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The structural and growth polarities of centrosomal and chromosomal microtubules were studied by analyzing the kinetics of growth of these microtubules and those initiated by flagellar seeds. By comparing rates of elongation of centrosomal and flagellar-seeded microtubules, we determined whether the centrosomal microtubules were free to grow at their plus ends only, minus ends ony, or at both ends. Our results show that centrosomal microtubules elongate at a rate corresponding to the addition of subunits at the plus end only. The depolymerization rate was also equivalent to that for the plus end only. Chromosomal microtubule elongation was similar to the centrosome-initiated growth. Since the data do not support the hypothesis that both ends of these spindle microtubules are able to interact with monomer in solution, then growth must occur only distal or only proximal to the organizing centers, implying tha the opposite ends in unavailable for exchange of subunits. Experiments with flagellar-seeded microtubules serving as internal controls indicated that the inactivity of the minus end could not be accounted for by a diffusible inhibitor, suggesting a structural explanation. Since there is no apparent way in which the distal ends may be capped, whereas the proximal ends are embedded in the pericentriolar cloud, we conclude that centrosomal microtubules are oriented with their plus ends distal to the site of nucleation. A similar analysis for chromosomal microtubules suggests that they too must be oriented with their plus ends distal to the site of initiation.  相似文献   
Antigenic analysis of potato virus A particles and coat protein   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Five monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were prepared to particles of potato virus A (PVA), isolate B11. In immunoblots, MAbs A1D8 and A5B6 reacted only with full length molecules of PVA coat protein (CP). Pepscan tests with overlapping octapeptides representing the whole sequence of PVA CP showed that the epitope detected by MAb A5B6 is contained in its N-terminal octapeptide. MAbs A9A4, A3H4 and A6B8 reacted with CP molecules that lacked about 5 kD of sequence at their end(s) and detected epitopes at residues 52 to 62, 64 to 73 and 75 to 82 respectively, all of which lie in the protease-resistant core of the CP. The epitope which reacts with MAb A3H4 is in a region predicted to be hydrophobic and is not detected in intact virus particles, indicating it is a cryptotope. In contrast, MAbs A6B8 and A9A4 reacted with freshly purified PVA particles but more strongly with partially degraded ones. Pepscan tests with polyclonal antibodies to PVA isolate B11 identified five additional immunogenic sequences in PVA CP and showed that regions at the N-termini of the intact and core molecules are immunodominant. PVA isolate B11 was not transmitted by aphids, and its CP N-terminal octapeptide contains the sequence DAS, which is associated with aphid-non-transmissibility in other potyviruses. MAb A5B6, which detects this region, reacted strongly in ELISA with three out of four other aphid-non-transmissible PVA isolates but only weakly with three aphid-transmissible ones, suggesting that differences in N-terminal sequence may underlie most of the differences in aphid transmissibility.  相似文献   
SIRT1 is an NAD+-dependent deacetylase that counteracts multiple disease states associated with aging and may underlie some of the health benefits of calorie restriction. Understanding how SIRT1 is regulated in vivo could therefore lead to new strategies to treat age-related diseases. SIRT1 forms a stable complex with DBC1, an endogenous inhibitor. Little is known regarding the biochemical nature of SIRT1-DBC1 complex formation, how it is regulated and whether or not it is possible to block this interaction pharmacologically. In this study, we show that critical residues within the catalytic core of SIRT1 mediate binding to DBC1 via its N-terminal region, and that several carboxamide SIRT1 inhibitors, including EX-527, can completely block this interaction. We identify two acetylation sites on DBC1 that regulate its ability to bind SIRT1 and suppress its activity. Furthermore, we show that DBC1 itself is a substrate for SIRT1. Surprisingly, the effect of EX-527 on SIRT1-DBC1 binding is independent of DBC1 acetylation. Together, these data show that protein acetylation serves as an endogenous regulatory mechanism for SIRT1-DBC1 binding and illuminate a new path to developing small-molecule modulators of SIRT1.  相似文献   
Actin filaments elongate from their membrane-associated ends   总被引:3,自引:19,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
In limulus sperm an actin filament bundle 55 mum in length extends from the acrosomal vacuole membrane through a canal in the nucleus and then coils in a regular fashion around the base of the nucleus. The bundle expands systematically from 15 filaments near the acrosomal vacuole to 85 filaments at the basal end. Thin sections of sperm fixed during stages in spermatid maturation reveal that the filament bundle begins to assemble on dense material attached to the acrosomal vacuole membrane. In micrographs fo these early stages in maturation, short bundles are seen extending posteriorly from the dense material. The significance is that these short, developing bundles have about 85 filaments, suggesting that the 85-filament end of the bundle is assembled first. By using filament bundles isolated and incubated in vitro with G actin from muscle, we can determine the end “preferred” for addition of actin monomers during polymerization. The end that would be associated with the acrosomal vacuole membrane, a membrane destined to be continuous with the plasma membrane, is preferred about 10 times over the other, thicker end. Decoration of the newly polymerized portions of the filament bundle with subfragment 1 of myosin reveals that the arrowheads point away from the acrosomal vacuole membrane, as is true of other actin filament bundles attached to membranes. From these observations we conclude that the bundle is nucleated from the dense material associated with the acrosomal vacuole and that monomers are added to the membrane-associated end. As monomers are added at the dense material, the thick first-made end of the filament bundle is pushed down through the nucleus where, upon reaching the base of the nucleus, it coils up. Tapering is brought about by the capping of the peripheral filaments in the bundle.  相似文献   
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