the RNases were fractionated by Bio-Gel P-4 chromatographyand analysed by 600 MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy and electrospraymass spectrometry. All four non-secretory RNase preparationscontained the following structures: The relative amounts of the trisaccharide, pentasaccharide andhexasaccharide appeared to vary slightly in the different tissueRNases. The overall results indicate: (i) that acid treatmentduring purification does not alter the N-glycans of non-secretoryRNases; (ii) that the N-glycans from kidney, liver and spleennon-secretory RNases are very similar, if not identical, toone another, but different from the N-glycan structures reportedfor secretory RNase. N-glycans non-secretory RNases  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to assess variation in male and female reproductive success among the three morphs of the tristylous plant, Lythrum salicaria. Fluorescent dyes were used as pollen analogs to determine whether morphs differ in their abilities to donate and receive pollen, and actual and potential seed set was measured with a hand pollination experiment. Dye transfer among morphs was highly asymmetric, with more frequent transfer from the short-styled morph to the long- and mid-styled morphs. This suggests that shorts are performing better at pollen donation and longs and mids are performing better at pollen receipt. All flowers on 95 plants were hand pollinated to test whether female reproductive success is more pollen-limited in the short-styled morph than in other morphs. Hand-pollinated short-styled plants had significantly higher total seed mass and more seeds per capsule than short controls, whereas hand pollination failed to increase seed set in long and mid morphs. As predicted, short-styled morphs showed significant pollen limitation, whereas seed set in long- and midstyled morphs was not pollen-limited. Thus, in Lythrum salicaria asymmetrical pollen flow generates morph-specific differences in male and female fitness.  相似文献   
Draba (Brassicaceae) is well known for its taxonomic complexity in arctic and alpine floras, and the polyploids in particular present vexing taxonomic problems. It has been suggested that polyploids in Draba may have formed recurrently from different populations of the parental species (polytopy), and it is also possible that a given taxonomic species may actually comprise several polyploid races, each originating from different progenitor species (polyphyly). To unravel the taxonomic complexity of polyploid Draba in the Nordic area, we investigated three of the most morphologically variable species and their possible progenitors using enzyme electrophoresis and restriction site analysis of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and nuclear ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA): D. norvegica (6x), D. lactea (6x), and D. corymbosa (16x). Electrophoretic analyses of progeny showed high levels of fixed heterozygosity in all three polyploids, demonstrating that all are genetic alloploids. Electrophoretic and rDNA data indicate that polytopic and/or polyphyletic origins have contributed to the complexity of these polyploids. However, a lack of cpDNA variation among the species limited the usefulness of this molecule for analysis of polyploid origins. The considerable electrophoretic variation observed in D. norvegica necessitates a minimum of three and probably 13 independent origins. Electrophoretic and rDNA data suggest that D. lactea and D. corymbosa are polyphyletic polyploids. Crossing data also support that D. corymbosa is polyphyletic. Given the widespread geographic distributions of these species and their possible progenitors, and that the populations analyzed represent only a small fraction of their geographic distributions, it is likely that these species have formed numerous times in different areas. As more molecular analyses of polyploids are completed, the data continue to suggest that multiple origins of polyploids are the rule rather than the exception.  相似文献   
Although there is an extensive literature on the genetic attributes of allopolyploids, very little information is available regarding the genetic consequences of autopolyploidy in natural populations. We therefore addressed the major predicted genetic consequences of autopolyploidy using diploid and tetraploid populations of Tolmiea menziesii. Individual autotetraploid plants frequently maintain three or four alleles at single loci: 39% of the 678 tetraploid plants exhibited three or four alleles for at least one locus. Heterozygosity was also significantly higher in autotetraploid populations than in diploid populations: H° = 0.070 and 0.237 in diploid and tetraploid Tolmiea, respectively. Most of the genetic diversity in T. menziesii is maintained within populations (ratio of gene diversity within populations to mean total genetic diversity = 0.636). The total genetic diversity due to differentiation between the two cytotypes is only 0.055. Such a low degree of differentiation between cytotypes would be expected between a diploid and its autotetraploid derivative. Most diploid and all tetraploid populations examined are in genetic equilibrium. Diploid and tetraploid Tolmiea share three or four alleles at six of eight polymorphic loci. This suggests that either autotetraploid Tolmiea was formed via crossing of genetically different diploids (perhaps via a triploid intermediate) or autopolyploidy occurred more than once in separate individual plants, followed by later crossing of autotetraploids.  相似文献   
Aah I is a 63-residue alpha-toxin isolated from the venom of the Buthidae scorpion Androctonus australis hector, which is considered to be the most dangerous species. We report here the first chemical synthesis of Aah I by the solid-phase method, using a Fmoc strategy. The synthetic toxin I (sAah I) was renatured in DMSO-Tris buffer, purified and subjected to thorough analysis and comparison with the natural toxin. The sAah I showed physico-chemical (CD spectrum, molecular mass, HPLC elution), biochemical (amino-acid composition, sequence), immunochemical and pharmacological properties similar to those of the natural toxin. The synthetic toxin was recognized by a conformation-dependent monoclonal anti-Aah I antibody, with an IC50 value close to that for the natural toxin. Following intracerebroventricular injection, the synthetic and the natural toxins were similarly lethal to mice. In voltage-clamp experiments, Na(v) 1.2 sodium channel inactivation was inhibited by the application of sAah I or of the natural toxin in a similar way. This work describes a simple protocol for the chemical synthesis of a scorpion alpha-toxin, making it possible to produce structural analogues in time.  相似文献   
Ventilation and metabolism among rat strains   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Strohl, Kingman P., Agnes J. Thomas, Pamela St. Jean, EvelynH. Schlenker, Richard J. Koletsky, and Nicholas J. Schork. Ventilation and metabolism among rat strains. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(1): 317-323, 1997.We examinedventilation and metabolism in four rat strains with variation in traitsfor body weight and/or blood pressure regulation.Sprague-Dawley [SD; 8 males (M), 8 females (F)], BrownNorway (BN; 10 M, 11 F), and Zucker (Z; 11 M, 12 F) rats were comparedwith Koletsky (K; 11 M, 11 F) rats. With the use of noninvasiveplethysmography, frequency, tidal volume, minute ventilation(E),O2 consumption, andCO2 production were derived atrest during normoxia (room air) and during the 5th minute of exposureto each of the following: hyperoxia (100% O2), hypoxia (10%O2-balanceN2), and hypercapnia (7%CO2-balance O2). Statistical methods probedfor strain and sex effects, with covariant analysis by body weight,length, and body mass. During resting breathing, strain effects werefound with respect to both frequency (BN, Z > K, SD) and tidal volume(SD > BN, Z) but not to E. Sexinfluenced frequency (F > M) alone. Z rats had higher values forO2 consumption,CO2 production, and respiratoryquotient than the other three strains, with no independent effect bysex. During hyperoxia, frequency was greater in BN and Z than in SD orK rats; SD rats had a larger tidal volume than BN or Z rats; Z rats hada greater E than K rats; and M had alarger tidal volume than F. Strain differences persisted duringhypercapnia, with Z rats exhibiting the highest frequency andE values. During hypoxic exposure,strain effects were found to influenceE (SD > K, Z), frequency (BN > K), and tidal volume (SD > BN, K, Z). Body mass was only amodest predictor of E during normoxia, of both E and tidal volume withhypoxia, hypercapnia, or hyperoxia, and of frequency duringhypercapnia. We conclude that strain of rats, more than their body massor sex, has major and different influences on metabolism, the patternand level of ventilation during air breathing, and ventilation duringacute exposure to hypercapnia or hypoxia.

Genetic diversity in the introduced diploids Tragopogon dubius, T. porrifolius, and T. pratensis and their neoallotetraploid derivatives T. mirus and T. miscellus was estimated to assess the numbers of recurrent, independent origins of the two tetraploid species in the Palouse region of eastern Washington and adjacent Idaho. These tetraploid species arose in this region, probably within the past 50–60 yr, and provide one of the best models for the study of polyploidy in plants. The parental species of both T. mirus and T. miscellus have been well documented, and each tetraploid species has apparently formed multiple times. However, a recent survey of the distributions of these allotetraploids revealed that both tetraploid species have expanded their ranges considerably during the past 50 yr, and several new populations of each species were discovered. Therefore, to evaluate the possibility that these recently discovered populations are of recent independent origin, a broad analysis of genetic diversity in T. mirus, T. miscellus, and their diploid progenitors was conducted. Analyses of allozymic and DNA restriction site variation in all known populations of T. mirus and T. miscellus in the Palouse and several populations of each parental diploid species revealed several distinct genotypes in each tetraploid species. Four isozymic multilocus genotypes were observed in T. mirus, and seven were detected in T. miscellus. Tragopogon mirus possesses a single chloroplast genome, that of T. porrifolius, and two distinct repeat types of the 18S-26S ribosomal RNA genes. Populations of T. miscellus from Pullman, Washington, have the chloroplast genome of T. dubius; all other populations of T. miscellus have the chloroplast DNA of T. pratensis. All populations of T. miscellus combine the ribosomal RNA repeat types of T. dubius and T. pratensis, as demonstrated previously. When all current and previously published data are considered, both T. mirus and T. miscellus appear to have formed numerous times even within the small geographic confines of the Palouse, with estimates of five to nine and two to 21 independent origins, respectively. Such recurrent polyploidization appears to characterize most polyploid plant species investigated to date (although this number is small) and may contribute to the genetic diversity and ultimate success of polyploid species.  相似文献   
N2O Evolution by Green Algae   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Evidence is presented here that axenic cultures of Chlorella, Scenedesmus, Coelastrum, and Chlorococcum spp. evolve N2O when grown on NO2, showing that the Chlorophyceae are a source of N2O in aquatic systems.  相似文献   
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