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We used electrophoretic protein blots prepared from polyacrylamide gels to test the effect of different fixatives on the antigenicity of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) peptides from rat liver. Protein blots were prepared by the procedure of Towbin et al. (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 76:4350, 1979), treated with different fixatives, rinsed to inactivate non-specific reactive sites, and then reacted with rabbit polyclonal anti-rat liver RER antibodies, followed by peroxidase-conjugated anti-rabbit antibodies. On the basis of differences in immunostaining densities as determined by densitometry, we found that RER peptides displayed differential sensitivities to various fixatives. Anti-rat liver RER antibodies and the immunogold technique were applied to methacrylate sections of in vitro fixed rat liver rough microsomes. Specific labeling was observed over the microsomes and was shown by quantitation to vary in a similar manner to the immunostaining of specific peptides in protein blots following different fixations. We conclude that protein blots may serve as useful tools for screening the effects of different fixatives on cell antigenicity, and therefore may be helpful in immunocytochemical studies.  相似文献   
We have studied the reconstitution of the Golgi apparatus in vivo using an heterologous membrane transplant system. Endogenous glycopeptides of rat hepatic Golgi fragments were radiolabeled in vitro with [3H]sialic acid using detergent-free conditions. The Golgi fragments consisting of dispersed vesicles and tubules with intraluminal lipoprotein-like particles were then microinjected into Xenopus oocytes and their fate studied by light (LM) and electron microscope (EM) radioautography. 3 h after microinjection, radiolabel was observed by LM radioautography over yolk platelet-free cytoplasmic regions near the injection site. EM radioautography revealed label over Golgi stacked saccules containing the hepatic marker of intraluminal lipoprotein-like particles. At 14 h after injection, LM radioautographs revealed label in the superficial cortex of the oocytes between the yolk platelets and at the oocyte surface. EM radioautography identified the labeled structures as the stacked saccules of the Golgi apparatus, the oocyte cortical granules, and the plasmalemma, indicating that a proportion of microinjected material was transferred to the surface via the secretion pathway of the oocyte. The efficiency of transport was low, however, as biochemical studies failed to show extensive secretion of radiolabel into the extracellular medium by 14 h with approximately half the microinjected radiolabeled constituents degraded. Vinblastine (50 microM) administered to oocytes led to the formation of tubulin paracrystals. Although microinjected Golgi fragments were able to effect the formation of stacked saccules in vinblastine-treated oocytes, negligible transfer of heterologous material to the oocyte surface could be detected by radioautography. The data demonstrate that dispersed fragments of the rat liver Golgi complex (i.e., unstacked vesicles and tubules) reconstitute into stacked saccules when microinjected into Xenopus cytoplasm. After the formation of stacked saccules, reconstituted Golgi fragments transport constituents into a portion of the exocytic pathway of the host cell by a microtubule-regulated process.  相似文献   
Phagocytosis is a key aspect of our innate ability to fight infectious diseases. In this study, we have found that fusion of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) with the macrophage plasmalemma, underneath phagocytic cups, is a source of membrane for phagosome formation in macrophages. Successive waves of ER become associated with maturing phagosomes during phagolysosome biogenesis. Thus, the ER appears to possess unexpectedly pluripotent fusion properties. ER-mediated phagocytosis is regulated in part by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and used for the internalization of inert particles and intracellular pathogens, regardless of their final trafficking in the host. In neutrophils, where pathogens are rapidly killed, the ER is not used as a major source of membrane for phagocytosis. We propose that intracellular pathogens have evolved to adapt and exploit ER-mediated phagocytosis to avoid destruction in host cells.  相似文献   
We have examined the antigenicity of plasma membrane (PM) and rough microsomal (RM) fractions from rat liver using anti-ras monoclonal antibodies 142-24EO5 and Y13-259 and immunochemistry as well as electron microscope immunocytochemistry. Proteins immunoprecipitated with monoclonal antibody 142-24E05 were separated using single-dimensional gradient-gel electrophoresis. The separated proteins were then blotted onto nitrocellulose sheets and incubated with [alpha-32P]GTP. Radioautograms of blots indicated the presence of specific 21.5- and 22-kDa labeled proteins in the PM fraction. A 23.5-kDa [alpha-32P] GTP-binding protein was detected in immunoprecipitates of both PM and RM fractions. Monoclonal antibody Y13-259 reacted only with the 21.5-kDa [alpha-32P] GTP-binding protein in the plasma membrane fraction. When anti-ras monoclonal antibody 142-24E05 and the immunogold technique were applied to membrane fractions using a preembedding immunocytochemical method, specific labeling was observed in association with both vesicular structures and membrane sheets in the PM fraction but only with electron-dense vesicular structures in the RM fraction. Thus ras antigenicity is associated with hepatocyte plasma membranes and ras-like antigenicity is probably associated with vesicular (secretory/endocytic) elements in both plasma membrane and rough microsomal preparations.  相似文献   
Fragments of rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex purified from rat liver homogenates were injected into Xenopus oocytes and the sites of microinjection analysed by electron microscopy at different times post-injection. The in vivo incubated fragments were located by their proximity to a microinjection vacuole, and identified by their association with specific morphological markers (peroxisomal cores associated with rough microsomes and lipoprotein particles with Golgi derivatives). Typical endoplasmic reticulum microsomes disappeared with time post-injection and seemed to be replaced by flattened cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum. Golgi fragments as defined by their content of lipoprotein particles became modified. Many were found associated with coated vesicles and some displayed membrane-coated regions. Furthermore lipoprotein particles were observed as integral components of Golgi stacks and were found within dilated rims in direct continuity with fenestrated Golgi saccules. The results suggest that the injected organelle fragments underwent transformation in vivo as a consequence of reconstitution.  相似文献   
Transitional endoplasmic reticulum (tER) consists of confluent rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) domains. In a cell-free incubation system, low-density microsomes (1.17 g cc(-1)) isolated from rat liver homogenates reconstitute tER by Mg(2+)GTP- and Mg(2+)ATP-hydrolysis-dependent membrane fusion. The ATPases associated with different cellular activities protein p97 has been identified as the relevant ATPase. The ATP depletion by hexokinase or treatment with either N-ethylmaleimide or anti-p97 prevented assembly of the smooth ER domain of tER. High-salt washing of low-density microsomes inhibited assembly of the smooth ER domain of tER, whereas the readdition of purified p97 with associated p47 promoted reconstitution. The t-SNARE syntaxin 5 was observed within the smooth ER domain of tER, and antisyntaxin 5 abrogated formation of this same membrane compartment. Thus, p97 and syntaxin 5 regulate assembly of the smooth ER domain of tER and hence one of the earliest membrane differentiated components of the secretory pathway.  相似文献   
Shape changes in the endoplasmic reticulum control fundamental cell processes including nuclear envelope assembly in mitotic cells, calcium homeostasis in cytoplasmic domains of secreting and motile cells, and membrane traffic in the early secretion apparatus between the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi. Opposing forces of assembly (membrane fusion) and disassembly (membrane fragmentation) ultimately determine the size and shape of this organelle. This review examines some of the regulatory mechanisms involved in these processes and how they occur at specific sites or subcompartments of the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   
Endogenous acceptors for N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc), galactose (Gal) or sialic acid (NeuAc) transfer were labeled to high activities when purified hepatic Golgi fractions were incubated with the corresponding radiolabeled nucleotide sugar in the absence of detergent. The in vitro conditions which were optimal for the endogenous glycosylation of GlcNAc and Gal acceptors (Mn2+, ATP) also promoted fusion within a subset of Golgi membranes. Electron microscope radioautography revealed that the majority of NeuAc acceptors were associated with unfused Golgi membranes, whereas the majority of Gal acceptors were localized to fused membranes. GlcNAc acceptors were approximately equally distributed between fused and unfused membranes. Under conditions in which Golgi membrane fusion was absent (-Mn2+), only NeuAc transfer was active. The majority of endogenous NeuAc acceptors were consequently assigned to the more trans regions of the hepatic Golgi apparatus as concluded from a combination of radioautography (NeuAc transfer) and acid NADPase cytochemistry (reactive medial and trans Golgi saccules). The distribution of NeuAc and Gal transferases was assessed after Percoll gradient centrifugation of disrupted Golgi fractions. The median density of NeuAc transferase was lower than that of Gal transferase. The studies are indicative of distinct Golgi components harboring the majority of acceptors and enzymes for terminal glycosylation.  相似文献   
The presence of two ras-related proteins (22 and 23 kDa) was demonstrated in Xenopus embryonic extracts by selective immunoprecipitation using anti-ras monoclonal antibodies 142-24E05 and Y13-259. We further describe the cytological effects of the microinjection of anti-ras monoclonal antibody Y13-259 into early cleavage blastomeres of Xenopus embryos. Injection of the antibody into a blastomere at the two-, four-, or eight-cell stage caused cleavage arrest in the descendants of the injected blastomere. Light microscopy (LM) of cleavage-arrested cells revealed extensive deformation of the cells as well as heterogeneity of distribution of yolk platelets and pigment granules. LM analysis of serial sections of cleavage-arrested cells revealed the presence of multiple nuclei. Although the nuclei expressed similar morphological properties, indicating that they were probably in the same stage of the nuclear cycle, they revealed highly variable chromatin densities. Electron microscope (EM) analysis of the cytoplasm of cleavage-arrested cells revealed the accumulation of vesicles and large membranous elements coincident with cleavage arrest. Furthermore, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) existed in two forms, as closed, circular profiles and as long, linear arrays. Mitochondria were characteristically aligned in single file on both sides of the two types of ER cisternae. EM analysis of nuclei confirmed variations in chromatin organization and suggested the occurrence of unique nuclear envelope fusion among micronuclei in cleavage-arrested cells. Cleavage arrest and changes in cytological features were not observed in the cytoplasm of cells microinjected with normal rat IgG. Thus the immunochemical data and microinjection experiments suggest that ras-like or ras antigenicity exists within rapidly replicating Xenopus blastomeres and may be involved in the organization of a number of its cytoplasmic elements.  相似文献   
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