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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterized by synovial hyperplasia and destruction of cartilage and bone. The fibroblast-like synoviocyte (FLS) population is central to the development of pannus by migrating into cartilage and bone. We demonstrated previously that expression of the cell cycle inhibitor p21 is significantly reduced in RA synovial lining, particularly in the FLS. The aim of this study was to determine whether reduced expression of p21 in FLS could alter the migratory behavior of these cells. FLS were isolated from mice deficient in p21 (p21(-/-)) and were examined with respect to growth and migration. p21(-/-) and wild-type (WT) FLS were compared with respect to migration towards chemoattractants found in RA synovial fluid in the presence and absence of cell cycle inhibitors. Restoration of p21 expression was accomplished using adenoviral infection. As anticipated from the loss of a cell cycle inhibitor, p21(-/-) FLS grow more rapidly than WT FLS. In examining migration towards biologically relevant RA synovial fluid, p21(-/-) FLS display a marked increase (3.1-fold; p < 0.05) in migration compared to WT cells. Moreover, this effect is independent of the cell cycle since chemical inhibitors that block the cell cycle have no effect on migration. In contrast, p21 is required to repress migration as restoration of p21 expression in p21(-/-) FLS reverses this effect. Taken together, these data suggest that p21 plays a novel role in normal FLS, namely to repress migration. Loss of p21 expression that occurs in RA FLS may contribute to excessive invasion and subsequent joint destruction.  相似文献   
Anaerobic biological wastewater treatment has numerous advantages over conventional aerobic processes; anaerobic biotechnologies, however, still have a reputation for low-quality effluents and operational instabilities. In this study, anaerobic bioreactors were augmented with an oxygen-transferring membrane to improve treatment performance. Two anaerobic bioreactors were fed a synthetic high-strength wastewater (chemical oxygen demand, or COD, of 11,000 mg l(-1)) and concurrently operated until biomass concentrations and effluent quality stabilized. Membrane aeration was then initiated in one of these bioreactors, leading to substantially improved COD removal efficiency (> 95%) compared to the unaerated control bioreactor (approximately 65%). The membrane-augmented anaerobic bioreactor required substantially less base addition to maintain circumneutral pH and exhibited 75% lower volatile fatty acid concentrations compared to the unaerated control bioreactor. The membrane-aerated bioreactor, however, failed to improve nitrogenous removal efficiency and produced 80% less biogas than the control bioreactor. A third membrane-augmented anaerobic bioreactor was operated to investigate the impact of start-up procedure on nitrogenous pollutant removal. In this bioreactor, excellent COD (>90%) and nitrogenous (>95%) pollutant removal efficiencies were observed at an intermediate COD concentration (5,500 mg l(-1)). Once the organic content of the influent wastewater was increased to full strength (COD = 11,000 mg l(-1)), however, nitrogenous pollutant removal stopped. This research demonstrates that partial aeration of anaerobic bioreactors using oxygen-transferring membranes is a novel approach to improve treatment performance. Additional research, however, is needed to optimize membrane surface area versus the organic loading rate to achieve the desired effluent quality.  相似文献   
The phylum Chloroflexi contains several isolated bacteria that have been found to respire a diverse array of halogenated anthropogenic chemicals. The distribution and role of these Chloroflexi in uncontaminated terrestrial environments, where abundant natural organohalogens could function as potential electron acceptors, have not been studied. Soil samples (116 total, including 6 sectioned cores) from a range of uncontaminated sites were analyzed for the number of Dehalococcoides-like Chloroflexi 16S rRNA genes present. Dehalococcoides-like Chloroflexi populations were detected in all but 13 samples. The concentrations of organochlorine ([organochlorine]), inorganic chloride, and total organic carbon (TOC) were obtained for 67 soil core sections. The number of Dehalococcoides-like Chloroflexi 16S rRNA genes positively correlated with [organochlorine]/TOC while the number of Bacteria 16S rRNA genes did not. Dehalococcoides-like Chloroflexi were also observed to increase in number with a concomitant accumulation of chloride when cultured with an enzymatically produced mixture of organochlorines. This research provides evidence that organohalide-respiring Chloroflexi are widely distributed as part of uncontaminated terrestrial ecosystems, they are correlated with the fraction of TOC present as organochlorines, and they increase in abundance while dechlorinating organochlorines. These findings suggest that organohalide-respiring Chloroflexi may play an integral role in the biogeochemical chlorine cycle.  相似文献   
Hemizygous deletion of chromosome 22q11 (del22q11) causes thymic, parathyroid, craniofacial and life-threatening cardiovascular birth defects in 1 in 4,000 infants. The del22q11 syndrome is likely caused by haploinsufficiency of TBX1, but its variable expressivity indicates the involvement of additional modifiers. Here, we report that absence of the Vegf164 isoform caused birth defects in mice, reminiscent of those found in del22q11 patients. The close correlation of birth and vascular defects indicated that vascular dysgenesis may pathogenetically contribute to the birth defects. Vegf interacted with Tbx1, as Tbx1 expression was reduced in Vegf164-deficient embryos and knocked-down vegf levels enhanced the pharyngeal arch artery defects induced by tbx1 knockdown in zebrafish. Moreover, initial evidence suggested that a VEGF promoter haplotype was associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular birth defects in del22q11 individuals. These genetic data in mouse, fish and human indicate that VEGF is a modifier of cardiovascular birth defects in the del22q11 syndrome.  相似文献   
Studies focusing on pairwise interactions between plants and herbivores may not give an accurate picture of the overall selective effect of herbivory, given that plants are often eaten by a diverse array of herbivore species. The outcome of such interactions may be further complicated by the effects of plant hybridization. Hybridization can lead to changes in morphological, phenological and chemical traits that could in turn alter plant–herbivore interactions. Here we present results from manipulative field experiments investigating the interactive effects of multiple herbivores and plant hybridization on the reproductive success of Ipomopsis aggregata formosissima X I. tenuituba. Results showed that ungulate herbivores alone had a net positive effect on plant relative fitness, increasing seed production approximately 2-fold. Caterpillars had no effect on plant relative fitness when acting alone, with caterpillar-attacked plants producing the same number of flowers, fruits and seeds as the uneaten controls. Caterpillars, however, significantly reduced flower production of ungulate browsed plants. Flower production in these plants, however, was still significantly greater (approximately 1.7-fold greater) than uneaten controls, likely leading to an increase in reproductive success through the paternal component of fitness given that fruit and seed production was not significantly different from that of herbivore-free controls. Although results suggest that herbivore imposed selection is pairwise, ungulates likely have a large influence on the abundance of, and hence the amount of damage caused by, caterpillar herbivores. Thus, because of the ecological interactions between ungulates and caterpillars, selection on Ipomopsis may be diffuse rather than pairwise, assuming such interactions translate into differential effects on plant fitness as herbivore densities vary. Plant hybridization had no significant effect on patterns of ungulate or caterpillar herbivory; i.e., no significant interactions were detected between herbivory and plant hybridization for any of the fitness traits measured in this study nor did plant hybridization have any significant effect on host preference. These results may be due to patterns of introgression or the lack of species-specific differences between I. aggregate formosissima and I. tenuituba. Plant hybridization per se resulted in lowered reproductive success of white colored morphs due in part to the effects of pollination. Although it appears that there would be strong directional selection favoring darker flower colors due to the lower reproductive success of the white colored morphs in the short run, the natural distribution of hybrids suggest that over the long run selection either tends to average out or there are no fitness differences among morphs in most years due to the additive fitness effects of hawkmoth and hummingbird pollinators.  相似文献   
Rapid, accurate, and sensitive detection of biothreat agents requires a broad-spectrum assay capable of discriminating between closely related microbial or viral pathogens. Moreover, in cases where a biological agent release has been identified, forensic analysis demands detailed genetic signature data for accurate strain identification and attribution. To date, nucleic acid sequences have provided the most robust and phylogentically illuminating signature information. Nucleic acid signature sequences are not often linked to genomic or extrachromosomal determinants of virulence, a link that would further facilitate discrimination between pathogens and closely related species. Inextricably coupling genetic determinants of virulence with highly informative nucleic acid signatures would provide a robust means of identifying human, livestock, and agricultural pathogens. By means of example, we present here an overview of two general applications of microarray-based methods for: (1) the identification of candidate virulence factors; and (2) the analysis of genetic polymorphisms that are coupled to Bacillus anthracis virulence factors using an accurate, low cost solid-phase mini-sequencing assay. We show that microarray-based analysis of gene expression can identify potential virulence associated genes for use as candidate signature targets, and, further, that microarray-based single nucleotide polymorphism assays provide a robust platform for the detection and identification of signature sequences in a manner independent of the genetic background in which the signature is embedded. We discuss the strategy as a general approach or pipeline for the discovery of virulence-linked nucleic acid signatures for biothreat agents.  相似文献   
Using a cDNA library prepared from circumvallate papillae of rat tongue, we have identified, cloned, and sequenced a novel K+ channel, designated cdrk. The cdrk channel appears to be a member of the Shab subfamily, most closely resembling drk1. Electrophysiologic analysis of expressed cdrk channels reveals delayed rectifier properties similar to those of drk1 channels. Localizations of cdrk mRNA in rat brain and peripheral tissues, assessed by in situ hybridization and Northern blot analysis, differ from any other reported K+ channels. In the brain cdrk mRNA is most concentrated in granule cells of the olfactory bulb and cerebellum. In peripheral tissues, mRNAs for cdrk and drk1 are reciprocally localized, indicating that the K+ channel properties contributed by mammalian Shab homologs may be important in a variety of excitable tissues.  相似文献   
During the 2009 H1N1 influenza virus pandemic (pdmH1N1) outbreak, it was found that most individuals lacked antibodies against the new pdmH1N1 virus, and only the elderly showed anti-hemagglutinin (anti-HA) antibodies that were cross-reactive with the new strains. Different studies have demonstrated that prior contact with the virus can confer protection against strains with some degree of dissimilarity; however, this has not been sufficiently explored within the context of a pdmH1N1 virus infection. In this study, we have found that a first infection with the A/Brisbane/59/2007 virus strain confers heterologous protection in ferrets and mice against a subsequent pdmH1N1 (A/Mexico/4108/2009) virus infection through a cross-reactive but non-neutralizing antibody mechanism. Heterologous immunity is abrogated in B cell-deficient mice but maintained in CD8(-/-) and perforin-1(-/-) mice. We identified cross-reactive antibodies from A/Brisbane/59/2007 sera that recognize non-HA epitopes in pdmH1N1 virus. Passive serum transfer showed that cross-reactive sH1N1-induced antibodies conferred protection in naive recipient mice during pdmH1N1 virus challenge. The presence or absence of anti-HA antibodies, therefore, is not the sole indicator of the effectiveness of protective cross-reactive antibody immunity. Measurement of additional antibody repertoires targeting the non-HA antigens of influenza virus should be taken into consideration in assessing protection and immunization strategies. We propose that preexisting cross-protective non-HA antibody immunity may have had an overall protective effect during the 2009 pdmH1N1 outbreak, thereby reducing disease severity in human infections.  相似文献   
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