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The uptake of arachidonic acid (AA) and of di-homo-gamma-linolenic acid (DGLA) and their incorporations into phospholipids (PLs) and into neutral lipids (NLs) of uteri isolated from spayed rats and the effect of inhibiting triglyceride (TG) metabolism with 4-pentenoic acid (4-PEA) on tissue TG levels and the output of prostaglandins (PGs), were explored. Attempts were also made to determine whether the acylation of labelled AA and of labelled DGLA into PLs and TGs is different and to confirm possible correlations between the synthesis of PGE1 and the degradation of TGs. Uterine PLs incorporated significantly less DGLA than AA (P less than 0.05). AA was acylated mainly into the phosphatidylinositol (PI) and into phosphatidylcholine (PC) subfractions of rat uteri, whereas the incorporation of DGLA into these two subfractions was significantly smaller than that of AA. The acylation of labelled DGLA into NL fractions, mainly into triacylglycerol, almost doubled that of labelled AA. The levels of TGs in isolated rat uteri suspended in glucose-free medium during a period of 60 minutes were significantly less than immediately after isolation (P less than 0.001). PGE1 released from uteri into the incubating solution, was significantly higher than that of PGE2. Moreover, the presence of 4-PEA (1.0 mM), added after tissue isolation, prevented the decrement of TGs observed following 60 minutes of incubation and simultaneously diminished significantly (P less than 0.001) the enhanced output of PGE1, without altering that of PGE2. Results presented herein suggest that PLs are not normal precursors for the synthesis of PGE1.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
In order to confirm previous observations in which a protective effect of rainbow trout natural antibodies against furunculosis was suspected, phagocytosis studies wereconducted in vitro , using combinations of rainbow trout sera with high or low levels of natural antibodies and active or inactivated complement as opsonizing factors. Opsonization was observed in all the cases where complement was present, and to a lesser degree with sera containing only natural antibodies. The results confirm the prime importance of the complement system and provide additional evidence for a possible role of natural antibodies in antimicrobial defences.  相似文献   
Abstract: Somatostatin (SRIF) receptors (SRIF-Rs) are transiently expressed in a germinative lamina of the rat cerebellum, the external granule cell layer. The appearance of SRIF-Rs coincides with the expression of SRIF-like immunoreactivity in the cerebellum. However, the cellular location of SRIF-Rs does not overlap with the distribution of SRIF-like immunoreactivity, with the latter being restricted to ascending fibers arising from the brainstem, to perikarya within the white matter, and to some Purkinje cells. The characterization of SRIF-Rs in the immature (13–day-old) rat cerebellum was conducted by means of binding experiments in membraneenriched preparations and autoradiography, using two radioligands, [125I-Tyr0,D-Trp8]SRIF-14 ([125I-Tyr0,d -Trp8]S14) and I25I-SMS 204–090. The pharmacological profile of cerebellar SRIF-Rs was compared with that of adult cortical SRIF-Rs. Saturation studies performed in 13–day-old rat cerebellum showed that the A'D values for [125I-Tyr0,D-Trp8]S14 and 125I-SMS 204–090 binding were 0.35 ± 0.04 and 0.39 ± 0.01 nM, respectively. The corresponding Bmax values were 52.7 ± 4.8 and 49.9 ± 5.3 fmol/mg of protein, a result indicating that radioligands with high specific radioactivity (2,000 Ci/mmol) bind to a single class of high-affinity sites (SSI). Competition studies showed that different D-Trp-sub-stituted analogs displaced [125I-Tyr0,d -Trp8]S14 binding with Hill coefficients >1, a finding indicating the existence of different subtypes of binding sites. When [Tyr0,d -Trp8]S14 was used as a competitor, two sites were resolved by Scatchard analysis in both 13–day-old cerebellum and adult cerebral cortex. The higher-affinity sites correspond to the SSI subtype identified in saturation experiments, whereas the lower-affinity sites most likely correspond to the SS2 subtype. Ionic supplementation studies showed that divalent cations were required to obtain maximal specific binding on the SSI sites. In particular, Mn2+ was the most efficient cation for promoting binding of [125I-Tyr0,d -Trp8]S14. Addition of GTP to the incubation buffer induced a marked reduction of specific binding. The results obtained by membrane binding assays were similar to those obtained by quantitative autoradiography, a result indicating that the microenvironment of SRIF-Rs was preserved in both types of tissue preparations. Receptors expressed in the developing rat cerebellum exhibited the same KD and similar pharmacological profile as those observed in the adult rat cortex. These results show that SRIF-binding sites transiently expressed in the external granule cell layer of the cerebellum of young rats are indistinguishable from adult rat brain SRIF-Rs. The extremely high density of SRIF-Rs found in the external granule cell layer in 13–day-old rats suggests that SRIF may play a pivotal role in the proliferation and/or differentiation of these germinative cells.  相似文献   
To further elucidate the molecular basis of the selective damage to various brain regions by thiamin deficiency, changes in enzymatic activities were compared to carbohydrate flux through various pathways from vulnerable (mammillary bodies and inferior colliculi) and nonvulnerable (cochlear nuclei) regions after 11 or 14 days of pyrithiamin-induced thiamin deficiency. After 11 days,large decreases (–43 to –59%) in transketolase (TK) occurred in all 3 regions; 2-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (KGDHC) declined (–45%), but only in mammillary bodies; pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDHC) was unaffected. By day 14, TK remained reduced by 58%–66%; KGDHC was now reduced in all regions (–48 to –55%); PDHC was also reduced (–32%), but only in the mammillary bodies. Thus, the enzyme changes did not parallel the pathological vulnerability of these regions to thiamin deficiency.14CO2 production from14C-glucose labeled in various positions was utilized to assess metabolic flux. After 14 days, CO2 production in the vulnerable regions declined severely (–46 to 70%) and approximately twice as much as those in the cochlear nucleus. Also by day 14, the ratio of enzymatic activity to metabolic flux increased as much as 56% in the vulnerable regions, but decreased 18 to 30% in the cochlear nuclei. These differences reflect a greater decrease in flux than enzyme activities in the two vulnerable regions. Thus, selective cellular responses to thiamin deficiency can be demonstrated ex vivo, and these changes can be directly related to alterations in metabolic flux. Since they cannot be related to enzymatic alterations in the three regions, factors other than decreases in the activity of these TPP-dependent enzymes must underlie selective vulnerability in this model of thiamin deficiency.Abbreviations KGDHC 2-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex EC, EC, EC - PDHC pyruvate dehydrogenase complex EC, EC, EC - TK transketolase (EC - TPP thiamin pyrophosphate  相似文献   
Synopsis Three closely related sunfish in the genus Enneacanthus were examined to determine if differences existed in their tolerance to low pH that could explain their contrasting distributions. Na fluxes of E. obesus, E. gloriosus, and E. chaetodon were measured during 12 h exposure to pH 4.0 and 3.5 (all species), and 3.25 (former 2 species only). All experienced ionic disturbances upon acid exposure resulting from inhibition of active Na influx and stimulation of passive Na efflux, but E. gloriosus and E. chaetodon experienced greater disturbances than E. obesus at all pH's tested. Body and plasma Na concentrations of E. gloriosus were measured after one week of exposure to a range of pH's for comparison with previously published data from E. obesus. Exposure to pH 4.0 and below caused a depression in body and plasma Na concentration of E. gloriosus, and only two of 10 fish survived the one week test period at pH 3.5; none survived at pH 3.25. In contrast, exposure to pH 4.0 for five weeks had no effect on body Na concentration of E. obesus, all 10 fish survived exposure to pH 3.5 for two weeks. Growth of E. gloriosus and E. obesus were measured separately during 12 weeks of exposure to a range of pH's. E. gloriosus exposed to pH 4.25 and 4.0 grew at a lower rate than those at higher pH's (4.5, 5.0, and 5.8), and body Na concentrations of fish at pH's 4.25 and 4.0 were significantly less than the others. With declining pH E. obesus did not exhibit reduced growth until pH 3.75 was reached; no depression in body Na concentration occurred at this pH. These results show that there are marked differences in low pH tolerance among closely related species of Enneacanthus which could affect their distributions and competitive interactions.  相似文献   
The N-nitrosodimethylamine demethylase (P450I-IE1) is induced severalfold in liver by giving rats ethanol, acetone, pyrazole, and other related small molecular weight compounds. This induction is not the result of an increase in IIE1 mRNA, but could be due to either an increase in translation rate or a decrease in protein degradation. To determine the mechanism of induction, we measured IIE1 synthesis and degradation rates in untreated and acetone-treated rats. This was accomplished by immunopurification of radiolabeled IIE1 protein using a specific monoclonal antibody subsequent to in vivo labeling of total cellular protein with either NaH14CO3 or [3H]leucine. We found that in rats fed acetone, the rate of IIE1 synthesis was not changed; however, IIE1 degradation was markedly altered. In untreated rats, IIE1 protein was degraded via a biphasic pathway consisting of both a rapid and slow component with approximate half-lives of 7 and 37 h, respectively. However, in acetone-treated rats, only a monophasic curve with a half-life of 37 h was observed. The abolition of the rapid degradation component of the IIE1 turnover cycle indicates that induction of IIE1 by acetone is primarily due to specific stabilization of IIE1 protein. Since acetone is also metabolized by IIE1, we believe that this may be a substrate-induced enzyme stabilization.  相似文献   
The phenobarbital-inducible P-450 forms IIB1 and IIB2 are identical in sequence except for 14 amino acid differences within the carboxyl-terminal half of the molecule. IIB1 has about a 5-10-fold higher turnover number for most monooxygenase substrates examined although the substrate specificities of both enzymes are virtually identical. Both P-450s oxygenate testosterone to yield the 16 alpha-hydroxy, 16 beta-hydroxy, 17-keto, and 16 beta-hydroxy, 17-keto metabolites as major products. A variant IIB2 cDNA, isolated from an uninduced rat liver lambda gt11 library, and when expressed in Hep G2 cells using a vaccinia virus vector, was found to code for a protein that produced the 16 alpha-hydroxy and 17-keto metabolites of testosterone but no 16 beta-hydroxylated products. Although the published sequences of IIB1 and IIB2 are identical within the N-terminal halves of the proteins, sequence analysis of the variant cDNA revealed two amino acid substitutions in this region; Leu58----Phe and I1e114----Phe. When these two amino acid changes were incorporated into IIB1, via construction of a chimeric cDNA, the resultant expressed enzyme did not catalyze the 16 beta-hydroxylation of testosterone or androstenedione. Formation of the 16 alpha-hydroxy and 17-keto metabolites, however, was only slightly reduced compared with the parent IIB1. A IIB1 protein that possessed only the I1e114----Phe replacement catalyzed the production of all four testosterone metabolites with only slightly different product ratios compared with the parent enzyme. The substrate specificity of a IIB1 variant containing only the Leu58----Phe replacement could not be determined, since that protein did not accumulate in cells infected with the corresponding recombinant vaccinia virus. These data suggest that two distinct amino acid residues located within the amino-terminal fourth of IIB1 and IIB2 can affect substrate orientation at the active site.  相似文献   
Several naphthalenemonosulfonic acid analogs and a bis naphthalenedisulfonic acid have been evaluated for anti-HIV activity in assays using H9 and MOLT-3 cells. Among the naphthalenemonosulfonic acids, a 4-amino-5-hydroxy compound and a 4,5-diamino compound showed low anti-HIV activity (upto 50% inhibition) at non-toxic doses. The bis naphthalenedisulfonic acid compound demonstrated significant suppression of HIV-1 antigen expression as measured by monoclonal antibodies to p17 (95%), p24 (94%) and syncytia inhibition (82%) at a dose of 20 micrograms/ml that was non-toxic to the host cells. The bis naphthalenedisulfonic acid analog represents a new class of compounds which may be effective in the treatment of HIV infected patients. The structure activity relationship and a probable mode of action of these compounds is discussed.  相似文献   
Pamela Matson 《Oecologia》1990,85(2):241-246
Summary Plant nutrient status and physiological processes were examined in relation to soil nutrient characteristics under individuals of five species colonizing a young cinder deposit in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Two exotic species, Buddeleja asiatica and Myrica faya, had high photosynthetic rates and high nitrogen concentrations and relatively easily decomposed leaves; soils under them had high concentrations of nitrogen, cations, and organic matter and high rates of net nitrogen mineralization. At the other extreme, the natives Metrosideros polymorpha and Vaccinium reticulatum had low plant concentrations and photosynthetic rates, and low concentrations and turnover rates of N in the soil. Thus, a strong correlation exists between soil processes and plant processes, suggesting a positive feedback cycle.  相似文献   
The optimum superovulatory dose of Folltropin was determined and compared with a standard 28 mg dose of FSH-P in beef heifers. In Experiment 1, mean numbers of corpora lutea (CL) did not differ among the groups treated with 10, 20, 30 or 40 mg Folltropin or FSH-P, and the mean CL number was reduced (P<0.05) only in the 5 mg Folltropin group. Mean numbers of ova/embryos recovered, fertilized and transferable were greater (P<0.05) for the 10, 20 and 30 mg Folltropin groups than for the 5 mg group. The 40 mg Folltropin group and the FSH-P group were intermediate. The percentage of fertilized and transferable embryos did not differ over the dosages used in this experiment. In Experiment 2, mean numbers of CL were greater for the 9, 18 and 36 mg Folltropin groups than for the 4.5 mg group, with the 9 mg group being lower than the 36 mg group (P<0.05). The 18 mg group was intermediate and did not differ. Mean numbers of ova/embryos recovered and fertilized ova were greater for the 9, 18 and 36 mg groups (P<0.05) than for the 4.5 mg group. The percent of fertilized and mean number and percentage of transferable embryos did not differ among treatments. We conclude that Folltropin may be a satisfactory superovulatory replacement for FSH-P and that a dose of 18 to 20 mg Folltropin may be within the optimum superovulatory dosage range for beef heifers. Dosages of Folltropin of more than twice the optimum did not result in deterioration of ova/embryo quality.  相似文献   
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