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The complex societies of ants and other social insects rely on sophisticated chemical communication. Two families of small soluble proteins, the odorant binding and chemosensory proteins (OBPs and CSPs), are believed to be important in insect chemosensation. To better understand the role of these proteins in ant olfaction, we examined their evolution and expression across the ants using phylogenetics and sex- and tissue-specific RNA-seq.


We find that subsets of both OBPs and CSPs are expressed in the antennae, contradicting the previous hypothesis that CSPs have replaced OBPs in ant olfaction. Both protein families have several highly conserved clades with a single ortholog in all eusocial hymenopterans, as well as clades with more dynamic evolution and many taxon-specific radiations. The dynamically evolving OBPs and CSPs have been hypothesized to function in chemical communication. Intriguingly, we find that seven members of the conserved clades are expressed specifically in the antennae of the clonal raider ant Cerapachys biroi, whereas only one dynamically evolving CSP is antenna specific. The orthologs of the conserved, antenna-specific C. biroi genes are also expressed in antennae of the ants Camponotus floridanus and Harpegnathos saltator, indicating that antenna-specific expression of these OBPs and CSPs is conserved across ants. Most members of the dynamically evolving clades in both protein families are expressed primarily in non-chemosensory tissues and thus likely do not fulfill chemosensory functions.


Our results identify candidate OBPs and CSPs that are likely involved in conserved aspects of ant olfaction, and suggest that OBPs and CSPs may not rapidly evolve to recognize species-specific signals.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-718) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Developing taste buds in the anterior mandibular floor of perihatchingchicks were studied by high voltage electron microscopic autoradiography inorder to identify proliferating gemmal cell types. Montaged profiles of 29taste buds in five cases euthanized between embryonic day 21 andposthatching day 2 were analyzed after a single [3H]thymidine injectionadministered on embryonic day 16, 17 or 18. Results showed that dark cellscomprised 55% of identified (n = 900 cells) and 62% of labeled (n = 568cells) gemmal cells as compared with light, intermediate, basal orperigemmal bud cells. Dark cells had both a greater (P < 0.05) number oflabeled cells and a greater amount of label (grains/nucleus) than the otherfour bud cell types, irrespective of injection day. The nuclear area(micron 2) of dark cells was not significantly larger (P > 0.05) thanthat of the other gemmal cell types and therefore cannot account for thegreater amount for label in the dark cells. Interestingly, only dark cellsshowed a positive correlation (P < 0.003) between amount of label andnuclear area. Results suggest that, during the perihatching period ofrobust cell proliferation, dividing dark cells may give rise primarily, butnot exclusively, to dark cell progeny.  相似文献   


Schistosoma mansoni is a blood fluke that infects approximately 90 million people. The complete life cycle of this parasite can be maintained in the laboratory, making this one of the few experimentally tractable human helminth infections, and a rich literature reveals heritable variation in important biomedical traits such as virulence, host-specificity, transmission and drug resistance. However, there is a current lack of tools needed to study S. mansoni's molecular, quantitative, and population genetics. Our goal was to construct a genetic linkage map for S. mansoni, and thus provide a new resource that will help stimulate research on this neglected pathogen.  相似文献   
Fish populations in Albasini and Nandoni dams are negatively affected by extensive netting practices. This observation was made by the authors following a number of fish health assessment surveys related to aquatic pollution in the Luvuvhu River catchment. A comparison between the number and size of fish collected over a period of ten years indicated decreases in the average size and a consistent low number of fish, despite similar extensive sampling efforts. Unregulated netting is a common practice in both dams. This may become a serious problem as fish from these two dams are an important source of protein for the local communities. The purpose of this note is to report that gillnets are illegally used in the system and on the effect this could have on the fish population. The authors suggest educational and awareness initiatives to inform local communities about the importance of utilising fish in a sustainable manner to ensure the livelihood of generations to come.  相似文献   


Army ants are the prime arthropod predators in tropical forests, with huge colonies and an evolutionary derived nomadic life style. Five of the six recognized subgenera of Old World Dorylus army ants forage in the soil, whereas some species of the sixth subgenus (Anomma) forage in the leaf-litter and some as conspicuous swarm raiders on the forest floor and in the lower vegetation (the infamous driver ants). Here we use a combination of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences to reconstruct the phylogeny of the Dorylus s.l. army ants and to infer the evolutionary transitions in foraging niche and associated morphological adaptations.  相似文献   
Differential rates of nucleotide substitution among different gene segments and between distinct evolutionary lineages is well documented among mitochondrial genes and is likely a consequence of locus-specific selective constraints that delimit mutational divergence over evolutionary time. We compared sequence variation of 18 homologous loci (15 coding genes and 3 parts of the control region) among 10 mammalian mitochondrial DNA genomes which allowed us to describe different mitochondrial evolutionary patterns and to produce an estimation of the relative order of gene divergence. The relative rates of divergence of mitochondrial DNA genes in the family Felidae were estimated by comparing their divergence from homologous counterpart genes included in nuclear mitochondrial DNA (Numt, pronounced "new might"), a genomic fossil that represents an ancient transfer of 7.9 kb of mitochondrial DNA to the nuclear genome of an ancestral species of the domestic cat (Felis catus). Phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial (mtDNA) sequences with multiple outgroup species were conducted to date the ancestral node common to the Numt and the cytoplasmic (Cymt) mtDNA genes and to calibrate the rate of sequence divergence of mitochondrial genes relative to nuclear homologous counterparts. By setting the fastest substitution rate as strictly mutational, an empirical "selective retardation index" is computed to quantify the sum of all constraints, selective and otherwise, that limit sequence divergence of mitochondrial gene sequences over time.   相似文献   
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