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Summary A cDNA encoding trypsin inhibitor CMe from barley endosperm has been cloned and characterized. The longest open reading frame of the cloned cDNA codes for a typical signal peptide of 24 residues followed by a sequence which is identical to the known amino acid sequence of the inhibitor, except for an Ile/Leu substitution at position 59. Southern blot analysis of wheat-barley addition lines has shown that chromosome 3H of barley carries the gene for CMe. This protein is present at less than 2%–3% of the wild-type amount in the mature endosperm of the mutant Risø 1508 with respect to Bomi barley, from which it has been derived, and the corresponding steady state levels of the CMe mRNA are about I%. One or two copies of the CMe gene (synonym Itc1) per haploid genome have been estimated both in the wild type and in the mutant, and DNA restriction patterns are identical in both stocks, so neither a change in copy number nor a major rearrangement of the structural gene account for the markedly decreased expression. The mutation at the lys 3a locus in Risø 1508 has been previously mapped in chromosome 7 (synonym 5H). A single dose of the wild-type allele at this locus (Lys 3a) restores the expression of gene CMe (allele CMe-1) in chromosome 3H to normal levels.  相似文献   
In earlier papers a qualitative and quantitative model was developed for predicting the number of forest fires occurring per day. This model permits the forecast at 00.00 hours Universal Time Convention (UTC) of any day (d), the number of forest fires per day for a range of several days (d tod+5) over a particular region. Input data are the number of forest fires in the region during two preceding days (d–2 andd–1) and the type of day (real and evaluated from radiosonde ford–2,d–1,d and predicted from meteorological medium-range forecasts, i.e. of European Centre, ford+1,d+2,d+3,d+4 andd+5. As this model requires data obtained by radiosonde, particularly temperatures and geopotentials at 850 and 700 hPa and dew points (or specific humidity) at 850 hPa, this study investigates the spatial validity of the model in relation to the distance from the radiosonde station (RS). The highest quality forecast is obtained for the region immediately surrounding the RS, and diminishes with increasing distance from it, this being due to the data obtained from the RS not being representative of the atmospheric column over the region. Hence, the derivation of the critical distance for a particular quality level of measurement. Conversely, fixed quality level implies a specific separation between RS and the region for the prediction, with a higher predictive quality implying a shorter distance.  相似文献   
Summary Chlorophyll-a and primary production on the euphotic zone of the N-NW Spanish shelf were studied at 125 stations between 1984 and 1992. Three geographic areas (Cantabrian Sea, Rías Altas and Was Baixas), three bathymetric ranges (20 to 60 m, 60 to 150 m and stations deeper than 200 m), and four oceanographic stages (spring and autumn blooms, summer upwelling, summer stratification and winter mixing) were considered. One of the major sources of variability of chlorophyll and production data was season. Bloom and summer upwelling stages have equivalent mean and maximum values. Average chlorophyll-a concentrations approximately doubled in every step of the increasing productivity sequence: winter mixing — summer stratification — high productivity (upwelling and bloom) stages. Average primary production rates increased only 60% in the described sequence. Mean (± sd) values of chlorophyll-a and primary production rates during the high productivity stages were 59.7 ± 39.5 mg Chl-a m–2 and 86.9 ± 44.0 mg C m–2 h–1, respectively. Significant differences in both chlorophyll and primary production resulted between geographic areas in most stages. Only 27 stations showed the effects of the summer upwelling that affected coastal areas in the Cantabrian Sea and Rías Baixas shelf, but also shelf-break stations in the Rías Altas area. The Rías Baixas area had lower chlorophyll than both the Rías Altas and the Cantabrian Sea areas during spring and autumn blooms, but higher during summer upwelling events. On the contrary, primary production rates were higher in the Rías Baixas area during blooms in spring and autumn. Mid-shelf areas showed the highest chlorophyll concentrations during high productivity stages, probably due to the existence of frontal zones in all geographic areas considered. The estimated phytoplankton growth rates were comparable to those of other coastal upwelling systems, with average values lower than the maximum potential growth rates. Doubling rates for upwelling and stratification stages in the northern and Rías Altas shelf areas were equivalent, despite larger biomass accumulations during upwelling events. Low turnover rates of the existing biomass in the Rías Baixas shelf in upwelling stages suggests that the accumulation of phytoplankton was due mainly to the export from the highly productive rías, while the contribution of in situ production to these accumulations was relatively lower.  相似文献   
Saxifraga pentadactylis subsp. almanzorii , an endemic to the subalpine nucleus of Sierra de Gredos (central Spain), differs from its closest relative, subsp. willkommiana , by its less showy petals. An artificial crossing program was carried out in order to assess the degree of reproductive isolation between the subspecies. To facilitate interpretation of the results, the program was extended to 10 other interspecific hybrid combinations within sect. Saxifraga . All the data gathered are congruent with the occurrence of two evolutionary scenarios. Interspecific crossings, rendering moderate to high seed-set (in obtaining the F1), and vigorous but relatively sterile F1 offspring, reveal reproductive barriers at the level of the F1 fertility, probably originated as a byproduct of divergent evolution. In contrast, intraspecific crossings within S. pentadactylis resulted in seed-set values lower than expected (in obtaining the F1), in a majority of weak non-viable F1 offspring but also in a few fertile F1 hybrid specimens which were able to originate F2 offspring. This second pattern reveals reproductive barriers at the level of the F1 vitality, probably arisen in a quite abrupt fashion. The lower P/O for subsp. almanzorii as compared to subsp. willkommiana , together with the rest of the evidence suggest that the reproductive barriers between them might be the product of active selection against hybridization achieved by incrementing the levels of autogamy in the former.  相似文献   
The geneItr1, encoding trypsin inhibitor BTI-CMe, has been obtained from a genomic library ofHordeum vulgare L. The gene has no introns and presents in its 5-upstream region 605 bp that are homologous to the long terminal repeats (LTR) of the copia-like retro-transposon Bare-1. Functional analysis of theItr1 promoter by transient expression in protoplasts derived from different barley tissues, has shown that in this system theItr1 promoter retains its endosperm specifity and thetrans-regulation mediated by theLys3a gene. The proximal promoter extending 343 bp upstream of the translation initiation ATG codon is sufficient to confer fullGUS expression and for endosperm specifity. In protoplasts derived from thelys3a mutant, Risø 1508,GUS activity was less than 5% of that obtained with the same constructs in the protoplasts of wild-type Bomi from which it derives. Gel retardation experiments, after incubation with proteins obtained from both types of endosperm nuclei, also show differential patterns. Possible reasons for these differences are discussed.Equal authours  相似文献   
Three new allelic forms of the HLA-G DNA sequence (HLA-G*II, HLA-G*III, and HLA-G*IV) have been identified. With the HLA-G*I sequence (previously designated HLA 6.0) as a reference, HLA-G*II shows a silent (G A) mutation at the third base of codon 57, HLA-G*III bears a non-synonymous (A T), but conservative, (Thr Ser) substitution at the first base of codon 31, and HLA-G*IV shows two silent substitutions: (A T) at the third base of codon 107 and (G A) at the third base of codon 57. A rapid method of singling out each allele on genomic DNA has been developed by using polymerase chain reaction amplification followed by restriction endonuclease treatment. Also, more or less strong linkage disequilibria has been found between most HLA-A alleles and either HLA-G*I or *II, both being the most prevalent alleles in the population, with a genotypic frequency of 0.55 and 0.38, respectively; HLA-G*III is very rare and HLA-G*IV has a genotypic frequency of 0.07. An evolutive classification of HLA-A alleles results according to their association with either HLA-G*I or HLA-G*II, which does not correlate with the classical serological cross-reacting groups classification. The finding of a strong and selective A/G linkage disequilibria with most HLA-A alleles, together with the existence of less frequent random A/G associations, may suggest that there exist in different haplotypes true and varied A/G genetic distances (and not a recombinational hotspot). It may be inferred from preliminary data that in primates HLA-A/G haplotypes bearing G*II may have appeared later than those bearing G*I.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank and EMBL nucleotide sequence databases and have been assigned the following accession numbers: EMBL-X60983 (HLA-G*II), GenBank-M99048 (HLA-G*III), and GenBank-L07784 (HLA-G*IV).The contribution to this paper by P. Morales and A. Corell is equal, and the order of authorship is arbitrary. Correspondence to: A. Arnaiz-Villena.  相似文献   
This study is the first report of an algal disease, developed in close association with an endophytic organism, documented for the southeastern Pacific. We describe a disease affecting wild populations of the red alga Iridaea laminarioides Bory in central Chile, characterized by gall development on the surface of sporophytic, cystocarpic, and immature thalli. These abnormal growths result in severe morphological alterations of the affected thalli. Diseased fronds display an aggregated spatial distribution and occur throughout the year, with a maximum in summer followed by a decline in winter. The presence of galls was not associated with broken or torn fronds. Although causality has not been unequivocally demonstrated, our field and laboratory observations indicate a strong association of the galls with infections by an endophytic cyanobacterium, probably belonging to the genus Pleurocapsa.  相似文献   
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