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We characterized the function of two rice phosphate (Pi) transporters: OsPHT1;9 (OsPT9) and OsPHT1;10 (OsPT10). OsPT9 and OsPT10 were expressed in the root epidermis, root hairs and lateral roots, with their expression being specifically induced by Pi starvation. In leaves, expression of the two genes was observed in both mesophyll and vasculature. High‐affinity Km values for Pi transport of OsPT9 and OsPT10 were determined by yeast experiments and two‐electrode voltage clamp analysis of anion transport in Xenopus oocytes expressing OsPT9 and OsPT10. Pi uptake and Pi concentrations in transgenic plants harbouring overexpressed OsPT9 and OsPT10 were determined by Pi concentration analysis and 33P‐labelled Pi uptake rate analysis. Significantly higher Pi uptake rates in transgenic plants compared with wild‐type plants were observed under both high‐Pi and low‐Pi solution culture conditions. Conversely, although no alterations in Pi concentration were found in OsPT9 or OsPT10 knockdown plants, a significant reduction in Pi concentration in both shoots and roots was observed in double‐knockdown plants grown under both high‐ and low‐Pi conditions. Taken together, our results suggest that OsPT9 and OsPT10 redundantly function in Pi uptake.  相似文献   
引种桉树对本地生物多样性的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
平亮  谢宗强 《应用生态学报》2009,20(7):1765-1774
桉树以速生和适应多种环境的特性成为世界著名的造林树种.但引种桉树对环境可能产生负面影响,如导致土地退化、地下水水位下降和多样性降低等,特别是对林下本地生物物种多样性的影响及其原因还存有争议.本文对此进行了综述,认为大部分桉树人工林本地物种数量低于天然林,一般不高于乡土树种人工林,但总体上好于其他外来树种人工林.导致桉树人工林生物多样性低的原因主要是桉树的生理生态特性、人类不合理的规划和砍伐等,其中人为因素起主导作用.若根据引种地的群落性质,通过严格的设计和科学管理,可以将这种负面影响最小化.应按照有利于群落正常发育和植被更新的方式栽种桉树人工林,保留天然植被,减少人为干扰,从而减轻引种桉树的负面影响.  相似文献   
异源nif LacZ融合基因在粪产碱菌A15 6 1中的表达活性随盐浓度增加而升高 ,然后逐渐降低 ,nifH LacZ融合基因可以正常表达的盐浓度在 0 .1%~0 .5 %之间 ,盐浓度为 0 .0 5 %时活性最高。A15 6 1在盐浓度为 0 .0 6 %时趋化能力最强 ,随着盐浓度的提高逐渐下降 ,当盐浓度为 3 .0 %时完全丧失趋化能力。一定的盐浓度 (0 .5 % )对固氮粪产碱菌的根表定殖有促进作用 ,该条件下根表定殖的菌体数远大于对照。 3种nif LacZ融合基因在根内的表达部位有显著差异。nifH的表达部位主要分布于根的皮层薄壁组织细胞间隙 ,在条件适宜 (无铵和微量氧 )的部位或某些特殊位置如侧根伸出部位高水平表达。盐胁迫下水稻 耐盐粪产碱菌A15 6 1的联合固氮效率明显高于A15 6 1纯培养物  相似文献   
本实验采用人肝组织作为RNA的来源 ,经RT -PCR扩增得到CD55基因的cDNA片段。与人α -珠蛋白启动子及其polyA序列重组 ,插入质粒载体pGEM - 5zf,获得了可用于受精卵原核显微注射的基因构件 ,为建立人CD55转基因动物模型奠定了基础。  相似文献   
1. Increased ammonium concentrations and decreased light availability in a water column have been reported to adversely affect submersed vegetation in eutrophic waters worldwide. 2. We studied the chronic effects of moderate enrichment (NH4–N: 0.16–0.25 mg L?1) on the growth and carbon and nitrogen metabolism of three macrophytes (Ceratophyllum demersum, Myriophyllum spicatum and Vallisneria natans) under contrasting light availability in a 2‐month experiment. 3. The enrichment greatly increased the contents of free amino acids and nitrogen in the shoot / leaf of the macrophytes. This indicates that was the dominant N source for the macrophytes. 4. Soluble carbohydrate contents remained relatively stable in the shoot / leaf of the macrophytes irrespective of the treatments. Under ambient light, the starch contents in the shoot / leaf of C. demersum and M. spicatum increased with enrichment, whereas V. natans did not exhibit any change. The starch contents decreased in C. demersum, increased in M. spicatum and remained unchanged in V. natans after the combined treatment of enrichment and reduced light. 5. The enrichment did not affect the growth of the three macrophytes under the ambient light. However, it did suppress the growth of C. demersum and M. spicatum under the reduced light. The results indicate that a moderate enrichment was not directly toxic to the macrophytes although it might change their viability in eutrophic lakes in terms of the carbon and nitrogen metabolism.  相似文献   
玉米苗中DIMBOA与几种酚酸类物质抑菌活性比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从室内培养的7日龄玉米幼苗中提取、分离、鉴定了抗性次生化合物丁布(2,4-d ihydroxy-7-m ethoxy-2H-1,4-benzoxazin-3(4H)-one,D IMBOA),并就该物质对玉米纹枯病病原菌立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctonia solani)的活性与三种酚酸类物质(阿魏酸、对羟基肉桂酸和咖啡酸)进行了离体比较研究。结果表明,丁布(D IMBOA),对立枯丝核菌有很强的生物活性,在浓度为50μg/mL时即可抑制立枯丝核菌菌丝的生长,抑制率为18.52%。阿魏酸、对羟基肉桂酸和咖啡酸,这三种酚酸在浓度250μg/mL时对立枯丝核菌菌丝的生长有抑制作用,抑制率分别为26.30%、8.50%和6.30%。不仅如此,丁布与对羟基肉桂酸之间、以及三种酚酸两两组合之间还存在一定的协同作用。在浓度相等的情况下,丁布与对羟基肉桂酸的等量混合液的抑菌率显著高于这两种物质单独存在时的抑菌率之和;同样,对羟基肉桂酸与阿魏酸的等量混合液的抑菌率比单一的对羟基肉桂酸溶液的抑菌率高18.89%,比单一的阿魏酸溶液的抑菌率高13.33%;对羟基肉桂酸与咖啡酸的等量混合液,抑菌率比两者单独试验时分别高9.63%和14.83%;阿魏酸与咖啡酸的混合液,抑菌率比两酸单独试验时分别高11.48%和22.23%。这一结果提示植物体内产生适当比例不同次生化合物的组合对植物抗病性的提高是至关重要的。  相似文献   
本文记述耳叶蝉科耳叶蝉属四新种:1.浅斑耳叶蝉Ledrapallidesp.nov,2.片脊耳叶蝉Ledralamellasp.nov,3.黑纹耳叶蝉Ledranigrolineatasp.nov,4.明冠耳叶蝉Ledrahyalinasp.nov..标本分别采自我国西藏、云南及安徽省.模式标本保存于安徽农学院.  相似文献   
随着经济的发展和人口的增加,环境污染和水资源短缺已经成为不可避免的全球性问题。基于微藻的废水处理技术不仅可以净化废水、解决环境污染问题,还可以利用废水中的营养元素合成生物质,现如今这种技术已经受到越来越多的关注。为了进一步提高废水处理效果、降低废水处理成本,有必要了解微藻去除废水中营养物质和污染物的机理,开发下游低成本收获技术,提升微藻高价值副产物的生产。本文综述了微藻去除碳、氮、磷、重金属、抗生素和有机物的机理和影响因素,总结了微藻的不同收获方式和微藻生物质在各个领域的应用。最后,分析了不同微藻共培养体系和微藻固定化技术的优缺点,并展望了微藻废水处理技术未来的发展方向。  相似文献   
EffectofEpidermalGrowthFactoronFollicularDevelopmentandSteroidogenesisinPerfusedRatOvary¥LUOWen-xiang(罗文祥);ZHAOFang(赵芳);MAKui...  相似文献   
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