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Human placenta glutathione transferase (EC pi undergoes an oxidative inactivation which leads to the formation of an inactive enzymatic form which is homogeneous in several chromatographic and electrophoretic conditions. This process is pH dependent, and it occurs at appreciable rate in alkaline conditions and in the presence of metal ions. Dithiothreitol treatment completely restores the active form. -SH titration data and electrophoretic studies performed both on the oxidized and reduced forms indicate that one intrachain disulfide is formed, probably between the two faster reacting cysteinyl groups of each subunit. By the use of a specific fluorescent thiol reagent the disulfide forming cysteines have been identified as the 47th and 101th residues. The disulfide formation causes changes in the tertiary structure of this transferase as appears by CD, UV, and fluorometric analyses; evidences are provided that one or both tryptophanyl residues of each subunit together with a number of tyrosyl residues are exposed to a more hydrophilic environment in the oxidized form. Moreover, electrophoretic data indicate that the subunit of the oxidized enzyme has an apparent molecular mass lower than that of the reduced transferase, thereby confirming structural differences between these forms.  相似文献   
Electrotransformation of Streptococcus agalactiae with plasmid DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract A protocol for efficient electrotransformation of Streptococcus agalactiae (group B streptococcus) Lancefield's strain O90R (NTCT 9993) (an unencapsulated derivative of type Ia strain O90) was developed. The Escherichia coli - Streptococcus shuttle vector pDP28 (7.8 kb) carrying the ermB gene for resistance to erythromycin was used as donor DNA. Frozen 'electrocompetent' cells were prepared by repeated washes in 10% glycerol. A 50-μl aliquot containing about 5×109 colony forming units of bacteria was subjected to the electric pulse. Optimal conditions for electrotransformation were determined using different media, harvesting cells at different points of the growth curve, and using different field strengths. The dose-response curve for transformation of S. agalactiae with pDP28 showed one-hit kinetics as donor DNA varied between 0.01 and 3 μg. The efficiency of electrotransformation for this range of amounts of donor DNA was 1.2×104 cfu μg−1. The transformation frequencies obtained with this electroporation protocol are high enough to allow both subcloning and shotgun cloning of streptococcal DNA in S. agalactiae .  相似文献   
The importance of myristoylation for the proper biological functioning of many acylated proteins has generated interest in the enzymes of the myristoylation pathway and their interactions with substrates and inhibitors. Previous observations that S-(2-oxopentadecyl)-CoA, a nonhydrolyzable methylene-bridged analogue of myristoyl-CoA, was a potent inhibitor of myristoyl-CoA:protein N-myristoyltransferase (NMT) [Paige, L. A., Zheng, G.-q., DeFrees, S. A., Cassady, J. M., & Geahlen, R. L. (1989) J. Med. Chem. 32, 1665] prompted a closer examination of the effect of substituents at the 2-position on the interactions of myristic acid and myristoyl-CoA analogues with NMT. As an initial approach, three myristic acid derivatives bearing different substituents at the 2-position, 2-fluoromyristic acid, 2-bromomyristic acid, and 2-hydroxymyristic acid, were selected for study. Both 2-bromomyristic acid and 2-hydroxymyristic acid were available commercially; 2-fluoromyristic acid was prepared synthetically. All three compounds were found to be only weak inhibitors of NMT in vitro. Of the three, 2-bromomyristic acid was the most potent (Ki = 100 microM). In cultured cells, however, 2-hydroxymyristic acid was by far the more effective inhibitor of protein myristoylation. Neither 2-hydroxymyristic acid nor 2-bromomyristic acid significantly inhibited protein palmitoylation in cultured cells, indicating that inhibition was not occurring at the level of acyl-CoA synthetase. Activation of the 2-substituted myristic acid derivatives to their corresponding acyl-CoA thioesters by acyl-CoA synthetase resulted in inhibitors of greatly increased potency. The 2-substituted acyl-CoA analogues, 2-hydroxymyristoyl-CoA, 2-bromomyristoyl-CoA, and 2-fluoromyristoyl-CoA, were synthesized and shown to be competitive inhibitors of NMT in vitro (Ki's = 45, 450, and 200 nM, respectively). These data suggested that the enhanced inhibitory potency of 2-hydroxymyristic acid seen in cells was most probably a result of its metabolic activation to the CoA thioester. The presence of substituents at the 2-position also affected the ability of the acyl group to be transferred by NMT to a peptide substrate. Of the three acyl-CoA analogues, only 2-fluoromyristoyl-CoA served as a substrate for NMT.  相似文献   
Gas-liquid chromatography of enriched bovine brain extract revealed the occurrence of several sulfur-containing compounds. By co-chromatography with authentic product and by mass-spectrometric analysis, one of these compounds has been identified as 1,4-thiomorpholine-3,5-dicarboxylic acid (TMDA). The possible derivation of TMDA from lanthionine is discussed. This represents the second S-containing cyclic amino acid so far discovered in a mammalian brain whose physiological significance has not yet been explored.  相似文献   
It is important to control biofilm cohesiveness to optimize process performance. In this study, a membrane-aerated biofilm reactor inoculated with activated sludge was used to grow mixed-culture biofilms of different ages and thicknesses. The cohesions, or cohesive energy levels per unit volume of biofilm, based on a reproducible method using atomic force microscopy (F. Ahimou, M. J. Semmens, P. J. Novak, and G. Haugstad, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 73:2897-2904, 2007), were determined at different locations within the depths of the biofilms. In addition, the protein and polysaccharide concentrations within the biofilm depths, as well as the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration profiles within the biofilms, were measured. It was found that biofilm cohesion increased with depth but not with age. Level of biofilm cohesive energy per unit volume was strongly correlated with biofilm polysaccharide concentration, which increased with depth in the membrane-aerated biofilm. In a 12-day-old biofilm, DO also increased with depth and may therefore be linked to polysaccharide production. In contrast, protein concentration was relatively constant within the biofilm and did not appear to influence cohesion.  相似文献   
In the setting of an aerobiological study of confined environments and environmental prevention of nosocomial infections, aerobiological monitoring of 22 areas in Montescano Medical Rehabilitation Centre (Pavia) was performed in three different months: February, May, and August, 1994. A Lanzoni 3000 spore trap was used for the monitoring. Examination of the results showed that, in the environments monitored, the indoor presence of fungi increased progressively over the three periods considered. The behaviour of individual genera of fungi differed. In the winter periodPenicillium andAspergillus were the most commonly encountered genera.Cladosporium was the dominant genus from the spring to the summer while the yeasts had their maximum counts in the spring morning. The use of air conditioning, combined with the low air exchange between outdoors and indoors in some of the environments certainly played a part in the low concentrations of these latter aerofungi.  相似文献   
Muscle contractile activity is followed by an increase in the sensitivity of glucose transport to insulin. There is evidence suggesting that activation of p38 MAP kinase (p38) is involved in the stimulation of glucose transport by insulin and contractions. Exercise results in an increase in p38 phosphorylation that lasts for hours. In this context, we tested the hypothesis that activation of p38 results in an increase in insulin sensitivity. Muscles were exposed to anisomycin for 30 min to activate p38. Anisomycin increased p38 phosphorylation approximately 2.5-fold and glucose transport activity 2- to 3-fold. Three hours after anisomycin treatment, by which time the acute effect on glucose transport had partially worn off, sensitivity of muscle glucose transport to 60 microU/ml insulin was markedly increased. Both the activation of p38 and the increase in insulin sensitivity induced by anisomycin were completely prevented by pretreatment of muscles with the p38 inhibitor SB-202190. However, in contrast to the finding with anisomycin, inhibition of p38 activation did not prevent the contraction-induced increase in insulin sensitivity. Thus our results show that activation of p38 is followed by an increase in insulin sensitivity of muscle glucose transport. However, activation of p38 is not necessary for induction of an increase in muscle insulin sensitivity by contractions. This finding provides evidence that contractions have an additional effect that makes p38 activation unnecessary for enhancement of insulin sensitivity by contractile activity.  相似文献   
A novel continuous subcutaneous lactate monitoring system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A novel continuous lactate monitoring system has been developed modifying the GlucoDay portable medical device (A. Menarini Diagnostics), already present in the European market, and used to continuously measure glucose levels. Lactate oxidase based biosensors have been developed immobilising the enzyme on nylon net and placing it on a Pt electrode. The biosensor was connected to the portable device provided with a micro-pump and coupled to a microdialysis system. It is capable to record subcutaneous lactate every 3 min. In vitro analytical results confirmed that the sensors respond linearly in the interval of concentration between 0.1 and 10 mmol/L, covering the whole physiological range. During prolonged monitoring periods, the response of the biosensors remained stable, showing a limited drift of 8%, within 60 h. Stability tests are still on route. However, preliminary results have shown a shelf life of about 10 months. In vivo experiments performed on healthy rabbits have demonstrated the good accuracy and reproducibility of the system. A correlation coefficient equal to 0.9547 (N=80) was found, which represents a good correlation between the GlucoDay and the laboratory reference analyser. A 16 h in vivo monitoring on a healthy volunteer has been also performed.  相似文献   
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