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Abstract 1. The host species used by a herbivorous insect may impose different selective pressures promoting host race formation, yet the presence of plasticity can potentially constrain host race formation. 2. The goal of this study is to determine if there is phenotypic plasticity in life history traits of Brevicoryne brassicae in response to host and nutritional quality of two host species, Brassica oleraceae and Brassica campestris, and to what extent there are genetic differences among genotypes in plasticity. 3. Plants of B. oleraceae and B. campestris were fertilised with three different nitrogen doses (with nutritive solutions of 50, 200 and 400 ppm of soluble nitrogen) to produce plants with different nutritional qualities. Eight clones of B. brassicae were reared on those plants, and days to reproduction (DTR), number of nymphs, and fitness (rm) were recorded. 4. A significant genotype × host interaction was detected in days to reproduction. Genotype × nitrogen interaction (plasticity) was detected in the number of nymphs when aphids were raised on B. campestris. Aphids showed plasticity in DTR and marginal plasticity in rm in reaction to the varying nitrogen content of B. oleraceae. 5. The phenotypic plasticity to fine‐scale variation of host (nutritional quality) documented here may be an important source of phenotypic variation and may potentially constrain host race formation.  相似文献   
The cyst wall of Paraurostyla weissei consists of four morphologically distinct layers. It shows an ultrastructure and composition similar to that of the previously described kinetosome-resorbing cysts, and its cytoplasm displays characteristics of “urostylid-type” cysts. Therefore it is possible to consider it a “transition ciliate” between Stichotrichina and Sporadotrichina.  相似文献   
Seed dormancy in relation to seed storage behaviour in Acer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Dormancy in seeds of Acer opalus is shown to be mainly caused by the seed coats, although a slight embryo dormancy exists in fresh seeds. The ability to germinate after drying indicates that seed storage behaviour is orthodox. Recalcitrant seeds were heavier than orthodox seeds not only within section Acer but also within the whole genus after statistical control of phylogeny, through a phylogenetic ANOVA with data from two different Acer phylogenies. An evolutionary change from orthodox to recalcitrant behaviour is postulated for genus Acer , but this change appears not to have been accompanied by a change in seed dormancy, at least in the taxonomic section in which Acer opalus belongs.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 145 , 203–208.  相似文献   
In species with reduced locomotory abilities, camouflage seems to be far more important than other behavioural tactics (e.g. running) to elude predatory attacks. In this study, we examined the effects of camouflage on escape decisions in the common chameleon Chamaeleo chamaeleon. The effectiveness of camouflage was assessed by the ability of humans to detect different sized chameleons placed on different backgrounds (vegetation of high and low density, defined here as open and dense bushes), both in the field and in photographs. Escape behaviour was analysed by simulating a predator attack (in our case, approach by a human). As expected, the probability of detection by a potential predator was size- and background dependent. In the field, detection time (but not distance) was significantly higher for chameleons of a given size perched on dense (Myoporum) than open (Retama) bushes. When using photographs, the probability of detection was higher for large (adult) chameleons perched on open (Retama or Nerium) bushes and lower for hatchlings perched on dense (Myoporum or Cupressus) bushes. Con-spicuousness greatly influenced the escape tactics of individuals. Chameleons perched on more protected Myoporum allowed closest approach distances than those perched on less protected Retama. In general, antipredatory responses (defined here as 'first movement', 'fléeing', 'mouth opening' or 'free falling') occurred significantly earlier in the trial sequence in chameleons perched on clear Retama than those perched in Myoporum. Two antipredatory responses were size-dependent: juveniles and adults exhibited 'mouth opening' more frequently than hatchlings whereas 'free falling' was more frequently recorded for hatchlings. Our results suggest that size and vegetation greatly influence the risk of detection by predators and this variation influences an individual's decision about when and how to escape  相似文献   
Natural selection can play an important role in the maintenance of genetic polymorphisms, despite ongoing gene flow. In the present study, we use previously analysed allozymic loci and perform an F ST outlier-based analysis to detect the signatures of divergent selection between sympatric ecotypes of the marine snail Littorina saxatilis at different localities. The results obtained show that different allozyme polymorphisms are affected (directly or indirectly) by selection at distinct geographical regions. The Phosmogluco mutase-2 locus was the best candidate for adaptation and further biochemical analyses were performed. The kinetic properties of the three more common genotypes of Pgm-2 were studied. The results obtained are concordant with two alternative hypotheses: (1) natural selection is acting directly on this locus or, more probably, (2) selection is affecting a genomic region tightly linked to the enzyme locus. In both cases, the known existence of a parallel and partially independent origin of these ecotypes would explain why different candidate loci were detected in different localities.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 225–233.  相似文献   
Nine microsatellite loci are isolated and characterized for the marine isopod Limnoria sp., a model invertebrate species for the study of connectivity of marine brooders with high potential of dispersal through rafting. Analysis of 35 individuals of one population revealed a mean number of alleles of 12.66 and mean expected heterozygosity of 0.83, indicating a high level of variability at most loci. These polymorphic microsatellite loci should be useful to the study of the geographical distribution of the genetic diversity of this species of Limnoria.  相似文献   
Three-month-old Carrizo citrange (hybrid of Citrus sinensisL. OsbeckxPoncirus trifoliata Blanco) seedlings were grown incontrolled environment chambers in pots of fine sand. Plantswere irrigated with either non-saline or saline solutions overa 3-week period. After these treatments, plants were transferredto vessels containing a 5 m M15NO3K (96% atom excess15N) solution,and transpiration as well as concentration of15N and Cl-in roots,stem and leaves were measured after 24 h. Transpiration and15NO3-uptakerates were inhibited after exposure to NaCl and the concentrationof salt pre-treatment determined the intensity of this inhibitoryeffect. To determine the effect of transpiration on NO3-absorption,net15NO3-uptake rate was measured in salt stressed and non-stressedplants exposed to different light intensities or relative humiditiesand also in detached roots. Reduction in NO3-uptake was moreclosely related to Cl-antagonism from salt stress than to reducedtranspiration rate. Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Nitrate, absorption, inhibition transport system, salt, light and humidity.  相似文献   
The sensitivity of the microtubular systems to cold and nocodazole treatments as well as the cellular distribution of microtubules containing acetylated a-tubulin have been studied in Paramecium. Our results indicate that the microtubular systems of Paramecium show marked differences in stability. Cold and nocodazole treatments produce the depolymerization of the major part of the cytoplasmic microtubular network while the cortical structures remain stable under treatment. This differential stability of the microtubular systems is associated with the acetylation of the a-tubulin. The use of the antibody 6-11B-1, specific for acetylated α-tubulin, shows that the microtubular systems containing acetylated a-tubulin are the same as those that remain stable after depoly-merizing treatments. Finally, the images obtained during the repolymerization by heating suggest that the cortical dikinetids are able to nucleate the microtubules of the cytoplasmic network.  相似文献   
Three novel insecticides, pyriproxyfen, spinosad and tebufenozide, were evaluated for their effect on survival and reproduction of Chrysoperla carnea adults using two methods of exposure: direct contact and ingestion. Pyriproxyfen and tebufenozide proved to be harmless to adult survival, whereas spinosad 72 h after treatment reduced the number of adults by 39.8% and 87.2% in topical and ingestion treatment at the maximum concentration recommended (800 mg a.i. litre?1). Fecundity was not affected irrespective of the insecticide or time of application (before or after the onset of oviposition). Concerning fertility, only pyriproxyfen exerted a negative effect on hatching when the eggs were deposited by females treated by ingestion in the post‐oviposition period at the highest concentration tested (150 mg a.i. litre?1).  相似文献   
Comparative phylogeography is a powerful method for testing hypotheses of evolutionary diversification in ecological communities. Caribbean lizards of the genus Anolis are a species‐rich group and a well‐known example of adaptive radiation. In 1983, Ernest Williams suggested that species of Anolis that belong to the same ‘climate type’ (taxa that occur sympatrically in either xeric, mesic or very wet habitats) probably evolved under similar ecological conditions, and thus have experienced a parallel evolutionary history. This hypothesis implies that the phylogeographical patterns of such species can be expected to be concordant, a prediction that has not been tested. We conducted a comparative phylogeographical and population genetic study of Anolis poncensis and Anolis cooki, two sympatric lizards restricted to the aridlands of southwestern Puerto Rico, to determine whether there are similarities in the genetic architecture of the two anoles that may have resulted from a parallel response to the same historical events, or whether each taxon displays a distinct pattern of geographical distribution of intraspecific genealogical lineages. Our dataset consisted of approximately 2120 base pairs of the ND2 and cytochrome b genes from specimens from the known extant populations of the two species. The average haplotype diversity in A. poncensis (0.36) was considerably lower than that in A. cooki (0.62), whereas the average nucleotide diversity in A. cooki was ten times higher than that in A. poncensis. Both anoles showed pronounced phylogeographical structure, with no shared haplotypes among populations. The gene genealogy of A. poncensis recovered three strongly supported clades: the westernmost population, the easternmost deme and the three intermediate populations. In A. cooki, the populations from the western part of the species' range formed a well‐supported group, to the exclusion of the eastern demes. Pairwise FST values revealed significant genetic differentiation among all conspecific populations of both anoles. Coalescent simulations indicated that A. poncensis could have evolved under a scenario of simple population fragmentation during the Pleistocene, but that A. cooki did not. The estimate of the effective population size of A. cooki was an order of magnitude larger than that of A. poncensis. Because time to the most recent common ancestor is dependent on effective population size, this tenfold difference implies that the time to the most recent common ancestor of A. cooki is much longer than that of A. poncensis, which indicates that A. cooki diversified earlier than A. poncensis. Collectively, these findings suggest that, although A. poncensis and A. cooki are syntopic throughout much of their current distribution, intraspecific diversification in the two species has not proceeded in parallel, which does not support the hypothesis that Anolis lizards that occupy the same climate‐type region possess spatially and temporally congruent genetic architectures. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 96 , 617–634.  相似文献   
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