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武陵山地区种子植物区系特性与性质研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
武陵山地区位于湘鄂渝黔交界处,面积约10万km^2。本文从科、属、种水平对武陵山地区种子植物区系特征和性质进行了统计分析,结果表明:(1)本区自产种子植物201科、1005属、4119种,其中裸子植物6科、19属、36种,双子叶植物166科781属、3447种,单子叶植物29科、205属、636种,含单种和少种的科和属及木本植物比较丰富;(2)本区含世界广布科40科,热带分布科912科,温带分布科70科,含种数较多的科为广布科和热带分布科,而主要特性科则是一些主产东亚(包括中国特有)的亚热带和温带分布科;(3)本区的属含我国15种分布类型中的14种,其中以北温带分布、泛热带分布和东亚分布三类成分比较集中。中国特有属64属(占6.83%),其中不少可能就起源于本区(或)及其周围。温带分布属多于热带分布属;(4)种的地理成分有15种类型,其中绝大多数属东亚和中国特有,它们具有明显的亚热带-温带性质,中国特有种共计2682种,其中126种为本区所特有,675种为华中区特有,其他1881种广泛分布于我国各地并大体上可分为10个亚型,种的地理成分决定了本区现代植物区系的基本特征和性质,即在旧的热带区系的基础上蜕化演变化而成的温带性亚热带植物区系或亚热带山地植物区系。本区东亚成分众多,不仅是其分布中心的一部分,而且正征于东亚成分扩散和迁移的重要通道--武陵山走廊上,因此可视为东亚植物区系的一个关键地区。  相似文献   
在平均参考和无穷远点参考情况下,对左右视野空间选择性注意的ERP反应进行了研究。其中无穷远点参考是通过一种基于等效分布源理论建立的参考电极校正技术处理后得到的。结果表明,两种参考电极一致地在选择性注意中P1,N1的相对增强反应,但也略有差异,其中以无穷远点为参考的结果中,PI的相对增强更加明显,P2能较好地同时出现在注意与非注意两种条件下。  相似文献   
响应面法优化灰霉病生防菌CNY-04培养条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】通过优化生防菌CNY-04的培养条件,提高其对灰霉病菌的抑菌效果。【方法】在单因素试验的基础上,利用响应面法(Response surface methodology)对灰霉病生防菌CNY-04培养条件进行整体优化,并测其生长曲线。【结果】生防菌CNY-04最优培养条件为牛肉膏0.5%、蛋白胨2.0%、酵母膏0.1%、葡萄糖0.5%、时间48 h、接种量4%、温度32°C、pH 8.0、装液量75 mL/250 mL和转速150 r/min,在此培养条件下生防菌CNY-04的OD600为2.907,与模型预测值相符,对灰葡萄孢菌的抑菌圈直径为44.5 mm,较优化前提高了30.9%。【结论】从整体上确定了生防菌CNY-04的最优培养条件,为该菌扩大化生产提供理论基础。  相似文献   
为探究极端气候事件对植物的影响,对澳门九澳山海滨群落10种植物2012-2017年盛花期物候进行了观察。结果表明,植物的盛花期一般在3-9月,其中有4种植物为5月。2013和2016年早春澳门的极端强降水使植物的盛花期出现了明显的提前或者推迟。9种植物的盛花期与盛花期前0~2个月和上一年的秋冬季的月均温度或月降水存在显著相关性。温度和降水对植物盛花期的影响差异不大,但晚花植物对降水更加敏感。这为澳门和邻近岛屿的生态恢复和园林树种选材提供参考。  相似文献   
随着区域经济一体化进程加快,人类活动对区域可持续发展的影响越来越重要。本研究利用MODIS遥感数据,基于净初级生产力的生态足迹法(EF-NPP),对珠三角城市群6大生物生产性土地面积的均衡因子和产量因子进行计算,分析研究区2000—2020年的人均生态足迹、生态承载力、自然资源利用效率和生态适度人口的变化。结果表明: 2000—2020年,珠三角城市群人均生态足迹不断上升,化石能源用地的生态占用最高,人均生态足迹呈现出西部高、中部低、东北部较高的空间变化特征;人均生态承载力高值集中分布在肇庆市、江门市,低值集中分布在深圳市、东莞市、佛山市、中山市;生态适度人口与区域实际人口的差距随时间呈增大趋势,其中,2020年生态适度人口与区域实际人口的差距达3062万人,区域实际人口数远大于生态适度人口数,人口压力大;三大产业自然资源利用效率高,人均生态足迹所能创造的经济效益在研究期间增加3.68 万元·hm-2,年均增速为0.18万元·hm-2,且第三产业的增加速度最快。研究结果能为中小尺度区域自然资源利用效率的研究提供一定的借鉴与参考。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Although lentiviral vectors have been widely used for in vitro and in vivo gene therapy researches, there have been few studies systematically examining various conditions that may affect the determination of the number of viable vector particles in a vector preparation and the use of Multiplicity of Infection (MOI) as a parameter for the prediction of gene transfer events. METHODS: Lentiviral vectors encoding a marker gene were packaged and supernatants concentrated. The number of viable vector particles was determined by in vitro transduction and fluorescent microscopy and FACs analyses. Various factors that may affect the transduction process, such as vector inoculum volume, target cell number and type, vector decay, variable vector - target cell contact and adsorption periods were studied. MOI between 0-32 was assessed on commonly used cell lines as well as a new cell line. RESULTS: We demonstrated that the resulting values of lentiviral vector titre varied with changes of conditions in the transduction process, including inoculum volume of the vector, the type and number of target cells, vector stability and the length of period of the vector adsorption to target cells. Vector inoculum and the number of target cells determine the frequencies of gene transfer event, although not proportionally. Vector exposure time to target cells also influenced transduction results. Varying these parameters resulted in a greater than 50-fold differences in the vector titre from the same vector stock. Commonly used cell lines in vector titration were less sensitive to lentiviral vector-mediated gene transfer than a new cell line, FRL 19. Within 0-32 of MOI used transducing four different cell lines, the higher the MOI applied, the higher the efficiency of gene transfer obtained. CONCLUSION: Several variables in the transduction process affected in in vitro vector titration and resulted in vastly different values from the same vector stock, thus complicating the use of MOI for predicting gene transfer events. Commonly used target cell lines underestimated vector titre. However, within a certain range of MOI, it is possible that, if strictly controlled conditions are observed in the vector titration process, including the use of a sensitive cell line, such as FRL 19 for vector titration, lentivector-mediated gene transfer events could be predicted.  相似文献   
【目的】探究青海湖岸带土壤与沉积物的地化特征与细菌群落对水位扩张的响应。【方法】从岸上至岸下沿垂直青海湖岸带方向,采集距离湖面不同高度土壤(土壤:S1、S2)、岸边不同水深表层沉积物(过渡区:E0、E6、E17)及湖心表层沉积物(沉积物:D1、D2)样品,土壤与沉积物水深(土壤水深表示为负数)从小到大的变化表征岸边土壤被淹水转变为沉积物的过程。采用地球化学分析和16SrRNA基因高通量测序技术,探究岸带土壤与沉积物样品中的地化特征与微生物群落构成。【结果】青海湖水位上升导致的生境转变对岸带土壤与沉积物的理化性质、营养水平、有机碳类型等地化特征产生显著影响。具体表现为,随着水位升高,岸带土壤与沉积物的pH、矿物结合态有机碳含量显著升高,而碳氮比值、可溶性有机碳(dissolved organic carbon,DOC)、颗粒态有机碳含量显著下降。随着水位上升,青海湖岸带被淹没土壤的细菌群落多样性下降,且群落结构发生明显变化。这种变化与环境因子变化密切相关,具体表现为,细菌群落物种丰富度指数和香农多样性指数随着水位上升呈下降趋势;活性金属结合态有机碳含量与细菌群落多样性的变化密切相关;理化...  相似文献   
酵母PHO2蛋白及其变异体与PHO5USA体外的相互作用杨军,敖世洲(中国科学院上海生物化学研究所分子生物学国家重点实验室,200031)关键词酵母;PHO2;突变;DNA结合PHO2是酵母阻遏型酸性磷酸酯酶基因转录的正调控因子[1],由559个氨基...  相似文献   
We have studied the behaviour of microenvironments containing tyrosine of calf thymus histone F3 (or histone H3) by using the difference spectroscopy techniques of thermal and solvent perturbation. By comparison of the parameters found for the models L-tyrosine methyl ester and N-acetyl-L-tyrosine ethyl ester with those for the protein at various conditions, several aspects of the tertiary structure of histone F3 become apparent. The raising of ionic strength produces a general burial of tyrosyl residues of the histone, whereas low pH or urea treatment causes a complete exposure of tyrosyl groups with respect to the solvent. Anomalously high values can also be observed of accessibility of the perturbants sucrose and ethylene glycol at low concentrations of phosphate buffer. The relevance of these findings towards a better understanding of the tertiary structure of histone F3 and of its interactions with DNA is discussed.  相似文献   
Proton magnetic resonance, circular dichroism and infrared spectroscopy are used to investigate the secondary and tertiary structure of three very lysine-rich histones from marine invertebrate sperm. At high ionic strength both Arbacia lixula and Holothuria tubulosa histone phi 1 are observed to contain 25-30% alpha-helix, no beta-structure and to form specific folded structures. Both phi 1 proton magnetic resonance spectra have perturbed methyl resonances at chemical shifts close to those observed for calf thymus H1, suggesting analogies in tertiary structure. Mytilus edulis histone phi 1 however, shows no spectroscopic evidence of secondary and tertiary structure on salt addition.  相似文献   
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