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Mechanisms that induce the excessive proliferation of vascular wall cells in hypoxic pulmonary hypertension (PH) are not fully understood. Alveolar hypoxia causes sympathoexcitation, and norepinephrine can stimulate alpha(1)-adrenoceptor (alpha(1)-AR)-dependent hypertrophy/hyperplasia of smooth muscle cells and adventitial fibroblasts. Adrenergic trophic activity is augmented in systemic arteries by injury and altered shear stress, which are key pathogenic stimuli in hypoxic PH, and contributes to neointimal formation and flow-mediated hypertrophic remodeling. Here we examined whether norepinephrine stimulates growth of the pulmonary artery (PA) and whether this is augmented in PH. PA from normoxic and hypoxic rats [9 days of 0.1 fraction of inspired O(2) (Fi(O(2)))] was studied in organ culture, where wall tension, Po(2), and Pco(2) were maintained at values present in normal and hypoxic PH rats. Norepinephrine treatment for 72 h increased DNA and protein content modestly in normoxic PA (+10%, P < 0.05). In hypoxic PA, these effects were augmented threefold (P < 0.05), and protein synthesis was increased 34-fold (P < 0.05). Inferior thoracic vena cava from normoxic or hypoxic rats was unaffected. Norepinephrine-induced growth in hypoxic PA was dose dependent, had efficacy greater than or equal to endothelin-1, required the presence of wall tension, and was inhibited by alpha(1A)-AR antagonist. In hypoxic pulmonary vasculature, alpha(1A)-AR was downregulated the least among alpha(1)-AR subtypes. These data demonstrate that norepinephrine has trophic activity in the PA that is augmented by PH. If evident in vivo in the pulmonary vasculature, adrenergic-induced growth may contribute to the vascular hyperplasia that participates in hypoxic PH.  相似文献   
Agmatine, a divalent diamine with two positive charges at physiological pH, is transported into the matrix of liver mitochondria by an energy-dependent mechanism the driving force of which is DeltaPsi (electrical membrane potential). Although this process showed strict electrophoretic behaviour, qualitatively similar to that of polyamines, agmatine is most probably transported by a specific uniporter. Shared transport with polyamines by means of their transporter is excluded, as divalent putrescine and cadaverine are ineffective in inhibiting agmatine uptake. Indeed, the use of the electroneutral transporter of basic amino acids can also be discarded as ornithine, arginine and lysine are completely ineffective at inducing the inhibition of agmatine uptake. The involvement of the monoamine transporter or the existence of a leak pathway are also unlikely. Flux-voltage analysis and the determination of activation enthalpy, which is dependent upon the valence of agmatine, are consistent with the hypothesis that the mitochondrial agmatine transporter is a channel or a single-binding centre-gated pore. The transport of agmatine was non-competitively inhibited by propargylamines, in particular clorgilyne, that are known to be inhibitors of MAO (monoamine oxidase). However, agmatine is normally transported in mitoplasts, thus excluding the involvement of MAO in this process. The I2 imidazoline receptor, which binds agmatine to the mitochondrial membrane, can also be excluded as a possible transporter since its inhibitor, idazoxan, was ineffective at inducing the inhibition of agmatine uptake. Scatchard analysis of membrane binding revealed two types of binding site, S1 and S2, both with mono-co-ordination, and exhibiting high-capacity and low-affinity binding for agmatine compared with polyamines. Agmatine transport in liver mitochondria may be of physiological importance as an indirect regulatory system of cytochrome c oxidase activity and as an inducer mechanism of mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   
Analyses of human phosphoproteome based on primary structure of the aminoacids surrounding the phosphor Ser/Thr suggest that a significant proportion of phosphosites is generated by a restricted number of acidophilic kinases, among which protein kinase CK2 plays a prominent role. Recently, new acidophilic kinases belonging to the Polo like kinase family have been characterized, with special reference to PLK1, PLK2, and PLK3 kinases. While some progress has been made in deciphering the PLK1-dependent phosphoproteome, very little is known about the targets of PLK2 and PLK3 kinases. In this report by using an in vitro approach, consisting of cell lysate phosphorylation, phosphoprotein separation by 2D gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry, we describe the identification of new potential substrates of PLK2 and PLK3 kinases. We have identified and validated as in vitro PLK2 and PLK3 substrates HSP90, GRP-94, β-tubulin, calumenin, and 14-3-3 epsilon. The phosphosites generated by PLK3 in these proteins have been identified by mass spectrometry analysis to get new insights about PLKs specificity determinants. These latter have been further corroborated by an in silico analysis of the PLKs substrate binding region.  相似文献   
Uveal melanoma is an aggressive cancer that metastasizes to the liver in about half of the patients, with a high lethality rate. Identification of patients at high risk of metastases may provide indication for a frequent follow-up for early detection of metastases and treatment. The analysis of the gene expression profiles of primary human uveal melanomas showed high expression of SDCBP gene (encoding for syndecan-binding protein-1 or mda-9/syntenin), which appeared higher in patients with recurrence, whereas expression of syndecans was lower and unrelated to progression. Moreover, we found that high expression of SDCBP gene was related to metastatic progression in two additional independent datasets of uveal melanoma patients. More importantly, immunohistochemistry showed that high expression of mda-9/syntenin protein in primary tumors was significantly related to metastatic recurrence in our cohort of patients. Mda-9/syntenin expression was confirmed by RT-PCR, immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry in cultured uveal melanoma cells or primary tumors. Interestingly, mda-9/syntenin showed both cytoplasmic and nuclear localization in cell lines and in a fraction of patients, suggesting its possible involvement in nuclear functions. A pseudo-metastatic model of uveal melanoma to the liver was developed in NOD/SCID/IL2Rγ null mice and the study of mda-9/syntenin expression in primary and metastatic lesions revealed higher mda-9/syntenin in metastases. The inhibition of SDCBP expression by siRNA impaired the ability of uveal melanoma cells to migrate in a wound-healing assay. Moreover, silencing of SDCBP in mda-9/syntenin-high uveal melanoma cells inhibited the hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)-triggered invasion of matrigel membranes and inhibited the activation of FAK, AKT and Src. Conversely syntenin overexpression in mda-9/syntenin-low uveal melanoma cells mediated opposite effects. These results suggest that mda-9/syntenin is involved in uveal melanoma progression and that it warrants further investigation as a candidate molecular marker of metastases and a potential therapeutic target.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Arsenic Trioxide (ATO) is effective in about 20% of patients with myelodysplasia (MDS); its mechanisms of action have already been evaluated in vitro, but the in vivo activity is still not fully understood. Since ATO induces apoptosis in in vitro models, we compared the expression of 93 apoptotic genes in patients' bone marrow before and after ATO treatment. For this analysis, we selected 12 patients affected by MDS who received ATO in combination with Ascorbic Acid in the context of the Italian clinical trial NCT00803530, EudracT Number 2005-001321-28. METHODS: Real-time PCR quantitative assays for genes involved in apoptosis were performed using TaqMan(R) Assays in 384-Well Microfluidic Cards "TaqMan(R) Human Apoptosis Array". Quantitative RT-PCR for expression of EVI1 and WT1 genes was also performed. Gene expression values (Ct) were normalized to the median expression of 3 housekeeping genes present in the card (18S, ACTB and GAPDH). RESULTS: ATO treatment induced up-regulation of some pro-apoptotic genes, such as HRK, BAK1, CASPASE-5, BAD, TNFRSF1A, and BCL2L14 and down-regulation of ICEBERG. In the majority of cases with stable disease, apoptotic gene expression profile did not change, whereas in cases with advanced MDS more frequently pro-apoptotic genes were upregulated. Two patients achieved a major response: in the patient with refractory anemia the treatment down-regulated 69% of the pro-apoptotic genes, whereas 91% of the pro-apoptotic genes were up-regulated in the patient affected by refractory anemia with excess of blasts-1. Responsive patients showed a higher induction of BAD than those with stable disease. Finally, WT1 gene expression was down-regulated by the treatment in responsive cases. CONCLUSIONS: These results represent the basis for a possible association of ATO with other biological compounds able to modify the apoptotic pathways, such as inhibitors of the BCL2 family.  相似文献   
In this study, we analyzed the nuclear ITS2 rRNA primary sequence and secondary structure in Veneridae and comparatively with 20 Bivalvia taxa to test the phylogenetic resolution of this marker and its suitability for molecular diagnosis at different taxonomic levels. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian trees based on primary sequences were congruent with (profile-) neighbor-joining trees based on a combined model of sequence-structure evolution. ITS2 showed higher resolution below the subfamily level, providing a phylogenetic signal comparable to (mitochondrial/nuclear) gene fragments 2-5 times longer. Structural elements of the ITS2 folding, such as specific mismatch pairing and compensatory base changes, provided further support for the monophyly of some groups and for their phylogenetic relationships. Veneridae ITS2 folding is structured in six domains (DI-VI) and shows five striking sequence-structure features. Two of them, the Basal and Apical STEMs, are common to Bivalvia, while the presence of both the Branched STEM and the Y/R stretches occurs in five superfamilies of the two Heterodonta orders Myoida and Veneroida, thus questioning their reciprocal monophyly. Our results validated the ITS2 as a suitable marker for venerids phylogenetics and taxonomy, and underlined the significance of including secondary structure information for both applications at several systematic levels within bivalves.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Polyamine oxidase enzymes catalyze the oxidation of polyamines and acetylpolyamines. Since polyamines are basic regulators of cell growth and proliferation, their homeostasis is crucial for cell life. Members of the polyamine oxidase gene family have been identified in a wide variety of animals, including vertebrates, arthropodes, nematodes, placozoa, as well as in plants and fungi. Polyamine oxidases (PAOs) from yeast can oxidize spermine, N1-acetylspermine, and N1-acetylspermidine, however, in vertebrates two different enzymes, namely spermine oxidase (SMO) and acetylpolyamine oxidase (APAO), specifically catalyze the oxidation of spermine, and N1-acetylspermine/N1-acetylspermidine, respectively. Little is known about the molecular evolutionary history of these enzymes. However, since the yeast PAO is able to catalyze the oxidation of both acetylated and non acetylated polyamines, and in vertebrates these functions are addressed by two specialized polyamine oxidase subfamilies (APAO and SMO), it can be hypothesized an ancestral reference for the former enzyme from which the latter would have been derived. RESULTS: We analysed 36 SMO, 26 APAO and 14 PAO homologue protein sequences from 54 taxa including various vertebrates and invertebrates. The analysis of the full-length sequences and the principal domains of vertebrate and invertebrate PAOs yielded consensus primary protein sequences for vertebrate SMOs and APAOs, and invertebrate PAOs. This analysis, coupled to molecular modeling techniques, also unveiled sequence regions that confer specific structural and functional properties, including substrate specificity, by the different PAO subfamilies. Molecular phylogenetic trees revealed a basal position of all the invertebrates PAO enzymes relative to vertebrate SMOs and APAOs. PAOs from insects constitute a monophyletic clade. Two PAO variants sampled in the amphioxus are basal to the dichotomy between two well supported monophyletic clades including, respectively, all the SMOs and APAOs from vertebrates. The two vertebrate monophyletic clades clustered strictly mirroring the organismal phylogeny of fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Evidences from comparative genomic analysis, structural evolution and functional divergence in a phylogenetic framework across Metazoa suggested an evolutionary scenario where the ancestor PAO coding sequence, present in invertebrates as an orthologous gene, has been duplicated in the vertebrate branch to originate the paralogous SMO and APAO genes. A further genome evolution event concerns the SMO gene of placental, but not marsupial and monotremate, mammals which increased its functional variation following an alternative splicing (AS) mechanism. CONCLUSIONS: In this study the explicit integration in a phylogenomic framework of phylogenetic tree construction, structure prediction, and biochemical function data/prediction, allowed inferring the molecular evolutionary history of the PAO gene family and to disambiguate paralogous genes related by duplication event (SMO and APAO) and orthologous genes related by speciation events (PAOs, SMOs/APAOs). Further, while in vertebrates experimental data corroborate SMO and APAO molecular function predictions, in invertebrates the finding of a supported phylogenetic clusters of insect PAOs and the co-occurrence of two PAO variants in the amphioxus urgently claim the need for future structure-function studies.  相似文献   
Glycyrrhetinic acid (GE), a hydrolysis product of glycyrrhizic acid, one of the main constituents of licorice root, is able, depending on its concentration, to prevent or to induce the mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) (a phenomenon related to oxidative stress) in rat heart mitochondria (RHM). In RHM, below a threshold concentration of 7.5 μM, GE prevents oxidative stress and MPT induced by supraphysiological Ca2+ concentrations. Above this concentration, GE induces oxidative stress by interacting with a Fe-S centre of Complex I, thus producing ROS, and amplifies the opening of the transition pore, once again induced by Ca2+. GE also inhibits Ca2+ transport in RHM, thereby preventing the oxidative stress induced by the cation. However, the reduced amount of Ca2+ transported in the matrix is sufficient to predispose adenine nucleotide translocase for pore opening. Comparisons between observed results and the effects of GE in rat liver mitochondria (RLM), in which the drug induces only MPT without exhibiting any protective effect, confirm that it interacts in a different way with RHM, suggesting tissue specificity for its action. The concentration dependence of the opposite effects of GE, in RHM but not RLM, is most probably due to the existence of a different, more complex, pathway by means of which GE reaches its target. It follows that high GE concentrations are necessary to stimulate the oxidative stress capable of inducing MPT, because of the above effect, which prevents the interaction of low concentrations of GE with the Fe-S centre. The reported results also explain the mechanism of apoptosis induction by GE in cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   
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