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ABSTRACT. A new Myxosporea, Ceratomyxa sparusaurati n. sp., was found in the gall bladder and bile of cultured gilthead sea bream ( Sparus aurata L.) from different Spanish fish farms. It is clearly different from all the previously reported Ceratomyxa from sparids, and it is distinguished from other members of the genus by the shape and size of the spores. Prevalence of infection was 2.15% in an Atlantic farm, 48.7% in a Mediterranean farm and 28.6% in the facilities of the Instituto de Acuicultura de Torre de la Sal. The cell-in-a-cell pattern was found through all the sporogenesis and the general ultrastructure resembled other Myxosporea. Primary cells with two developing spores, harbored other secondary cells. Disporous sporoblasts contained numerous membrane-bound inclusions, a few lipid droplets and polysaccharides as evidenced by cytochemistry. In mature spores, binucleate sporoplasmic cells contained abundant Thièry-negative sporoplasmosomes.  相似文献   
Melanin production in mammals is regulated at a variety of levels (tissue, cellular, and subcellular), and many gene loci are involved in the determination of color patterns directed by the melanocyte. Many of the genes involved in these complex processes have now been cloned, and even the simplest mutation can lead to dramatic changes in the phenotype of the individual. Many, if not all, of the pigment related genes have pleiotropic effects on the development and differentiation of the organism, and perhaps because of this, the melanocyte is evolving as an important model for the study of gene regulation and action at the functional level. In view of the importance of pigmentation as a photoprotective barrier and as a cosmetic factor affecting appearance and social acceptance, the importance of these studies seems destined to increase significantly in the future.  相似文献   
1.  Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) can be trapped by and accumulate in cold regions. To understand POP accumulation in temperate high mountain lakes, we collected samples of snow from the catchments of several high mountain lakes in Europe.
2.  Organochlorine compounds (OCs) are regularly found in snow collected in European high mountain sites. Polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) were found in all samples examined. Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) are also common whereas DDTs and hexachlorobenzene were found less frequently.
3.  Comparison of the concentrations of these pollutants in snow with OC levels in the waters of these lakes or atmospheric deposition during cold periods shows that the snowpack constitutes a significant seasonal PCB reservoir in all catchments and that snow trapping is a major mechanism for the incorporation of HCHs in the lakes situated in the coldest sites, e.g. Gossenköllesee in the Alps.
4.  Correlation of the concentrations of the PCB congeners in snow versus mean annual winter temperature shows higher accumulation at lower temperatures. The less volatile PCBs exhibit higher temperature dependences than the more volatile congeners. This trend differs from altitudinal dependences observed in other sites such as Canada and may be related to the specific range of winter temperature in each area of study.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Living and stained specimens of Phacodinium metchnikoffi , collected near Madrid, Spain, were studied under light microscopy. Infraciliature was stained using a silver-impregnation procedure. The somatic infraciliature is composed of a relatively small number of discontinuous kineties, formed by groups of few kinetosomes (pallets). The buccal ciliature is composed of an adoral zone of membranelles and a paroral formation otherwise unknown in ciliates, with many short kineties, which lie on a rigid stem. We propose that P. metchnikoffi is a primitive hypotrich and, consequently, we present a new classification system for hypotrichs.  相似文献   
Five new species of the genus Trichodrilus are described: Trichodrilus longipenis. sp. n. T: rouchi sp. n. T. capilliformis sp. n. and T. angelieri sp. n. from hyporhcic waters of the Iberian Peninsula and France. and T. bonheurensis sp. n. from superticial waters of France. The new taxa contribute with some new features to an amended diagnosis of the genus: presence of modified penial setae, four pairs of spermathecae, hair-like dorsal setae and glandular pads in the epidermis.  相似文献   
Nuclear genome analysis using RFLPs and RAPDs has been assessed within different species of the genus Brachypodium P. Beauv. and representatives of other grasses in order to determine the characteristics of the Brachypodium genome and to establish its evolutionary position in relation to other Pooideae. Distinctive features of the Brachypodium genome are its small size, the low amount of repetitive DNA, the lack of restriction fragment length polymorphisms within the genus for the assayed probe/enzyme combinations, and the genomic variability demonstrated at species level by random DNA amplification. These molecular studies confirm Brachypodium as an isolated ancient genus best placed in its own tribe (Brachypodieae). Its relationships to other tribes Bromeae, Triticeae, Poeae are resolved, Brachypodieae being the earliest tribe to diverge from this core of pooids. Within the genus two major Old World clades are distinguishable: an annual clade, represented only by B. distachyon; and a perennial clade, represented by all the other species studied (except B. mexicanum). The perennial American species B. mexicanum appears equally attached to these two clades. RFLP data were found to be useful in obtaining phylogenies at generic and higher rank levels, whereas the highly variable RAPD data were more suitable for resolving interspecific and intraspecific evolutionary pathways.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The morphology of the hypotrichous ciliate, Holosticha corlissi n. sp., found in the moss Calliergonella cuspidata taken from the beech wood of Montejo de la Sierra (Madrid, Spain) is described. Some characteristics (organization of the mid-ventral, frontal and fronto-terminal cirri, presence of a buccal cirrus and the number of transverse cirri) are sufficiently different from the closely related species H. intermedia, H. sigmoidea and H. xanthichroma to suggest that it is a separate species, although its body shape, nucleus and buccal apparatus are very similar.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. A new myxosporean, Sphaerospora dicentrarchi n. sp., was found in numerous organs of wild and cultured sea bass ( Dicentrarchus labrax L.). It is distinguished from all previously reported Sphaerospora spp. by the shape and small size of the spores, location in the host and its geographical distribution. Prevalence of infection was 100% and 83.5% in wild and cultured fish, respectively. Outstanding ultrastructural features are the presence of a binucleate sporoplasm, valvogenic spheroidal structures and capsulogenic lipid inclusions. Other data concerning ultrastructure and sporogenesis are presented.  相似文献   
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