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Single-point fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) of membrane-bound molecules suffers from a number of limitations leading to inaccurate estimation of diffusion parameters. To overcome such problems and with the overall goal of addressing membrane heterogeneities, we performed z-scan FCS (zFCS) of the serotonin1A receptor. We analyzed the results according to FCS diffusion laws that provide information on the organization of the diffusing species. Analysis of our results shows that the diffusion coefficients of the receptor and a fluorescently labeled phospholipid are similar when probed at length scales ∼210 nm. We discuss the significance of the spatiotemporal evolution of dynamics of membrane-bound molecules in the overall context of membrane domains and heterogeneity. Importantly, our results show that the serotonin1A receptor exhibits confinement in cell membranes, possibly due to interaction with the actin cytoskeleton. Surprisingly, depletion of membrane cholesterol appears to reduce receptor confinement in a manner similar to that observed in the case of cytoskeletal destabilization, implying possible changes in the actin cytoskeleton induced upon cholesterol depletion. These results constitute the first report on G-protein-coupled receptor dynamics utilizing a combination of zFCS and the FCS diffusion laws, and present a convenient approach to explore cell membrane heterogeneity at the submicron level.  相似文献   
The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) genome includes eight PIN-FORMED (PIN) members that are molecularly diverged. To comparatively examine their differences in auxin-transporting activity and subcellular behaviors, we expressed seven PIN proteins specifically in Arabidopsis root hairs and analyzed their activities in terms of the degree of PIN-mediated root hair inhibition or enhancement and determined their subcellular localization. Expression of six PINs (PIN1–PIN4, PIN7, and PIN8) in root hair cells greatly inhibited root hair growth, most likely by lowering auxin levels in the root hair cell by their auxin efflux activities. The auxin efflux activity of PIN8, which had not been previously demonstrated, was further confirmed using a tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cell assay system. In accordance with these results, those PINs were localized in the plasma membrane, where they likely export auxin to the apoplast and formed internal compartments in response to brefeldin A. These six PINs conferred different degrees of root hair inhibition and sensitivities to auxin or auxin transport inhibitors. Conversely, PIN5 mostly localized to internal compartments, and its expression in root hair cells rather slightly stimulated hair growth, implying that PIN5 enhanced internal auxin availability. These results suggest that different PINs behave differentially in catalyzing auxin transport depending upon their molecular activity and subcellular localization in the root hair cell.Auxin plays a critical role in plant development and growth by forming local concentration gradients. Local auxin gradients, created by the polar cell-to-cell movement of auxin, are implicated in primary axis formation, root meristem patterning, lateral organ formation, and tropic movements of shoots and roots (for recent review, see Vanneste and Friml, 2009). The cell-to-cell movement of auxin is achieved by auxin influx and efflux transporters such as AUXIN-RESISTANT1 (AUX1)/LIKE-AUX1 for influx and PIN-FORMED (PIN) and the P-glycoprotein (PGP) of ABCB (ATP-binding cassette-type transporter subfamily B) for efflux. Since diffusive efflux of the natural auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA; pKa = 4.75) is not favorable and PINs are localized in the plasma membrane in a polar manner, PINs act as rate-limiting factors for cellular auxin efflux and polar auxin transport through the plant body. These PINs'' properties explain why representative physiological effects of auxin transport are associated with PINs.Auxin flows from young aerial parts all the way down to the root tip columella in which an auxin maximum is formed for root stem cell maintenance and moves up toward the root differentiation zone through root epidermal cells, where a part of it travels back to the root tip via cortical cells (Blilou et al., 2005). This directional auxin flow is supported by the polar localization of PINs: PIN1, PIN3, and PIN7 at the basal side of stele cells (Friml et al., 2002a, 2002b; Blilou et al., 2005), PIN4 at the basal side in root stem cells (Friml et al., 2002a), and PIN2 at the upper side of root epidermis and at the basal side of the root cortex (Luschnig et al., 1998; Müller et al., 1998). Another interesting aspect of PIN-mediated auxin transport is the dynamics in directionality of auxin flow due to environmental stimuli-directed changes of subcellular PIN polarity, as exemplified for PIN3, whose subcellular localization changes in response to the gravity vector (Friml et al., 2002b).An intriguing question is how different PIN proteins have different subcellular polarities, which might be attributable to PIN-specific molecular properties, cell-type-specific factors, or both. The different PIN subcellular polarities in different cell types seemingly indicate that cell-type-specific factors are involved in polarity. In the case of PIN1, however, both classes of factors appear to affect its subcellular localization because when expressed under the PIN2 promoter, PIN1 localizes to the upper or basal side of root epidermal cells, depending on the GFP insertion site of the protein (Wiśniewska et al., 2006). A recent study demonstrated that the polar targeting of PIN proteins is modulated by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of the central hydrophilic loop of PINs, which is mediated by PINOID (PID; a Ser/Thr protein kinase)/PP2A phosphatase (Michniewicz et al., 2007). The central hydrophilic domain of PINs might provide the molecule-specific cue for PIN polarity, together with as yet unknown cell-specific factors. Different recycling behaviors of PINs, which show variable sensitivities to brefeldin A (BFA), also imply different molecular characters among PIN species. Most PIN1 proteins are internalized by BFA treatment, whereas considerable amounts of PIN2 remain in the plasma membrane in addition to internal accumulation after BFA treatment. Recycling and basal polar targeting of PIN1 is dependent on the BFA-sensitive guanine nucleotide exchange factor for adenosyl ribosylation factors (ARF GEFs), GNOM, which is the major target of BFA. In contrast, apical targeting and recycling of PIN2 is independent of GNOM and controlled by BFA-resistant ARF GEFs (Geldner et al., 2003; Kleine-Vehn and Friml, 2008).In contrast to their distinct subcellular localizations, the differential auxin-transporting activities of PINs remain to be studied. The divergent primary structures of PIN proteins are not only indicative of differential subcellular polarity, but also would represent their differential catalytic activities for auxin transport. The auxin efflux activities of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) PINs have been demonstrated using Arabidopsis and heterologous systems: PIN1 and PIN5 in Arabidopsis cells (Petrásek et al., 2006; Mravec et al., 2009); PIN2, PIN3, PIN4, PIN6, and PIN7 in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Bright Yellow-2 (BY-2) cells (Lee and Cho, 2006; Petrásek et al., 2006; Mravec et al., 2008); PIN1, PIN2, PIN5, and PIN7 in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cells (Petrásek et al., 2006; Blakeslee et al., 2007; Mravec et al., 2009; Yang and Murphy, 2009); and PIN1, PIN2, and PIN7 in HeLa cells (Petrásek et al., 2006; Blakeslee et al., 2007). Among the eight Arabidopsis PIN members, PIN1, PIN2, PIN3, PIN4, PIN6, and PIN7, which share a similar molecular structure in terms of the presence of a long central loop (hereafter called long-looped PINs; Fig. 1A; Supplemental Fig. S1), have been shown to catalyze auxin efflux at the cellular level. On the other hand, PIN5 and PIN8 possess a very short putative central loop (hereafter called short-looped PINs). Although PIN5 was recently shown to be localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and proposed to transport auxin metabolites into the ER lumen, its cellular function regarding its intracellular auxin-transporting activity has not been shown, and the auxin-transporting activity of PIN8 has yet to be demonstrated. In spite of the same transport directionality (auxin efflux) and similar molecular structures, the long-looped PINs exhibit sequence divergence not only in their central loop, but also in certain residues of the transmembrane domains. This structural divergence of long-looped PINs might be indicative of their differential auxin-transporting activities, which have not yet been quantitatively compared.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Differential activities of PINs in the Arabidopsis root hair. A, Two distinctive PIN groups with different central hydrophilic loop sizes. Topology of PIN proteins was predicted by four different programs as described in Supplemental Figure S1. Numbers above indicate the number of transmembrane helices for each N- and C-terminal region, and numbers below indicate the number of amino acid residues of the central hydrophilic domain. B, Representative root images of control (Cont; Columbia-0) and root-hair-specific PIN-overexpressing (PINox; ProE7:PIN-GFP or ProE7:PIN [−]) plants. Bar = 100 μm for all. C, Root hair lengths of control and PINox plants. Six to 12 independent transgenic lines (average = 8.3), and 42 to 243 roots (average = 86.8) and 336 to 2,187 root hairs (average = 727.8) per construct, were observed for the estimation of root hair length. Data represent means ± se. The root hair lengths of PIN5ox lines were significantly longer than those of the control (P = 0.016 for PIN5ox; P < 0.0001 for PIN5-GFP1ox and PIN5-GFP2ox).To comparatively assess the cytological behaviors and molecular activities of different PIN members, it would be favorable to use a single assay system that provides a consistent cellular environment and enables quantitative estimation of PIN activity. In previous studies, we adopted the root hair single cell system to quantitatively assay auxin-transporting or regulatory activities of PINs, PGPs, AUX1, and PID (Lee and Cho, 2006; Cho et al., 2007a). Root hair growth is proportional to internal auxin levels in the root hair cell. Therefore, auxin efflux inhibits and auxin influx enhances root hair growth (Cho et al., 2007b; Lee and Cho, 2008). In addition, the use of a root-hair-specific promoter (Cho and Cosgrove, 2002; Kim et al., 2006) for expression of auxin transporters enables the transporters'' biological effect to be pinpointed to only the root hair cell, thus excluding probable non-cell-autonomous effects that could be caused by the general expression of auxin transporters.In this study, we expressed five long-looped PINs (PIN1, PIN2, PIN3, PIN4, and PIN7) and two short-looped PINs (PIN5 and PIN8) in root hair cells and compared their auxin-transporting activities and cytological dynamics. To directly measure the radiolabeled auxin-transporting activities of PIN5 and PIN8, we used an additional assay system, tobacco suspension cells. Our data revealed that PINs have differential molecular activities and pharmacological responses and that the short-looped and long-looped PINs have different subcellular localizations.  相似文献   
An immunodominant heat shock protein (Hsp 24) was purified from Vibrio cholerae O139 at 42 degrees C and used as an immunomodulator for studying the gut immune response. T cell clone and T cell line specific for the Hsp 24 were generated from the lymphocytes of lamina propria and intra-epithelial lymphocytes of mice orally infected with V. cholerae O139, respectively. The T cell clone was TCR alphabeta(+), CD4(+) and appeared to play an important role in the functioning of gut B-lymphocytes. The T cell line had heterogenous population of CD8+ and CD4+ cells, most of which were found to be TCR alphabeta(+) and a minor population was TCR gammadelta(+). The lymphokine profile of T cell line showed IFN-gamma to be the most abundant lymphokine followed by IL-2 and IL-4. The possible involvement of alternative pathway of activation for T cell clone was also addressed in this study. The splenocytes showed an up-regulation of their CD2 receptor expression on stimulation with the Hsp-24. The pattern of lymphokines released by splenocytes stimulated with the Hsp-24 showed no particular cell type to be responsible for mounting immune response. Thus, there is involvement of both, mucosal and peripheral arm of the immune system.  相似文献   
A galactose-specific adhesin was isolated from the fimbriae of an enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) strain. The adhesin was found to be a high molecular weight aggregate of the 18-kDa monomer. The dimeric (36 kDa) and tetrameric (76 kDa) forms appeared in sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis when a higher concentration of the adhesin was used. The IgGAD (IgG against adhesin) obtained from the immune sera raised in rabbits against purified adhesin could detect all three forms of the adhesin even from the crude fimbrial preparation. The IgGAD failed to recognize the adhesin in the presence of galactose, thereby suggesting the antibody-binding site and the sugar-binding site on the adhesin might be same or overlapping. Furthermore, the IgGAD could localize the adhesin exclusively on the fimbriae as observed in immunogold electron microscopy. The aggregative adherence of the bacteria to HEp-2 cells was reduced to 70% in the presence of the IgGAD. A glycoprotein (34 kDa) present in the membrane fraction of HEp-2 cells interacted with the purified adhesin in a galactose-specific manner. The IgGAD could recognize the adhesin from the crude fimbrial preparation of 9 out of 10 clinical isolates of EAEC strains but failed to identify any protein from the crude fimbrial preparation of Salmonella typhimurium (fim +ve as well as fim −ve strain), Vibrio cholerae (WO7) or Escherichia coli DH5α.  相似文献   
The outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria functions as a selective permeability barrier between cell and environment. For nutrient acquisition, the OM contains a number of channels that mediate uptake of small molecules by diffusion. Many of these channels are specific, i.e., they prefer certain substrates over others. In electrophysiological experiments, the OM channels OprP and OprO from Pseudomonas aeruginosa show a specificity for phosphate and diphosphate, respectively. In this study we use x-ray crystallography, free-energy molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, and electrophysiology to uncover the atomic basis for the different substrate specificity of these highly similar channels. A structural analysis of OprP and OprO revealed two crucial differences in the central constriction region. In OprP there are two tyrosine residues, Y62 and Y114, whereas the corresponding residues in OprO are phenylalanine F62 and aspartate D114. To probe the importance of these two residues in generating the different substrate specificities, the double mutants were generated in silico and in vitro. Applied-field MD simulations and electrophysiological experiments demonstrated that the double mutations interchange the phosphate and diphosphate specificities of OprP and OprO. Our findings outline a possible strategy to rationally design channel specificity by modification of a small number of residues that may be applicable to other pores as well.  相似文献   
The activity of calmodulin as an activator of cAMP phosphodiesterase was assayed. AMP was hydrolyzed by 5'-nucleotidase, and the adenosine formed was measured by both liquid scintillation counting and spectrophotometry at 265 nm. Calmodulin activities measured by the two methods were equivalent, indicating that spectrophotometric assay of calmodulin can be used in place of the isotopic method.  相似文献   
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are suggested to play a critical role in extracellular matrix degradation and remodeling during inflammation and wound healing processes. However, the role of MMPs in indomethacin-induced gastric ulcer and its healing process are not clearly understood. This study is aimed at determining the regulation of MMP-9 and -2 activities in indomethacin-induced acute gastric ulceration and healing. Indomethacin-ulcerated stomach extracts exhibit significant up-regulation of pro-MMP-9 (92 kDa) activity and moderate reduction of MMP-2 activity, which strongly correlate with indomethacin dose and severity of ulcer. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of curcumin, an active component of turmeric, suggest that curcumin may exert antiulcer activity through scavenging reactive oxygen species, by regulating MMP activity, or both. To test these possibilities, the effect of curcumin in indomethacin-induced gastric ulcer is examined by biochemical and histological methods. The results show that curcumin exhibits potent antiulcer activity in acute ulcer in rat model by preventing glutathione depletion, lipid peroxidation, and protein oxidation. Denudation of epithelial cells during damage of gastric lumen is reversed by curcumin through re-epithelialization. Furthermore, both oral and intraperitoneal administration of curcumin blocks gastric ulceration in a dose-dependent manner. It accelerates the healing process and protects gastric ulcer through attenuation of MMP-9 activity and amelioration of MMP-2 activity. Omeprazole, an established antiulcer drug does not inhibit MMP-9 while protecting indomethacin-induced gastric ulcer. We conclude that antiulcer activity of curcumin is primarily attributed to MMP-9 inhibition, one of the major path-ways of ulcer healing.  相似文献   
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