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Vertebrates produce various chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) that are important structural components of cartilage and other connective tissues. CSPGs also contribute to the regulation of more specialized processes such as neurogenesis and angiogenesis. Although many aspects of CSPGs have been studied extensively, little is known of where the CS chains are attached on the core proteins and so far, only a limited number of CSPGs have been identified. Obtaining global information on glycan structures and attachment sites would contribute to our understanding of the complex proteoglycan structures and may also assist in assigning CSPG specific functions. In the present work, we have developed a glycoproteomics approach that characterizes CS linkage regions, attachment sites, and identities of core proteins. CSPGs were enriched from human urine and cerebrospinal fluid samples by strong-anion-exchange chromatography, digested with chondroitinase ABC, a specific CS-lyase used to reduce the CS chain lengths and subsequently analyzed by nLC-MS/MS with a novel glycopeptide search algorithm. The protocol enabled the identification of 13 novel CSPGs, in addition to 13 previously established CSPGs, demonstrating that this approach can be routinely used to characterize CSPGs in complex human samples. Surprisingly, five of the identified CSPGs are traditionally defined as prohormones (cholecystokinin, chromogranin A, neuropeptide W, secretogranin-1, and secretogranin-3), typically stored and secreted from granules of endocrine cells. We hypothesized that the CS side chain may influence the assembly and structural organization of secretory granules and applied surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy to show that CS actually promotes the assembly of chromogranin A core proteins in vitro. This activity required mild acidic pH and suggests that the CS-side chains may also influence the self-assembly of chromogranin A in vivo giving a possible explanation to previous observations that chromogranin A has an inherent property to assemble in the acidic milieu of secretory granules.Chondroitin sulfates (CS)1 are complex polysaccharides present at cell surfaces and in extracellular matrices. The polysaccharides belong to a subclass of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and are covalently linked to various core proteins to form CS-proteoglycans (CSPGs), each with differences in the protein structures and/or numbers of CS side chains. Apart from their structural role in cartilage, CSPGs contribute to the regulation of a diverse set of biological processes such as neurogenesis, growth factor signaling, angiogenesis, and morphogenesis (15). Although the molecular basis of CSPGs functions remains elusive, accumulating evidence suggests that the underlying activities relate to selective ligand binding to discrete structural variants of the polysaccharides. Thus, the current strategy for understanding the biological role of CSPGs aims to identify selective CS polysaccharide–ligand interactions. However, information on the number of CS-chains and their specific attachment site(s) on any given core protein is often scarce which limits our functional understanding of CSPGs.The biosynthesis of GAGs occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi compartments and is initiated by the enzymatic addition of a beta-linked xylose (Xyl) to a Ser residue of the core protein. The sequential addition of two galactose residues (Gal) and a glucuronic acid (GlcA) onto the growing saccharide chain completes the formation of a tetrasaccharide linkage region (GlcAβ3Galβ3Galβ4XylβSer). This part of the biosynthesis is the same for CS and heparan sulfate (HS). However, for CS the biosynthesis continues with the addition of an N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAcβ3), whereas HS biosynthesis continues with the addition of an N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAcα4) (6). The CS-chains are thereafter elongated through the addition of repeating units of GlcA and GalNAc and are further modified by the addition of specifically positioned sulfate groups (7). Certain features of the core protein seem to influence if a certain Ser residue is selected for GAG attachment and whether CS or HS will be synthesized, but the selection mechanism is largely unknown. Sequence analysis of previously known GAG-substituted core proteins reveals that the glycosylated serine residues are usually flanked by a glycine residue (-SG-), and are associated with a cluster of acidic residues in close proximity (8). This motif may assist in the prediction of potential GAG-sites of core proteins; however, the use of such strategy is ambiguous because proteoglycans may also contain unoccupied motifs or motifs that are occasionally occupied (9).Glycoproteomics strategies have recently appeared that provide site-specific information of N- and O-glycans. Such strategies are typically based on a specific enrichment of glycopeptides and a subsequent analysis with nano-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (nLC-MS/MS) (10). By further developing this concept for proteoglycans (11), we have now analyzed CSPG linkage region glycopeptides of human samples, which enabled us to identify 13 novel human CSPGs in addition to 13 already established CSPGs. Urine and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples were trypsinized and CS glycopeptides were enriched using strong anion exchange (SAX) chromatography. The CS chains were depolymerized with chondroitinase ABC, generating free disaccharides and a residual hexameric structure composed of the linkage region and a GlcA-GalNAc disaccharide dehydrated on the terminal GlcA residue (12). MS/MS analysis provided the combined sequencing of the residual hexasaccharide and of the core peptide.  相似文献   
Pertussis causes a large number of cases and hospitalizations in Catalonia and Navarra. We made a study of household cases of pertussis during 2012 and 2013 in order to identify risk factors for hospitalization in pertussis cases. Each primary case reported triggered the study of their contacts. Close contacts at home and people who were in contact for >2 hours during the transmission period of cases were included. The adjusted OR and 95% confidence intervals (CI) was calculated using logistic regression. A total of 1124 pertussis cases were detected, of which 14.9% were hospitalized. Inspiratory whoop (aOR: 1.64; CI: 1.02–2.65), apnoea (aOR: 2.47; CI: 1.51–4.03) and cyanosis (aOR: 15.51; CI: 1.87–128.09) were more common in hospitalized than in outpatient cases. Hospitalization occurred in 8.7% of correctly-vaccinated cases, 41.1% of non-vaccinated cases and 9.4% of partially-vaccinated cases. In conclusion, inspiratory whoop, apnoea and cyanosis were associated factors to hospitalization while vaccination reduced hospitalizations due to pertussis.  相似文献   
Presynaptic inhibition (PSI) has been shown to modulate several neuronal pathways of functional relevance by selectively gating the connections between sensory inputs and spinal motoneurons, thereby regulating the contribution of the stretch reflex circuitry to the ongoing motor activity. In this study, we investigated whether a differential regulation of Ia afferent inflow by PSI may be associated with the performance of two types of plantarflexion sensoriomotor tasks. The subjects (in a seated position) controlled either: 1) the force level exerted by the foot against a rigid restraint (force task, FT); or 2) the angular position of the ankle when sustaining inertial loads (position task, PT) that required the same level of muscle activation observed in FT. Subjects were instructed to maintain their force/position at target levels set at ~10% of maximum isometric voluntary contraction for FT and 90° for PT, while visual feedback of the corresponding force/position signals were provided. Unconditioned H-reflexes (i.e. control reflexes) and H-reflexes conditioned by electrical pulses applied to the common peroneal nerve with conditioning-to-test intervals of 21 ms and 100 ms (corresponding to D1 and D2 inhibitions, respectively) were evoked in a random fashion. A significant main effect for the type of the motor task (FT vs PT) (p = 0.005, η2 p = 0.603) indicated that PTs were undertaken with lower levels of Ia PSI converging onto the soleus motoneuron pool. Additionally, a significant interaction between the type of inhibition (D1 vs D2) and the type of motor task (FT vs PT) (p = 0.038, η2 p = 0.395) indicated that D1 inhibition was associated with a significant reduction in PSI levels from TF to TP (p = 0.001, η2 p = 0.731), whereas no significant difference between the tasks was observed for D2 inhibition (p = 0.078, η2 p = 0.305). These results suggest that D1 and D2 inhibitions of the soleus H-reflex are differentially modulated during the performance of plantarflexion FT and PT. The reduced level of ongoing PSI during PT suggests that, in comparison to FT, there is a larger reliance on inputs from muscle spindles primary afferents when the neuromuscular system is required to maintain position-controlled plantarflexion contractions.  相似文献   
The amphibian fungal disease chytridiomycosis, which affects species across all continents, recently emerged as one of the greatest threats to biodiversity. Yet, many aspects of the basic biology and epidemiology of the pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), are still unknown, such as when and from where did Bd emerge and what is its true ecological niche? Here, we review the ecology and evolution of Bd in the Americas and highlight controversies that make this disease so enigmatic. We explore factors associated with variance in severity of epizootics focusing on the disease triangle of host susceptibility, pathogen virulence, and environment. Reevaluating the causes of the panzootic is timely given the wealth of data on Bd prevalence across hosts and communities and the recent discoveries suggesting co‐evolutionary potential of hosts and Bd. We generate a new species distribution model for Bd in the Americas based on over 30,000 records and suggest a novel future research agenda. Instead of focusing on pathogen “hot spots,” we need to identify pathogen “cold spots” so that we can better understand what limits the pathogen''s distribution. Finally, we introduce the concept of “the Ghost of Epizootics Past” to discuss expected patterns in postepizootic host communities.  相似文献   
Many members of the family Bromeliacae are able to adopt epiphytic lifestyles and colonize trees throughout the Neotropics. Bromeliacae do not extract nutrients from their hosts and confer relatively minor costs on their host plants. We suggest that bromeliads, however, may benefit their hosts by providing habitat for predators of host plant herbivores. We report a correlation between bromeliad presence and a reduction in herbivore damage in orange trees, an effect that is increased when bromeliads are colonized by ants. Our results may have important implications for agricultural systems in the Neotropics, where bromeliads are often removed in the belief they are parasitic. We instead demonstrate that bromeliads may impart a benefit to their hosts, and speculate that under particular circumstances they may be part of a three‐species mutualism.  相似文献   
Truffles are abundant in some regions of China. Nevertheless, it was not until the 1980s that Tuber species were discovered by Chinese mycologists. In recent years, international truffle markets have shown an increasing interest in the import of Chinese Tuber. These truffles serve as a complement to European truffles due to their lower prices and their greater availability in a deficit market. However, Chinese truffles have been the subject of fraudulent commercial practices, and these could have a negative effect on truffle culture. These concerns have been behind numerous recent studies designed to obtain detailed information about Chinese Tuber species. Unfortunately, many of these studies are not published in English, and are dispersed throughout the specific local or national bibliography and proceedings of specialized truffle conferences. In view of the need to expand current knowledge of Chinese Tuber species, we present a comprehensive summary of the taxonomy, ecology, mycorrhizae, genetics, biochemistry, and cultivation of Chinese Tuber species. We also provide a synthetic taxonomy and morphological characterization of 16 Chinese Tuber species in order to assist in their verification and monitoring.  相似文献   
In light of the growing concern over the potentially devastating impacts on biodiversity and food security of climate change and the massively growing world population, taking action to conserve crop wild relatives (CWR), is no longer an option — it is a priority. Crop wild relatives are species closely related to crops, including their progenitors, many of which have the potential to contribute beneficial traits to crops, such as pest or disease resistance, yield improvement or stability. They are a critical component of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA), have already made major contributions to crop production and are vital for future food security; their systematic conservation in ways that ensure their continuing availability for use is therefore imperative. This is a complex, interdisciplinary, global issue that has been addressed by various national and international initiatives. Drawing on the lessons learnt from these initiatives we can now propose a global approach to CWR conservation, the key elements of which are: (1) estimating global CWR numbers, (2) assessment of the global importance of CWR diversity, (3) current conservation status, (4) threats to CWR diversity, (5) systematic approaches to CWR conservation, (6) CWR informatics, and (7) enhancing the use of CWR diversity.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to find out whether several 1,4-naphthoquinones (1,4-NQ) can interact with the amyloidogenic pathway of the amyloid precursor protein processing, particularly targeting at β-secretase (BACE), as well as at β-amyloid peptide (Aβ) aggregation and disaggregating preformed Aβ fibrils. Compounds bearing hydroxyl groups at the quinoid (2) or benzenoid rings (5, 6) as well as some 2- and 3-aryl derivatives (11-15) showed BACE inhibitory activity, without effect on amyloid aggregation or disaggregation. The halogenated compounds 8 and 10 were selective for the inhibition of amyloid aggregation. On the other hand, 1,4-naphthoquinone (1), 6-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (4) and 2-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,4-naphthoquinone (26) did not show any BACE inhibitory activity but were active on amyloid aggregation and disaggregation preformed Aβ fibrils. Juglone (5-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (3), and 3-(p-hydroxyphenyl)-5-methoxy-1,4-napththoquinone (19) were active on all the three targets. Therefore, we suggest that 1,4-NQ derivatives, specially 3 and 19, should be explored as possible drug candidates or lead compounds for the development of drugs to prevent amyloid aggregation and neurotoxicity in Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   
Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) has been proposed as the main kinase able to aberrantly phosphorylate tau in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and related tauopathies, raising the possibility of designing novel therapeutic interventions for AD based on GSK-3 inhibition. Lithium, a widely used drug for affective disorders, inhibits GSK-3 at therapeutically relevant concentrations. Therefore, it was of great interest to test the possible protective effects of lithium in an AD animal model based on GSK-3 overexpression. We had previously generated a double transgenic model, overexpressing GSK-3beta in a conditional manner, using the Tet-off system and tau protein carrying a triple FTDP-17 (frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17) mutation. This transgenic line shows tau hyperphosphorylation in hippocampal neurones accompanied by neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs). We used this transgenic model to address two issues: first, whether chronic lithium treatment is able to prevent the formation of aberrant tau aggregates that result from the overexpression of FTDP-17 tau and GSK-3beta; second, whether lithium is able to change back already formed NFTs in aged animals. Our data suggest that progression of the tauopathy can be prevented by administration of lithium when the first signs of neuropathology appear. Furthermore, it is still possible to partially reverse tau pathology in advanced stages of the disease, although NFT-like structures cannot be changed. The same results were obtained after shut-down of GSK-3beta overexpression, supporting the possibility that GSK-3 inhibition is not sufficient to reverse NFT-like aggregates.  相似文献   
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