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The mechanism for generating double minutes chromosomes (dmin) and homogeneously staining regions (hsr) in cancer is still poorly understood. Through an integrated approach combining next-generation sequencing, single nucleotide polymorphism array, fluorescent in situ hybridization and polymerase chain reaction-based techniques, we inferred the fine structure of MYC-containing dmin/hsr amplicons harboring sequences from several different chromosomes in seven tumor cell lines, and characterized an unprecedented number of hsr insertion sites. Local chromosome shattering involving a single-step catastrophic event (chromothripsis) was recently proposed to explain clustered chromosomal rearrangements and genomic amplifications in cancer. Our bioinformatics analyses based on the listed criteria to define chromothripsis led us to exclude it as the driving force underlying amplicon genesis in our samples. Instead, the finding of coexisting heterogeneous amplicons, differing in their complexity and chromosome content, in cell lines derived from the same tumor indicated the occurrence of a multi-step evolutionary process in the genesis of dmin/hsr. Our integrated approach allowed us to gather a complete view of the complex chromosome rearrangements occurring within MYC amplicons, suggesting that more than one model may be invoked to explain the origin of dmin/hsr in cancer. Finally, we identified PVT1 as a target of fusion events, confirming its role as breakpoint hotspot in MYC amplification.  相似文献   
The effects of mono- and divalent metal ions on the DNA gyrase B subunit, on its 43 kDa and 47 kDa domains, and on two mutants in the Toprim domain (D498A and D500C) were investigated by means of circular dichroism and protein melting experiments. Both types of metal ion, with the notable exception of Mn2+, did not affect the conformational properties of the enzyme subunit at room temperature, but were able to produce selective and differential effects on protein stability. In particular, monovalent (K+) ions increased the stability of the gyrase B structure, whereas destabilising effects were most prominent using Mn2+ as the metal ion. Ca2+ and Mg2+ produced comparable changes in the gyrase B melting profile. Additionally, we found that monovalent (K+) ions were more effective in the 43 kDa N-terminal domain where ATP binding occurs, whereas divalent ions caused large modifications in the conformational stability of the 47 kDa C-terminal domain. Our results on gyrase B mutants indicate that D498 interacts with Mn2+, whereas it has little effect on the binding of the other ions tested. A D500C mutation, in contrast, effectively impairs Mg2+ affinity, suggesting effective contacts between this ion and D500 in the wild-type enzyme. Hence, the sites of metal ion complexation within the Toprim domain are modulated by the nature of the ion species. These results suggest a double role played by metal ions in the catalytic steps involving DNA gyrase B. One has to do with direct involvement of cations complexed to the Toprim domain in the DNA cutting-rejoining process, the other, until now overlooked, is connected to the dramatic changes in protein flexibility produced by ion binding, which reduces the energy required for the huge conformational changes essential for the catalytic cycle to occur.  相似文献   
Tissue damage is usually followed by healing, as both differentiated and stem cells migrate to replace dead or damaged cells. Mesoangioblasts (vessel-associated stem cells that can repair muscles) and fibroblasts migrate toward soluble factors released by damaged tissue. Two such factors are high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1), a nuclear protein that is released by cells undergoing unscheduled death (necrosis) but not by apoptotic cells, and stromal derived factor (SDF)-1/CXCL12. We find that HMGB1 activates the canonical nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) pathway via extracellular signal-regulated kinase phosphorylation. NF-kappaB signaling is necessary for chemotaxis toward HMGB1 and SDF-1/CXCL12, but not toward growth factor platelet-derived growth factor, formyl-met-leu-phe (a peptide that mimics bacterial invasion), or the archetypal NF-kappaB-activating signal tumor necrosis factor alpha. In dystrophic mice, mesoangioblasts injected into the general circulation ingress inefficiently into muscles if their NF-kappaB signaling pathway is disabled. These findings suggest that NF-kappaB signaling controls tissue regeneration in addition to early events in inflammation.  相似文献   
Titin, a sarcomeric giant protein, plays crucial roles in muscle assembly, elasticity and stability. Little is known about titin adaptation to endurance exercise. We studied the effects of endurance training on titin expression in mouse gastrocnemius muscles (MGM). Sixty-three ten-week-old male Swiss mice were divided into seven groups. Four groups were composed of untrained control animals (C0, C15, C30, C45) instead the other three included mice trained for 15 (T15), 30 (T30) and 45 (T45) days by treadmill. The training protocol was mainly aerobic, characterized by moderate-intensity, rhythmic and continuous exercises. Titin expression was determined by immunohistochemistry on MGM sections. Results revealed a significant reduction in body weight of the T45 mice and a significant increase in titin expression (% titin immunoreactivity median [range] = 41.11 [20-60] vs. 30.00 [10-50]). It is postulated that the up-regulation of titin expression is an adaptative mechanism to increase muscle elasticity and stability in response to the high number of stretch-shorten cycles during endurance training. Such a mechanism may be important for minimizing muscle energy consumption and improving performance during running.  相似文献   
Biogeochemical changes in marine sediments during coastal water hypoxia are well described, but less is known about underlying changes in microbial communities. Bacterial and archaeal communities in Louisiana continental shelf (LCS) hypoxic zone sediments were characterized by pyrosequencing 16S rRNA V4‐region gene fragments obtained by PCR amplification of community genomic DNA with bacterial‐ or archaeal‐specific primers. Duplicate LCS sediment cores collected during hypoxia had higher concentrations of Fe(II), and dissolved inorganic carbon, phosphate, and ammonium than cores collected when overlying water oxygen concentrations were normal. Pyrosequencing yielded 158 686 bacterial and 225 591 archaeal sequences from 20 sediment samples, representing five 2‐cm depth intervals in the duplicate cores. Bacterial communities grouped by sampling date and sediment depth in a neighbor‐joining analysis using Chao–Jaccard shared species values. Redundancy analysis indicated that variance in bacterial communities was mainly associated with differences in sediment chemistry between oxic and hypoxic water column conditions. Gammaproteobacteria (26.5%) were most prominent among bacterial sequences, followed by Firmicutes (9.6%), and Alphaproteobacteria (5.6%). Crenarchaeotal, thaumarchaeotal, and euryarchaeotal lineages accounted for 57%, 27%, and 16% of archaeal sequences, respectively. In Thaumarchaeota Marine Group I, sequences were 96–99% identical to the Nitrosopumilus maritimus SCM1 sequence, were highest in surficial sediments, and accounted for 31% of archaeal sequences when waters were normoxic vs. 13% of archaeal sequences when waters were hypoxic. Redundancy analysis showed Nitrosopumilus‐related sequence abundance was correlated with high solid‐phase Fe(III) concentrations, whereas most of the remaining archaeal clusters were not. In contrast, crenarchaeotal sequences were from phylogenetically diverse lineages, differed little in relative abundance between sampling times, and increased to high relative abundance with sediment depth. These results provide further evidence that marine sediment microbial community composition can be structured according to sediment chemistry and suggest the expansion of hypoxia in coastal waters may alter sediment microbial communities involved in carbon and nitrogen cycling.  相似文献   
Summary A method is described for rapidly screening the metabolic potential of bacteria to oxidize semivolatile and volatile compounds as a sole carbon source. The method is based on automated system that utilizes MicroplatesTM manufactured by Biolog, Inc. (Hayward, CA, USA). This system detects bacterial respiratory activity from the oxidation of a carbon source introduced in volatile form. This is in contrast to the original design, which is based on inoculating a carbon source directly into each well. The 96-well (MT) microtiter plates contain nutrients and a tetrazolium dye. When a bacterial species is capable of oxidizing a volatile carbon substrate, the dye turns purple, and a spectrophotometric plate reader quantifies the response. As a test of this method 150 isolates, including isolates known to degrade some of the test compounds and negative controls were evaluated for their potential to oxidize carbon tetrachloride, toluene, ando-xylene. Thirty-seven isolates (25%) were qualitatively identified as contaminant oxidizers, and thirteen of these (35%) showed significant degradation capabilities for both toluene ando-xylene.Environmental Sciences Division Publication Number 4277.  相似文献   
Topoisomerase (topo) IV and gyrase are bacterial type IIA DNA topoisomerases essential for DNA replication and chromosome segregation that act via a transient double-stranded DNA break involving a covalent enzyme-DNA "cleavage complex." Despite their mechanistic importance, the DNA breakage determinants are not understood for any bacterial type II enzyme. We investigated DNA cleavage by Streptococcus pneumoniae topo IV and gyrase stabilized by gemifloxacin and other antipneumococcal fluoroquinolones. Topo IV and gyrase induce distinct but overlapping repertoires of double-strand DNA breakage sites that were essentially identical for seven different quinolones and were augmented (in intensity) by positive or negative supercoiling. Sequence analysis of 180 topo IV and 126 gyrase sites promoted by gemifloxacin on pneumococcal DNA revealed the respective consensus sequences: G(G/c)(A/t)A*GNNCt(T/a)N(C/a) and GN4G(G/c)(A/c)G*GNNCtTN(C/a) (preferred bases are underlined; disfavored bases are in small capitals; N indicates no preference; and asterisk indicates DNA scission between -1 and +1 positions). Both enzymes show strong preferences for bases clustered symmetrically around the DNA scission site, i.e. +1G/+4C, -4G/+8C, and particularly the novel -2A/+6T, but with no preference at +2/+3 within the staggered 4-bp overhang. Asymmetric elements include -3G and several unfavored bases. These cleavage preferences, the first for Gram-positive type IIA topoisomerases, differ markedly from those reported for Escherichia coli topo IV (consensus (A/G)*T/A) and gyrase, which are based on fewer sites. However, both pneumococcal enzymes cleaved an E. coli gyrase site suggesting overlap in gyrase determinants. We propose a model for the cleavage complex of topo IV/gyrase that accommodates the unique -2A/+6T and other preferences.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide (NO) signaling is involved in numerous physiological processes in mollusks, e.g., learning and memory, feeding behavior, neural development, and defence response. We report the first molecular cloning of NOS mRNA from a cephalopod, the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis (SoNOS). SoNOS was cloned using a strategy that involves hybridization of degenerate PCR primers to highly conserved NOS regions, combined with RACE procedure. Two splicing variants of SoNOS, differing by 18 nucleotides, were found in the nervous system and the ink gland of Sepia. In situ hybridization shows that SoNOS is expressed in the immature and mature cells of the ink gland and in the regions of the nervous system that are related to the ink defence system.  相似文献   
Chromatophore organs are complex and unique structures responsible for the variety of body coloration patterns used by cephalopods to communicate and camouflage. They are formed by a pigment-containing cytoelastic sacculus, surrounded by muscle fibers directly innervated from the brain. Muscle contraction and relaxation are responsible for expansion and retraction of the pigment-containing cell. Their functioning depends on glutamate and Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2-related peptides, which induce fast and slow cell expansion, respectively, and 5-hydroxytryptamine, which induces retraction. Apart from these three substances and acetylcholine, which acts presynaptically, no other neuroactive compounds have so far been found to be involved in the neuroregulation of chromatophore physiology, and the detailed signaling mechanisms are still little understood. Herein, we disclose the role of nitric oxide (NO) as mediator in one of the signaling pathways by which glutamate activates body patterning. NO and nitric-oxide synthase have been detected in pigment and muscle fibers of embryo, juvenile, and adult chromatophore organs from Sepia officinalis. NO-mediated Sepia chromatophore expansion operates at slower rate than glutamate and involves cGMP, cyclic ADP-ribose, and ryanodine receptor activation. These results demonstrate for the first time that NO is an important messenger in the long term maintenance of the body coloration patterns in Sepia.  相似文献   
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