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For effective control of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), the development of rapid diagnostic systems and vaccines are required against its etiological agent, FMD virus (FMDV). To accomplish this, efficient large-scale expression of the FMDV VP1 protein, with high solubility, needs to be optimized. We attempted to produce high levels of a serotype O FMDV VP1 epitope in Escherichia coli. We identified the subtype-independent serotype O FMDV VP1 epitope sequence and used it to construct a glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion protein. For efficient production of the FMDV VP1 epitope fused to GST (VP1e–GST), four E. coli strains and three temperatures were examined. The conditions yielding the greatest level of VP1e–GST with highest solubility were achieved with E. coli BL21(DE3) at 25 °C. For high-level production, fed-batch cultures were conducted in 5-l bioreactors. When cells were induced at a high density and complex feeding solutions were supplied, approximately 11 g of VP1e–GST was obtained from a 2.9-l culture. Following purification, the VP1 epitope was used to immunize rabbits, and we confirmed that it induced an immune response.  相似文献   
The CagA protein of Helicobacter pylori is associated with increased virulence and gastric cancer risk. CagA is translocated into the host cell by a H. pylori type IV secretion system via mechanisms that are poorly understood. Translocated CagA interacts with numerous host factors, altering a variety of host signalling pathways. The recently determined crystal structure of C-terminally-truncated CagA indicated the presence of two domains: the smaller, flexible N-terminal domain and the larger, middle domain. In this study, we have investigated the conformation, oligomeric state and stability of the N-terminal, middle and glutamate-proline-isoleucine-tyrosine-alanine (EPIYA)-repeats domains. All three domains are monomeric, suggesting that the multimerisation of CagA observed in infected cells is likely to be mediated not by CagA itself but by its interacting partners. The middle and the C-terminal domains, but not the N-terminal domain, are capable of refolding spontaneously upon heat denaturation, lending support to the hypothesis that unfolded CagA is threaded C-terminus first through the type IV secretion channel with its N-terminal domain, which likely requires interactions with other domains to refold, being threaded last. Our findings also revealed that the C-terminal EPIYA-repeats domain of CagA exists in an intrinsically disordered premolten globule state with regions in PPII conformation - a feature that is shared by many scaffold proteins that bind multiple protein components of signalling pathways. Taken together, these results provide a deeper understanding of the physicochemical properties of CagA that underpin its complex cellular and oncogenic functions.  相似文献   


Muscle satellite cells (MSCs) represent a devoted stem cell population that is responsible for postnatal muscle growth and skeletal muscle regeneration. An important characteristic of MSCs is that they encompass multi potential mesenchymal stem cell activity and are able to differentiate into myocytes and adipocytes. To achieve a global view of the genes differentially expressed in MSCs, myotube formed-cells (MFCs) and adipocyte-like cells (ALCs), we performed large-scale EST sequencing of normalized cDNA libraries developed from bovine MSCs.


A total of 24,192 clones were assembled into 3,333 clusters, 5,517 singletons and 3,842contigs. Functional annotation of these unigenes revealed that a large portion of the differentially expressed genes are involved in cellular and signaling processes. Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID) functional analysis of three subsets of highly expressed gene lists (MSC233, MFC258, and ALC248) highlighted some common and unique biological processes among MSC, MFC and ALC. Additionally, genes that may be specific to MSC, MFC and ALC are reported here, and the role of dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase2 (DDAH2) during myogenesis and hemoglobin subunit alpha2 (HBA2) during transdifferentiation in C2C12 were assayed as a case study. DDAH2 was up-regulated during myognesis and knockdown of DDAH2 by siRNA significantly decreased myogenin (MYOG) expression corresponding with the slight change in cell morphology. In contrast, HBA2 was up-regulated during ALC formation and resulted in decreased intracellular lipid accumulation and CD36 mRNA expression upon knockdown assay.


In this study, a large number of EST sequences were generated from the MSC, MFC and ALC. Overall, the collection of ESTs generated in this study provides a starting point for the identification of novel genes involved in MFC and ALC formation, which in turn offers a fundamental resource to enable better understanding of the mechanism of muscle differentiation and transdifferentiation.  相似文献   
TiO2 hollow nanowires (HNWs) and nanoparticles (NPs) constitute promising architectures for QDs sensitized photoanodes for H2 generation. We sensitize these structures with CdS/CdSe quantum dots by two different methods (chemical bath deposition, CBD and succesive ionic layer adsorption and reaction, SILAR) and evaluate the performance of these photoelectrodes. Remarkable photocurrents of 4 mA·cm and 8 mA·cm?2 and hydrogen generation rates of 40 ml·cm?2·day?1 and 80 ml·cm?2·day?1 have been obtained in a three electrode configuration with sacrificial hole scavengers (Na2S and Na2SO3), for HNWs and NPs respectively, which is confirmed through gas analysis. More importantly, autonomous generation of H2 (20 ml·cm?2·day?1 corresponding to 2 mA·cm?2 photocurrent) is obtained in a two electrode configuration at short circuit under 100 mW·cm?2 illumination, clearly showing that these photoanodes can produce hydrogen without the assistance of any external bias. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the highest unbiased solar H2 generation rate reported for these of QDs based heterostructures. Impedance spectroscopy measurements show similar electron density of trap states below the TiO2 conduction band while the recombination resistance was higher for HNWs, consistently with the much lower surface area compared to NPs. However, the conductivity of both structures is similar, in spite of the one dimensional character of HNWs, which leaves some room for improvement of these nanowired structures. The effect of the QDs deposition method is also evaluated. Both structures show remarkable stability without any appreciable photocurrent loss after 0.5 hour of operation. The findings of this study constitute a relevant step towards the feasibility of hydrogen generation with wide bandgap semiconductors/quantum dots based heterostructures.  相似文献   
The N-end rule pathway is a cellular proteolytic system that utilizes specific N-terminal residues as degradation determinants, called N-degrons. N-degrons are recognized and bound by specific recognition components (N-recognins) that mediate polyubiquitination of low-abundance regulators and selective proteolysis through the proteasome. Our earlier work identified UBR4/p600 as one of the N-recognins that promotes N-degron-dependent proteasomal degradation. In this study, we show that UBR4 is associated with cellular cargoes destined to autophagic vacuoles and is degraded by the lysosome. UBR4 loss causes multiple misregulations in autophagic pathways, including an increased formation of LC3 puncta. UBR4-deficient mice die during embryogenesis primarily due to defective vascular development in the yolk sac (YS), wherein UBR4 is associated with a bulk lysosomal degradation system that absorbs maternal proteins from the YS cavity and digests them into amino acids. Our results suggest that UBR4 plays a role not only in selective proteolysis of short-lived regulators through the proteasome, but also bulk degradation through the lysosome. Here, we discuss a possible mechanism of UBR4 as a regulatory component in the delivery of cargoes destined to interact with the autophagic core machinery.  相似文献   
Cortical physiology in human motor cortex is influenced by behavioral motor training (MT) as well as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation protocol such as intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS). This study aimed to test whether MT and iTBS can interact with each other to produce additive changes in motor cortical physiology. We hypothesized that potential interaction between MT and iTBS would be dependent on BDNF Val66Met polymorphism, which is known to affect neuroplasticity in the human motor cortex. Eighty two healthy volunteers were genotyped for BDNF polymorphism. Thirty subjects were assigned for MT alone, 23 for iTBS alone, and 29 for MT + iTBS paradigms. TMS indices for cortical excitability and motor map areas were measured prior to and after each paradigm. MT alone significantly increased the motor cortical excitability and expanded the motor map areas. The iTBS alone paradigm also enhanced excitability and increased the motor map areas to a slightly greater extent than MT alone. A combination of MT and iTBS resulted in the largest increases in the cortical excitability, and the representational motor map expansion of MT + iTBS was significantly greater than MT or iTBS alone only in Val/Val genotype. As a result, the additive interaction between MT and iTBS was highly dependent on BDNF Val66Met polymorphism. Our results may have clinical relevance in designing rehabilitative strategies that combine therapeutic cortical stimulation and physical exercise for patients with motor disabilities.  相似文献   
Prenatal exposure to alcohol has consistently been associated with adverse effects on neurodevelopment, which is collectively called fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Increasing evidence suggest that prenatal exposure to alcohol increases the risk of developing attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder-like behavior in human. In this study, we investigated the behavioral effects of prenatal exposure to EtOH in offspring mice and rats focusing on hyperactivity and impulsivity. We also examined changes in dopamine transporter and MeCP2 expression, which may underlie as a key neurobiological and epigenetic determinant in FASD and hyperactive, inattentive and impulsive behaviors. Mouse or rat offspring born from dam exposed to alcohol during pregnancy (EtOH group) showed hyper locomotive activity, attention deficit and impulsivity. EtOH group also showed increased dopamine transporter and norepinephrine transporter level compared to control group in the prefrontal cortex and striatum. Prenatal exposure to EtOH also significantly decreased the expression of MeCP2 in both prefrontal cortex and striatum. These results suggest that prenatal exposure to EtOH induces hyperactive, inattentive and impulsive behaviors in rodent offspring that might be related to global epigenetic changes as well as aberration in catecholamine neurotransmitter transporter system.  相似文献   
Glutathione‐S‐transferases have been identified in all the living species examined so far, yet little is known about their function in marine organisms. In a previous report, the recently identified GST from Antarctic bivalve Laternula elliptica (LeGST) was classified into the rho class GST, but there are several unique features of LeGST that may justify reclassification, which could represent specific shellfish GSTs. Here, we determined the crystal structure of LeGST, which is a shellfish specific class of GST. The structural analysis showed that the relatively open and wide hydrophobic H‐site of the LeGST allows this GST to accommodate various substrates. These results suggest that the H‐site of LeGST may be the result of adaptation to their environments as sedentary organisms. Proteins 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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