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Kex2-silenced strains of Cryphonectria parasitica, the ascomycete causal agent of chestnut blight, show a significant reduction in virulence, reduced sexual and asexual sporulation and reductions in mating and fertility. Due to this and the known involvement of Kex2 in the processing of important proproteins in other systems, we searched the whole C. parasitica genome for putative Kex2 substrates. Out of 1299 open reading frames (ORFs) predicted to be secreted, 222 ORFs were identified as potential Kex2 substrates by this screen. Within the putative substrates we identified cell wall modifying proteins, putative proteinases, lipases, esterases, and oxidoreductases. This in silico screen also uncovered a family of nine secreted aspartic proteinases (SAPs) of C. parasitica. Northern blot analyses of this gene family showed differential expression when exposed to chestnut wood and Cryphonectria hypovirus 1 (CHV1). Due to the reduction in fungal virulence known to be caused upon hypoviral infection of C. parasitica, the differential gene expression observed, and the known involvement of SAPs in virulence in other systems, we conducted deletion analyses of four of these proteinases, representing different expression patterns. Deletion of each of the four SAPs did not affect growth rates, sporulation or virulence, suggesting that none of the considered SAPs is essential for the full development or virulence of C. parasitica under the conditions tested.  相似文献   
Role of the proteasome in modulating native G-CSFR expression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor (G-CSFR) is a critical regulator of granulopoiesis, but the mechanisms controlling its surface expression are poorly understood. Recent studies using transfected cell lines have suggested the activated G-CSFR is routed to the lysosome and not the proteasome. Here, we examined the role of the ubiquitin/proteasome system in regulating G-CSFR surface expression in both ts20 cells that have a temperature-sensitive E1 ubiquitin-activating enzyme and in primary human neutrophils. We show that the G-CSFR is constitutively ubiquitinated, which increases following ligand binding. In the absence of a functional E1 enzyme, ligand-induced internalization of the receptor is inhibited. Pre-treatment of ts20 transfectants with either chloroquine or MG132 inhibited ligand-induced G-CSFR degradation, suggesting a role for both lysosomes and proteasomes in regulating G-CSFR surface expression in this cell line. In neutrophils, inhibition of the proteasome but not the lysosome was found to inhibit internalization/degradation of the activated G-CSFR. Collectively, these data demonstrate the requirement for a functional ubiquitin/proteasome system in G-CSFR internalization and degradation. Our results suggest a prominent role for the proteasome in physiologic modulation of the G-CSFR, and provide further evidence for the importance of the ubiquitin/proteasome system in the initiation of negative signaling by cytokine receptors.  相似文献   
Trends in Dissolved Organic Carbon in UK Rivers and Lakes   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5  
Several studies have highlighted an increase in DOC concentration in streams and lakes of UK upland catchments though the causal mechanisms controlling the increase have yet to be fully explained. This study, compiles a comprehensive data set of DOC concentration records for UK catchments to evaluate trends and test whether observed increases are ubiquitous over time and space. The study analysed monthly DOC time series from 198 sites, including 29 lakes, 8 water supply reservoirs and 161 rivers. The records vary in length from 8 to 42 years going back as far as 1961. Of the 198 sites, 153 (77%) show an upward trend in DOC concentration significant at the 95% level, the remaining 45 (23%) show no significant trend and no sites show a significant decrease in DOC concentration. The average annual increase in DOC concentration was 0.17 mg C/l/year. The dataset shows: (i) a spatial consistent upward trend in the DOC concentration independent of regional effects of rainfall, acid and nitrogen deposition, and local effects of land-use change; (ii) a temporally consistent increase in DOC concentration for period back as far as the 1960s; (iii) the increase in DOC concentration means an estimated DOC flux from the UK as 0.86 Mt C for the year 2002 and is increasing at 0.02 Mt C/year. Possible reasons for the increasing DOC concentration are discussed.  相似文献   
Arylsulfatase A (ASA) degrades sulfatide, seminolipid and lactosylceramide sulfate, glycolipids recognized by the Sulph I antibody although sulfatide is considered the main antigen. Sulfatide is myelin associated but studies have shown a minor distribution also in non-myelin forming cells. The aim of this work was to further study sulfatide in neurons and astrocytes by immunohistochemistry, facilitated by investigation of tissue from adult ASA deficient (ASA ?/?) mice. Cells with a low presence of sulfatide might be detected due to lack of ASA activity and accumulation of Sulph I antigens. Sulfatide positive astrocytes and neurons were more numerous and intensely stained in ASA ?/? mice, demonstrating a sulfatide accumulation compared to controls. Sulph I staining was especially increased in the molecular layer of cerebellum, in which Purkinje cell dendrites displayed an altered morphology, and in layer IV–VI of cerebral cortex. In hippocampus, immunostaining was found in neuronal cytoplasm in ASA ?/? but in nuclear membranes of control mice. We observed a gray matter astrogliosis, which appeared to be associated to sulfatide accumulation. In addition, the developmental change (<20 months) of Sulph I antigens, galactosylceramide, phospholipids and cholesterol were followed by lipid analyses which verified sulfatide and seminolipid accumulation in adult ASA ?/? mice, although no lactosylceramide sulfate could be detected. In addition to demonstrating sulfatide in neurons and astrocytes, this study supports the value of ASA ?/? mice as a model for metachromatic leukodystrophy and suggests that accumulation of sulfatide beyond myelin might contribute to the pathology of this disease.  相似文献   
The human glioma D-54MG cell line grownin vitro primarily expresses ganglio series gangliosides, particularly GM2. Subcutaneous injection of these cells into nude mice produced xenografts with an increased content of the human glioma-associated lacto series gangliosides, primarily 3-isoLM1, an alteration that was dose dependent, with the highest dose (1×108) resulting in a phenotype that was most like that of the inoculum. After one passagein vivo, the lacto series dominated and reached a proportional level that was kept throughout the 10 passages. The mRNA levels of the GM2-synthase clearly coincided with GM2 expression and was 20 times higher in cells grownin vitro than in those grownin vivo. These results support the view that ganglioside expression in human gliomas is strongly influenced by environmental factors. Abbreviations: The gangliosides have been designated according to Svennerholm (Eur J Biochem (1977)79: 11–21) GM3, II3NeuAc-LacCer; GM2, II3NeuAc-GgOse3Cer; GM1, II3NeuAc-GgOse4Cer; GD3, II3(NeuAc)2-LacCer; GD2, II3(NeuAc)2-GgOse3Cer; GD1a, IV3NeuAc, II3NeuAc-GgOse4Cer; GD1b, II3(NeuAc)2-GgOse4Cer; GT1b, IV3NeuAc, II3(NeuAc)2-GgOse4Cer; 3-LM1, IV3NeuAc-nLcOse4Cer; 3-isoLM1, IV3NeuAc-LcOse4Cer; 3,6-isoLD1, IV3NeuAc, III6NeuAc-LcOse4Cer; 38-LM1, IV3(NeuAc)2-nLcOse4Cer. MAb(s), monoclonal antibody (ies); the designation LM1 is used when both 3-isoLM1 and 3-LM1 and LD1, when both 36-isoLD1 and 38-LD1 are included.  相似文献   
The frequently occurring alteration of ganglioside expression in tumor cells has been implicated to play a role in the uncontrolled growth of these cells; antibodies to such gangliosides might affect tumor cell growth. We have studied the effect of IgM monoclonal antibodies to two glioma-associated gangliosides, GD3 and GM2, on cell proliferation of four human glioma cell lines and one renal tumor cell line. Of the two anti-ganglioside antibodies tested, only the anti-GD3 antibody resulted in a significant (p<0.005) inhibition of cell proliferation as measured by thymidine incorporation and Brd-U labeling, after 24[emsp4 ]h incubation. The effect was not dependent on any serum factor and no increased cell death was observed. All cell lines contained higher or similar amounts of GM2 than GD3, and both antigens were shown to be expressed on the cell surface and accessible to antibodies. The selective effect of anti-GD3 antibodies as contrasted to the inactivity of anti-GM2 antibodies suggests a possible role for ganglioside GD3 in tumor cell proliferation.  相似文献   
To examine the familial correlations, heritability (h 2) and common environmental components (c 2) of myopia and ocular biometric traits (all treated as continuous outcomes) in families collected through the Genes in Myopia (GEM) family study in Australia. A total of 132 pedigrees (723 participants) were recruited for this study. All individuals completed a risk factor questionnaire and underwent a detailed eye examination including spherical equivalent (SphE) and ocular biometric measurements of axial length (AL), anterior chamber depth (ACD) and corneal curvature (CC). Familial correlations were calculated and h 2 and c2 were estimated using a variance component model that assumes a multivariate t distribution within each pedigree. Two definitions of common environments (c 2) were considered: nuclear family (current) shared environment (Model 1) and sib-ship (childhood) shared environment (Model 2). Population ascertainment adjustment was performed using the Blue Mountains eye study dataset. The trends observed for familial correlations suggested that SphE is influenced by both environmental and genetic factors whereas AL, ACD and CC are predominantly genetically determined. This was largely confirmed by variance components modelling. Heritability estimates (adjusted for age, sex and years of education) from the best fitting ACE model (Model 2, childhood shared environment) were 0.50 ± 0.05 for SphE, 0.73 ± 0.04 for AL, 0.78 ± 0.04 for ACD and 0.16 ± 0.06 for CC. Childhood environmental effects were significant with c 2 estimated to be 0.33 ± 0.04 for SphE, 0.06 ± 0.03 for AL, 0.22 ± 0.04 for ACD and 0.10 ± 0.05 for CC. Age was associated with SphE, total years of education was associated with AL and sex was associated with all traits studied. We used a novel and conservative approach to account for and estimate common environmental effects by specifying either nuclear family or sib-ship environment when estimating heritability estimates and showed that all traits examined (SphE, AL, ACD and CC) are heritable, thus reflecting a genetic component. These traits therefore all represent candidates for quantitative trait linkage analyses.  相似文献   
Thirteen standard hematology values were determined for a healthy and growing population of free-ranging, lactating northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) from Lovushki Island in the Kuril Islands of far-east Russia. Results are presented from 24 females sampled between June and August during the 3-yr period of 2006-08. Hematologic values have been made available for future comparisons with the declining population of northern fur seals on the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, and are compared with published values for other otariid species.  相似文献   
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