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We present the solution structure of MAP30, a plant protein with anti-HIV and anti-tumor activities. Structural analysis and subsequent biochemical assays lead to several novel discoveries. First, MAP30 acts like a DNA glycosylase/apurinic (ap) lyase, an additional activity distinct from its known RNA N-glycosidase activity toward the 28S rRNA. Glycosylase/ap lyase activity explains MAP30's apparent inhibition of the HIV-1 integrase, MAP30's ability to irreversibly relax supercoiled DNA, and may be an alternative cytotoxic pathway that contributes to MAP30's anti-HIV/anti-tumor activities. Second, two distinct, but contiguous, subsites are responsible for MAP30's glycosylase/ap lyase activity. Third, Mn2+ and Zn2+ interact with negatively charged surfaces next to the catalytic sites, facilitating DNA substrate binding instead of directly participating in catalysis.  相似文献   
A new NMR spin relaxation experiment is described for measuring chemical exchange time constants from approximately 0.5 ms to 5 ms in 15N-labeled macromolecules. The pulse sequence is based on the Carr–Purcell–Meiboom–Gill technique [Carr and Purcell (1954) Phys. Rev., 94, 630–638; Meiboom and Gill (1958) Rev. Sci. Instrum., 29, 688–691; Loria et al. (1999) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 121, 2331–2332], but implements TROSY selection [Pervushin et al. (1997) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 94, 12366–12371] to permit measurement of exchange linebroadening contributions to the narrower component of the 1H-15N scalar-coupled doublet. This modification extends the size limitation imposed on relaxation measurements due to the fast decay of transverse magnetization in larger macromolecules. The new TROSY-CPMG experiment is demonstrated on a [U-98% 15 N] labeled sample of basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor and a [U-83% 2H, U-98% 15 N] labeled sample of triosephosphate isomerase, a 54 kDa homodimeric protein.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The adult rat hippocampus contains fibroblast growth factor 2-responsive stem cells that are self-renewing and have the ability to generate both neurons and glia in vitro, but little is known about the molecular events that regulate stem cell differentiation. Hippocampus-derived stem cell clones were used to examine the effects of retinoic acid (RA) on neuronal differentiation. Exposure to RA caused an immediate up-regulation of NeuroD, increased p21 expression, and concurrent exit from cell cycle. These changes were accompanied by a threefold increase in the number of cells differentiating into immature neurons. An accompanying effect of RA was to sustain or up-regulate trkA, trkB, trkC, and p75NGFR expression. Without RA treatment, cells were minimally responsive to neurotrophins (NTs), whereas the sequential application of RA followed by brain-derived neurotrophic factor or NT-3 led to a significant increase in neurons displaying mature y-a-minobutyric acid, acetylcholinesterase, tyrosine hydroxylase, or calbindin phenotypes. Although NTs promoted maturation, they had little effect on the total number of neurons generated, suggesting that RA and neurotrophins acted at distinct stages in neurogenesis. RA first promoted the acquisition of a neuronal fate, and NTs subsequently enhanced maturation by way of RA-dependent expression of the Trk receptors. In combination, these sequential effects were sufficient to stimulate stem cell-derived progenitors to differentiate into neurons displaying a variety of transmitter phenotypes.  相似文献   
Starry flounder Platichthys stellatus , a rare polymorphic flatfish exhibiting a large-scale geographic cline in the frequency of right-eyed (dextral) and left-eyed (sinistral) morphs, was studied to investigate whether foraging behaviour (turning angle and prey strike orientation) differed between dextral and sinistral laboratory-raised juveniles. Platichthys stellatus foraging on brine shrimp Artemia sp. nauplii tended to strike dorsally at prey ('left' to an observer for dextral flounder and 'right' to an observer for sinistral flounder), although this effect was stronger for sinistral fish. This dorsal tendency also increased with body size. Non-strike behaviours (movements between strikes) were ventrally biased for both morphs. Maximum turn angles were larger for both morphs towards the dorsal side than the ventral side during prey strikes but were the same during non-strike behaviours. The positioning of the eyes of the juvenile starry flounder was skewed towards the dorsal midline rather than being symmetrically placed between dorsal and ventral margins on the eyed side of each fish. The migrating eyes of dextral fish, however, were significantly closer to the dorsal midline than in sinistral fish. This, in addition to the more dorsally oriented prey strikes in sinistral fish, suggests that the morphs are not simple behavioural mirror images of one another and therefore may differ ecologically.  相似文献   
LIN-1 is an ETS domain protein. A receptor tyrosine kinase/Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway regulates LIN-1 in the P6.p cell to induce the primary vulval cell fate during Caenorhabditis elegans development. We identified 23 lin-1 loss-of-function mutations by conducting several genetic screens. We characterized the molecular lesions in these lin-1 alleles and in several previously identified lin-1 alleles. Nine missense mutations and 10 nonsense mutations were identified. All of these lin-1 missense mutations affect highly conserved residues in the ETS domain. These missense mutations can be arranged in an allelic series; the strongest mutations eliminate most or all lin-1 functions, and the weakest mutation partially reduces lin-1 function. An electrophoretic mobility shift assay was used to demonstrate that purified LIN-1 protein has sequence-specific DNA-binding activity that required the core sequence GGAA. LIN-1 mutant proteins containing the missense substitutions had dramatically reduced DNA binding. These experiments identify eight highly conserved residues of the ETS domain that are necessary for DNA binding. The identification of multiple mutations that reduce the function of lin-1 as an inhibitor of the primary vulval cell fate and also reduce DNA binding suggest that DNA binding is essential for LIN-1 function in an animal.  相似文献   
Overexpression of either heterologous or homologous proteins that are routed to the periplasm via the twin-arginine translocation (Tat) pathway results in a block of export and concomitant accumulation of the respective protein precursor in the cytoplasm. Screening of a plasmid-encoded genomic library for mutants that confer enhanced export of a TorA signal sequence (ssTorA)-GFP-SsrA fusion protein, and thus result in higher cell fluorescence, yielded the pspA gene encoding phage shock protein A. Coexpression of pspA relieved the secretion block observed with ssTorA-GFP-SsrA or upon overexpression of the native Tat proteins SufI and CueO. A similar effect was observed with the Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803 PspA homologue, VIPP1, indicating that the role of PspA in Tat export may be phylogenetically conserved. Mutations in Tat components that completely abolish export result in a marked induction of PspA protein synthesis, consistent with its proposed role in enhancing protein translocation via Tat.  相似文献   
The hydrophobic membrane protein, subunit c, has been isolated from ATP synthase purified from bovine heart mitochondria. It has also been obtained from lysosomal storage bodies associated with ceroid lipofuscinosis from ovine liver and from human brain tissue of a victim of Batten disease. It is likely that the lysosomal protein has originated from the mitochondrion. These samples have been characterized by mass spectrometric methods. Irrespective of its source, subunit c has an intact molecular mass of 7650 Da, 42 Da greater than the value calculated from the amino acid sequence, and the protein has been modified post-translationally. In all three samples, the modification is associated with lysine 43, which lies in a polar loop region linking the two transmembrane alpha-helices of the protein. This residue is conserved throughout vertebrate sequences. The additional mass arises from trimethylation and not acetylation at the epsilon-N-position of the residue. These experiments show that the post-translational modification of subunit c is not, as has been suggested, an abnormal phenomenon associated with the etiology of Batten disease and ceroid lipofucinoses. Evidently, it occurs either before or during import of the protein into mitochondria or at a mitochondrial location after completion of the import process. The function of the trimethyllysine residue in the assembled ATP synthase complex is obscure. The residue and the modification are not conserved in all ATP synthases, and their role in the assembly and (or) functioning of the enzyme appear to be confined to higher organisms.  相似文献   
The reaction of oxidized bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) with one equivalent of hydrogen peroxide results in the formation of two spectrally distinct species. The yield of these two forms is controlled by the ionization of a group with a pK(a) of 6.6. At basic pH, where this group is deprotonated, an intermediate called P dominates (P, because it was initially believed to be a peroxy compound). At acidic pH where the group is protonated, a different species, called F (ferryl intermediate) is obtained. We previously proposed that the only difference between these two species is the presence of one proton in the catalytic center of F that is absent in P. It is now suggested that the catalytic center of this F form has the same redox and protonation state as a second ferryl intermediate produced at basic pH by two equivalents of hydrogen peroxide; the role of the second equivalent of H(2)O(2) is that of a proton donor in the conversion of P to F. Two chloride-binding sites have been detected in oxidized CcO. One site is located at the binuclear center; the second site was identified from the sensitivity of g=3 signal of cytochrome a to chloride in the EPR spectra of oxidized CcO. Turnover of CcO releases chloride from the catalytic center into the medium probably by one of the hydrophobic channels, proposed for oxygen access, with an orientation parallel to the membrane plane. Chloride in the binuclear center is most likely not involved in CcO catalysis. The influence of the second chloride site upon several reactions of CcO has been assessed. No correlation was found between chloride binding to the second site and the reactions that were examined.  相似文献   
To delineate the role of peptide backbone flexibility and rapid molecular motion in acetylcholinesterase catalysis and inhibitor association, we investigated the decay of fluorescence anisotropy at three sites of fluorescein conjugation to cysteine-substitution mutants of the enzyme. One cysteine was placed in a loop at the peripheral site near the rim of the active center gorge (H287C); a second was in a helical region outside of the active center gorge (T249C); a third was at the tip of a small, flexible omega loop well separated from the gorge (A262C). Mutation and fluorophore conjugation did not appreciably alter catalytic or inhibitor binding parameters of the enzyme. The results show that each site examined was associated with a high degree of segmental motion; however, the A262C and H287C sites were significantly more flexible than the T249C site. Association of the active center inhibitor, tacrine, and the peripheral site peptide inhibitor, fasciculin, had no effect on the anisotropy decay of fluorophores at positions 249 and 262. Fasciculin, but not tacrine, on the other hand, dramatically altered the decay profile of the fluorophore at the 287 position, in a manner consistent with fasciculin reducing the segmental motion of the peptide chain in this local region. The results suggest that the motions of residues near the active center gorge and across from the Cys(69)-Cys(96) omega loop are uncoupled and that ligand binding at the active center or the peripheral site does not influence acetylcholinesterase conformational dynamics globally, but induces primarily domain localized decreases in flexibility proximal to the bound ligand.  相似文献   
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